More Proof Joe Was On The Take

Lol, except James just testified that he did.
Wait....James Comer "testified"? When did this happen? Is this some new wrinkle in law we're not aware of ?
Is an interview on Fox news now admissible as sworn testimony? Are you sure you attended an accredited law school?
Wait....James Comer "testified"? When did this happen? Is this some new wrinkle in law we're not aware of ?
Is an interview on Fox news now admissible as sworn testimony? Are you sure you attended an accredited law school?

Apparently you're so deep in your cesspool "bunker" you don't know James Biden had a deposition recently.

Either that or you intentionally twisted the truth just to cover that up since it proves that everything that's being said is true.

I'll be generous today, you get to pick which of the above is why you have problems with reality.
Apparently you're so deep in your cesspool "bunker" you don't know James Biden had a deposition recently.

Either that or you intentionally twisted the truth just to cover that up since it proves that everything that's being said is true.

I'll be generous today, you get to pick which of the above is why you have problems with reality.
Guess I missed that. I would have thought that his bombshell testimony proving that President Joe is corrupt would be plastered all over Fox News, OAN, Breitbart, and other Waffle House dumpster fire "news" sources.

Huh. Guess not.
Guess I missed that. I would have thought that his bombshell testimony proving that President Joe is corrupt would be plastered all over Fox News, OAN, Breitbart, and other Waffle House dumpster fire "news" sources.

Huh. Guess not.

Not my fault you can't keep up with the rest of the class.
Not my fault you can't keep up with the rest of the class.
Yeah, I'm slow. How about you post some clips or articles for the rest of us kids on the short bus? I'm sure we're all on the edge of our seats to learn what "proof" James Biden provided of the president's corruption.
Yeah, I'm slow. How about you post some clips or articles for the rest of us kids on the short bus? I'm sure we're all on the edge of our seats to learn what "proof" James Biden provided of the president's corruption.

Here's another thing you're missing:

YOU come HERE and want to talk politics but you're not up to date or informed on what's actually going on.

Then you poo poo those of us who are by talking smack and thinking you're cool because you read some half literate bullshit from some troll who read a post by someone who swears by CNN's "accurate" reporting.

And now you want to be spoon fed?

Please stop wasting everyone's time.
Here's another thing you're missing:

YOU come HERE and want to talk politics but you're not up to date or informed on what's actually going on.

Then you poo poo those of us who are by talking smack and thinking you're cool because you read some half literate bullshit from some troll who read a post by someone who swears by CNN's "accurate" reporting.

And now you want to be spoon fed?

Please stop wasting everyone's time.
Fine. I'll look up the details of James Biden's testimony myself. And I will post sources of information on said testimony for everyone's edification.

In the meantime, why don't you go fuck yourself, you worthless piece of shit? Then do the world a favor and jump off a cliff.
Fine. I'll look up the details of James Biden's testimony myself. And I will post sources of information on said testimony for everyone's edification.

In the meantime, why don't you go fuck yourself, you worthless piece of shit? Then do the world a favor and jump off a cliff.

Poor baby. It must really hurt to get smacked that hard by reality.

But who knows, you might learn a few things and realize that you've been wrong all along. A miracle might even happen after that and you convert from being idjit to being a human being with brains...

Hell you might discover you don't really need tampons.
Poor baby. It must really hurt to get smacked that hard by reality.

But who knows, you might learn a few things and realize that you've been wrong all along. A miracle might even happen after that and you convert from being idjit to being a human being with brains...

Hell you might discover you don't really need tampons.
You're pathetic. Truly.
You're pathetic. Truly.

<-- is an Ass. Freely admitted.

However, being an Ass, when Karma bites I'm usually prepared and it isn't much of a shock. All them calluses...

Dickheads tend to be a bit more sensitive to Karma's teeth...
<-- is an Ass. Freely admitted.

However, being an Ass, when Karma bites I'm usually prepared and it isn't much of a shock. All them calluses...

Dickheads tend to be a bit more sensitive to Karma's teeth...
Huh. Insulting me, but then implying you want to suck my cock. Interesting.
Huh. Insulting me, but then implying you want to suck my cock. Interesting.

Yep, your newfound desire for truth and enlightenment has died an early death. Aborted before fruition as it were.
Apparently you're so deep in your cesspool "bunker" you don't know James Biden had a deposition recently.

Either that or you intentionally twisted the truth just to cover that up since it proves that everything that's being said is true.

I'll be generous today, you get to pick which of the above is why you have problems with reality.
You responded to a post that was talking about James Comer and referred to "James" testifying.

Not all people have obsessive hatred for all things Biden like you do. In fact, I had no idea "James Biden" even existed....he goes by "Jim" as I'm sure you know. I forgot all Biden brothers are "fair game" to you and your "elk".

But your artful misdirection worked, so you get the "victory" here.
You responded to a post that was talking about James Comer and referred to "James" testifying.

Not all people have obsessive hatred for all things Biden like you do. In fact, I had no idea "James Biden" even existed....he goes by "Jim" as I'm sure you know. I forgot all Biden brothers are "fair game" to you and your "elk".

But your artful misdirection worked, so you get the "victory" here.

^ yet another admission of someone who comes here to talk politics but is unversed in the subject they wax so ineloquently upon.

And yet they try to blame me for them being idjits...
So...despite Matlock's desperate endgame heavy breathing to fog up the windows, there's still nothing to see, huh?

Here's another thing you're missing:

YOU come HERE and want to talk politics but you're not up to date or informed on what's actually going on.

Then you poo poo those of us who are by talking smack and thinking you're cool because you read some half literate bullshit from some troll who read a post by someone who swears by CNN's "accurate" reporting.

And now you want to be spoon fed?

Please stop wasting everyone's time.
I found something. Not even CNN. A real BOMBSHELL, James Biden's testimony. This was the only video I even found about it.

I found something. Not even CNN. A real BOMBSHELL, James Biden's testimony. This was the only video I even found about it.

*video snipped*


So, you finally figured it out but you're not changing your beliefs. Why?

James got money from China and gave $40K to Joeymeltbrain. The loan was for $400K so the $40K was... wait for it...


10% exactly. Who else do we know who complained about 10% going to "the big guy"? The WH has now acknowledged (since James testified to it) that Joe Biden is "the big guy" whom Hunter referred to in his emails. Emails where Hunter bitched about having to send 10% to his father and pay his father's bills and pay rent on the family home.

Why is Joe getting 10% of all the overseas money his family receives?

Your move.