Most Racism is Directed at Straight Black Men

He first specifies straight.

Before a cop shoots a black guy, does he ask his sexual orientation? Has anyone filmed a horrific case of a cop kneeling on a black guy's neck, "I can't breathe... And I'm gay!" and the cop just climbs right off? Do they not get followed around stores if they remember to mince when they walk? Or is it possible that gay black guys get the same shit straight back guys get, and then some? Is it possible that gay black guys get shit from racists, from white homophobics, and from black homophobics too?
It's nice to be reminded that, whatever the basis for discrimination, straight males will always have it hardest. True story. It's always a competition, and straight males always win the disadvantages trophy.

I sure as hell know that my sisters were treated much more differently than myself,

but maybe that's the point - Darwin and the best possible mate.

The white males hated the competition, but ironically,

they could not resist the call of the exotic...

;) ;)
He first specifies straight.

Before a cop shoots a black guy, does he ask his sexual orientation? Has anyone filmed a horrific case of a cop kneeling on a black guy's neck, "I can't breathe... And I'm gay!" and the cop just climbs right off? Do they not get followed around stores if they remember to mince when they walk? Or is it possible that gay black guys get the same shit straight back guys get, and then some? Is it possible that gay black guys get shit from racists, from white homophobics, and from black homophobics too?

black men who are gay and identify as trans women are not seen as threats.
black men who are gay and identify as trans women are not seen as threats.
first, trans women are not gay men. :rolleyes:
Being gay is about wanting to bone your own gender. Being trans is about not identifying with the gender you were born with. One is about who you want, the other is about who you want to be. Trans people can be gay, straight, bi, or entirely a-sexual. It's not that complicated!

And you assume that means bigots don't hate them?

When you were at school, did the bullies pick on the muscled up jocks, or the skinny and unpopular kid? Being a woman, or a trans woman, makes a lot of people see them as an easy target.

Black, trans and dead.

Racism sucks. Always. But dismissing the issues facing women and the queer population is a shitty way to try to further your cause.
I sure as hell know that my sisters were treated much more differently than myself,

but maybe that's the point - Darwin and the best possible mate.

The white males hated the competition, but ironically,

they could not resist the call of the exotic...

;) ;)
That might possibly, at least partially, account for the huge numbers of indigenous women that are murdered, or who vanish without a trace.
If you're looking at desirability,

"Rudder wrote that user data showed that most men on the site rated black women as less attractive than women of other races and ethnicities. Similarly, Asian men fell at the bottom of the preference list for most women."

The data shows that black women are more discriminated against than black men.
first, trans women are not gay men. :rolleyes:
Being gay is about wanting to bone your own gender. Being trans is about not identifying with the gender you were born with. One is about who you want, the other is about who you want to be. Trans people can be gay, straight, bi, or entirely a-sexual. It's not that complicated!

And you assume that means bigots don't hate them?

When you were at school, did the bullies pick on the muscled up jocks, or the skinny and unpopular kid? Being a woman, or a trans woman, makes a lot of people see them as an easy target.

Black, trans and dead.

Racism sucks. Always. But dismissing the issues facing women and the queer population is a shitty way to try to further your cause.

the wide spread murder of trans women is exaggerated

this is from the U.K a fist world country similar to the U.S

According to these figures, there was one trans person murdered in the UK in that time, and a total of nine trans people were murdered in the UK between 2008 and 2017. That’s an average rate of one victim per year.

A back-of-envelope calculation based on this data would suggest that the average trans person has a one-in-200,000 to one-in-500,000 chance of being murdered in the UK over the course of a year.

How does that compare to the wider population?

Figures from the ONS for 2008 to 2017 show that the average adult in England and Wales has a one-in-100,000 chance of being murdered in a given year.

The limited data we’re working with suggests that in the UK at least, a trans person is less likely to be murdered than the average person. But it’s worth bearing in mind that the recorded number of trans murder victims is so small that it would only take one or two more murder cases every year for the UK “trans murder rate” to double or triple. And until new reporting methods come in, we are making this calculation based on unofficial figures. We should therefore be very wary of drawing firm conclusions.

i am sure you can find similar stats for the U.S a first world nation similar to the U.K
I'm going to assume you never visited the UK. The US is, culturally, world's apart from the UK. We speak the same language, but it's different worlds.

You can't simply extrapolate from our murder rates :rolleyes:
I'm going to assume you never visited the UK. The US is, culturally, world's apart from the UK. We speak the same language, but it's different worlds.

You can't simply extrapolate from our murder rates :rolleyes:

I said "First World Nation" the standard of living is similar I Never compared the cultures.

However, there is remarkably little evidence that transgender Americans are killed at an unusually high rate. According to an exhaustive database kept by the HRC, there were 29 recorded murders of trans individuals in the most violent recent year on record (2017), a fraction of the 17,294 murders committed that year. In fact, the transgender murder rate is far lower than the murder rates for African Americans, poor Americans of all races, and “men” in general. Further, most murders of trans persons are same-race domestic or personal disputes, not hate crimes.
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A Black man was stabbed Wednesday during an altercation in a Bowie, Maryland supermarket. The incident allegedly occurred after he was spotted with his white girlfriend and then accused of betraying his race.

“I was just shopping in Giant with my girlfriend,” the victim, Avery, told WUSA9.

Another Black Simp reportedly approached the interracial couple after they bumped grocery carts. The suspect then pulled out a knife and started yelling at them.
The headline makes sense. There are MORE straight black men than queer black men.

black male simp is arrested for hate crimes againts a black man and his white girlfriend

And when these racists do target black men, they always do it in groups against one lone black man because these punks are inherently cowardly alone. Nothing worse than a drunkard racist.

Black men need to remain vigilant, lots of these racists are seeing their privileges crumbling, now they have to put in work to get by and they ain't having that!
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Like Antifa, Rioters, Protesters, Black Gang Members, Cancel Culture, Democrats, etc.

And when these racists do target black men, they always do it in groups against one lone black man because these punks are inherently cowardly alone. Nothing worse than a drunkard racist.

Most racism is directed at non-Chinese by the Chinese. They pretty much invented xenophobia and have made it an artform over many, many centuries.
WAKE FOREST, N.C. — Residents of a Wake Forest neighborhood expressed outrage Monday after learning that a family received an unsigned letter last week warning them against posting any Black Lives Matter signs in their yard.

“[P]lease remember that the rest of us live in an upscale neighborhood and have spent the extra money to stay out of mixed neighborhoods and/or the ghetto,” the letter states. “No one wants trouble or any circumstance arising which could turn our neighborhood into a ‘semi-ghetto.'”

“I couldn’t believe that someone in my neighborhood – that close to me – would have written something so mean,” said Marianna Morin, a neighbor of an interracial couple in the Wakefield Estates community.

“I was horrified, appalled, disappointed, sad,” said Kate Pirrung, another neighbor and friend of the family that received the letter.

The anonymous letter singles out the husband and children of the family, saying “no one is interested in your or their ‘struggles.'”

The 21-year-old college student was charged last month with one count of felony murder and one count of aggravated assault in the death of Haley Hutcheson, a 17-year-old inside the pursuing truck that defense lawyers say carried white people yelling racial slurs at Wilson and his girlfriend, who is white. But Wilson is legally allowed to carry the weapon he used to defend himself, his lawyers said, and should never have been charged in what they described as an unfortunate consequence.

The situation unfolded June 14 when Wilson and his girlfriend went for a late-night drive to Taco Bell. After getting their food, they say a truck began following them with its occupants yelling racial slurs and trying to run them off the road. The truck was allegedly playing music from “The Purge,” a movie about the one lawless night every year when vigilantes are all but encouraged to go wild with violence. Believing his life was in danger, he “fired off a warning shot” that struck Hutcheson, according to an online petition demanding Wilson be freed from the Bulloch County Detention
Why is ‘We get it, you like black guys’ becoming a slur in the Asian community?

When you’ve grown up in a certain community, you’re likely to be acquainted with its shortcomings. If you’re a woman, you may turn to a safe medium such as Twitter, to voice your frustrations against men in the community.

But South Asian women who do this are starting to face an alarming response from the men they criticise: ‘We get it, you like black guys’. She might also hear the same phrase if she happens to reject a South Asian man romantically, even if race has not played a part in her decision.

The retort is problematic for many reasons. First of all, why are black men in particular brought into the argument? And, why are black people used by Asian men who are unable to grapple with rejection or criticism thrown their way?

It homogenises black people and reduces them to a tool with which to attack opinions. This comment is not only hurtful to black men, but the presumption takes away the legitimacy of the woman’s criticism and her agency. Just because she complains about her male peers is not to say that race plays a role in her choice of partner.

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It's nice to be reminded that, whatever the basis for discrimination, straight males will always have it hardest. True story. It's always a competition, and straight males always win the disadvantages trophy.

Amen, bunch of cry babies.
The most aggressive attacks on interracial coupling are found within the context of black men and white women. No other form of interracial coupling comes under such attack as the top female in the world and the world’s most hated man. This couple continues to be the object of attack by politicians, actresses, white male and female nationalist, and the alt-right.

A doxing site was created specifically targeting white women that are currently entangled with black men. White females are shamed and attacked for their affectionate Tik Tok videos and Kylie Jenner is constantly under attack for her black male entanglement. It is the year 2020 and although the numbers are growing the attacks are following in hot pursuit.

Scandal was a success, black woman and a married white man, but the moment the WWE does the same scenario with Bobby Lashley and Lana they receive persistent death threats. I always say that the only interracial couple recognized in America is a black man, the most demonized and the white woman, the most praised.

When a politician wants more money for his campaign, he mentions how his city is under attack by black men impregnating white women. When a politician sees white women in droves standing with black lives, it must be her desire for sexual access with black men. White women do not need a movement to receive sexual access with black men.
According to KW Miller For Congress: Most white women join Black Lives Matter to fornicate with black men. His tweet received pushback, but he is not alone with this belief system. The tweet that was tweeted 2 hours ago already received 1.4K likes. This is another deflection. Black men have been given access to white women since 1967 and some white women have been sleeping with black men before that.