My Milky Journey

Over the last few days with frequent manual expression, pumping, and an instance lucky enough to experience suckling, I am beginning to notice that when it is time for me to pump, I experience a great wave of heat throughout the course of my pumping sessions. I would like to attribute this as a hormonal change. My nipples are also much thicker :)

Keep thinking milky thoughts with me! :D
I just wrapped up my last pumping session, and wouldn't you know it, I pulled the flange from my right nipple and I had clear discharge leaking from it. WOOO!!

Now, a common misconception is that this is colostrum, which is only produced by women who are within a few days/weeks of or have just given birth. It is a very unique and specific set of circumstances that causes the body to produce colostrum. Once the baby is born, the levels of estrogen, progesterone, hCG, as well as several other hormones, will drop or spike rapidly. This signals the body to produce colostrum, which is created to aid the baby's immune system. If you are not pregnant, your body will not have the same hormonal changes.

Those who induce do not go through the hormonal upheaval that a pregnant woman does. Therefore we cannot produce colostrum.

However... It IS the result of breast development and specifically internal duct formation. The cells shed and are carried in the serous fluid designed to lubricate the ducts, giving the fluid a clearish to slightly cloudy appearance. It is a sign the breasts are developing and functionally preparing for lactogenesis.

This clearish fluid is often called "pre-milk" and means that milk is on its way!
That’s good news!
You’ll soon have more milk than you know what to do with.
Kicking myself for not being able to pump yesterday with hours of car travel. I hope it hasn't set me back too far, but getting back into the swing of things today. I've decided to alternate pumping and using my TENS unit: the TENS is able to be used anywhere because I can place the pads around my nipples and hide the device in my bra and it shuts off automatically after 20 minutes. I have it going now while at my desk at work and it is enjoyable :)

Here is what the TENS unit looks like hooked up to induce.

Side note, no this is not a picture of me ;)
Kicking myself for not being able to pump yesterday with hours of car travel. I hope it hasn't set me back too far, but getting back into the swing of things today. I've decided to alternate pumping and using my TENS unit: the TENS is able to be used anywhere because I can place the pads around my nipples and hide the device in my bra and it shuts off automatically after 20 minutes. I have it going now while at my desk at work and it is enjoyable :)

Here is what the TENS unit looks like hooked up to induce.

Side note, no this is not a picture of me ;)

Oh my goodness. I would have never thought of this. Thank you for the wonderful idea. :D
So the TENS unit is a stimulator, not a suction?

Oh my goodness. I would have never thought of this. Thank you for the wonderful idea. :D

So here is my little write up about using the TENS unit:

First of all ... I know from my reading, there are warnings about:

- Do not place the pads on or near the heart, on the front of the neck, on the head or directly over the spine.
- It should not be used in areas where the skin has an open wound.
- It should not be used in an area that has an infection.
- NEVER use a tens unit if you have a pace maker or defibrillator.

That aside, please note again, this is based solely on my own experiences with it, and should not be taken as medical advice as it can vary from person to person.

From Wiki…
"The TENS Unit: Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is the use of electric current produced by a device to stimulate the nerves for therapeutic purposes. TENS by definition covers the complete range of transcutaneously applied currents used for nerve excitation although the term is often used with a more restrictive intent, namely to describe the kind of pulses produced by portable stimulators used to treat pain."

What it does for those who are trying to induce…
A Tens unit can cause the nerves around the nipple to respond as though the nipple is being suckled by a baby; thereby sending signals to the brain that the Tens wearer needs to nurse an infant.

It is best to place the electrodes each side of your areola border and NOT on the nipple. Finding a comfortable sequence and frequency to suit yourself is a slow exploratory process but when you find it you will discover a whole new world of pleasure :D and the sensations feel very much like suckling.

You need to get one which allows you to alter the pulse modulation as well as the pulse milliamp settings, this will allow you to dial up a pulse rate which will mimic suckling. its a bit of trial and error but OMG can you have some fun in exploring the settings.

A few good points about use a Tens Unit…

- It is silent.

- It can be worn under your clothes and used during the day… while you are at work, school, shopping, etc.

- No one knows you have it on.

- No trying to fit in 20 minute massage/pumping sessions at the office or missing part of the movie... Just switch it on and continue with your day.

Here is a link with more information about using the TENS unit while inducing.

TENS stimulation is a great alternative when you are unable to pump or unable to have someone suckle but it isn't best on it's own. Hope this is helpful to someone! :)

Last night I began my final pumping session of the day and when I turned the switch to ON, the motor stopped working. It was incredibly irritating, since I had just gotten this breast pump not even a few weeks ago. I've decided for now, I will need to rely on hand expressing (Marmet technique) as well as trying out a TENS unit. Let me just say ... both feel amazing.

I can try out different stimulation patterns on my TENS to mimic suckling, and it has been fun feeling those different frequencies. I often find myself squirming in place as I watch the tissue of my breasts contract. It is quite a sight to see.

This morning, at work, I had about thirty minutes alone and it was time to express. I decided hand expression was going to be the way to go so I closed the door of my office and pulled up my top. 20 minutes is what I aim for and so I began massaging my breasts simultaneously.

At first, my mind was racing from being in such a rush in the morning, and not having the greatest start to the day. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself and began to really focus on my goal, and the sensations that my hands were creating around my areolae and in my breasts. My breathing slowed and I closed my eyes and became lost in thought of milk dripping from my nipples as I squeezed.

There is a full-length mirror in my office and as my mind quieted, I turned to look at myself. I really studied myself in the mirror. For the first time in a long time, my reflection looked absolutely beautiful to me. My pale skin was flushed rosy pink on my chest, and my breasts ... my breasts look so luscious being squeezed and pulled gently to express. My right nipple dripped a clear fluid as I continued and I leaned toward the mirror to look at it more closely. I really studied my nipple and the liquid dripping from it... That is when I began to feel my vaginal walls contract and my clit ache to be caressed.

Choices were limited with my hands occupied on their task. I couldn't even pull my pants down, but I found the arm of the chair in my office and leaned over it until my folds pressed against the firm support. The friction of pressing against the chair arm felt so good through my panties - which by now, were most definitely soaked through. My wetness made my need even greater. I could see myself in the mirror where I was positioned. Top and bra pulled up, hands on breasts, straddling the arm of a chair, rubbing my cunt against it through my tight jeans.

I looked so fucking sexy. I watched myself and continued my gentle breast massage. I didn't want to get carried away and have an orgasm before 20 minutes was finished. I edged on that chair over, and over and over... until finally, my timer made its announcement that 20 minutes had passed, and I was free to play with my pussy.

I grabbed the back of that chair with both hands and fucked the arm, humping, grinding, feeling my folds slip around it, until my orgasm gradually built. I pictured myself riding a thick hard cock while having my tits suckled until my insides exploded, and electricity shot through to my toes. I felt the blood rush through my feet and back to my heart, and back again. My vision fuzzed over for a moment.

What a ride... I had forgotten how much I enjoy the Marmet technique :)
Expressing + Edging

Oh my ... oh my ...

I am in trouble.

I cannot concentrate as I express. Earlier I watched myself again. My breasts are fuller, and the sensation feels so good. I only wish it was a mouth suckling my breast instead.

It is difficult to linger on the edge as my hands work my over my breasts - rolling, squeezing, pulling off the nipple. Just thinking of it sends a shiver through me and causes my muscles to contract.

I missed this. I miss having a partner more. It will come together soon because what I have must be shared.

Curiosity got the best of me, so I followed your signature here. Insightful and fairly erotic read, I must confess!:cattail:
Trust me; I wish upon a galaxy of stars that my wife would entertain the notion of inducing lactation, but she'll have none of it. She has her reasons, and that's fine. Still miss suckling, though!
Trust me; I wish upon a galaxy of stars that my wife would entertain the notion of inducing lactation, but she'll have none of it. She has her reasons, and that's fine. Still miss suckling, though!

I'm glad you were able to experience that with her! It is so sexy, and it feels amazing (for both) :D
I'm glad you were able to experience that with her! It is so sexy, and it feels amazing (for both) :D

Yeah, and that ties in with my fantasy of doing it myself... I've read the accounts from you and others of how it made you feel in relation to your femininty. Of course, I long for anything to help in that regard; though this would be a REALLY far fetched thing.
Still dream about it, though. I know a number of trans women can and do lactate while on HRT...that's a step I'm unwilling to take, as I do not wish to lose sexual function as a male.
Yeah, and that ties in with my fantasy of doing it myself... I've read the accounts from you and others of how it made you feel in relation to your femininty. Of course, I long for anything to help in that regard; though this would be a REALLY far fetched thing.
Still dream about it, though. I know a number of trans women can and do lactate while on HRT...that's a step I'm unwilling to take, as I do not wish to lose sexual function as a male.

I understand that. From what I have read, inducing lactation as a trans woman can take a VERY long time and involves HRT which has developed breasts to a minimum Tanner stage 4 which takes 3 years and will leave them impotent. Kudos to those that do it, but that is some serious physiological work!

I am attempting to relactate without hormones. Most women use a drug called Domperidone which will help induce lactation and also maintain supply - the catch is you can never stop taking it or your supply will tank. It is also not FDA approved and you cannot get it in the U.S. as far as I know. I am not comfortable ordering drugs online, though many women that I have followed down their lactation journeys never had issues with what they purchased. It is also quite expensive.

I am using some herbs, lots of pumping, lots and lots and lots of water and a great diet. I remember when I was pregnant with my kids every time my diet was impeccable and I was in the best health; so this experience is only a win for me personally. I am already feeling much better since I have cleaned up my diet. The reward at the end of the journey will be the cherry on top.
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What will you do with your production, when it does start to come in?

I am planning to donate most of it. Some of it I will keep and freeze for later use ... I fear some may find it weird, but when my children were babies I would use breast milk as a home remedy for many things because it is an amazing natural antibiotic and is antimicrobial. Ear infections, conjunctivitis, common cold ... breast milk can get rid of it. I've used it many times for them and myself. It also makes a fine yogurt :)

This is an interesting article about the antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of breast milk.
I am planning to donate most of it. Some of it I will keep and freeze for later use ... I fear some may find it weird, but when my children were babies I would use breast milk as a home remedy for many things because it is an amazing natural antibiotic and is antimicrobial. Ear infections, conjunctivitis, common cold ... breast milk can get rid of it. I've used it many times for them and myself. It also makes a fine yogurt :)

If you're looking for a business opportunity, here's a story I wrote a few months back:

I didn't know about the health benefits, but if I did, I would have found a way to put it in there.
I am happy to say that I was able to acquire another medical grade breast pump. I am thankful to have friends that work with pregnant and nursing women and she happened to have an extra used pump. It is also in my favor that she did not ask what I wanted it for. I assume she thought it was for a client of mine. :D

This is the same pump that I had when I nursed my kids and I find it amusing that the sounds of this pump in particular are bringing me back to those memories. I feel like each time I express as time goes on, the more joy I am experiencing. I'm not really sure why just yet, but I am glad to have these moments where I feel happy, feminine, and beautiful.
Thanks very much for starting a thread to document your journey - I've really enjoyed reading about your progress so far.

A couple of years ago, I helped a friend relactate. I really enjoyed the process, and I'd love to do it again. When I wasn't around, she also used a breast pump, and she modified an old bra for hands free pumping. A great idea I thought - it meant she could do stuff around the house while pumping, rather than having to interrupt what she was doing every few hours.
Thanks very much for starting a thread to document your journey - I've really enjoyed reading about your progress so far.

A couple of years ago, I helped a friend relactate. I really enjoyed the process, and I'd love to do it again. When I wasn't around, she also used a breast pump, and she modified an old bra for hands free pumping. A great idea I thought - it meant she could do stuff around the house while pumping, rather than having to interrupt what she was doing every few hours.

How fun that you were able to help someone through the process! i have had the pleasure of being suckled a few times, but I don't think that will be happening again soon so I am relying on my pump. They make bras like you describe now and I think I am going to have to get one because it does become redundant holding the flanges in place all the time.