More Proof Joe Was On The Take

So, you finally figured it out but you're not changing your beliefs. Why?

James got money from China and gave $40K to Joeymeltbrain. The loan was for $400K so the $40K was... wait for it...


10% exactly. Who else do we know who complained about 10% going to "the big guy"? The WH has now acknowledged (since James testified to it) that Joe Biden is "the big guy" whom Hunter referred to in his emails. Emails where Hunter bitched about having to send 10% to his father and pay his father's bills and pay rent on the family home.

Why is Joe getting 10% of all the overseas money his family receives?

Your move.
The percentages don't add up.

Not to mention that the business deal never went through.
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You really think you sound intelligent, don't you?

I believe that you're intentionally uninformed because it suits you to come here and fake like you know stuff. You like to stir controversy because it makes you feel important instead of insignificant. This is even more heady when the morons you surround yourself with laugh along with you even though they don't understand any of what's happening.

Basically, you're an ignorant troll laughing it up with his buddies thinking your cool when it's obvious that you're not.

As for me, I passed my State Bar exam after graduating from law school. I am a published author and I have many published stories here on Lit. I think those bona fides speak for themselves.
I believe that you're intentionally uninformed because it suits you to come here and fake like you know stuff. You like to stir controversy because it makes you feel important instead of insignificant. This is even more heady when the morons you surround yourself with laugh along with you even though they don't understand any of what's happening.

Basically, you're an ignorant troll laughing it up with his buddies thinking your cool when it's obvious that you're not.

As for me, I passed my State Bar exam after graduating from law school. I am a published author and I have many published stories here on Lit. I think those bona fides speak for themselves.
I have a bachelor's in Business Administration and twenty years experience in corporate marketing. And just because I'm not completely up to date on every trivial topic you bitch about, it doesn't mean I'm not informed or up to date. When I was in debate in high school, we'd call your arguments "squirrel cases". They were obscure arguments that the other team knew nobody else would have any information about.

Alina Habba passed a state bar exam, too. I don't think that's anything to brag about anymore. Neither is being a "published" author on Lit. I published two or three stories on here 15 years or so ago. I didn't put it on my resumé, and I don't talk about it to get some imaginary clout on here.

Go put your clown shoes back on.
So, you finally figured it out but you're not changing your beliefs. Why?

James got money from China and gave $40K to Joeymeltbrain. The loan was for $400K so the $40K was... wait for it...


10% exactly. Who else do we know who complained about 10% going to "the big guy"? The WH has now acknowledged (since James testified to it) that Joe Biden is "the big guy" whom Hunter referred to in his emails. Emails where Hunter bitched about having to send 10% to his father and pay his father's bills and pay rent on the family home.

Why is Joe getting 10% of all the overseas money his family receives?

Your move.
With all of that ironclad evidence, Biden should have already been impeached, shouldn't he?

Your move.
With all of that ironclad evidence, Biden should have already been impeached, shouldn't he?

Your move.

Congress is currently working on that as we speak.

Or didn't you know that either?
Congress is currently working on that as we speak.

Or didn't you know that either?
Republicans have been "working on it" since before Joe took office. Wake me up when they start actual impeachment hearings and not just this pathetic investigation.
I have a bachelor's in Business Administration and twenty years experience in corporate marketing. And just because I'm not completely up to date on every trivial topic you bitch about, it doesn't mean I'm not informed or up to date.

Seriously? Just because you're not up to date doesn't mean you're not up to date?

My God that's rich...

Seriously? Just because you're not up to date doesn't mean you're not up to date?

My God that's rich...

Not up to date on every trivial topic you bring up. "Trivial topic" being the operative phrase, dolt.
Republicans have been "working on it" since before Joe took office. Wake me up when they start actual impeachment hearings and not just this pathetic investigation.

Seems to me that the investigation is proceeding along. Because of it we know that Joe was accepting cash from overseas nations. We know that the money was being laundered in order to conceal the payments. We know that those involved hid the income from the IRS to try and conceal it further. We know that Joe was involved because Hunter called him during meetings and Joe answered. (DON'T give us the bullshit about kids calling their parents - NO ONE does that during a business meeting.) We also know that Hunter threatened the reps from China to pay or his dad would do bad things officially to them at least once.

We know all of that and more.

That the House hasn't chosen to bring an impeachment resolution is because of politics, not facts or evidence. Do not confuse the 2 and try to conflate one as proof against the other.
Not up to date on every trivial topic you bring up. "Trivial topic" being the operative phrase, dolt.

Politics isn't "trivial." Nor are the points I make.

All you're trying to do here is salvage your wounded pride by wallpapering your public image as something it isn't. Newsflash, it's not working.
Seems to me that the investigation is proceeding along. Because of it we know that Joe was accepting cash from overseas nations. We know that the money was being laundered in order to conceal the payments. We know that those involved hid the income from the IRS to try and conceal it further. We know that Joe was involved because Hunter called him during meetings and Joe answered. (DON'T give us the bullshit about kids calling their parents - NO ONE does that during a business meeting.) We also know that Hunter threatened the reps from China to pay or his dad would do bad things officially to them at least once.

We know all of that and more.

That the House hasn't chosen to bring an impeachment resolution is because of politics, not facts or evidence. Do not confuse the 2 and try to conflate one as proof against the other.
That the house is investigating at all is because of politics. If it were about actual illegality, and all of that alleged evidence was solid and verified by folks who weren't paid to give testimony, Biden would have been impeached over a year ago.

Still waiting.
Politics isn't "trivial." Nor are the points I make.

All you're trying to do here is salvage your wounded pride by wallpapering your public image as something it isn't. Newsflash, it's not working.
You seem to believe that I get a single fuck what you think about me. Allow me to disabuse you of that notion. I just can't always allow you to post blatant lies and absurd conspiracy theories without rational and intelligent contradiction. It's just the principle of the matter.
That the house is investigating at all is because of politics. If it were about actual illegality, and all of that alleged evidence was solid and verified by folks who weren't paid to give testimony, Biden would have been impeached over a year ago.

Still waiting.

You seem to be saying something here - namely that there's sufficient evidence to impeach Joe but the House isn't doing it's job.

Or am I misreading you?
You seem to believe that I get a single fuck what you think about me. Allow me to disabuse you of that notion. I just can't always allow you to post blatant lies and absurd conspiracy theories without rational and intelligent contradiction. It's just the principle of the matter.

It's not my fault you can't keep up with the rest of the class.
You seem to be saying something here - namely that there's sufficient evidence to impeach Joe but the House isn't doing it's job.

Or am I misreading you?
Somebody's desperate eyeballs just scooted right over the word "alleged." :ROFLMAO:
Lol, talking smack doesn't make you look any better than you do now. If anything it only makes you look like a sore loser.
That's all you do is post some lame, limp-wristed article or video from some pro-Nazi website, then talk smack about it. It's tedious and boring.
That's all you do is post some lame, limp-wristed article or video from some pro-Nazi website, then talk smack about it. It's tedious and boring.

Lol, you must be a PoxGargle Alt who believes I've got more than 1 acct here because that's not my MO at all.

Go educate yourself. See what you're missing. Then come back and we'll have us a debate on the issues instead of how you're intentionally ignorant because it pleases you to be that way.
Lol, you must be a PoxGargle Alt who believes I've got more than 1 acct here because that's not my MO at all.

Go educate yourself. See what you're missing. Then come back and we'll have us a debate on the issues instead of how you're intentionally ignorant because it pleases you to be that way.
More smack talk. Boring.
You probably hear that a lot from those you're trying to impress and not succeeding at it.

Whatever it is that you're trying to do, it still isn't working.
He's trying to educate you, and of course it doesn't work. I blame it on your carbon based water addiction.