More Proof Joe Was On The Take

You are an idiot. The purpose of the deposition is to find probable cause to empower and establish an Impeachment Committee, not to find guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Your Democrats did the very same thing in the Trump impeachment hearings.
Why aren't they giving public testimony as well?

You've already admitted what I said. They want to control a narrative.

But please, continue to deflect.
Kudos for finally using a highly credible source! They simply report what they’re told without bias or editorializing. And in this case they’re reporting what Comer is telling them that he has. We’ll see and let the chips fall.
The source is the Committee itself.
Interesting and telling that you're certain about Biden’s guilt, but are just as certain of trump’s innocence.
They have proof that Biden has accepted money from foreign actors while he was VP, they have the checks, the bank records, and the Treasury Department records. Donald Trump committed no crime. Abuse of Power is not a high crime or misdemeanor as the founders stated in the Federalist Papers and does not exist in federal statutory law. At any rate, the Senate found him not guilty twice. The second time around was a Democrat farce as the Chief Justice refused to attend.
Kudos for finally using a highly credible source! They simply report what they’re told without bias or editorializing. And in this case they’re reporting what Comer is telling them that he has. We’ll see and let the chips fall.

Interesting and telling that you're certain about Biden’s guilt, but are just as certain of trump’s innocence.
It’s a fact that the president lied to the public by claiming that he never discussed business with family members and never interacted with Hunter’s business associates. These are indisputable. Lying to the public is not a crime or grounds for impeachment, but the nature of these lies certainly merit investigation.
It’s a fact that the president lied to the public by claiming that he never discussed business with family members and never interacted with Hunter’s business associates. These are indisputable. Lying to the public is not a crime or grounds for impeachment, but the nature of these lies certainly merit investigation.
Even those aren't really proven in any meaningful way.
Even those aren't really proven in any meaningful way.
Right. Other than photos of Biden with Hunter and his business partners, a letter of thanks and praise from Vice President Biden to Hunter’s business partner Devon Archer written on Office of the Vice President of the United States stationary, the red flags about Hunter’s Ukraine activities raised by officials in the Obama Administration when Joe was Obama’s point man on Ukraine, sworn testimony from multiple witnesses who participated in dinners and calls with Joe, voluminous authenticated emails, and Hunter’s business trip to China with his VP dad on Air Force 2, there’s not much reason to believe Joe ever knew about Hunter’s business activities or ever interacted with Hunter’s business associates.

In much the same way that Nixon was not a crook and Clinton did not have sex with that woman Monica Lewinsky, Biden is telling the truth.
The source is the Committee itself.
Yes, I know. And house oversight is reporting what the committee is telling them. That does not constitute proof of anything.

They have proof that Biden has accepted money from foreign actors while he was VP, they have the checks, the bank records, and the Treasury Department records. Donald Trump committed no crime. Abuse of Power is not a high crime or misdemeanor as the founders stated in the Federalist Papers and does not exist in federal statutory law. At any rate, the Senate found him not guilty twice. The second time around was a Democrat farce as the Chief Justice refused to attend.
Maybe they have some new information, but from here sure looks like they’re trying awful hard to spin gold from straw.

The senate republicans didn’t even hold a trial and said “extortion exsmortion, fuck our oaths to the constitution, we’re party over democracy now.”

It’s a fact that the president lied to the public by claiming that he never discussed business with family members and never interacted with Hunter’s business associates. These are indisputable. Lying to the public is not a crime or grounds for impeachment, but the nature of these lies certainly merit investigation.
Seems like I did read they had confirmation Joe was in on a phone call or a dinner with Hunters partners. Doesn’t mean Joe gave anything away, but it is bad optics, as they say, and especially if he denies what can be proved. I suspect Joe is threading a needle like Clinton did with ‘is’.
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It’s a fact that the president lied to the public by claiming that he never discussed business with family members and never interacted with Hunter’s business associates. These are indisputable. Lying to the public is not a crime or grounds for impeachment, but the nature of these lies certainly merit investigation.
He never said he never interacted with Hunters business's associates. It's not been proven that he discussed business with Hunter
Yes, I know. And house oversight is reporting what the committee is telling them. That does not constitute proof of anything.

Maybe they have some new information, but from here sure looks like they’re trying awful hard to spin gold from straw.

Seems like I did read they had confirmation Joe was in on a phone call or a dinner with Hunters partners. Doesn’t mean Joe gave anything away, but it is bad optics, as they say, and especially if he denies what can be proved. I suspect Joe is threading a needle like Clinton did with ‘is’.
lol. It was 20+ calls plus in person meetings. He denied having any interactions. “threading a needle” 😂
He never said he never interacted with Hunters business's associates. It's not been proven that he discussed business with Hunter
He was asked point blank why he “interacted with so many of his family’s foreign business associates.”

He said "I'm not going to comment. I did not, and it's just a bunch of lies. They're lies. I did not. They're lies."

He’s denied discussing business with his family, knowing about the business activities on many occasions.
He never said he never interacted with Hunters business's associates. It's not been proven that he discussed business with Hunter
There is sworn testimony that he did, from a former business partner. Pay attention.
Right. Other than photos of Biden with Hunter and his business partners, a letter of thanks and praise from Vice President Biden to Hunter’s business partner Devon Archer written on Office of the Vice President of the United States stationary, the red flags about Hunter’s Ukraine activities raised by officials in the Obama Administration when Joe was Obama’s point man on Ukraine, sworn testimony from multiple witnesses who participated in dinners and calls with Joe, voluminous authenticated emails, and Hunter’s business trip to China with his VP dad on Air Force 2, there’s not much reason to believe Joe ever knew about Hunter’s business activities or ever interacted with Hunter’s business associates.

In much the same way that Nixon was not a crook and Clinton did not have sex with that woman Monica Lewinsky, Biden is telling the truth.

Funny thing here is that talking to your family or your family's friends are not crimes at all. IT would be stranger if he had never spoken to any of them than that he had. There is no evidence he did anything concrete to aid Hunter. Though after the entire Trump presidency there is no room at all for Republicans to bitch about that sort of thing at all as they aren't even denying being party to far, far worse..

Really sucks being held to a higher standard.

Nixon was a crook. Though when we bring up Bill nobody today, or really even at the time denied that Bill got a BJ. The debate as far as it existed was crap like "What the definition of 'is' is" and if a woman is a virgin until vaginal penetration then a BJ isn't sex. Which while obvious BS we have a party who is butthurt about the definition of a woman which has no definition so there's that.

Republicans do deserve credit for being really, really good at politics though.
Funny thing here is that talking to your family or your family's friends are not crimes at all. IT would be stranger if he had never spoken to any of them than that he had. There is no evidence he did anything concrete to aid Hunter. Though after the entire Trump presidency there is no room at all for Republicans to bitch about that sort of thing at all as they aren't even denying being party to far, far worse..

Really sucks being held to a higher standard.

Nixon was a crook. Though when we bring up Bill nobody today, or really even at the time denied that Bill got a BJ. The debate as far as it existed was crap like "What the definition of 'is' is" and if a woman is a virgin until vaginal penetration then a BJ isn't sex. Which while obvious BS we have a party who is butthurt about the definition of a woman which has no definition so there's that.

Republicans do deserve credit for being really, really good at politics though.
Right, which begs the question…why does Biden feel the need to repeatedly lie about discussing the family’s business with family members, knowing about the family’s business, or interacting with family member business associates?
A formal impeachment hearing has yet to be held, so it's a bit early to say. The Democrat Party and much of the Republican Party are corrupted and are both loathe to go after internal corruption, that's how many of them become multi-millionaires on their $174,000 salaries living in DC.

Laugh all you want and though it escapes you, the truth is the truth.
Ohhhh still going to have the votes? Or will folks look at the lack of evidence and say nope.

At this pace they can have a new vote for speaker soon, again, as it seems the wrong side is bleeding reps.

Maybe it will be Venmo or Gymmie next? More evidence there then whatever you think Comer has.
Right, which begs the question…why does Biden feel the need to repeatedly lie about discussing the family’s business with family members, knowing about the family’s business, or interacting with family member business associates?
Because more than likely he isn't lying or at least not lying in a meaningful way.
Right. Other than photos of Biden with Hunter and his business partners, a letter of thanks and praise from Vice President Biden to Hunter’s business partner Devon Archer written on Office of the Vice President of the United States stationary, the red flags about Hunter’s Ukraine activities raised by officials in the Obama Administration when Joe was Obama’s point man on Ukraine, sworn testimony from multiple witnesses who participated in dinners and calls with Joe, voluminous authenticated emails, and Hunter’s business trip to China with his VP dad on Air Force 2, there’s not much reason to believe Joe ever knew about Hunter’s business activities or ever interacted with Hunter’s business associates.

In much the same way that Nixon was not a crook and Clinton did not have sex with that woman Monica Lewinsky, Biden is telling the truth.

You have to wonder sometimes about where progressives get their information.

The facts are out there and yet all they can do is say there's nothing? That's like claiming space is "completely empty."
You have to wonder sometimes about where progressives get their information.

The facts are out there and yet all they can do is say there's nothing? That's like claiming space is "completely empty."

Devon Archer, the "committee’s" star witness and LONG TIME FIREND AND BUSINESS PARTNER OF "HUNTER!!!", testified that Joe Biden NEVER discussed business while in his presence during random social gatherings or phone calls.

President Biden saying he never interacted in Hunter’s business dealings is not undermined by the dinner or phone call ambushes Hunter set up, where some of Hunter’s business associates were present.

"HUNTER!!!" is a proven manipulator, who, as Devon Archer testified, sold the ILLUSION OF ACCESS to his father and others in D.C. to fleece foreign companies and investors.

Sounds like a "HUNTER!!!" problem…and a Harpy problem.


👉 Harpy 🤣

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All trump has is a "brand." Fear mongering and lies work on his uneducated cult followers.
Thank god the Trump family never did shady deals capitalizing on the family name and the presidency 🤣🤣🤣

Yeah because if they had been I'm positive the FBI would have investigated them.

Oh wait, they did.

Then the DOJ would have prosecuted them for whatever the FBI found was illegal.

Which they haven't done. Ergo...
You have to wonder sometimes about where progressives get their information.

The facts are out there and yet all they can do is say there's nothing? That's like claiming space is "completely empty."