MLP~Mystic Lake Poetry

Medusa's Chant
by Du Lac ©

Metal on metal singing through the air,
closed eyes of Eve now open to see.
Haunting madness of the shackled song,
incessant humming of her mind.

Medusa’s bones chant to Paradise's prisoner,
Eve cries to a God of exiled beliefs.
Darkness circling, buried suffrage
echoing within the labyrinth of stone hearts.

Screams pour forth from the night,
pebbles line the sacred circles,
reflective pasts of beating hearts,
Lilith's song a fettered memory.

Medusa's tears plummet from the sky,
chalices overflow with sacred rain,
hardened souls of drunken men
swilling the salty nectar.

Keening squall marinates crag hymns,
clamorous cries of silent voices,
shattering Medha's mask,
spilt blood banishes synthetic creeds.

From afar Lilith whispers the name covertly cradled,
boundless garden Eden bane of restrictive gates.
Casually Lilith strolls into Eve's awaiting embrace,
labyrinth swoons as the souls of adamant men wake.

On the wings of owls, hawks and sparrows,
Medusa's hymn floats on a celestial breeze,
Lilith's slumbering soul drunk on the melody,
the spiraling gossamer of unfulfilled dreams.

Maze center drawn nigh,
mouth to mouth Eve and Lilith,
ghostly shadows Athena and Medusa,
ecliptic souls hum the chant of balanced natures.

Standing witness amongst rubble of stone,
tendrilled male hearts, a pulsing canticle.
Castrated myths of separate paths,
Sophia's veil a dissolving shield.

Medusa's head a rising moon,
harbored in the arms of Abraxas.
Immortal beauty in symmetry restored,
living within the Ouroboros.

dlt © April 19 2005
MLP~ looking down on heaven

as I view you
a thought or two

I might have let you down
I don't really know
but I know
I left you low

There I was high again
looking down on Heaven

the hawk had the wind
to help him in his lift
I had you
get my drift?

as I view you
I knew
it was you
that lifted me to this height

looking down on Heaven

you have always
looked up to me
yet it was I
beneath thee

your at the pearly gates
still looking up to me
with passion

I am still here
where you placed me
looking down on heaven
My Erotic Tale said:
Shaking my fist at the Heavens...

...kicking dirt into Hell~
by Art

My heart thundered and cracked
like the seals of armagedon
I went off half cocked and storming
after laying the telephone down

I was Paramount at Mt. Olympia
throwing stones at Zeus
taunting him to throw his thunder bolts
for life had already given me a jolt.

In the valley of the shadow of death
I rang the bell to Hell
come out you devil if you dare
I'll put your fire out...
with my cold heart's blank stare

I marched up the steps of the stairway to heaven
beat my fist bloody at the pearly gates
challenged Michael, God's warrior Angel
to do battle with me today
for I'm frustrated in the worst way

I have a few stripes on a belt of black
but today I lost my passive way
looking for vengence not justice
my mind was a swirling bliss

I pulled the tail of the tiger
and at the dragon I hissed
for I've never been a man of fear
but today, they lost someone
that I will never hear

I tossed a bible at Budda
with his one finger raised up high
I gave him the finger in return
as I started to cry

Ala and I
don't see eye to eye
in fact he needs to clean up his act
or on his back he needs to strap
some bombs and be blown away

Shaking my fist at the Heavens
while kicking dirt into hell
I challenged who ever
rules this worldly sphere
as down my cheek ran a tear

my anger raged and emotions high
for my heart was heavy and torn
wanting to know who gave the order
for the Grim take a New Born

Aww Art.
A great tribute full of furious wrath
... love the ~shaking the timbers loose up in da loft, imagery here.
I could see you seething spit and fuming fire.
Just a great show of painted primal rage here ....

RhymeFairy said:
Aww Art.
A great tribute full of furious wrath
... love the ~shaking the timbers loose up in da loft, imagery here.
I could see you seething spit and fuming fire.
Just a great show of painted primal rage here ....


thanks RF
It seem to fit the moment <smile>
MLP~ Mystic Lake

lingering swirls of mist over water
dark night not lit by a full moon
but a sliver of light like life

power in the force of winds and rain
energy released in emotions gain
strength from another even if blind
you can see the life of the devine

where lapping shores raise the dead
in thoughts of the living shed
like clothes to expose the naked truth
we are and why is in the lake....

of the mystic

Good is never lost.

There is no great or small.

Sincerity will bring you through, even if you make many mistakes.

Pay attention to your daydreams, you might get ideas that way.

Service should be for all, not just for my group or your group.

Reincarnation is not a belief, but a law of nature.

The Saints and true Sadhus are the light of the world.

Control the mind by counting. Have compassion for all, and treat all with equanimity.

You are self-responsible for your life.

You cannot walk the path for someone else - a guru who tries to do this interferes with his disciple's evolution.

Love will take you places nothing else can.

Each nation has karma, and every nation will sometime suffer from its karma.

The higher consciousness of the New Age will first emerge in children.

Women will have a special place in the New Age.

Every human being has both male and female characteristics within them, and these qualities may be in perfect balance.

The woman holds the energy - the man gives it direction.

Joy moves us forward. There are seven kinds of people, the seven-rayed race. Speech has great power.

Be kind in word and deed. Curiosity isn't enough.

Live what you know, and you will find more.

Your conscience will tell you what to do.

Pray for the welfare of those who abuse you, but have a sense of justice.
geez du~

I thought you were gone for a while to move ..glad you can spare a few moments...I have a new cipher for you ponder from ~R~...see if you can make empathic waves and I am looking up the hints....maybe together we can see a bit more...luvfromblue

gone too long ... underneath the midnite sea

from atlantis to meru ... from meru to peru ... remember the wars of
aventus ...

through the warm hearts of america the winds of anger will grow into
storms ...

sea of nabium ... sea of ambrium ... sea of andarium ...

how far to go we cannot say ... how many more will journey this way?
until your eyes and hearts are opened ...

dark nights will fall on sleeping souls ... far from your sun we watch
history repeat ...

storms have come to awaken mabus into another day ... dark skies will
fall down and wash the stars away ..

look through the eye of the storm .... verbum sapienti .... oceans of
light ... whispers in the night ...

io ... phoebus ... vega ... andromeda ...arcturia

father, sun ... earth my mother ... hold the memories ...

ultraviolet ... light the way ... when six was nine ... and night was
day ...

storms in america ...
blue PC goes down on Tuesday.. closing on house Wed. on the road on Thursday lol.. Wed. is my birthday 44 this year. What a wonderful gift for another year of my life! Starting a whole new life! In the meantime I am working like a nut trying to get everything done that needs to be done before the closing etc. Hence why I have been scarce. Plus for the last three weeks I have been on the road working long long days. I look forward to desert skies and a healing time that is to come to me.

With a quick glance I got so much from the message you posted hopefully I will make time to work on it more to help you with it. Miss you so much my dear friend and sister
du lac~
What is samsara????

During the period in which the Upanishads were written, Hindu philosophers began to develop the concept of samsara in line with other aspects of Upanishadic thought. The Hinduism of the the Samhitas looked on the material world as understandable and controllable; it was in the material world that the gods (devas ) gave to humans and the gods could be controlled through hymns, prayers, rituals, and sacrifices. But the Upanishadic Hindus began to think of the world as illusion (maya ); reality (Sat ) was rather to be sought in the unchanging and unitary principle of the universe, whether that be Rita, Brahman, or Atman. The material world, on the other hand, was a place fragmented and constantly changing; this changing aspect of the universe came to be called samsara.
The mountain rise over the lake in reflection
mirror in depths of liquid holding living
for it is life
it is the substance of life
it is
mystic lake

surrounded by trees that reach the heaverns
touching nothing
but clouds
of air fluffed
in the mystic lake
a kiss

breath mingles breath
in closeness and closing

eyes peer into eyes
as eye lids fall slowly

lips placed on lips
pressing then pulling

tasting and kissing
as desires begin growing
NYMPHS in Greek Mythology :

NYMPHS are female spirits of nature, who live many years are
nevertheless bound to die. some think they are immortal.

Several types:

: DRYADS (Nymphs of the Oak)
: EPIMELIADS (Nymphs, protectors of sheep).
: HAMADRYADS (Tree-Nymphs)
: HELEADS (Nymphs of the Fen)
: HYDRIADS (Water Nymphs)
: MELIADS (Nymphs of the Ash-trees)
: NAIADS (Water Nymphs)
: OREADS (Mountain Nymphs)

NYMPHS could be aggressive in their love as it is proved by
the abduction of Hylas or by the killing of Hymnus. They
had the divine power of changing the shape of things: this
same Hylas was turned into an echo and some women were
transformed into Nymphs by the NYMPHS themselves.

The NYMPHS were often the nurses of the gods. Such are the
cases of Zeus and Dionysus among others. The NEREIDS and the
OCEANIDS are called sea-nymphs.

These are the parentage of the NYMPHS. Achelous and
Sperchius are RIVER GODS. Dino is one of the GRAEAE, a
daughter of Phorcus & Ceto, divinities of the sea.

This is how the MELIADS (Nymphs of the Ash-trees) came to be:
Cronos the Titan revolted against the first ruler of the
universe, his father Uranus, and waiting for him in an ambush
took a long sickle with jagged teeth, cut off Uranus'
genitals and cast them away to fall behind him.

The bloody drops that gushed forth were received by the Earth
(Gaia) and in time she bore the ERINYES, the GIANTS and the

nice is a bit on wee fairy elven and dragons later..

Today we begin the lessons of creatures. For if you are to survivein the world you must know what lives on it and in it. We will startwith the most interesting and dangerous of creatures, those who are sapient. Fear and respect beings that can think for they will surprise you most.
Part I - Minor Races, Land
Alongside the major races of Thyrgwlaine are many minor races. Today I list for you the minor races of Thyrgwlaine. Those whichare either scattered, exist in servitude, or represent such a small numberas not to be labeled a Major Race.
Midfolk Kin
Podlings (Offshoot of Forest Midfolk, they live underground in fungus farms)
Avian Kin
Silver Ones (Ancients, the oldest of the avians, all silver feathers, veryrare)
Goblin Kin
Desert Goblin (deep deserts, can stand heat, reddish skin)
Black Goblin (a troll, ogre, goblin hybrid, dangerous, rare)
Geebra (a half sized goblin barely intelligent, used as slaves by goblins)
Ogre/Giant Kin
Grethchen (Troll/Giant mixed race)
Trolls (strong, pale, heal quickly, light aversion)
Rock Trolls (very strong, hard skin, light changes to stone)
Mountain Giants
Forest Giant (a peaceful giant at home in the tallest trees)
Frost Giant (a cold blooded giant kin)
Fire Giant (a hot blooded giant kin)
Cloud Giant (magical giant kin, living in the clouds, very rare)
Dwarven Kin
Goldblurg (misshapen, obsessed with gold, riches)
Rock Dwarf (hard skinned version of the mountain dwarf)
Deep Dwarf (pale, lives deep below all others, light aversion)
Fire Dwarf (extremely strong, immune to fire)
Saurian Kin
Se'eth (cunning snake men who use lesser races as puppets)
Sretts (small saurians, kobold-like, slaves of saurians)
Graken (giant saurian mutant, all are born sterile, uncommon)
Salamen (amphibious saurians)
Elven/Fairy Kin
(Partial List*)
Silver Elves (elven angels, immortals, true elves)
Shadow Elves (fallen silver elves, their name is legend only)
Changlings (those who can assume two or more shapes)
Wood Nymph (co-exist within a tree)
Water Nymph (can be invisible in water)
Dark Fairies (fairies corrupted by dark magics)
Sylph (an elf, fairy combination. They are very rare, all fly)
Satyr (another fairy kin, known for their lechery)
Mogwe (mogs, The smallest fairy kin, between 3"-6" tall)
Mogwort (mogs, evil version of the mogwe)
Sprites (A misnomer, really the male fairy)
Pixie (another misnomer, really the female fairy)
Nixie (not a race, male faries who can fly)
Greenie (any fairy/gnome mixed race)
Brownie (any gnome/mog mixed race)
Mite (fairy/mog mixed race)
Famori (chaotic humanoids who have animal features)
Grent (great tree being)
Dark Grent (a grent bent by evil or chaos)
Treewalkers (lesser grents)
Treestalker (lesser dark grent)
Fungaloi (mushroom men, created by magical disease)
Rakelleon (rock-eaters, acid spitters, language of heat)
Were-men**(wolf, bat, bear, rat, snake, spider, cat, lion, tiger, weasel,badger, etc.)

*Elves and Faries have so many types and varities that theirnumbers and types are still being catalogued.
**This is only a list of known types. The origin of lycantheropyis apparently based upon several curses from the great black witch Klethanna.
Notes: This list does not include any races which dwellin the seas or oceans. This list may be added to, as new minor racesare discovered. Dragons are considered a race but will be listedunder their own special category.
day at the lake devotion

as the first new day dawns
by a quiet crystal lake
let us drop all glorious thoughts
and actions...
to be cleaned and unbound
then embrace the day
by choosing the thoughts a beautiful
bluerains said:
nice is a bit on wee fairy elven and dragons later..

Today we begin the lessons of creatures. For if you are to survivein the world you must know what lives on it and in it. We will startwith the most interesting and dangerous of creatures, those who are sapient. Fear and respect beings that can think for they will surprise you most.
Part I - Minor Races, Land
Alongside the major races of Thyrgwlaine are many minor races. Today I list for you the minor races of Thyrgwlaine. Those whichare either scattered, exist in servitude, or represent such a small numberas not to be labeled a Major Race.
Midfolk Kin
Podlings (Offshoot of Forest Midfolk, they live underground in fungus farms)
Avian Kin
Silver Ones (Ancients, the oldest of the avians, all silver feathers, veryrare)
Goblin Kin
Desert Goblin (deep deserts, can stand heat, reddish skin)
Black Goblin (a troll, ogre, goblin hybrid, dangerous, rare)
Geebra (a half sized goblin barely intelligent, used as slaves by goblins)
Ogre/Giant Kin
Grethchen (Troll/Giant mixed race)
Trolls (strong, pale, heal quickly, light aversion)
Rock Trolls (very strong, hard skin, light changes to stone)
Mountain Giants
Forest Giant (a peaceful giant at home in the tallest trees)
Frost Giant (a cold blooded giant kin)
Fire Giant (a hot blooded giant kin)
Cloud Giant (magical giant kin, living in the clouds, very rare)
Dwarven Kin
Goldblurg (misshapen, obsessed with gold, riches)
Rock Dwarf (hard skinned version of the mountain dwarf)
Deep Dwarf (pale, lives deep below all others, light aversion)
Fire Dwarf (extremely strong, immune to fire)
Saurian Kin
Se'eth (cunning snake men who use lesser races as puppets)
Sretts (small saurians, kobold-like, slaves of saurians)
Graken (giant saurian mutant, all are born sterile, uncommon)
Salamen (amphibious saurians)
Elven/Fairy Kin
(Partial List*)
Silver Elves (elven angels, immortals, true elves)
Shadow Elves (fallen silver elves, their name is legend only)
Changlings (those who can assume two or more shapes)
Wood Nymph (co-exist within a tree)
Water Nymph (can be invisible in water)
Dark Fairies (fairies corrupted by dark magics)
Sylph (an elf, fairy combination. They are very rare, all fly)
Satyr (another fairy kin, known for their lechery)
Mogwe (mogs, The smallest fairy kin, between 3"-6" tall)
Mogwort (mogs, evil version of the mogwe)
Sprites (A misnomer, really the male fairy)
Pixie (another misnomer, really the female fairy)
Nixie (not a race, male faries who can fly)
Greenie (any fairy/gnome mixed race)
Brownie (any gnome/mog mixed race)
Mite (fairy/mog mixed race)
Famori (chaotic humanoids who have animal features)
Grent (great tree being)
Dark Grent (a grent bent by evil or chaos)
Treewalkers (lesser grents)
Treestalker (lesser dark grent)
Fungaloi (mushroom men, created by magical disease)
Rakelleon (rock-eaters, acid spitters, language of heat)
Were-men**(wolf, bat, bear, rat, snake, spider, cat, lion, tiger, weasel,badger, etc.)

*Elves and Faries have so many types and varities that theirnumbers and types are still being catalogued.
**This is only a list of known types. The origin of lycantheropyis apparently based upon several curses from the great black witch Klethanna.
Notes: This list does not include any races which dwellin the seas or oceans. This list may be added to, as new minor racesare discovered. Dragons are considered a race but will be listedunder their own special category.

thanks blue

I was doing research on NYMPHS for a story I am writing...and that sounded like MLP~ Material.....what do you know of NYMPHS?
sorry I am using quiet poets computer this morning

My Erotic Tale said:
thanks blue

I was doing research on NYMPHS for a story I am writing...and that sounded like MLP~ Material.....what do you know of NYMPHS?
I just edit this...he is updating my imac... any who...I met a mother , daughter
kithain a while back ...and its a tale...of a tale... here are some more terms...when using in your poems....luvfromtheblue and qp says hi..

Following are the most common general terms in use among changelings.

~Arcadia -- The land of the fae; the home of all faeries within the Dreaming.
~Arts -- The ways of shaping Glamour
~Autumn, the -- The modern age.
~Banality -- Mortal disbelief, as it affects changelings and their Glamour.
~Bedlam -- A kind of madness that falls upon changelings who stray too far from the mortal world.
~Bunk -- The price Glamour exacts for its power
~Cantrip -- A spell created through Glamour
~Champion -- A warrior chosen by one of the highest rank to fight in his stead. A champion always wears the token of his patron, which he keeps if he wins the duel.
~Changeling -- A fae who spends most or all of her existence in the physical world, apart from Arcadia and the Dreaming.
~Childling -- A child come full into his changeling nature; this lasts until he becomes a wilder, around 13 years of age. Childlings are known for their innocence and their affinity with Glamour and are well protected by other changelings.
~Chimera -- A bit of dream made real; unseen by mortals, chimera are part of the enchanted world. Chimera may be objects or entities.
~Commoner -- Any of the changeling kith who are not sidhe.
~Duantain -- Human faerie hunters, deeply twisted by Banality.
~Dreaming, the -- The collective dreams of humanity.
~Dreamrealms -- The lands comprising Arcadia and its surrounding realms.
~Enchant -- To Imbuse a mortal with the power to see chimerical objects.
~Escheat -- The highest faerie laws.
~Fae, Faerie -- A being indigenous to the Dreaming (though not always a current resident thereof)
~Fathom -- A deep-seeking, protracted use of the Art of Soothsay. Also called "the Taghairm."
~Fior -- A contest, the point of which is to determine justice.
~Fledge -- A newly awakened changeling of any age.
~Freehold -- A place that is infused with Glamour. Important to all changelings, freeholds are proof against Banality -- for a time.
~Gallain -- 1)"The Outsiders," those who may be Kithain but whose origins, customs and magical ways are not understood. 2) Any inscrutable creature of the Dreaming.
~Glamour -- The living force of the Dreaming: changeling magic
~Grump -- A changeling of elder years, usually beginning at the age of 25. Very few changelings reach this age -- most succumb to Banality long before.
~Hue and Cry -- 1)A hunt called out against a criminal. 2)The call of all changelings to come and defend a freehold.
~Kin -- Human relatives of a changeling who do not possess faerie blood.
~Kinain -- Human kinfolk of a changeling who possess faerie blood and frequently have strange magical "gifts" because of it.
~Kith -- All changelings of a kind. One's kith determines the nature of one's faerie guise and soul.
~Kithain -- Changelings' self-referential term.
~Liege -- One's sworn noble sovereign, whether baron, count, duke or king.
~Long Winter, the -- The prophesied eradication of all Glamour.
~Mists, the -- 1)The tendency for mortals to forget the effects of Glamour and the presense of changelings after a very short time. The Mists protect changelings from being discovered. 2)The tendency for Banality-tainted changelings to forget their faerie lives.
~Mongrel -- A changeling who grew up apart from other fae and without a patron or guardian of any sort. Mongrels are prime candidates for Bedlam.
~Motley -- A family or gang of commoners.
~Noble -- Any changeling raised to noble title; although nobles are traditionally sidhe, lately commoners have begun receiving noble positions.
~Oathbond -- The mystical bond created by the swearing of an oath.
~Realms -- The five aspects of the world with which changelings have affinity.
~Retainers -- Any servants of a liege.
~Saining -- "The Naming"; a ritual performed on a newly awakened changeling to determine his kith.
~Tara-Nar -- The great freehold castle of High King David. Beneath it is the Well of Fire, from which all balefire comes.
~Trods -- Magical gateways, faerie roads; some lead to other freeholds, some to the Dreaming itself. They are opened only at prescribed times.
~Vassal -- The sworn servant of a liege.
~Vellum -- A specially preserved chimerical hide on which changeling scribes write.
~Wilder -- A changeling of adolescent years, usually from age 13 to 25. Known for their wild undertakings and loose tempers, wilders are the most common changelings.
~Yearning -- Also called "The Gloomies," the Yearning is the utter longing for Arcadia that overcomes grumps as Banality encroaches upon them.

These are words most frequently used by commoners and have been picked up by wilder exiles (even those of the noble houses). They tend to be somewhat crude and abrupt and carry with them a certain disregard for tradition and rank. Many of these terms are very ancient, others are quite new, but all of them are quite in vogue among wilder nobles. During the Interregnum many commoners formed or joined circuses in order to escape the stupefying Banality of mortal society, and much vaulgar argot originates from that culture. ~Churl -- A vassal; insulting if used to describe a noble.
~Codger -- A word for a grump.
~Callowfae -- Self-absorbed faeries with no purpose higher than that of play; often said in reference to childlings, insulting if used to describe any other changelings.
~Chiven -- Craven, cowardly or wimpy.
~Chummery -- A particularly hospitable freehold.
~Cozen -- To cheat someone or steal something.
~Fancypants -- A nickname for sidhe or any self-absorbed noble.
~Foredoom -- When a use of Soothsay prophesies very bad news.
~Jimp -- to create a faerie token or charm.
~Mew -- A commoner freehold, typically controlled by a motley.
~Mux -- To really screw something up; to add chaos and disorganization to things. "You really muxed things up this time!"
~Sots -- Mundane people. "Sothead" and "Sotbrain" are popular epithets.

Old Form

These are terms used by nobility (especially sidhe) and more sphisticated grumps. These words are seldom used by younger exiles, but are still fashionable vernacular among the older members. ~Burgess -- A mortal; sometimes used to refer to commoners.
~Chrysalis -- The dawn of fae consciousness, the great awakening into one's changeling nature.
~Clarion -- A call to war made by a noble to his vassals.
~Covey -- A group of changelings united by an oathbond.
~Crepusc -- The period at the end of any faerie festival when activities have begun to die down, but the night is not yet over. It is said to be a particularly mystical time, when the perceptive will discover many secrets.
~Dan -- Fate: one of destiny and karma.
~Draocht -- Cantrips and other changeling magic.
~Driabhar -- A treasure, usually one of great power.
~Entrant -- A worthy rival, one assumed to merit prolonged struggle and respect.
~Fuidir -- The vassals to whom one owes fealty.
~Fychell -- 1)a chesslike game played by nobles. 2)Midwinter's Night, also called "The Gloaming."
~Gosling -- A childer changeling or very young faerie.
~Graybeard -- A grump; a term of respect.
~Grandame -- A powerful female sidhe, often used when speaking of a queen.
~Knarl -- A special magical knot that serves as a type of ward.
~Laud -- To receive the glory of courtly acclaim. Often some sort of token is bestowed as well.
~Mot -- An adage, maxim or saying.
~Privvy Council -- The inner council of a liege and his high ranking vassals.
~Retrorse -- To revert to one's mortal seeming.
~Reune -- A noble rendezvous, often a secret negotiation.
~Trollop -- A promiscuous fae.
~Voile -- Chimerical clothing, garb, or jewelry.

Noble Lexicon ~Children of Lilith -- Vampires.
~Tuatha de Danaan -- The progentior race of all the Kithain, according to the sidhe.
~Dream Lords -- The Sidhe.
~Fionn Sidhe -- Fair Sidhe.
~The Five -- The five noble houses of the sidhe, who returned during the Resurgence.
~Fomorians -- A brutal and powerful race of misshapen monsters. Traditional enemies of the Tuatha de Danaan and the sidhe. Possibly related to fomori.
~Hidden Ones -- Human mages who trade in the powers of Banality (a.k.a. the Technocracy).
~Impulse -- The three main persuasions of Seelie Concordian political life (Traditionalists, Reformers and Modernists).
~Lost Ones -- Faeries (mostly sidhe) who disappeared into their freeholds during the Shattering.
~Morphean Oracles -- Kithain soothsayers who specialize in predictions about the Dreaming. The best belong to House Scathach and control much of it's destiny.
~Nertmar Sidhe -- Powerful Sidhe.
~Romantic -- A changeling who gives free rein to her feelings of love.
~Romanticist -- A changeling who pursues romance as a calling or vocation. Sometimes, one who belongs to a Romanticist organization.
~Romantic Legacies -- The psychological attributes that define a changeling's romantic personality.
~Silver Path -- A path of silver that guides and protects changelings in the Dreaming.
~Sons of Adam, Daughters of Eve -- Humans.
~Sorcerer / Sorceress -- Changelings who have mastered at least one Art (5 levels)and excelled at another (4 levels).
~Sun and Serpent -- The border between the Kingdom of the Sun and the Kingdom of the Feathered Snake. One of Concordia's most dangerous flash points.
~Twilight Time -- The Interregnum.
~Uasal Sidhe -- High Sidhe.
~The Waking Lands -- The world in which most humans live.
~Wizard -- A human mage, one who practices Sphere magick.

Compiled from White Wolf's "Changeling: The Dreaming" source books ;) ;)
Last edited:
quietpoet said:
I just edit this...

Noble Lexicon ~Children of Lilith -- Vampires.
~Tuatha de Danaan -- The progentior race of all the Kithain, according to the sidhe.
~Dream Lords -- The Sidhe.
~Fionn Sidhe -- Fair Sidhe.
~The Five -- The five noble houses of the sidhe, who returned during the Resurgence.
~Fomorians -- A brutal and powerful race of misshapen monsters. Traditional enemies of the Tuatha de Danaan and the sidhe. Possibly related to fomori.
~Hidden Ones -- Human mages who trade in the powers of Banality (a.k.a. the Technocracy).
~Impulse -- The three main persuasions of Seelie Concordian political life (Traditionalists, Reformers and Modernists).
~Lost Ones -- Faeries (mostly sidhe) who disappeared into their freeholds during the Shattering.
~Morphean Oracles -- Kithain soothsayers who specialize in predictions about the Dreaming. The best belong to House Scathach and control much of it's destiny.
~Nertmar Sidhe -- Powerful Sidhe.
~Romantic -- A changeling who gives free rein to her feelings of love.
~Romanticist -- A changeling who pursues romance as a calling or vocation. Sometimes, one who belongs to a Romanticist organization.
~Romantic Legacies -- The psychological attributes that define a changeling's romantic personality.
~Silver Path -- A path of silver that guides and protects changelings in the Dreaming.
~Sons of Adam, Daughters of Eve -- Humans.
~Sorcerer / Sorceress -- Changelings who have mastered at least one Art (5 levels)and excelled at another (4 levels).
~Sun and Serpent -- The border between the Kingdom of the Sun and the Kingdom of the Feathered Snake. One of Concordia's most dangerous flash points.
~Twilight Time -- The Interregnum.
~Uasal Sidhe -- High Sidhe.
~The Waking Lands -- The world in which most humans live.
~Wizard -- A human mage, one who practices Sphere magick.

Compiled from White Wolf's "Changeling: The Dreaming" source books ;) ;)

poetry ammo?
a list of words to use?
a great library of information there
not sure if I can use it in the story of "How to Hunt a Nymph" (humor)
@ chasin chickens >>>peek
more stuff


Land of Origin: Greece.
Other Origins: None known.
Other Names: None.
Element: Can be any.
Appearance and Temperament: Nymphs are diminutive female faeries known to be very seductive.
Time Most Active: All year.
Nymph is a classification of faeries rather than a single type. There are wood nymphs, water nymphs, sea nymphs, tree nymphs, grove nymphs, etc. They are all on good terms with the Greek deities, and the other mythical animals such as Pegasus and the Satyrs.

They have a reputation for excessive sexuality. The word nymphomaniac is a bedical term for a woman with an enormous sexual appetite, which is derived from the name of these Greek nature faeries.

Where to Find Them: Nymphs exist in every conceivable place in nature, and are all over Faeryland.
How to Contact: Depends on the type of Nymph. Go to the place where you want to find one and call to them.
Magickal and Ritual Help:
Most Nymphs are too playful to be useful as working partners, but they will invite you into their games, which you should feel free to join. Human males have been known to have sexual relations with them and report that directing this energy outward to a specific goal is an excellent magickal device.


II. "Mythic genealogies were always laden with serious political and social significance and were subject to manipulation from the earliest times."

III. Nymphs provided a useful mythographic shorthand for peoples, villages, and cities. --- a story of a nymph being seduced by Zeus could represent the colonization of the area for which the nymph is named.

IV. In the archaic period the worship of nymphs was primarily done by the rural poor. During the classical period elites began to take interest in the worship of nymphs in part due to the popularity of the Pan cult after the Persian wars.

V. "The lore of nymphs by their very mundaneness and their rural, local connotations somehow distilled an essential, authentic quality of Hellenism."

VI. Three basic themes are sounded over and over:

1. the nymphs' presence in the landscape

2. rites of passage and the social dimension of the nymph as a bride

3. genealogy and locial identity

VII. Attica

* Athens

1. The earliest known sites of the nymphs' cult at Athens are at three water sources: Empedo, Kallirhoe, and the Asklepieion.

2. Empedo: empedos which means "firmly set" and "steadfast."

a. an ancient spring located in a deep cleft at the base of the Akropolis.

b. It was renamed Klepsydra, "water hider", when a spring house was constructed over the spring.

c. The spring house incorporated the natural rock overhang of the cave in a n attempt to keep the naturally rocky appearance of the cave.

d. This suggests the great sanctity of the place.

e. The four small caves and the spring probably make up a single sacred precinct.

3. Kallirhoe: lovely flowing

a. provided water for the nuptial baths of Athenian women.

b. The exact location of the Kallirhoe is debated as being either at the bank of the Ilissos or a sixth century fountation house on the agora.

c. Upstream from the Kallirhoe is the hill of Adrettos which is a shrine of the nymphs and Acheloos.

d. Smaller, doll-like figures were found either at the shrine or by the spring called korai.

e. The kallirhoe and the shrine are both located in an area called the Agrai, the Field, where many rustic cults were located.

f. Another such shrine was the shrine of Dionyos at Limnai. At this shrine Dionyos was connected with both nymphs and the Horai.

g. The shrine of Dionyos at Limnai connected the three divinities as the Horai ripened the grapes, the nymphs provided water, and wine was sacred to Dionyos.

4. The sacred springs of the Asklepeion, on the south slope of the acropolis.

a. There are two possible locations: the Round Spring House and the Slouth Slope House.

b. Each of these locations were associated with the nymphs.

c. Asklepeion was introduced to the site later on as abundant water was key to the healing power of the god.

d. Across from this site is the Church of Ayia Marina a saint who aid in childbirth as well as a sacred, smooth rock women would slide down to aid in a smooth childbirth.

* Peiraieus and Demes

1. The sanctuary at Kephisos River

a. Two dedicators: Xenokrateia and Kephisdotos

b. Xenokrateia dedicates a votive relief which portrays the Geraistian Nymphs of Birth.

c. The relief follows the cult regulation on what gods should be depicted.

d. "The regulation ensures that the correst gods will receive sacrifice in the correct order, while the relief depicts the relationship between Xenokratiea, her son, and the gods of the sanctuary."

e. Kephisdotos contributes a double-sided relief depicting nymphs, Hermes, and a river god Kephisos --and Hermes and Echelos, a local hero, on the other side.

f. Both people claim to have founded altars there but it seems as if Kephidotos altar was in compliment to Xenokratiea's.

2. Also a harbor in Athens where votives reliefs have been found indicating worship of the nymphs.

a. This is an example of nymph worship with a foreign god: Bendis and Men, a Phrygian moon god.

3. Two calendar inscriptions mentioning nymphs are: Erchia and Marathon.

a. Erchia: the nymphs were worshiped in a cult partnership with other gods all gods of the life cycle--- and five sheep would be sacrificed.

b. Marathon: sacruificed a goat to the nymphs. Aso another tribal group (trittus) who sacrificed to gods who could aid in the lives of a new citizen.

c. "These sacrifices are of interest because they confirm that the extraurban cults of the nymphs were not confined to caves."

* Central Greece

* Boiotia

1. Boiotia has a large number of female divities.

2. One problem is that many of the place names connected with the Boiotian cults of the Muses and nymphs are duplicated from the Macedonian district of Pieria.

3. The Asopos River: the father of many desirable nymphs

a. Two rivers: one in Boiotia and another in Peloponnesian Philos--- the myths of both rivers are merged into one legend claimed by both locales.

b. Two important daughters of Asopos: Thebes and Aigina

c. Thebes was a city adjacent to Boiotian Asopos.

d. Aigina was a daughter who was abducted by Zeus and founds the line of Achilles and Ajax.

4. Normally nymphs were not worshipped individually but as traditionally pluralities. This was a tension in Boiotia as there was also the need to recognize individual nymphs as ancestors.

5. Mentions Melia ash tree nymphs, formed from the blood of Heaven. She had a exalted place at Apollo's sanctuary at Thebes.

6. The cult of Halia Nymphe (Sea Nymph) was important in the Boiotian region Oropos. Little is known about this cult.

* Euboia

1. Two Daughters of Asopos: Chalkis and Eubioa

a. Chalkis: had a sanctuary calling her archegetis (founder)

b. Eubioa: was beloved of Poseidon and bore a local hero Tychios.

2. Also has a Dionysiac tradition: in which the infant was raised by nymphs on the island

* Saronic Gulf

1. Aigina, Asopos daughter--- who was pursued by Zeus

2. She founds the Myrmidons and the lineage of Achilles and Ajax

3. Scenes on Attic vases of Aigina's abduction by Zeus may be a metaphor for the growing self-assertion of Athenian male citizenry. Athens eventually subjugated the Aiginetans.

* Megara

1. Famous fountain house built by the tyrant Theagenes.

2. The fountain house was associated with the Sithnid nymphs.

a. These nymphs were locally important as the primordial hero Megaros was a child of Zeus and one of these nymphs.

* Phokis

1. Mount Parnassos

a. was home to a primordial oracular shrin with a mountain nymph named Daphnis as its prophet.

b. Korykian cave was the most popular cave of the nymphs in antiquity.

2. The Delphic springs Kastalia and Kassotis

* Peloponnese and Corinth

* Corinth

1. Peirene: famous fountain house a nymph who bore to Poseidon two sons, one of whom was killed by Artemis.

a. She was turned into a spring while weeping over her dead son.

b. This was the spring where Bellerophon tamed Pegasos

2. Glauke: "Gleaming, silvery"--- another famous fountain house

a. the spring may be named after the princess who was poisoned by Medea, and threw herself into the river to relief her anguish.

* Argolis

1. The river Inachos: who is the primordial father of Argive heros Phoroneus, Danaos, and ultimately Perseus and Herakles.

2. The lack of water in Argos

a. This problem was mythically created by Inachos choosing Hera over Poseidon as patron of Argolis.

b. Poseidon rescued the Danaid Amymone from a lustful satyr. The two had a love affair and Poseidon relented providing water to Argos.

3. The saga of Perseus: three nymphs give him the tools he needs to defeat Medusa.

4. Lerna: the location of the Hydra depicted as a nymph reacheing out to Herakles as he kill the beast.

* Lakonia, Messenia, and Arkadia

1. In Sparta: a cult of Helen replaced the typical worship of nymphs

2. Both in Messenia and Arkadia: stories of the birth of Zeus

a. Messenia: Zeus was reared by the mountain Ithome, two nymphs, and the river Neda.

b. Arkandian: Zeus was reared by three nymphs Neda, Theisoa, and Hagno. Rhea purified herself in the river Lymax.

3. The Peloponnesian tradition focuses on water and its role in purification after birth and the cleansing of the infant.

4. This focus on purification is different from the typical focus of nymphs as providing nourishment and education.

5. Pan: he is honored in Arkadia in exclusive sanctuaries without his typical nymphs.

6. Pan has three nymph loves in Arkadia: Syrinx, Echo, and Pitys

7. The river Styx is also an Arkadian nymph.

a. Styx is both an underworld and earthly river

8. In Arkadia, nymphs are rarely worshiped in plurality contrasts to Boiotia.

* Elis and Achaia

1. The River Alpheios was famed for his sexual aggressiveness.

a. He attempted a rape of Artemis

b. From this story originated the ritual of abducting girls from a chorus line as a mythic paradigm for marriage.

2. The River Ladon: a young man fell in love with Ladon's daugher Daphne--- when he was discovered the nymph killed the boy.

3. Sanctuary of Olympia: there were three altars to the nymphs

4. The unusual cult and temple of Hades found in Triphylia

a. Minthe: was a nymph who was a lover of Hades, invoking the rage of his wife who turned her into a garden mint.

it was said I am part of one of these ..can you guess which one.???? ;)

Thanks blue~

more than enough and YES a big help..
the part about how to catch them <grin>

thanks for the information ~
"How to Hunt a Nymph-O"

Nymphs are lured by heroes and song,
each element contains a rehlm of Nymphs, Wood Nymph, water nymph, tree nymph. Nymphs are usually young ladies with an exceptionally larger appetite for seduction and erotic joinings. They have a reputation for excessive sexuality. The word nymphomaniac is a bedical term for a woman with an enormous sexual appetite, which is derived from the name of these Greek nature faeries.

"I say we catch a bussel of these Nymphs and keep a couple and sell the rest of them on E-bay!" Billy said with eyes like fire flys, all lit up like a drunk on saturday night. He closed the book; How to Hunt Nymphs.

"Get the Truck, we're going huntin'"
Last edited:
My Erotic Tale said:
"How to Hunt a Nymph-O"

Nymphs are lured by heroes and song,
each element contains a rehlm of Nymphs, Wood Nymph, water nymph, tree nymph. Nymphs are usually young ladies with an exceptionally larger appetite for seduction and erotic joinings. They have a reputation for excessive sexuality. The word nymphomaniac is a bedical term for a woman with an enormous sexual appetite, which is derived from the name of these Greek nature faeries.

"I say we catch a bussel of these Nymphs and keep a couple and sell the rest of them on E-bay!" Billy said with eyes like fire flys, all lit up like a drunk on saturday night. He closed the book; How to Hunt Nymphs.

"Get the Truck, we're going huntin'"

Wonderin if they have
*Men Nymphs, if so,
I am gettin me a truck too. ~!!!!

:catroar: :devil:
RhymeFairy said:
Wonderin if they have
*Men Nymphs, if so,
I am gettin me a truck too. ~!!!!

:catroar: :devil:

that's a good question
I will have to instill that thought <grin>
My Erotic Tale said:
"How to Hunt a Nymph-O"

Nymphs are lured by heroes and song,
each element contains a rehlm of Nymphs, Wood Nymph, water nymph, tree nymph. Nymphs are usually young ladies with an exceptionally larger appetite for seduction and erotic joinings. They have a reputation for excessive sexuality. The word nymphomaniac is a bedical term for a woman with an enormous sexual appetite, which is derived from the name of these Greek nature faeries.

"I say we catch a bussel of these Nymphs and keep a couple and sell the rest of them on E-bay!" Billy said with eyes like fire flys, all lit up like a drunk on saturday night. He closed the book; How to Hunt Nymphs.

"Get the Truck, we're going huntin'"

Here we go again ~~~~ these mental giants are back from their quest for the Portal to the Vixen planet - what could possibly go wrong? ;)

Can just see our heroes dragging themselves home from their hunt; where hunter becomes huntee and the nymphs turn 'em inside-out.
before ya get that pickum up...

RhymeFairy said:
Wonderin if they have
*Men Nymphs, if so,
I am gettin me a truck too. ~!!!!

:catroar: :devil:

Male Faery
The Fey tend to excess in everything. Take a fairy drinking and they will try to drink all the wine that is available, experiencing every aspect of it from its color and taste to its effects. Take a fairy out dancing and they will try to dance every dance in every style. Moderation is not in their nature.

Unlike the other races the Fairy do not own possessions as such. All material possessions are collectively owned by one and all. If a Fairy sees something that strikes their fancy they most likely will pick it up and take it with them. Visitors to the lands of the Fey are cautioned to watch their possessions carefully.