Moderator - Zensur und Weenieschnitzel

Weenieschnitzel said:
Ich entschuldige mich dafür, falls ich die offiziellen Regeln für Literotica falsch angewendet habe. Es war nicht mein Bestreben User zu vergrätzen.
I apologize if I had used the rules of Lit in a wrong way
nicht "falls", sondern "daß".
not "if" but "that"
Weenieschnitzel said:
Um jedoch Wiederholungsfehler zu vermeiden, habe ich den Vorfall mit der Löschung auch an LAurel beichtet, mit der Bitte von Betreiberseite zu entscheiden, ob die Sache ok war oder nicht.
For preventing any repetition of such a mistake I have *TYPO HERE* this case to Laurel
gebeichtet oder berichtet?
confessed or reported?

I cant imagine N8Dreams will accept such a weak excuse.
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MelancholicDreamer said:
nicht "falls", sondern "daß".
not "if" but "that"

gebeichtet oder berichtet?
confessed or reported?

I cant imagine N8Dreams will accept such a weak excuse.

If Weenie knew he was acting wrong he wouldn't have done it in first place me thinks. So that "if" appears kind of appropriate. Maybe that's just me.

You're by chance not the official N8dreams spokesperson, are you ?
Weenieschnitzel said:
you mentioned that a question can not be wrong: very well: what would you suggest, if someone starts a thread about "I am looking for rape stories"?


Bestiality? No, but...


Munachi's story come pretty darn close, too.;)
Weenieschnitzel said:
Um wieder Ruhe einkehren zu lassen:
Ich entschuldige mich dafür, falls ich die offiziellen Regeln für Literotica falsch angewendet habe. Es war nicht mein Bestreben User zu vergrätzen.
Um jedoch Wiederholungsfehler zu vermeiden, habe ich den Vorfall mit der Löschung auch an LAurel beichtet, mit der Bitte von Betreiberseite zu entscheiden, ob die Sache ok war oder nicht.
Bislang liegt mir noch keine Reakton vor.
Weiterhin gehe ich davon aus, dass wir eine Art von Gemeinschaft bilden, wo Probleme sachlich gelöst werden.
Niemand kann 100% perfekt sein, aber aus Fehlern kann man lernen.

For our English speeking readers

"For calming down the tempers.
I apologize[highlight] if [/highlight]I had abused the rules of Lit. I wanted not turn out any people.
For avoiding repeated mistakes I reported the case of deleting to Laurel asking her for a decision if it was okay or not.
Up to now I got no reaction.
I think we are creating something like a community to solve problems rationally.
Nobody is perfect, but by mistakes you can learn something."

Keep always exactly not cheating our Englisgh friends.
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Weenieschnitzel said:
@Melancholic Dreamer:

you got the question by Rex?
Who knows?
Im acting pp. Did you understand some of my past questions?
I'll keep this thread running revealing your mistakes until N8Dreams asks me to stop. Its not me who deserves an apology, its she.
Sorry [highlight]if [/highlight]I didn't translate you in a direct way for a better English.
Im curious for your translation
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this is getting kinda ridiculous. i don't know why you guys are coming here, but i'm certainly here to have a good time.
okay, so weenie fucked up - but i don't think there is any need to give him a hard time for good about it. i think he has already learnt his lesson about being a mod.

on a personal note, as i have already suggested to weenie on MSN, i think it would have been better to explain to the person asking for K9 or whatever that this stuff is not being published and not be found here and then simply close the thread.
when other people come and search for stuff that we don't advertise or encourage here in any form they will see the reaction. namely: a polite explanation and the closing of the thread.
otherwise, there could also be "sticky" reminder of what is not to be found here.

as far as n8 and weenie are concerend i don't know what has been going on, and so i am going to save myself from commenting.

as i said before, i don't think deleting whole threads does not do the board any good as it will alter the flow of posting when every user has to think "can i post this? will he delete it? have i sucked up enough to the mod already?"
when i doubt, PM the person or ask him/her to explain him/herself. a forum lives from the interaction of the users - let's keep it that way. :) freedom of speech rocks! :nana:

MelancholicDreamer said:
For our English speeking readers

"For calming down the tempers.
I apologize[highlight] if [/highlight]I had abused the rules of Lit. I wanted not turn out any people.
For avoiding repeated mistakes I reported the case of deleting to Laurel asking her for a decision if it was okay or not.
Up to now I got no reaction.
I think we are creating something like a community to solve problems rationally.
Nobody is perfect, but by mistakes you can learn something."

Keep always exactly not cheating our Englisgh friends.

Well, I have to assume it's right, but I agree with Andreina and Rex on one thing. The guy issued an apology on a thread that she can read and maybe she has. You highlight a word but it's the same in this case as taking it out of context. Then you set yourself up, as been stated, but becomes clear, as a spokesman for someone else that no doubt can speak for herself. She's apparently a very good writer judging the list of red Hs by her stories so I'm guessing she can articulate her thoughts on this. The mod says nobody is perfect and I don't know if your definition of humanism in your sig line is your real belief but, if it is, I'm not sure I agree with it in it's totality. So sure, we don't judge everyone by the same standards, but you're holding him to a standard he can't meet because he can't appease you. To me, that's fucked up. If I were him, and I'm not, I wouldn't even respond to you on it and let N8Dreams(hope I got that name right) respond to weenie either in a PM or here. I don't know what went on between them and I don't know that I care-in fact I'm sure I don't.

I came here because on the foreign boards this one has more English on it and I'm always interested in people of different backgrounds, but I'm not learning anything from this discussion. I'm not even sure I'm welcome here for that matter. Your comment, "Keep always exactly not cheating our Englisgh friends" is an interesting one. It can be taken to mean you do consider those limited only to an understanding of English to be friends, or it can be a passive-agressive statement with a subtle or not so subtle hint to stay out of here-not sure.

You guys can argue this stuff all you want, but you're beating, as we say, a dead horse. Just my thoughts for whatever their worth.
Well seems to me that this discussion should be at an end

Seems to me corrections were made
apologies given (to someone that may not even exist)
Now what was this thread supposed to be about? I missed
something somewhere.
bearlee said:
You guys can argue this stuff all you want, but you're beating, as we say, a dead horse. Just my thoughts for whatever their worth.
Is it a nice feeling to play the big brother of the Two Line Guy?
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MelancholicDreamer said:
Is it a nice feeling to play the big sister of the Two Line Guy?

Sorry MD, but that bears the question of which role you"re playing.
N8s knight in shining armor ?

C'mon. About time to get over it.
MelancholicDreamer said:
Is it a nice feeling to play the big brother of the Two Line Guy?
No clue what you mean but I take it it's not good :rolleyes:
Brinnie said:
Unten mit dem König!

Well, my German to English translator says it means "Below with the King" so I'm going to have to think on what it means for awhile although I'm thinking it could be a good thing somehow. :cool:

For MelancholicDreamer-since you didn't respond and seem to write in riddles, I guess I'm done with you for now. If you ever want to explain it, I guess I'll stay subscribed for the time being. But, if it means somehow I'm speaking for the mod here, that's crap. The mod should be able to handle his own stuff here. I just like observing things-nothing more, nothing less.

A very close friend, asked me to come by here and have a look at the dogfight going on here.It seems to be that the problem stems from the moderators point of view that he doesn’t understand that his title comes from the word moderate which can be defined as: a person who takes a position in the political center.

The moderator is taking the “rules” of the site too literally and not being lenient in judging the postings in this forum. In reality, all that needs to be done is to take a look at the top of this forum page and hey presto the words that reflect what this site is all about “Free Speech”.

To further magnify the wrong action made here, Lit advertises other sites on the front page of the site and through out the site as well. Particular users of Literotica may be offended by some of the other sites but under the authoritative declaration of “Free Speech” we don’t complain we simply change forums.

I’m afraid that if the moderator of this forum continues to maintain such an autocratic view in the future this forum will not survive.
A very close friend, asked me to come by here and have a look at the dogfight going on here.It seems to be that the problem stems from the moderators point of view that he doesn’t understand that his title comes from the word moderate which can be defined as: a person who takes a position in the political center.

The moderator is taking the “rules” of the site too literally and not being lenient in judging the postings in this forum. In reality, all that needs to be done is to take a look at the top of this forum page and hey presto the words that reflect what this site is all about “Free Speech”.

To further magnify the wrong action made here, Lit advertises other sites on the front page of the site and through out the site as well. Particular users of Literotica may be offended by some of the other sites but under the authoritative declaration of “Free Speech” we don’t complain we simply change forums.

I’m afraid that if the moderator of this forum continues to maintain such an autocratic view in the future this forum will not survive.

How about making your points under your n8dreams persona ?
I mean unless you're into kindergarden games.
Someone had the dignity to say he was sorry if he did something wrong.
Instead of launching in a low-level-grammar-fight, someone should have the personal standing (?) and grace to accept this apology.

Just MHO.
Weenieschnitzel said:
yes I deleted the "sticky thread". May I inform you that the starter of the thread was me?

And it is usual in Lit, that users ask the moderator to remove the threads started by a specific user on request.

You can think in that way: I asked the moderator to delete the thread started by Weenieschnitzel.

And the moderator Weenieschnitzel deleted the thread (by request of the user Weenieschnitzel).

Forum Guidelines:

12. We will not remove your posts. You have the ability to edit out any text and remove any attachments on your own. The administrators will not delete your posts just because you changed your mind about what you said. You can edit your own posts as you see fit. Please do not contact us about removing your posts.
MelancholicDreamer said:
A question cant be wrong to the rules of Lit.
An answer pointing to a search engine never violates Lit rules regardless of its content.

Would be nice to get your definition of "threaten".
You deleted that sticky thread because N8Dreams complained your behaviour to her. I understand you didnt like this shown to public.

Instead of your weak defence you should look for getting N8Dreams back to the German Lit. May be an excuse might help, if you are able to do that.
I think its time you agree you did something wrong and mindless

Links to outside web sites of any kind other that a homepage of the poster are prohibited. The primary reason is that the owners are offering a free site here and do not wish to promote other sites, of any kind.

The second reason is that so many sites do not have the spam amd virus protections that are provided on Lit. The owners feel that to protect their visitors that they will prohibit access to sites outside of Lit. Again with the exception of a personal web site of a poster or thread owner.

And none of us are perfect. Weenie took on this job by request and he is learning as does every new moderator. This is a new area of Lit and it will have as many problems as the established parts.

None are exempt from occaisional disputes. But talking about it helps. Just try to avoid name calling and bringing in unrelated disputes that really don't apply. And try not to jump to conclusions.

Weenie may make mistakes in the future, who of us are free from them. And he will get better, as will we all, as we go forward.

Thank you for listening to my discussion even if it cannot be in your native language. I hope that this area of Lit continues to grow and prosper. It was long overdue. :D :cool: :rose:
MelancholicDreamer said:
Funny that just you as an American didn't get the point

So free speech here is just for German speakers? Nice. :rolleyes:

I don't think any of us are saying that Weenie won't make mistakes. And maybe he has in this case, maybe not. I am glad to hear that you are perfect and don't make mistakes. :cool:

Discussion is good. But don't get carried away. :rolleyes:
weed said:

Bestiality? No, but...


Munachi's story come pretty darn close, too.;)

As has been from the beginning. The Lit threads and the story sections are separate sections with different rules. They do not allow graphic sexual pictures over there, in illustrated stories. They are permitted here. Different areas, different rules.