
Well having caught up in this thread... I say the score is 65 for Lance and 42 for Oil.

Oil just isn't as funny as Lance. And, well... can't cuss as good either. There's a right way to cuss and there's a wrong way.. and then there is just throwing a bunch of cuss words together and hoping they will sound right. Oil definitely falls in that category of tossing them out there with no regard for how they are going to sound.

And you gotta appreciate Lance's ability to put you down without it really seeming like a put down. So... at the halfway point, Lance has a pretty big lead on Oil. We'll see how Oil changes the gameplan for the second half. Either way, Oil will need some big moves to overcome this deficit.

Game on!!


Well, PB....

P. B. Walker said:
Well having caught up in this thread... I say the score is 65 for Lance and 42 for Oil.

Oil just isn't as funny as Lance. And, well... can't cuss as good either. There's a right way to cuss and there's a wrong way.. and then there is just throwing a bunch of cuss words together and hoping they will sound right. Oil definitely falls in that category of tossing them out there with no regard for how they are going to sound.

And you gotta appreciate Lance's ability to put you down without it really seeming like a put down. So... at the halfway point, Lance has a pretty big lead on Oil. We'll see how Oil changes the gameplan for the second half. Either way, Oil will need some big moves to overcome this deficit.

Game on!!


...I just want to thank the folks in the Astro-Glide Dodge Viper organization; they're a great bunch, really, and have kept our equipment slick and smooth running even when paint gets swapped in the twisty bits...our Hoosier tires are running hard and long, and the Dead Lobster Pit Team has been just stellar; they never get afeared of the Crusty Clam Team's spitballs in Pit Row.

I'd of course like to thank all the fans out there in the stands and my inbox...keep those cards and letters cumming grrls!...and of course, my personal lord and savior, the Marquis de Sade, for the constant inspiration needed to spank the irrationally rabid foaming minkey hordes at're a slippery bunch... wily, indirect and masters of disguise, cloning, and the art of passive Bruce Lee, only with breasts, I think, and with faster hands, at least on the keyboard.

I think in Day 2 it's going to be important to stay focused, keep bein' real and to remember that famous line from Galaxy Quest: "Never give up...never surrender."

I'd like to say "hi" to my fourth wife back in Alabama....Buffy... spank-you baby, those new breast implants are just a payday away KittenPrincessBabyDoll.

Back to you in the pit suite, PB.... "

Lance "Cannon Ball Run" Castor
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Just for once Lance do yourself a favor and SHUT THE FUCK UP.

I swear to the gods that you run your mouth just to hear yourself and that you live to try to piss people off. I try my hardest to stay away from you but everytime open the forum there you are spewing more shit. Just seeing who you can piss off this time. cym left so you start in on the next poor soul.

Grow up and shut up.

Oh and get your peanut gallery to shut up too.
There are....

lilfrk said:
I try my hardest to stay away from you...

...literally thousands of threads at Lit to read and post to, lilfrk.

I post to and about the things I'm interested in.

Good to see you; enjoy your evening.

Re: Well, PB....

Lancecastor said:

I think in Day 2 it's going to be important to stay focused, keep bein' real and to remember that famous line from Galaxy Quest: "Never give up...never surrender."

I'd like to say "hi" to my fourth wife back in Alabama....Buffy... spank-you baby, those new breast implants are just a payday away KittenPrincessBabyDoll.

Back to you in the pit suite, PB.... "

Lance "Cannon Ball Run" Castor

Oh shit... Galaxy Quest quote... too fucking funny. I'm frickin crying here I'm laughing so hard. BUFFFFYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY... baby, I Luuvvv yyou!

Was I just referred to as the "peanut gallery"? Damn. No matter... I like some entertainment with my learning... and I'm getting it... so who gives a fuck?. :) So call me what you will lilfreaky.

... and we go now to Billy "Big Wheels" Henry down in Pit Lane with the winner of today's race: Lance "It's not about the bike" Caster.

Big Wheels: So tell us Lance, what's it like to win your first Major Championship here in Talla-Where-the-fuck-are-we-ssee?

Lance: Well BW, it feels mighty special considering the circumstances. I believed in god and I came in here, stuck with my game plan, and whooped some grrlie ass. Yessiree.

Big Wheels: Ok then... well back to you PBW in the Pimp-Daddy Suite.

PBW: Thank you BW, and now let's hear from our sponsors...

- end scene, exit stage left.

Re: There are....

Lancecastor said:

...literally thousands of threads at Lit to read and post to

And you still post completely nasty shit stirring spew.

I'm sooooo very glad that your only interest is being a fuck up. Your friends and family are proud I'm sure.
Lilfrk said:

And you still post completely nasty shit stirring spew.

I love the Trolls.

They are cogent and articulate in their ways.

Lance "Stepford" Castor
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Well...that explains it all doesn't it.

You and your peanut gallery are a bunch of drunks. Thank you for clarifying that for us all.

So tell me Lance *trying to make the best of a really nasty bit of business with a little levity*Castor...the last couple of times that you were a registered poster here...Did you stir this much shit then too? Have you always been a pisspot or is this the *NEW and IMPROVED* you? Has this little moderator bug always been up your ass or did a passive aggressive sub insert it there for you?

We're here, we drink beer, get used to us!

lilfrk said:
Well...that explains it all doesn't it.

You and your peanut gallery are a bunch of drunks. Thank you for clarifying that for us all.

So tell me Lance *trying to make the best of a really nasty bit of business with a little levity*Castor...the last couple of times that you were a registered poster here...Did you stir this much shit then too? Have you always been a pisspot or is this the *NEW and IMPROVED* you? Has this little moderator bug always been up your ass or did a passive aggressive sub insert it there for you?


I love the Trolls.

They are cogent and articulate in their ways.

Lance "Stepford" Castor
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that little joy has been killed...killed by you. You could fuck up a wet dream.

As for having a crush on you...forget that too dickweed. You remind me too much of the pedofile that molested me from the time I was 9 until I was 15. I was brave enough to speak up then and I'm brave enough to speak up now.

You're trying to be nice now and it isn't going to work. You've tried this before. I've watched you do it. Others may fall for it But I'm not going to.

Ignoring you didn't work so I'll speak out against you. You've ruined this place already I can't hurt it anymore.
almost peed my pants

In my very meek and humble opinion, PB Walker and Lance are the funniest two men I have read in a long, long time. You two need to take it on the road- What a comedy team you make.
I still can't stop laughing.......
I am clueless about this discourse and would like to stay clueless, too. But I do see a couple of great senses of humor here and I, for one, appreciate them. Maybe we could all lighten up and laugh at this?
Thank you for your attention....:heart:
I love the Trolls.

They are cogent and articulate in their ways.

Lance "Stepford" Castor
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Re: almost peed my pants

A Desert Rose said:
In my very meek and humble opinion, PB Walker and Lance are the funniest two men I have read in a long, long time. You two need to take it on the road- What a comedy team you make.
I still can't stop laughing.......
I am clueless about this discourse and would like to stay clueless, too. But I do see a couple of great senses of humor here and I, for one, appreciate them. Maybe we could all lighten up and laugh at this?
Thank you for your attention....:heart:

Thanks, ADR....I'm sure there are more than a few here that would be more than willing to finance a lonnnnggg road trip for us...or at least Me.

lilfrk said:

You and your peanut gallery are a bunch of drunks. Thank you for clarifying that for us all.

Just to clarify your false assumption, the peanut gallery doesn't drink. Sorry to let ya down. But I tell ya... after reading your *whatever-you-want-to-call-it*, I'm almost driven to drink. I pity the person that speads alot of time with you.

I'm with Desert Rose in this whole mess... I don't know what it's about and I don't care to... nor do I want to be dragged into it. I am here to learn and maybe someday help other's to learn. Along the way, I'll be joking and keeping it light hearted. Sorry you can't deal with that lilfreaky-pants.

So pull the plug outta your ass and laugh along with us. ;)

I don't need you to be my health care professional nor do I want you to be. I never asked anything of you except to shut the fuck up which you refuse to do. So until you do so you will be my whipping post. I will cease speaking to you when you cease spewing shit. Deal?

You and your peanut gallery can say whatever you want about me. I'm one of the most real people here. As for the comment about pitying the person that spends any amount of time with me...well that goes to show, you don't have a fuckin' clue. My Man has been with me for 14 years and I'm sure will be with me for 14 more. I'm a good little subbie chic to him and he loves me for it.

You actually speak of BDSM? The only thing I've ever seen either you do is add little "cute" comments drooling over an AV or someone's semi-detailed post. Or of course bitch about the Mods and how they don't do what you think they should.
lilfrk said:

Ignoring you didn't work so I'll speak out against you. You've ruined this place already I can't hurt it anymore.

Is there anything you could be doing that would be more constructive for yourself than provoking Lance all day? My neighbor's dog is fenced in out back and he barks at everyone he sees. I can sit out there all night and have a barking contest with him, but he's gonna win and I'd be wasting my time.
Probably not but this makes me feel better than doing absolutely nothing right now...When I find something that makes me feel better I promise'll be the first one to know. OK?

For now...I like this. It makes me happy.
Yeah dude and you're like the epitome of exciting.

I'm boring and you still post to me. Evidently I entertain you just enough to keep ya coming back for more.
just can't stay away

My God. I am trying to play a backgammon tourney and I can't stay away from this discourse. You people are just too fucking funny!!!!!
I am adding Writer Dom to my list of funny men.:)
Oh pleasssssse don't stop, you big dogs. You are all so entertaining.
Zounds! BDSM talk?

A Desert Rose said:
My God. I am trying to play a backgammon tourney and I can't stay away from this discourse. You people are just too fucking funny!!!!!
I am adding Writer Dom to my list of funny men.:)
Oh pleasssssse don't stop, you big dogs. You are all so entertaining.

Hmmm...this just in; We're funnier than backgammon *and* a CNA in a 14 year relationship with nothing to do.

Wow...we rock so very hard.

I love the Trolls.

They are cogent and articulate in their ways.

Lance "Stepford" Castor
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Ooo ooo ooo....

...I can answer this one!

I love the Trolls.

They are cogent and articulate in their ways.

Lance "Stepford" Castor
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