Most Racism is Directed at Straight Black Men

Black Woman Married Man On Child Support, Then Moves In With His Racist Family

A broke white guy, on child support, and living off his mom's resource's... and YET she married him anyway. The question is... would she do ALL this for a Black man in the same condition?

Take notice, when she talks about him being on child support, she has "too much respect" for him and the mother of his kids to talk about it...
Now imagine if he was black.
"black men who are gay and identify as trans women are not seen as threats."

Not in trans women are being killed
"black men who are gay and identify as trans women are not seen as threats."

Not in trans women are being killed

across the U.S.A only 20-29 trans women are murdered mostly due to domestic and interpersonal disputes vs over 10-17,000 Americans are murdered each year

However, there is remarkably little evidence that transgender Americans are killed at an unusually high rate. According to an exhaustive database kept by the HRC, there were 29 recorded murders of trans individuals in the most violent recent year on record (2017), a fraction of the 17,294 murders committed that year. In fact, the transgender murder rate is far lower than the murder rates for African Americans, poor Americans of all races, and “men” in general. Further, most murders of trans persons are same-race domestic or personal disputes, not hate crimes.

In the Times article, authors Rick Rojas and Vanessa Swales open their piece by noting that in 2019 “at least 18 trans persons” have been murdered “in a wave of violence that the American Medical Association has declared an epidemic.”

Not only is there no “epidemic” of murders of transgender individuals, it’s also not true that most trans murders are motivated by “hate.” The first case I reviewed while researching this article, that of Claire Legato, involved a trans woman killed while attempting to break up a physical dispute over a financial debt between her own mother and a close family friend. This was not atypical. The conservative writer Chad Greene, himself a member of the LGBT community, recently reviewed a sample of 118 of the cases of anti-trans homicide compiled by the Human Rights Campaign. His conclusion: exactly four of the perpetrators were clearly motivated by “anti-trans bias,” animus, or hatred. In contrast, 37 of the murders were due to domestic violence, and 24 involved sex workers and were largely the result of the dangerous working conditions associated with illegal sex work. More than a few others were essentially random acts of violence: one of the victims in Greene’s data set was Jordan Cofer, the transgender man murdered by the Dayton Shooter. (Greene’s work can be found here.)
In Canada I would say Black and Indigenous people are equally discriminated against. Also, I would have to say First Nations People of both sexes are equally discriminated against.
Happy Canada Day!

This one is false but just because indigenous people are so fucking rare. You really can't put in place nation wide policies against a group of people most never come in contact with.
did you all know that the Mann Act act is created to target Black men?

That's not as big an exaggeration as it sounds like. The fact is, the Mann Act has always been enforced very sporadically, and often to persecute Black men who probably aren't guilty (Jack Johnson and Chuck Berry being the two most famous victims).
the Dave Chappelle outrage exposes LGBT Racism and misandry against the Black heterosexual men

most people never heard of the National Black Justice Coalition despite the name itn is a LGBT organization funded by white organizations and companies with ties to white supremacy and the eugenics movement one of them is founded by a man whose dad participated in a massacre of black people in Wilmington North Carolina.
"i can post more for hours"

please don't. it's people like you keeping racism alive and well.
as a white person, i'm tired of constantly hearing about how oppressed blacks are. we are all equal under the law. time to stop whining about it.
"i can post more for hours"

please don't. it's people like you keeping racism alive and well.
as a white person, i'm tired of constantly hearing about how oppressed blacks are. we are all equal under the law. time to stop whining about it.


Massachusetts Man Charged with Threatening and Harassing Interracial Couple and Obstructing Justice
BOSTON – A Massachusetts man was arrested today and charged with threatening an interracial couple via Facebook Messenger on Jan. 6, 2021, and with attempting to prevent the couple from reporting these threats and harassment to law enforcement.

Stephen M. DeBerardinis, 45, of Boston and Dedham, was charged with one count of transmitting in interstate commerce threats to injure a person; one count of tampering with a witness and victim by intimidation, threats, and corrupt persuasion; and one count of tampering with a witness and victim by harassment. DeBerardinis was arrested today and will make an initial appearance in federal court in Boston today.

“My office aggressively prosecutes people who threaten racially-motivated violence because such threats are illegal, despicable and an affront to American values,” said Acting United States Attorney Nathaniel R. Mendell. “We take a hard line on threats and intimidation, and these charges make clear that such conduct will be prosecuted federally.”

“Today’s arrest cannot mitigate the fear that Stephen DeBerardinis caused, and the sense of security this couple lost, but it does bring him to justice for allegedly sending a series of rage-filled messages threatening horrific acts of violence,” said Joseph R. Bonavolonta, Special Agent in Charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Boston Division. “Acts of intimidation and threats of violence perpetrated against people because of their race, ethnicity, color, or creed are reprehensible. While we all have the right to believe whatever we want, when those views threaten or lead to violence, that’s a different story. We encourage anyone who has been the victim of, or witness to, such crimes to report it to the FBI.”

According to the indictment, in late December 2020, the victims, a white woman and a Black man, announced their engagement on Facebook which included photographs of the couple. DeBerardinis, who did not know the couple personally, could view the photographs. On or about Jan. 6, 2021, DeBerardinis allegedly used Facebook Messenger to send the couple a series of threatening and harassing messages concerning the couple’s interracial relationship. According to the indictment, DeBerardinis said, “EWWWWWWWW YOUR A N***** F***** F****** DIRTY A** WHITE TRASH,” and continued with similar messages. When the couple messaged DeBerardinis that they were reporting him to law enforcement, he allegedly sent them a message that said, “SNITCHES GET STITCHES” with a picture of brass knuckles. It is further alleged that DeBerardinis threatened, “Read up more on me lol… you will see how me and my crew burn n*****s alive,” and “And white whores like you well…. get rape and killed THAN we cut off body parts and mail them to your family lol.” The victims reported the incident to local police, who contacted federal law enforcement.

The charge of transmitting in interstate commerce threats to injure a person provides for a sentence of up to five years in prison, three years of supervised release, a fine of up to $250,000 and restitution. The charge of tampering with a witness and victim by intimidation, threats, and corrupt persuasion provides for a sentence of up to 20 years in prison, three years of supervised release, a fine of up to $250,000, restitution and forfeiture. The charge of tampering with a witness and victim by harassment provides for a sentence of up to three years in prison, one year of supervised release, a fine of up to $250,000, restitution and forfeiture. Sentences are imposed by a federal district court judge based upon the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

Acting U.S. Attorney Mendell, FBI SAC Bonavolonta and Boston Police Acting Commissioner Gregory Long made the announcement today. The Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office provided valuable assistance. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Scott L. Garland and Torey B. Cummings, of Mendell’s Civil Rights Enforcement Team, are prosecuting the case.

The details contained in the charging documents are allegations. The defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.
Influencer and NFL player receive racist abuse over inter-racial marriage: ‘This still exists’

Allison Rochell, a TikTok influencer who married Indianapolis football player Isaac Rochell earlier this year, shared racist comments she received on Instagram following a post about her inter-racial marriage three weeks ago.

In the 10-second TikTok video captioned “reminder that this still exists,” Rochell shared comments such as “abomination”, “vile”, “say NO to interracial marriages” and “burn the coal pay the toll.”

“Coal burning” is a derogatory term for white women in relationships with Black men.

Some hateful comments included references to the end of her “bloodline status” and the “wipe out” of a lineage, while others chose to remind her about her “European ancestors” or claim that “race mixing is communism” and that “her kids will be very dysgenic.”

The video has been viewed more than 457,000 times.

Users on Instagram, however, also pushed back against the racist commentary and extended their support to the couple.
The new marvel movie The Eternals is out and people are saying the one Black male superhero character is Buck Broken.

This is a tradition by white film producers to portray Black male characters as either asexual or completely non-procreative

Replying to
Yeah I actually had a conversation with some others about this film and they were Gay Men and said the exact same thing about why the only Black Male in this film had to be Gay and nobody else was. They said it seemed like it was forced into the script and wasn’t necessary

So Phastos really is Gay in the comics and is Canon. But the actor that’s playing him looks NOTHING like the actual character. He honestly looks more like a Bald White Man with a Black Goatee. Which makes me wonder even more why Brian Tyree even choose to do this role…