Moderator - Zensur und Weenieschnitzel

Verstiegenheit said:
Manu and Laurel are the owners themselves. ;)

The links on that thread were only an unassailable example. The bottom line is that, as the guidelines show, posting external links is not prohibited. Only some external links, under well-defined situations.

Yes you are right. And those situations are always open for interpretation. The world is not and never has been black and white. Probably would be a lot easier if it was. But a lot more boring, too. It is good to question decisions like you have, but we should all leave the attacks on the individual in the box unless they never change.

One of my favorite lines (and no I am not calling Weenie, God)

God always answers prayers, sometimes the answer is NO.

And sometimes the decisions handed down will not make us happy. We should, as you did, point out our disagreement, to whatever authorities we choose and live with what we are given. I am not happy with the nasty posts that were made to my thread but I have to live with the fact that they will be there or have my thread deleted and move on. I am not planning to do that. :D

Have a wonderful week and I hope that the alternate language sites continue to grow and prosper. They were long overdue.
I wish I could speak more than a smattering of languages other than English. But I think the closeness of the countries in Europe tend to make practicing the languages we learn as children and young adults more a necessity than in America. (I used to be able to speak a little Spanish and French but struggle with both now from years of non-use.)
MaverickMan said:
I am not happy with the nasty posts that were made to my thread but I have to live with the fact that they will be there or have my thread deleted and move on. I am not planning to do that. :D
And that's a good thing, because (as pointed out on the first post I made to this thread) the guidelines say that moderators will not delete posts or threads on request. :D
Andreina said:
pouting kids - this is what this show here reminds me of.

You're probably right in a sense. This isn't a First Amendment issue in a real sense. That controls what the government in theory should be allowed or not allowed to do although it certainly seems to be eroding. Lit is privately owned and they can talk about free speech, but they can control anything they want. It's the same with the entire Bill of Rights although there are exceptions carved out but then you have to get into interstate commerce issues and all of that stuff.

Someone defined a moderator although the definition was probably flawed as far as the site goes. I'm not entirely sure what mods do and never cared all that much. Weenie said he was sorry, it wasn't worded apparently like someone would like and not accepted, N8Dreams is probably a good writer or certainly appears to be looking at her bio page.

Regardless, I'm done with it but it's been interesting.
bearlee said:
Regardless, I'm done with it but it's been interesting.

There are several interesting parts in it IMHO

First of all it's interesting to see americans discussing the 1st Amendment and how its related to a privately owned site on the internet. Interesting to see that there's obviously more than one standpoint in this matter.
And then we're talking a german mod who's in charge for a german forum of said site. So what do you guys expect from a freshman like Weenie when it comes to 1st Amendment vs Forum Guidelines ? I'm not saying Weenie was right in what he did. I'm just saying a second chance should be granted.
I've seen some overreactions here. Weenie, who's trying to be uberrcorrect (probably a german thing) and others calling him a Nazi.
Furthermore it's interesting to see posters popping up who have been here after the event that caused all this trouble or after they took a break for more than a year. What kinda crap is that ?
Lets get over it pretty soon, please. I don't have more important things to do here but I want the fun back.

Finally I'm glad N8Dreams is back since i like her.
Rex1960 said:
There are several interesting parts in it IMHO

First of all it's interesting to see americans discussing the 1st Amendment and how its related to a privately owned site on the internet. Interesting to see that there's obviously more than one standpoint in this matter.
And then we're talking a german mod who's in charge for a german forum of said site. So what do you guys expect from a freshman like Weenie when it comes to 1st Amendment vs Forum Guidelines ? I'm not saying Weenie was right in what he did. I'm just saying a second chance should be granted.
I've seen some overreactions here. Weenie, who's trying to be uberrcorrect (probably a german thing) and others calling him a Nazi.
Furthermore it's interesting to see posters popping up who have been here after the event that caused all this trouble or after they took a break for more than a year. What kinda crap is that ?
Lets get over it pretty soon, please. I don't have more important things to do here but I want the fun back.

Finally I'm glad N8Dreams is back since i like her.

I have some important things for you to do here.:p
weed said:
I have some important things for you to do here.:p
I was talking "here" as in "at Lit" not as in "in real life".
Next you tell me I need to fix some blinds :D
so ich habe mal wieder diesen Thread angepingt, weil mir doch einige Nutzer gewisse Toleranzprobleme mit den Literotica-Regeln haben.

Da der mod ja der Ausführer dieser Regeln ist, ich aber nicht einsehe das ich alle Entscheidungen rechtfertigen muß scheint es mir mal wieder an der Zeit das wir mal wieder eine Runde den Buhmann suchen.

Auf geht es. :catgrin:
Weenieschnitzel said:
so ich habe mal wieder diesen Thread angepingt, weil mir doch einige Nutzer gewisse Toleranzprobleme mit den Literotica-Regeln haben.

Da der mod ja der Ausführer dieser Regeln ist, ich aber nicht einsehe das ich alle Entscheidungen rechtfertigen muß scheint es mir mal wieder an der Zeit das wir mal wieder eine Runde den Buhmann suchen.

Auf geht es. :catgrin:

I often say that too but then I realize some people just look at me like it's nonsense :)
bearlee said:
I often say that too but then I realize some people just look at me like it's nonsense :)

who asked you?

btw- wir sind hier im deutschen Forum, also wird hier auch deutsch gesprochen. Du darfst gerne mit mir im general Board in english streiten, meine Mutter ist Schweizerin und my dad is a citizen of the UK, Empire.
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Nuggy said:
who asked you?

btw- wir sind hier im deutschen Forum, also wird hier auch deutsch gesprochen. Du darfst gerne mit mir im general Board in english streiten, meine Mutter ist Schweizerin und my dad is a citizen of the UK, Empire.

Nuggy, es gibt einen Thread wo über die Sprachwahl bereits gesprochen wurde: Ergebnis: Beides ist ok.

btw mit Bearlee würde ich mich ausnahmsweise mal nicht anlegen. Vertrau mir (diesmal ist es wirklich ok).
long time ago

I wondered, what this thread was doing at the top of the list. Now I know...and I think some people really like to take it to extremes, considering rules and the 'punishment' of the executer of rules. Both sides have done their fighting...and should be done with it by now.
Thanks for pinging up this thread, Weenie, was very informative.

Well, I hope this time the bashing is short, not so ugly and a LOT more useful (in the sense of constructive critisism).

@nuggy: You always claim that you do speak English and thus....this thread won't pose much of a problem to you;)
CanisLupus said:
I wondered, what this thread was doing at the top of the list. Now I know...and I think some people really like to take it to extremes, considering rules and the 'punishment' of the executer of rules. Both sides have done their fighting...and should be done with it by now.
Thanks for pinging up this thread, Weenie, was very informative.

Well, I hope this time the bashing is short, not so ugly and a LOT more useful (in the sense of constructive critisism).

@nuggy: You always claim that you do speak English and thus....this thread won't pose much of a problem to you;)

sorry my friend, I was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Und ich spreche auch perfekt deutsch, weil meine Mutter Schweizerin ist.

happy now, you dumb motherfucker?
Nuggy said:
sorry my friend, I was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Und ich spreche auch perfekt deutsch, weil meine Mutter Schweizerin ist.

happy now, you dumb motherfucker?

So you are able to speak in several tongues. Okay. Maybe you introduce me to the person who tought you manners...if there is one. :p But then...probably you just lost all of those on the way to adulthood. That is, if one can still call your behaviour adequate for a grown tro.... man, sorry.

@Weenie: Sometimes trolls are so cute! :rolleyes: I just couldn't resist!
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CanisLupus said:
@Weenie: Sometimes trolls are so cute! :rolleyes: I just couldn't resist!

Its ok, like usual the slogan "dont feed the trolls" is valid and in that case let him fool around, he the internal jester of the German Lit. :)
CanisLupus said:
So you are able to speak in several tongues. Okay. Maybe you introduce me to the person who tought you manners...if there is one. :p But then...probably you just lost all of those on the way to adulthood. That is, if one can still call your behaviour adequate for a grown tro.... man, sorry.

@Weenie: Sometimes trolls are so cute! :rolleyes: I just couldn't resist!

stay cool, bro.
right now I'm the high bidder on this...

Weenieschnitzel said:
Nuggy, es gibt einen Thread wo über die Sprachwahl bereits gesprochen wurde: Ergebnis: Beides ist ok.
Ich bin neu hier und ich kenne diesen Thread nicht. Aber egal, was da drin steht, wenn in einem deutschen Forum eine Sprache geschrieben wird, die ich als Deutscher nicht verstehe - und ich verstehe nun mal nur sehr wenig englisch, es gibt wichtigeres, als diese Sprache - dann finde ich das schon sehr befremdlich. Zweisprachige Beiträge, ok. Aber nur nicht-Deutsch? Dann kann man in der Schule auch den Deutschunterricht abschaffen.
Mach Dir nix draus, Freund, wenn Nuggy was Wichtiges zu sagen hat, dann tut ers auf Deutsch
Oder hätte ich sagen sollen:
Selbst wenn er was auf Deutsch schreibt ist es doch nicht ... :rolleyes:
Nein, ich tus nicht. Nuggy ist immer ein Schmunzeln wert.
So ein süßer Troll! :p
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sperling said:
Nein, ich tus nicht. Nuggy ist immer ein Schmunzeln wert.
So ein süßer Troll! :p
I don't care if you call me a troll.
Ich habe mehr Geld als du. :)
Nuggy said:
I don't care if you call me a troll.
Ich habe mehr Geld als du. :)
...aber es ersetzt nicht den Charakter. Und kaufen kannst du dir den auch nicht :cathappy:
CanisLupus said:
...aber es ersetzt nicht den Charakter. Und kaufen kannst du dir den auch nicht :cathappy:

brauch ich auch nicht. Ich weiss ganz genau, dass mein Charakter sehr gut ist. Mein Herz auch.
Das ist vielleicht auch der Grund weil die Nachbar's Katze jeden Abend in meinem Bett schläft.