Moochie’s Mementos (and a pic or two)

Awe! Shucks! Thanks. 😊 I really don’t think I’m that great, but I enjoy it and it helps me with my decompressing.
One of the many beautiful things about the creative process is that the passion you have for it and how it moves you shines through.
November 21, 2022
Three weeks completed and I have to say, ‘your cup runneth over’. Well almost. Your photos and comments over the past 3 weeks have been excellent. I’m looking forward to the last week plus a couple of days to see your challenge through.
Hello you :) x

Jackk!! 😘 Hope you’re doing well, Hon. 🌷

Three weeks completed and I have to say, ‘your cup runneth over’. Well almost. Your photos and comments over the past 3 weeks have been excellent. I’m looking forward to the last week plus a couple of days to see your challenge through.

Almost there. This month has been going by very quickly. I’ve had a lot going on in addition to my usual, so I’ve been planning my outfits before bed to help. I think it’s been good… except when the weather changes drastically on me. 🌷

I think you spilled.....I mean not quite spilled out of that dress☺️🔥

I wore this to the coffee shop to work on a paper for some hours and the barista remembered my name, calling it out before I left. Coincidence? Perhaps, but I was facing them the whole time 😉.
November 21, 2022
Moochie I have been trying to stop by every few days to appreciate your wonderful November offerings. I must say you never disappoint. Fashionable and brilliant as always. But if you don't mind, I will head off to dream of you in the Nov 21st dress and nothing else. Hope you are having a fantastic November and a blessed Thanksgiving.

Night shift sux. Night shift and harvest time together creates a new level of "I'm tired Boss."