my cock is so big...

My Cock is so big that if I were to get a Full erection it would crush the soul of man kind.

.. Just the head has been carved for the mold on Easter island

.. I used it as an IED Detector in IRAQ
Years ago I walked through the middle of Arizona naked.

And THAT, my friends, is how the Grand Canyon was formed!
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My cock is so big McDonalds is still using the secret sauce from an orgasm I had in 1977.
My cock is so big, when I donate sperm, I do it one at a time!
My cock is so big that I can't even see the tip of it, due to the heavy fog.
My cock is to big it has it's own Occupy movement.

In fact...that gives me an idea!
My cock is so BIG, that there is not enough room on this thread to describe it!

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
My cock is so big that when they close the Washington monument for cleaning, the ask me to stand in for it.

MCISB...NASA asks me to adjust satellites when they run out of fuel
The tattoo along the shaft reads: "Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America, Continent of North America, Planet Earth, The Milky Way Galaxy, The Universe" in 16 point type.

(Believe that one, and I'll give you a great deal on an Edsel)
mine is so big, it wishes all the other cocks a hearty happy new year from the future!

My cock is so big, the day I die the global mean penis length will plummet to about 1 millimetre.
My cock is so big that Eilan uses it as an example of what a proper sized cock should look like! :D

(love ya Eilan :rose: )
I entered a big cock contest and won first, second, and third prize.

I'm currently cheating on my wife with her best friend's garage.

The Houston Rockets tried to draft it when Yao Ming retired.
It could make Donald Trump's hair into a fad
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