
Before I Go to Work I'll Answer This...

First Peanut Gallery... I got more tits than you can handle...Search my posts and you'll find out.

Second...Ah Lance you are predictable if nothing else. Now comes your personal attacks on how sub I am. Well you'll never know will you.

As for my abuse making me a sub... If you read my posts you'd know how I feel about that. But since it's obvious that you can't read well I'll tell you one last time. My being molested has nothing to do with my being sub.

The therepy take it. You need it more than me. Way more.

Work calls, people need me and you aren't saying anything new. I've had my fun with you.
Re: Before I Go to Work I'll Answer This...

lilfrk said:
First Peanut Gallery... I got more tits than you can handle...Search my posts and you'll find out.

Second...Ah Lance you are predictable if nothing else. Now comes your personal attacks on how sub I am. Well you'll never know will you.

As for my abuse making me a sub... If you read my posts you'd know how I feel about that. But since it's obvious that you can't read well I'll tell you one last time. My being molested has nothing to do with my being sub.

The therepy take it. You need it more than me. Way more.

Work calls, people need me and you aren't saying anything new. I've had my fun with you.

My apologies for taking your hate bait, as I do prefer to keep things light.

"Well race fans, tonite's feature heat was more demolition derby that a test of driving skill. I'd just like to thank my crew, the trackside staff here at the Astro-Glide 500 and of course, my personal lord and savior, the Marquis de Sade, for sending lilfrk here this evening to ejaculate her particular blend of venom in the cockpit to keep us all feeling spayshul and welcome here on route to the coveted BDSM Cup ."

Over to you in the color commentary booth.....

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Re: Before I Go to Work I'll Answer This...

lilfrk said:
First Peanut Gallery... I got more tits than you can handle...Search my posts and you'll find out.

tits are cheap. They can be bought or acquired through papa johns. Show us your ass.
I invite you to the "Welcome HetMen, To The BDSM Forum" thread, conveniently located near the top of the first page.

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lilfrk said:
that little joy has been killed...killed by you. You could fuck up a wet dream.

As for having a crush on you...forget that too dickweed. You remind me too much of the pedofile that molested me from the time I was 9 until I was 15. I was brave enough to speak up then and I'm brave enough to speak up now.

You're trying to be nice now and it isn't going to work. You've tried this before. I've watched you do it. Others may fall for it But I'm not going to.

Ignoring you didn't work so I'll speak out against you. You've ruined this place already I can't hurt it anymore.

lilfrk you rock. Don't waste your time with these pieces of grabasstic shit. You are way better than that.
WTF? Is it my imagination, or has the mentality of this thread degenerated to that of an eight year old?

Sandia: I don't recall having ever been in a significant disagreement with Lance, btw. I once told him he was boring, for which I apologized. That's about it. He's asked me questions, which I've answered or attempted to answer. He's made suggestions, which have been discussed, implemented where feasible, and explained where unfeasible.

I now resume my mantra: Whatever.
RisiaSkye said:
WTF? Is it my imagination, or has the mentality of this thread degenerated to that of an eight year old?

Sandia: I don't recall having ever been in a significant disagreement with Lance, btw. I once told him he was boring, for which I apologized. That's about it. He's asked me questions, which I've answered or attempted to answer. He's made suggestions, which have been discussed, implemented where feasible, and explained where unfeasible.

I now resume my mantra: Whatever.

I can't tell you how many times I've tried to use the "delete" function for the first post to this thread in the hopes that I could just erase the whole thing....damned Administrative controls.

If you can do it, you have my blessings.

I've only posted now to confirm that no, you and I have never had a significant disagreement about anything.


Yeah, but with a thread of this size, deleting it would just start a whole new wave of chaos, I suspect.

Thanks for the confirmation, though. Sadly enough, at this point, all claims of peaceful coexistence need verification.
RisiaSkye said:
Yeah, but with a thread of this size, deleting it would just start a whole new wave of chaos, I suspect.

Thanks for the confirmation, though. Sadly enough, at this point, all claims of peaceful coexistence need verification.

Yes, I suppose it's a good thread for spleen venting and hidden agenda updates from the laydees.

I should just enjoy their kooky wit.


Erm. My apologies. I'm happy you two get along.

I personally hope no thread ever gets deleted here.

And for the record, I have no personal problem with any of the moderators here, past or present.

I do think being a mod would be a hard job, at least to the extent that people give the mods more power or authority than they really have.

My personal opinion is that mods are just like anyone else here.
Sandia said:
Erm. My apologies. I'm happy you two get along.

I personally hope no thread ever gets deleted here.

And for the record, I have no personal problem with any of the moderators here, past or present.

I do think being a mod would be a hard job, at least to the extent that people give the mods more power or authority than they really have.

My personal opinion is that mods are just like anyone else here.

Most posters here live in a Republic that puts Free Speech at the near-top of the food chain; I live in a Parliamentary Democracy, where individual rights may be limited if it is in the interests of the many to do so....accordingly, I see the efficacy for the Forum in a thread chock full o bile being summarily removed, because of the differences I have in my views on Freedom of Speech.

As for having to step up and say "I have no personal problems with the Mods" all sounds a bit McCarthy-esque to me. You're right; I too had higher expectations of Moderation initially here....a separate topic from Moderators...a distinction, surprisingly, some just didn't/don't "get".

Let me restate that: the mods are like anyone else here; any authority/power/prestige they have is purely a function of how much you want to give them.

I hope to treat the mods here like any other person. They're entitled to their opinions just like anyone else. Similarly, their opinions are just that: their own.

As far as free speech is concerned: as long as this forum is on this board, I suspect moderators will find it difficult to delete any post for any reason (other than a violation of the rules).

There's nothing wrong with a site that's strictly edited or controlled. That's just not the case here.
Let me say...

Sandia said:
Let me restate that: the mods are like anyone else here; any authority/power/prestige they have is purely a function of how much you want to give them.

I hope to treat the mods here like any other person. They're entitled to their opinions just like anyone else. Similarly, their opinions are just that: their own.

As far as free speech is concerned: as long as this forum is on this board, I suspect moderators will find it difficult to delete any post for any reason (other than a violation of the rules).

There's nothing wrong with a site that's strictly edited or controlled. That's just not the case here.

...this about that.

That is, this is the restatement of that into its' most non-offensive state about this. For this is unequivocal...that this is definitely not about that, but rather, the way they feel about this; that is the point we raise.

Of this, we are sure.

Lance "Milhouse" Castor
Re: Let me say...

That is, this is the restatement of that into its' most non-offensive state about this. For this is unequivocal...that this is definitely not about that, but rather, the way they feel about this; that is the point we raise.

Of this, we are sure.

Lance "Milhouse" Castor

LMAO and spitting fried rice on my monitor. :heart:
Re: Let me say...

Lancecastor said:

...this about that.

That is, this is the restatement of that into its' most non-offensive state about this. For this is unequivocal...that this is definitely not about that, but rather, the way they feel about this; that is the point we raise.

Of this, we are sure.

Lance "Milhouse" Castor

Something to ponder.

Sandia said:
Let me restate that: the mods are like anyone else here; any authority/power/prestige they have is purely a function of how much you want to give them.

I hope to treat the mods here like any other person. They're entitled to their opinions just like anyone else. Similarly, their opinions are just that: their own.

As far as free speech is concerned: as long as this forum is on this board, I suspect moderators will find it difficult to delete any post for any reason (other than a violation of the rules).

There's nothing wrong with a site that's strictly edited or controlled. That's just not the case here.

I think that BBS Users, in the absence of any information to the contrary, generally treat Moderators as "special" and "authoritative" figures on a Board.

This Board is different, in that the Mods here aren't Gods but regular entities who say and do good ...and boneheaded ....things now and then, just like the rest of us.

I've noticed since Cym quit that Risia and James have been either largely absent, or simply mostly non-participatory. In terms of Posts, no Mod has posted in about 16 hours as of this writing, if their profiles are correct.

I've also seen much less flaming and general off-topic namecalling since the absence and/or non-posting of those who left in a huff in the past week.

So, does that point to the conclusion that Moderators and the supporters of their sometimes heavy-handed posting style and discussion patterns (as opposed to site Moderation "Policy") are in fact the source of the discontent here?
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In a word


It points also to a certain ambivelance on the part of some who stayed as they are weary of the debate. Sometimes, ambivelance is a healthy thing.

Your statement neglects to include posters who have popped in and out in recent months do to the disrespectful attitude on the part of the Doms on the site.
(No finger pointing, just a statement based on information available to me.)

It fails to include posters who came and went as their level of motivation or experience changed. Their interests may lie elsewhere or their needs be met elsewhere.

Losing a few posters in recent days isn't enough to make a sweeping and generalized statement of any kind. We are always losing posters. The fact that these were verbose posters and a mod doesn't change the fact that lit has served its term for some, but not for others.

And read Laurel's cycle speech. Things will begin to simmer, then boil once again, with or without certain individuals here.

It is the way of the beast.

Could someone, please, look up ambivelance for me? How the hell do you spell it?

I am not at all sure that I have fully understood the previous two posts.

I am going to reply on my understanding of what I have read ... and may be way off in doing so.:(


Lance asked "So, does that point to the conclusion that Moderators and the supporters of their sometimes heavy-handed posting style and discussion patterns (as opposed to site Moderation "Policy") are in fact the source of the discontent here?"

I don't thik this is the case at all. In my mind, it takes two (or more) to argue/disagree/fight. If one person (or side) withdraws ... then that doesn't mean that the other person (or side) are not, in equal part, to blame.

MissT pointed out that "It points also to a certain ambivelance on the part of some who stayed as they are weary of the debate. Sometimes, ambivelance is a healthy thing."

I stayed ....
I stayed because I do not feel able to take the plunge into the GB.
I stayed and worked hard to try and bring out the positive side of this forum.

I have made this my home, and like a typical 'Englishman' my home is my castle and I will fight to defend it. And I will defend it with a passion.
I agree with you on all counts, WP, and MT's analysis and additional factors to consider also struck me as completely bang-on.

I don't believe the Moderators are inherently or irrevokably bad, wrong, etc in this...never did. I think everyone who posted in that mess owns a slice of the blame pie, if it's being served. And I'll have mine with a side of crow if it's going around, too.

But the question deserved asking....because it is quantifiably different here at the present time.


WillowPuss said:
I am not at all sure that I have fully understood the previous two posts.

I am going to reply on my understanding of what I have read ... and may be way off in doing so.:(


Lance asked "So, does that point to the conclusion that Moderators and the supporters of their sometimes heavy-handed posting style and discussion patterns (as opposed to site Moderation "Policy") are in fact the source of the discontent here?"

I don't thik this is the case at all. In my mind, it takes two (or more) to argue/disagree/fight. If one person (or side) withdraws ... then that doesn't mean that the other person (or side) are not, in equal part, to blame.

MissT pointed out that "It points also to a certain ambivelance on the part of some who stayed as they are weary of the debate. Sometimes, ambivelance is a healthy thing."

I stayed ....
I stayed because I do not feel able to take the plunge into the GB.
I stayed and worked hard to try and bring out the positive side of this forum.

I have made this my home, and like a typical 'Englishman' my home is my castle and I will fight to defend it. And I will defend it with a passion.
Lance is an Asshole

I read every page of this and I have one comment to add!

Lance is an Asshole

He definitely is an Asshole

But he is one of the funniest assholes that I have read on here. I mean, come on, some of that shit was very funny!! LMFAO especially the mini-me signoff. I just started laughing again thinking of it.

I love the Assholes.

They are obnoxous yet hysterical in their ways.

Zip "Stepford" man - 7?
Re: Lance is an asshole......

A Desert Rose said:
yes, but an endearing and funny asshole...... :heart:

I couldn't agree with you more, my Desert Rose,

In fact, that was the point of my posting! I think he is pretty damn funny! Not to mention the attacks on his "peanut gallery." I guess some people want everyone to share their point of view at all costs.

I actually found it amusing to read some of the other stuff that people were writing. The point is get a sense of humor people!

I love the Assholes.

They are obnoxous yet hysterical in their ways.

Zip "Stepford" man - 7?
again re: Lance is an asshole but an endearing one

Has a certain ring to it, doesn't it?
I love people who can see the humor underneath the words, Mr. Zippy. I could be a Zippy-Lanceman-PB groupie if I am not careful. LOL :heart: