
Lancecastoroil said:
Lance, you are just a dickless liar. You were gunning for cym long before that incident.

Coward again, eh? I am liking this. And oh, yes, I am your bitch. You've been begging for me ever since your got here. Shitbreath.

Say goodnite, MzChrista.
Re: Re: oil

Lancecastoroil said:
* Came in here and in the most insensitive manner, started crap.
* At every turn, picked on cym and poked at how this board was moderated, even though it has been pointed out that very little moderation is done - by design of the owners (not the moderators)
* He has continually been a disruptive asshole, creating so much havoc the board is no longer recognizable by long timers here
* He posts only enough pleasantries to make people think he has redeeming qualities, then he starts his demeaning shit up all over again.
* He himself trolls (i think) though there is no proof of that.
* Is the reason several respected members of the forum have left.
* Hell, he is just BDSM Talk's largest asshole (until I have decided to became an even larger one to expose him).

We have different views of things.

Is the reason several respected members of the forum have left.

Do you think Lance forced Cym to leave?

Dr. Blue?

I can't say why either left, or if they'll be back again. I don't have any knowledge of that. As far as Cym is concerned, I suspect she's doing what she wants to do. My impression is no one could make her leave but herself. She just seems like that kind of woman to me.

* At every turn, picked on cym

I don't remember him picking on cym at all, until she started a thread about him. I do remember him getting into fights with Caroline and with RS... but not cym. Not until she started a thread about him.

and poked at how this board was moderated, even though it has been pointed out that very little moderation is done - by design of the owners (not the moderators)

I do agree that very little moderation is done here. And I agree that that's because of the policies of the owners of the site.

My own perspective is that the moderators - well, hell - cym - has tried to drive off "troublemakers" by calling them out and embarrassing them. I think this is done out of a desire to protect the board, and out of frustration that the job of moderator does not include the power to delete posts or keep troublemakers out.

Without the ability to control the board, they see it continually spiralling out of control. That must be frustrating.

Calling people out and trying to embarrass them is self-defeating, though. It creates enemies. It solves nothing.

* He has continually been a disruptive asshole, creating so much havoc the board is no longer recognizable by long timers here

I think this is really the key to the whole issue. The old timers love their community, as they rightly should.

This board is not, will not, and cannot be a community, though.

It's a forum.

Nobody owns it.

It belongs to everyone.

What is "disruptive" to one person is being playful to someone else. "Creating havoc" is asking probing questions, or refusing to tow the line.

Flaming someone who is being disruptive is worse than being disruptive itself.

I personally don't think Lance came here with the intent of creating havoc.

My own opinion is that the underlying problem revolves around the question of ownership: who owns the forum?

The sticky says "Welcome to the BDSM Forum."

It says there are only five rules:

BDSM Forum Rules
1. No spam
2. No personals ads
3. No posting of another's personal information
4. No posting of your own private email address
5. No threats

It says there's a "deliberately cultivated atmosphere of acceptance and inclusion."


I haven't seen it.

I don't think Lance has seen it.

I think there are others I could name who have not seen acceptance or inclusion here.

That's the problem.

It's not Lance, or any of the others who've been subjected to attacks before. It's a community that feels threatened too easily, and lashes out too quickly, and doesn't have a perspective on itself.

The moderators can't protect anybody here as long as they can't (or won't) delete posts.

Their attempts - and your attempt - to "protect" the community by demeaning and villifying people you don't like or don't understand are what is destroying the forum.

oil, I've spent a lot of time here on this post.

It's late at night and I should be asleep.

Consider whether I wrote all this because I'm "stirring shit up" or whether I did it because this is what I genuinely and in good faith believe.

Maybe I'm completely wrong.

Maybe I'm completely off base.

I've been wrong before, and I'll be wrong again.

But if you care about this forum - and I believe you do - I hope you'll do the courtesy of thinking about what I've said and to try to respond like I've tried to respond to you.
Re: Re: Re: oil

We do indeed have very different views of things, Sandia. Lance(the ultimate shithead) Castor I believe came here to harrass and poke at people deliberately. He's started new threads with the express purpose of doing so. He has not displayed any sensitivity whatsoever toward the feelings and needs of others, and his fights have extended way beyond cym. And his antagonism extends way beyond what he did to cym or any one or two threads. He has a huge (mondo) pattern of assholishness.

Sandia, I think you think what you are saying is true. But I think you are wrong is all. No harm in that. But I think if you go back and read what was here before he arrived and what's been here since he arrived, you will see that he hasn't made things one iota better for all his rants about welcomeness and moderating. In fact, he has just beat a dead horse, day after day after day.

He's an evil bore, and I think he knows it. Have you noticed that in all of my discussion of the shithead that I never once accused him of being stupid? That's because he's not. He's an asshole fully capable of seeing the destruction in his behaviour and foreseeing the result of his course, and bent on continuing.

Did he force anyone to leave? No, of course not. He just made it a very unpleasant place to be, particularly for some. Did his bullshit stop once cym left? No. He continued on.

It's very easy to take shots at something like this board. It's very hard to think of ways to improve it with the rules being what they are. For the most part, this WAS a welcoming place.

I don't expect to change your mind about this Sandia, and that's okay. Just don't spend a lot of your time trying to change mine, unless you have an awful lot of it to throw away.

Sandia said:
Re: Re: Re: oil

Sandia said:

The sticky says "Welcome to the BDSM Forum."

It says there are only five rules:

It says there's a "deliberately cultivated atmosphere of acceptance and inclusion."


I haven't seen it.

I think there are others I could name who have not seen acceptance or inclusion here.

That's the problem.

It's not Lance, or any of the others who've been subjected to attacks before. It's a community that feels threatened too easily, and lashes out too quickly, and doesn't have a perspective on itself.

The moderators can't protect anybody here as long as they can't (or won't) delete posts.

Their attempts - and your attempt - to "protect" the community by demeaning and villifying people you don't like or don't understand are what is destroying the forum.

Though your grammar, syntax and vocabulary suggest you are also MzChrista, LCOil, I note that you've said that you are not.

Nicely put, Sandia.

Re: Re: Re: Re: oil

Morning, shitbreath.

Lancecastor said:

Though your grammar, syntax and vocabulary suggest you are also MzChrista, LCOil, I note that you've said that you are not.
Re: Re: Re: oil

Sandia said:

It's not Lance, or any of the others who've been subjected to attacks before. It's a community that feels threatened too easily, and lashes out too quickly, and doesn't have a perspective on itself.

Their attempts - and your attempt - to "protect" the community by demeaning and villifying people you don't like or don't understand are what is destroying the forum.

At one time I bought into the culture of "it's our board and if you don't think like we do, we'll run you off."

Now I'm glad we have Artful's perspective on things. And Sandia is usually a voice of reason. In comes Lance who wont back down, and cym's last answer was to put him on ignore. And cym's 12 disciples want to blame Lance for her leaving. I'm not happy that's she's gone. cym at her best was one of the best parts of the board. But when you attack others, Karma has a way of biting you in the ass.
Re: Re: Re: Re: oil

That's what I am banking on, WD. Karma. Lance(the shithead)Castor has tons of it - all bad.

WriterDom said:

At one time I bought into the culture of "it's our board and if you don't think like we do, we'll run you off."

Now I'm glad we have Artful's perspective on things. And Sandia is usually a voice of reason. In comes Lance who wont back down, and cym's last answer was to put him on ignore. And cym's 12 disciples want to blame Lance for her leaving. I'm not happy that's she's gone. cym at her best was one of the best parts of the board. But when you attack others, Karma has a way of biting you in the ass.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: oil

Lancecastoroil said:
That's what I am banking on, WD. Karma. Lance(the shithead)Castor has tons of it - all bad.

Well, you are honoring him by your posts. Don't you know that spinoff trolls are the kind of thing that Lance just loves? You might as well suck his dick while you are at it.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: oil

So you think he's an asshole too. I'll leave the sucking of his dick to you, thank you.

I wonder how many others here who have been silent for so long also think he's an asshole. There have been remarkably few rebukes for me, the newest most vocal troll in town. I think everyone is secretly rooting for me.

WriterDom said:

Well, you are honoring him by your posts. Don't you know that spinoff trolls are the kind of thing that Lance just loves? You might as well suck his dick while you are at it.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: oil

Lancecastoroil said:
So you think he's an asshole too. I'll leave the sucking of his dick to you, thank you.

I wonder how many others here who have been silent for so long also think he's an asshole. There have been remarkably few rebukes for me, the newest most vocal troll in town. I think everyone is secretly rooting for me.

I've always secretly rooted for you, Lancecastoroil, my little EvilTwin.

You complete me, MiniMe.

Dr. Lance "Evil" Castor
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: oil

Ha. I will complete you alright, dipshit.

Lancecastor said:

I've always secretly rooted for you, Lancecastoroil, my little EvilTwin.

You complete me, MiniMe.

Dr. Lance "Evil" Castor
Lancifer, you are such an ass. Don't you ever wonder why you are always in a fight with someone? Can it be that you - yes you - are a jerk?

Lancecastor said:

Promises, promises.

Rather ODD that the Oil troll had an avatar before reaching 100 posts.

Earlier in this thread, the troll said that Laurel was aware of the flame-in-progress.

Seems like some legitimacy has been granted this Oil troll by bestowing rights regular posters have to earn. And that stinks!

There's a lot happening here that stinks. The rules are not applied fairly. Some that flame have threads/posts removed (the clive incident, the KM objection to censureship, the WD threads and subsequent removal as moderator); whereas, others are permitted. Selective censureship is more harmful than any. Very unfair, indeed!

my poll hasn't been deleted. And I doubt that KM's thread was either.
I had to wait like everyone else for 100 posts to be able to use an AV.

I said Laurel was aware of my presence. I didn't say she liked it. In fact, she expressed her displeasure.

Since I have broken no rule, there is no reason to remove my posts any more than say, Shitcastor's or yours.

Nothing is stinky about the moderation, it's fair and even handed. Lance "the huge shitbomb" Castor gets away with his shit, and so do I. Very little of anything has been removed or deleted. All the fuss about moderation here is just a big shitbomb perpetuated by Lance" the huge shitbomb" Castor.

Hey, free speech, right?

Oh and btw, I am technically not a troll. I am using a name I registered, the same as you. Uh oh, I see you aren't using one. Well, it doesn't matter either way.

Rather ODD said:
Rather ODD that the Oil troll had an avatar before reaching 100 posts.

Earlier in this thread, the troll said that Laurel was aware of the flame-in-progress.

Seems like some legitimacy has been granted this Oil troll by bestowing rights regular posters have to earn. And that stinks!

There's a lot happening here that stinks. The rules are not applied fairly. Some that flame have threads/posts removed (the clive incident, the KM objection to censureship, the WD threads and subsequent removal as moderator); whereas, others are permitted. Selective censureship is more harmful than any. Very unfair, indeed!
Nice AV, Oil...

Lancecastoroil said:

Nothing is stinky about the moderation, it's fair and even handed. rock.


I gather that your main issue is that you believe the Moderation here to be even-handed and fair.

I would agree with you that for the most part, it is.

My suggested changes were not critical to my being here...they were simply that, suggestions, based on what I've seen here.

I gather discussion closed on the matter a day or two ago, which is fine by me.

However, the reactions of you and a few others continue to confuse me, though I was told weeks in advance by a number of non-posters this would happen if I "dared" to speak up.

What, I wonder, are the few who do this whenever a new voice is heard...afraid of?

Curious for a cogent response;
Re: Nice AV, Oil...

You aren't a new voice, asshole. You are the same old tired one.

I am not afraid of anything, I am just busy mocking you.

So you gathered this topic closed a day or two ago and then you started this thread when, asshole? Oh right, YESTERDAY.

And your snide bullshit continues.

Asshole. Liar.

Lancecastor said: rock.


I gather that your main issue is that you believe the Moderation here to be even-handed and fair.

I would agree with you that for the most part, it is.

My suggested changes were not critical to my being here...they were simply that, suggestions, based on what I've seen here.

I gather discussion closed on the matter a day or two ago, which is fine by me.

However, the reactions of you and a few others continue to confuse me, though I was told weeks in advance by a number of non-posters this would happen if I "dared" to speak up.

What, I wonder, are the few who do this whenever a new voice is heard...afraid of?

Curious for a cogent response;
Re: ???

WriterDom said:
my poll hasn't been deleted. And I doubt that KM's thread was either.

What about the one that was moved to the moderators forum, that you complained about?

My referrence to KM was to her outspoken objection that Literotica censureship rules do not allow for the removal of threads/posts (other than as stated throughout all Lit forums). She later revised her viewpoint of Literotica censureship rules to exclude the BDSM forum. Why?

Even the welcome thread discriminates against those whose BDSM experiences are currently limited to online exposure, which seems ODD in an online forum. What better way to explore the lifestyle safely firsthand, as most have initially done before progressing to "skin to skin". Much more than a statement of operations, in practice some members have been chastised, questioned rudely, as to the veracity/intent of their dedication. It's a contradiction to welcome warmly and then belittle someone for their lack of expertise or different practice (skin-to-skin vs online).

This latest feud is indicative of the exclusivity of the community, as well. Lance expressed an opinion that some 'proclaimed submissives' did not appear to him to act submissive in their behavior here. It was a valid point after some of the previous attacks on his opinions. The discussion was fair play until cym lashed out at him in the 'I'm ignoring Lance' thread, preceded by the 'questions for submissives' thread. Even though she was posting as herself, her moderator authority is well known and may have influenced the gang mentality to join the fray in her support. Her stated leaving then added insult to injuring Lance, stoking the fires of punishment and ostracizing him, which more than likely was her desired intent.

Lance is not the first person to question the fairness of this board. Others before him have met with similar treatment, ranging from harsh questions (10 questions for Sandia) to admonitions such as,"if you don't like it here, leave" or "don't post on this thread anymore". There seems to be no acceptance of diversity. The 'our clubhouse rules' mentality leaves little or no room for many who could be a valueable source of communication.

Rather ODD said:

This latest feud is indicative of the exclusivity of the community, as well. Lance expressed an opinion that some 'proclaimed submissives' did not appear to him to act submissive in their behavior here. It was a valid point after some of the previous attacks on his opinions. The discussion was fair play until cym lashed out at him in the 'I'm ignoring Lance' thread, preceded by the 'questions for submissives' thread. Even though she was posting as herself, her moderator authority is well known and may have influenced the gang mentality to join the fray in her support. Her stated leaving then added insult to injuring Lance, stoking the fires of punishment and ostracizing him, which more than likely was her desired intent.

Lance is not the first person to question the fairness of this board. Others before him have met with similar treatment, ranging from harsh questions (10 questions for Sandia) to admonitions such as,"if you don't like it here, leave" or "don't post on this thread anymore". There seems to be no acceptance of diversity. The 'our clubhouse rules' mentality leaves little or no room for many who could be a valueable source of communication.

...the attempts to make this about Me, the issue was and is about Us as a collective and the actual versus the advertised openess of this forum.

Having seen my concerns and observations confirmed, I now know who and what I'm dealing with, thanks for your input, lancecastoroil.

You've been most instructive.


Lance "The One, The Only" Castor
Re: Despite....

Glad to help, Dipshit. Do you think you can find your way to being a resonable human being all by yourself now? I didn't think so.

Lancecastor said:

You've been most instructive.


Lance "The One, The Only" Castor
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: oil

Lancecastor said:

I've always secretly rooted for you, Lancecastoroil, my little EvilTwin.

You complete me, MiniMe.

Dr. Lance "Evil" Castor

LMFAO... got-damn.. this is getting too damn funny.
