More Proof Joe Was On The Take

Proof is a waste of time for two reasons.

1) Proving it won’t change anything.

2) They are ALL on the take. That’s how they manage to live in one of the most expensive places in America, on a couple hundred grand, and walk away as millionaires.

Honestly you have to be pretty fucking stupid to manage to not walk away from being VP as a millionaire. Like you'd have to do that intentionally to prove a point not because a 12 year old wouldn't break a million easy that way.

Here we have the reason why the impeachment is happening, from the mouths of the MAGATs who are too dumb to keep their stupid mouths shut.

Rep. Troy Nehls, R-Texas, one of Trump’s most vocal supporters in the House, has not shied away from pushing for Biden’s impeachment in part to play politics.

If Trump, who has been impeached twice, is the 2024 Republican nominee, Nehls said he wants to give Trump “a little bit of ammo to fire back” and say Biden has also been impeached.

So as we all know already, it's pure petty political vengeance so that the MAGATs can claim that Trump is not the only one who has been impeached. It's pathetic.
Even James Comer has admitted they don't have any actual evidence. He keeps saying "I HOPE to prove..." The so-called IRS whistleblowers, who didn't actually have whistleblower status, all admitted that they had been paid by Trump associates. And I believe two of them had been fired from the IRS "for cause" unrelated to their so-called whistleblowing, the third was suspended pending investigation. That's why that first hearing was a complete dud and nobody talks about those morons anymore. The money that Joe received from his brother was the complete, publicly DOCUMENTED repayment of a loan. Show me any documentation that proves your "10%" had one iota to do with "foreign interests". You shitheads keep making wild, borderline-retarded claims that you can't back up.

You take 1 statement out of context and somehow believe that it shows all of the documents don't exist or are just figments of someone's imagination.

That you don't know about the check from James Biden payable to Joe shows that you aren't up to speed on any of the facts. That you don't know about the letters from the IRS investigators shows that you're mired in ignorance. That you don't know of the HUNDREDS of pages of bank records which show the money transactions proves that you're blowing something out your ass and, as it usually does when someone like you blows that way, it stinks worse than the corruption you're trying to hide with it.

Unfortunately for you, approximately 80% of America understands what happened based on the information that's been released. The other 20% have their heads up their asses. That 20% includes you. I hope you enjoy the scent of the atmosphere in there. That smell is, after all, what you force upon others every time you speak.
Yes, I get that you believe that. One single email referencing "the big guy" isn't enough to support your beliefs...sorry.
The now have thousands of supporting emails and documents. Keep up with the class.
What does that have to do with Joe? Everyone knows and readily admits that Hunter was trading on his dad's name. There's not a shred of evidence that Joe had any involvement or got any money from any of Hunter's business dealings. Hunter simply became less "valuable" (not that he ever actually provided any value) to Burisma when his father wasn't VP anymore. Simple.
He was selling Joe's influence. When Joe left office as VP Hunter became less valuable to the Ukrainians. So they cut his salary in half.
The now have thousands of supporting emails and documents. Keep up with the class.
Yes, lots of documents showing hunter did stupid shit.

And lots of speculation about Joe that continues to be disproven.

The class is full of bullshit....
Even James Comer has admitted they don't have any actual evidence. He keeps saying "I HOPE to prove..." The so-called IRS whistleblowers, who didn't actually have whistleblower status, all admitted that they had been paid by Trump associates. And I believe two of them had been fired from the IRS "for cause" unrelated to their so-called whistleblowing, the third was suspended pending investigation. That's why that first hearing was a complete dud and nobody talks about those morons anymore. The money that Joe received from his brother was the complete, publicly DOCUMENTED repayment of a loan. Show me any documentation that proves your "10%" had one iota to do with "foreign interests". You shitheads keep making wild, borderline-retarded claims that you can't back up.
You need to stay abreast of the facts of the matter before making flat statements:

Published: Sep 28, 2023

Comer: Mountain of Evidence Reveals Joe Biden Abused his Public Office for his Family’s Financial Gain​

WASHINGTON—At today’s hearing on “The Basis for an Impeachment Inquiry of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.,” House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) detailed how overwhelming evidence shows President Joe Biden lied to the American people about his knowledge of and participation in his family’s corrupt international and domestic business schemes.

Since January, the Oversight Committee has uncovered how the Bidens and their associates created over 20 shell companies, raked in over $24 million dollars from China and other foreign countries, identified nine members of the Biden family who have participated or benefited from the business schemes, and confirmed that Joe Biden interacted with his family’s business associates at least two dozen times. By opening an impeachment inquiry, Chairman Comer pointed out that the Committees on Oversight and Accountability, Judiciary, and Ways and Means are now investigating whether President Biden engaged in impeachable offenses under the U.S. Constitution. The House Oversight Committee, along with the Committees on the Judiciary and Ways and Means, will continue to follow the money and the evidence to provide accountability so that Americans know their public offices are not for sale.

Evidence reveals that then-Vice President Joe Biden spoke, dined, and developed relationships with his family’s foreign business targets. These business targets include foreign oligarchs who sent millions of dollars to his family. It also includes a Chinese national who wired a quarter of a million dollars to his son.

Joe Biden also lied to the American people about his family making money in China. He has continued to lie about it even when the House Oversight Committee uncovered bank wires revealing how the Bidens received millions from Chinese companies with significant ties to the Chinese intelligence and the Chinese Communist Party.

Much more here:
Yes, lots of documents showing hunter did stupid shit.

And lots of speculation about Joe that continues to be disproven.

The class is full of bullshit....
They show Joe doing a lot of stupid shit as well.
Yes, lots of documents showing hunter did stupid shit.

And lots of speculation about Joe that continues to be disproven.

The class is full of bullshit....
Disproven by who? The media?:rolleyes:

Joe is guilty, there is no doubt about it. The question is will he be impeached and removed from office? I say no. Not because he isn't guilty but because by the time the vote takes place there will only be a one-vote Republican majority that will fall apart and a solid Democrat minority who will never vote to remove Joe Biden no matter what crimes he's committed. But hear this, "nobody" has put forth any facts that disprove the bribery and money laundering scheme the Biden's have erected. Nobody.
Disproven by who? The media?:rolleyes:

Joe is guilty, there is no doubt about it. The question is will he be impeached and removed from office? I say no. Not because he isn't guilty but because by the time the vote takes place there will only be a one-vote Republican majority that will fall apart and a solid Democrat minority who will never vote to remove Joe Biden no matter what crimes he's committed. But hear this, "nobody" has put forth any facts that disprove the bribery and money laundering scheme the Biden's have erected. Nobody.
If it was so open and shut it would have happened…. Clearly not.

Thanks for the laugh.
Disproven by who? The media?:rolleyes:
For example, $1200 payments to Joe was for a car.

Joe is guilty, there is no doubt about it. The question is will he be impeached and removed from office? I say no. Not because he isn't guilty but because by the time the vote takes place there will only be a one-vote Republican majority that will fall apart and a solid Democrat minority who will never vote to remove Joe Biden no matter what crimes he's committed. But hear this, "nobody" has put forth any facts that disprove the bribery and money laundering scheme the Biden's have erected. Nobody.
Yes, I get that you thought that before any evidence was even provided...because your
Doesn't care about evidence.
If it was so open and shut it would have happened…. Clearly not.

Thanks for the laugh.
A formal impeachment hearing has yet to be held, so it's a bit early to say. The Democrat Party and much of the Republican Party are corrupted and are both loathe to go after internal corruption, that's how many of them become multi-millionaires on their $174,000 salaries living in DC.

Laugh all you want and though it escapes you, the truth is the truth.
For example, $1200 payments to Joe was for a car.

Yes, I get that you thought that before any evidence was even provided...because your
Doesn't care about evidence.
It isn't as if Joe's corruption and lying has no history. You haven't been paying attention.
It isn't as if Joe's corruption and lying has no history. You haven't been paying attention.
It isn't as if the Biden family income isn't well known and easily checked on wiki. You haven't been paying attention.
It isn't as if Joe's corruption and lying has no history. You haven't been paying attention.
I have been. Without bias.

You haven't really just like when people agree with your bias.
I have been. Without bias.

You haven't really just like when people agree with your bias.
You are never without bias, ever.

I like it even better when people actually prove me wrong. It very rarely happens and to my knowledge, it has never been accomplished by you.
You don't think or investigate, you react with an intellectual chauvinism you never articulate. Probably because you can't. post a lot of bullshit that you agree with and go into your histrionics mode.

I post information with some commentary.

There's a reason they want to interview Hunter behind closed doors. And it's not because the evidence supports their bullshit. post a lot of bullshit that you agree with and go into your histrionics mode.

I post information with some commentary.

There's a reason they want to interview Hunter behind closed doors. And it's not because the evidence supports their bullshit.
Why do you think that Grand Jury questioning takes place behind closed doors? In the case of the Oversight and Accountability Committee, the reason for the closed-door deposition is to protect the integrity of the investigation and the privacy of the witnesses. Depositions are usually taken in private. Harpy can correct me if I'm wrong. Hunter's lawyer wants him to testify in public to avoid selective leaks and one-sided press releases, which I can understand but this is the process.
Why do you think that Grand Jury questioning takes place behind closed doors? In the case of the Oversight and Accountability Committee, the reason for the closed-door deposition is to protect the integrity of the investigation and the privacy of the witnesses. Depositions are usually taken in private. Harpy can correct me if I'm wrong. Hunter's lawyer wants him to testify in public to avoid selective leaks and one-sided press releases, which I can understand but this is the process.
The reason for the closed door (only) testimony is so the right can tell the public whatever it wants about it. If the evidence supports their conclusions then they should have public testimony as well.

Harpy is a clown lawyer.
You need to stay abreast of the facts of the matter before making flat statements:

Published: Sep 28, 2023

Comer: Mountain of Evidence Reveals Joe Biden Abused his Public Office for his Family’s Financial Gain​

WASHINGTON—At today’s hearing on “The Basis for an Impeachment Inquiry of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.,” House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) detailed how overwhelming evidence shows President Joe Biden lied to the American people about his knowledge of and participation in his family’s corrupt international and domestic business schemes.

Since January, the Oversight Committee has uncovered how the Bidens and their associates created over 20 shell companies, raked in over $24 million dollars from China and other foreign countries, identified nine members of the Biden family who have participated or benefited from the business schemes, and confirmed that Joe Biden interacted with his family’s business associates at least two dozen times. By opening an impeachment inquiry, Chairman Comer pointed out that the Committees on Oversight and Accountability, Judiciary, and Ways and Means are now investigating whether President Biden engaged in impeachable offenses under the U.S. Constitution. The House Oversight Committee, along with the Committees on the Judiciary and Ways and Means, will continue to follow the money and the evidence to provide accountability so that Americans know their public offices are not for sale.

Evidence reveals that then-Vice President Joe Biden spoke, dined, and developed relationships with his family’s foreign business targets. These business targets include foreign oligarchs who sent millions of dollars to his family. It also includes a Chinese national who wired a quarter of a million dollars to his son.

Joe Biden also lied to the American people about his family making money in China. He has continued to lie about it even when the House Oversight Committee uncovered bank wires revealing how the Bidens received millions from Chinese companies with significant ties to the Chinese intelligence and the Chinese Communist Party.

Much more here:
Kudos for finally using a highly credible source! They simply report what they’re told without bias or editorializing. And in this case they’re reporting what Comer is telling them that he has. We’ll see and let the chips fall.

Disproven by who? The media?:rolleyes:

Joe is guilty, there is no doubt about it. The question is will he be impeached and removed from office? I say no. Not because he isn't guilty but because by the time the vote takes place there will only be a one-vote Republican majority that will fall apart and a solid Democrat minority who will never vote to remove Joe Biden no matter what crimes he's committed. But hear this, "nobody" has put forth any facts that disprove the bribery and money laundering scheme the Biden's have erected. Nobody.
Interesting and telling that you're certain about Biden’s guilt, but are just as certain of trump’s innocence.
The reason for the closed door (only) testimony is so the right can tell the public whatever it wants about it. If the evidence supports their conclusions then they should have public testimony as well.

Harpy is a clown lawyer.
You are an idiot. The purpose of the deposition is to find probable cause to empower and establish an Impeachment Committee, not to find guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Your Democrats did the very same thing in the Trump impeachment hearings.