Most Unusual Feedback???

I have only had one guy email me to tell me he disliked my story. Because of my scat/ws fetish, he told me I was "sick" or something. I forget the exact word.

But he was on aol, so I looked up his profile. It said he liked to do messed up stuff like put cherry bombs (little firecrackers) up cats' butts. (Maybe it was a joke?) This sick bastard had the audacity to call ME sick.

So I responded to his email and told him that.

MechaBlade said:
I have only had one guy email me to tell me he disliked my story. Because of my scat/ws fetish, he told me I was "sick" or something. I forget the exact word.

Of course, if you were sick for writing it, he would be equally sick for reading it.....
My most unusal was for "Fortune Favors the Daring" (shameless plug alert) and a female reader posted "I'd give my tits for a chance like that". I thought it was a compliment, but an actual picture of her tits would have been better ;-)

Other than that, mostly complimentary and constructive, and in praise of, met a very close friend as a result of their feedback, so this place is good for more than just smut.

I'm gonna copy the feeback directly from my email:
Subject: Literotica: Feedback for aKaMarie
This message contains feedback for: aKaMarie
About the submission: Shy Girl
This feedback was sent by: Anonymous


Selfish, hurtful bitches like yourself, who have nothing better to dothan fuck with people's minds, were once burned at the stake. Too bada group of "homophobic married women" couldn't get some firewood together.


*DO NOT hit the REPLY button to respond to this email.*

---- I was really rather impressed that I had touched someone so deeply that they felt the need to bitch me out about it. Though I might add, I was disappointed that she/he didn't leave a return address. I so much wanted to respond to that heartfelt bout of criticism... so if you're reading this Anonymous, I'm blowing you big wet kisses. I feel so loved!

i must be the luckiest hard core porn writer here

I think I have had them all. first one said I write like a high school drop out (He had a point)
next was 'hope you get aids and die faggot' (wife loved that one)
Then there was the- 'I gave you a one because you are a no talent bum..' (again these guys got a way of cutting to the heart of it)
Then I got the female fan who never read a word i wrote. (still dont know what possessed her to write)
Then 'Get a dictionary" (again justified)
Get a grammar checker (that one was a waste of my money)
The latest one was a small lecture on, it's verses its.. and no I did not send whisper secret a nasty email about it. If I had read her piece I might not have gotten the nasty email I did.
Thank god I haven't gotten any pic of pricks in the mail. I did get a couple of thank you emails for a piece I wrote with a homosexual twist. I think the 'get aids and die' feedback was from that one to though.
I have complained on three different bulletin boards about fans sending anon feedback with venom inside. I hear some folks can ignore it I can't. it actually bothers me for several minutes. I know that makes me a little weird because I know most of it has some truth to it. I just wish they would learn to be a little less spiteful..
With my nickname, I've learned to fend off some fairly suggestive and some downright straight out weird people. It's also interesting how some readers cannot separate an author from a protagonist.

Under the Most Unusual category for me, comes one feedback from my light BDSM story. I've copy and pasted part of it,

Loved the way your heroine handled that situation.
If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to write you into my next story...'

The emailer then went on to tell me what would happen in his story.

Well, it sounded a little odd to me. I replied (as I always do when there is an address attached), saying sorry but I have plans for my heroine and also for me. Haven't heard another word.
*making yellow sticky* - check bdsm stories for a wildsweetone character ;) i'd love to see what i get up to.

I don't get too many "scary" feedbacks, just annoying ones.

" 'Waist' is your garbage, 'waste' is the body part" ?????
" I would love to be your brother in that story (written in first person) "
"Hey, my number is 555-555-5555, call me so we can fuck"
do it again

would you repeat that phone number more slowly so that I can write it down please. I don't want to waist this oppurturnity. Oh by the way I didn't send the feedback.
Re: i must be the luckiest hard core porn writer here

The latest one was a small lecture on, it's verses its.. and no I did not send whisper secret a nasty email about it. If I had read her piece I might not have gotten the nasty email I did.

That wasn't me lecturing! I swear! ;)

I have complained on three different bulletin boards about fans sending anon feedback with venom inside. I hear some folks can ignore it I can't. it actually bothers me for several minutes. I know that makes me a little weird because I know most of it has some truth to it. I just wish they would learn to be a little less spiteful..

I rarely get negative mail. If I do, it's usually someone gleefully pointing out some typo I made. (Big deal, everyone makes mistakes. I just fix it and resubmit.)

However, once in a while someone feels the need to be mean. Someone recently told me I was very very ill and made some rational arguments as to why. (I disagree, obviously, but they made their points well.) I felt angry and intend to write back, because at least the person had the backbone to include a return address.

My advice is to remind yourself that if they are that hateful, they must also be very unhappy. What a crappy way to go through life.
Oh boy!

I posted a rather hardcore BDSM story the other day [shameless plug: "Mellie's Gift"], my first story submission, which is not up yet because it includes special formatting, I guess. It was written for two reasons. First, it was sort of a gift to a friend of mine who likes that sort of thing, and second, it was a challenge to write so far from my experience.

After reading this thread, I cannot wait to see what sort of interesting feedback I get when this thing goes live! :)
"bizarre, scary, or just plain deranged" AS COMPARED TO WHAT?

AND BY WHOSE DEFINITION..??? COME ON, YOU ARE A WRITER, 50 people have 50 different definitions of those very wide angled and emotion provoking words.. Especially relating to such volotile and deviant interests, beliefs, fantasies, practices that this site presents..

Critics are either subjective or objective... anyone that would disect and badger a writer is obviously coming from some personal association with whatever was written..

It's the subjective feedback, the positive, constructive ideas that I consider worthy of my attention...

As for the critic that would take more time in telling you, in drawn out detail, how you aint worth a shit.... well.... frankly... fuck 'em.. <grin>

Fiction or nonfiction... stories are projections of how we relate and see the world... (MY DISTINCTION, OF COURSE)

I have been visiting this site for a long time... I read stories that are proffered as "real life TRUE" and by the 2nd or 3rd paragraph show up to be nothing more of a projectioon of a fantasy that they WANT... SO WHAT... EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN REALITY!!

So, as for the thread topic... and of course, it's only my opinion... and who is to say I'm right (smile)... It's one hell of a wide angle lense with more reading entertainment!

Have a great day all!
Unusual feedback

I've posted about 10 stories, mostly in Loving Wives. In most, wives are often described, in some detail, "bumping uglies" with someone other than their husbands. In one, "An Initial Public Offering", the husband and wife are only talking about wife sharing. One piece of feedback I got on this story was


The first step on a dangerous road is taken... the end of that road is AIDS


Of course the writer opted to not give an email address. I'd have enjoyed talking with him/her about the difference between fiction and fact, between erotic writing and actually doing the deed. What confused me mostly though is of my stories, that's the one, if acted out, where the players would be safe from STDs. Could the feedback writer not know the difference between fiction and truth? Should there be some kind of intellegence test given before someone can download a story?

I do wonder why such a reader spends time at Literotica. It's not likely he or she will read someone's writings posted here that'll meet his standards.

I've been lucky in that most who offer feedback messages of more than a few words include an email address, so we get to fling bytes at each other. I especially like people to point out errors, so that if I repost the story elsewhere it'll be smoother than before. I suppose I could use an editor for that, but when a story's done enough (about medium rare, some would say), I've lost interest in it.

Uh -- if one of you wants to fling bytes, I've a couple of stories near the top of reader favorites on Loving Wives. Take a look, I'm hunkered down, waiting for incoming!

Sweet Lady

Three of my first stories were about how a woman could pick up men for "No Strings" sex.

I received a long e-mail from a woman. She said that I had caused the divorce of hundreds of couples, including her marrage. She went on to state that she would hunt me down. She then described that she would beat me. Said beating to include breaking both of my arms.

Another e-mail stated that I was responsible for AIDs.

I have received several long e-mails from persons explaining that God found sex to be disgusting. (Oh really, does He now?)

Lastly, there have been many extremly well thought out e-mails intended to entice me to meet for sex in some far out places.
How's this for an interesting feedback?

About the submission: Mellie's Gift

Dear Rexfelis,
I absolutely loved Your story. It made me wet and my body is yearning
to be touched by You. You are an amazing writer. Please continue writing
Your wonderfully arousing stories... I want more. Tonight I will have a
new fantasy, and You will be my Master.

As it turns out, this came from none other than my ex-fiance! I about fell on he floor. There was no hint of D/s or S/M in our relationship, and that's what the story deal with. LOL I NEVER imagined she would like that story!!!