My Milky Journey

My breasts are getting bigger. I cannot fit into any of my sports bras comfortably - a good sign that changes are happening :) My nipples also don't seem to ever not be erect anymore, which makes them incredibly sensitive. The slightest touch or rub against the padding of my bra sends a shiver through me - in the best way of course. I can pull and twist them easily and I envision my breasts engorged with milk. Milk erupting from my nipples every which way with each tug and twist. I am eager for the milk to come in. I anticipate sharing it with someone who is wanting.

For now, I look forward to my next pumping session. I am finding that these 20 minute "time outs" to pump every 3-4 hours are becoming great periods of reflection and meditation. I feel like I am learning a lot about myself during these times. It feels incredibly feminine, and I embrace the pleasure of the suction and tugging the pump provides. I am learning my body's response to these sensations again, only this time in a sensual way. I am able to let my body go to where it needs. I rock with its rhythm, and grind with each pull.

How far can I take myself before my insides implode and I soak myself where I sit? It is a new game that I play to push my limits, and I am becoming quite good at it :devil:
How fun that you were able to help someone through the process! i have had the pleasure of being suckled a few times, but I don't think that will be happening again soon so I am relying on my pump. They make bras like you describe now and I think I am going to have to get one because it does become redundant holding the flanges in place all the time.

I really enjoyed the process (even more than I thought I would), not just the results.

My breasts are getting bigger. I cannot fit into any of my sports bras comfortably - a good sign that changes are happening :) My nipples also don't seem to ever not be erect anymore, which makes them incredibly sensitive. The slightest touch or rub against the padding of my bra sends a shiver through me - in the best way of course. I can pull and twist them easily and I envision my breasts engorged with milk. Milk erupting from my nipples every which way with each tug and twist. I am eager for the milk to come in. I anticipate sharing it with someone who is wanting.

For now, I look forward to my next pumping session. I am finding that these 20 minute "time outs" to pump every 3-4 hours are becoming great periods of reflection and meditation. I feel like I am learning a lot about myself during these times. It feels incredibly feminine, and I embrace the pleasure of the suction and tugging the pump provides. I am learning my body's response to these sensations again, only this time in a sensual way. I am able to let my body go to where it needs. I rock with its rhythm, and grind with each pull.

How far can I take myself before my insides implode and I soak myself where I sit? It is a new game that I play to push my limits, and I am becoming quite good at it :devil:

Sounds like you're making good progress :) Do you get clearish fluid every time you pump?
I really enjoyed the process (even more than I thought I would), not just the results.

Sounds like you're making good progress :) Do you get clearish fluid every time you pump?

Not every time, but more often yes. I am noticing a few physical changes. My breasts are definitely bigger, since they no longer fit into my sports bras, and my nipples are changing. The physical signs are encouraging :)
Not every time, but more often yes. I am noticing a few physical changes. My breasts are definitely bigger, since they no longer fit into my sports bras, and my nipples are changing. The physical signs are encouraging :)
Physical changes like going up a cup size, and enlarged/erect nipples are good news, imo :).
Physical changes like going up a cup size, and enlarged/erect nipples are good news, imo :).

Yes, I agree ;)

Something else I've noticed recently:

I've been pumping, hand expressing, and using muscle stimulation with a TENS unit for 2 weeks now. I've had a few suckling sessions thrown in there which has been also been divine ... Now that I am in a steady rhythm of stimulating my breasts every few hours I am experiencing phantom sensations. Sometimes I can feel the stimulation from the TENS unit shoot through my nipples when it isn't even hooked up, sometimes I feel a phantom pull as if I was using my pump, and sometimes, when I'm really in the zone, I have phantom suckling sensations which shoots straight to my clit and causes my breath to catch ... those are the best :)
Yes, I agree ;)

Something else I've noticed recently:

I've been pumping, hand expressing, and using muscle stimulation with a TENS unit for 2 weeks now. I've had a few suckling sessions thrown in there which has been also been divine ... Now that I am in a steady rhythm of stimulating my breasts every few hours I am experiencing phantom sensations. Sometimes I can feel the stimulation from the TENS unit shoot through my nipples when it isn't even hooked up, sometimes I feel a phantom pull as if I was using my pump, and sometimes, when I'm really in the zone, I have phantom suckling sensations which shoots straight to my clit and causes my breath to catch ... those are the best :)

That's really interesting about the phantom sensations - I've never heard of that before. Are your suckling sessions regular, or just an occasional thing? I think there's definitely benefits in having another person involved, even if it's only occasionally.
That's really interesting about the phantom sensations - I've never heard of that before. Are your suckling sessions regular, or just an occasional thing? I think there's definitely benefits in having another person involved, even if it's only occasionally.

Very occasional, unfortunately. Another person to help would certainly be helpful and much more fun.
I had a set back this weekend while out of town and was unable to express as regularly as I normally would. I was a bit stressed about it, but I am hoping it doesn't set me back too far. I know pumping more in less time won't make a difference, so only time will tell. I am so looking forward to nice hand expression session this evening. It would be better to be suckled, but we can't always get what we want now can we? :)

Thinking milky thoughts
You have me thinking milky thoughts now sally. Interesting read and I will definitely drop-in from time to time to see how you are doing. This will no doubt be a very sensual erotic journey for you.
You have me thinking milky thoughts now sally. Interesting read and I will definitely drop-in from time to time to see how you are doing. This will no doubt be a very sensual erotic journey for you.

Hi Dreamliner, thank you for stopping in. It has been a very erotic and sensual journey so far, and I am learning a lot about myself in the process. The journey is half the fun of it all. I am also learning a great deal of self-discipline. It isn't something I lacked really, but I am prioritizing things in a more organized way in order to ensure I do what I need to do and am also able to have fun :)
Writing this as I pump ...

It is so nice to have a working pump again. As much as I enjoy hand expression, and the tingling from the TENS unit, it is nice to be hands free and feel the suction around my nipples. I think I need to find larger flanges for the pump. My nipples have grown since the beginning of my journey, and it doesn't feel like I'm getting the appropriate amount of suction. That will be on my shopping list for the afternoon.

I've noticed some new changes as of late. Since I am taking a prenatal vitamin to ensure I am getting all the vitamins and minerals I need to create new breast tissue, and eventually produce milk, I have noticed that my hair is so much softer and it is growing like crazy! My hair is naturally very curly, so to notice a length change is pretty major. I love how soft my hair is now. My skin looks brighter, and my nails are stronger. All good things! I am also noticing tenderness in my breasts. They are also larger. I tried to wear a "normal" bra for me and it barely strapped behind me, and my breasts were spilling over the top.

This morning I had a ton of running around to do and unfortunately went about 5 hours in between expressing. I noticed that my breasts were much more tender by the time I was able to express than they normally are. Actually, I'm not sure I've ever noticed tenderness until now.

I am staying positive that I am on track with my journey. Here's hoping.

Special thanks to the person who send me this sexy gif the other day. It is very inspiring :devil:

Isn't this delicious?

More from the same gif... so hot

I have been in a consistent state of arousal since my journey began. So much nipple play keeps me on edge and my release when I get there is incredibly powerful. I have also gotten a bit creative with my solo play which has been fun to experiment with. I am really enjoying myself so far :D
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It is so nice to have a working pump again. As much as I enjoy hand expression, and the tingling from the TENS unit, it is nice to be hands free and feel the suction around my nipples. I think I need to find larger flanges for the pump. My nipples have grown since the beginning of my journey, and it doesn't feel like I'm getting the appropriate amount of suction. That will be on my shopping list for the afternoon.

I've noticed some new changes as of late. Since I am taking a prenatal vitamin to ensure I am getting all the vitamins and minerals I need to create new breast tissue, and eventually produce milk, I have noticed that my hair is so much softer and it is growing like crazy! My hair is naturally very curly, so to notice a length change is pretty major. I love how soft my hair is now. My skin looks brighter, and my nails are stronger. All good things! I am also noticing tenderness in my breasts. They are also larger. I tried to wear a "normal" bra for me and it barely strapped behind me, and my breasts were spilling over the top.

This morning I had a ton of running around to do and unfortunately went about 5 hours in between expressing. I noticed that my breasts were much more tender by the time I was able to express than they normally are. Actually, I'm not sure I've ever noticed tenderness until now.

I am staying positive that I am on track with my journey. Here's hoping.

Special thanks to the person who send me this sexy gif the other day. It is very inspiring :devil:

Isn't this delicious?

More from the same gif... so hot

I have been in a consistent state of arousal since my journey began. So much nipple play keeps me on edge and my release when I get there is incredibly powerful. I have also gotten a bit creative with my solo play which has been fun to experiment with. I am really enjoying myself so far :D

Sounds like things are on track, along with some great side benefits :). Will you have to buy new bras, or do you already have some bigger sizes you can wear? There’s some very sexy clips and gifs online from women who sell clips and/or work on cam sites. Some of them have a lot of milk, and I particularly remember seeing one clip which was a bit of an eye-opener. The woman in the clip had pumped on one side, but not the other, and the difference was at least two cup sizes.
Sounds like things are on track, along with some great side benefits :). Will you have to buy new bras, or do you already have some bigger sizes you can wear? There’s some very sexy clips and gifs online from women who sell clips and/or work on cam sites. Some of them have a lot of milk, and I particularly remember seeing one clip which was a bit of an eye-opener. The woman in the clip had pumped on one side, but not the other, and the difference was at least two cup sizes.

I have a few that are a cup size bigger than I am now. I imagine I'll be moving to those soon. Emptying the breast can make huge changes in size. Women that overproduce deal with that more. I never had an oversupply issue so mind never changed that drastically after nursing or pumping, but physically it felt much different to me.
Sally-sparrow I loved when my wife was lactating. Loved to suck her breasts and taste her milk.
I have a few that are a cup size bigger than I am now. I imagine I'll be moving to those soon. Emptying the breast can make huge changes in size. Women that overproduce deal with that more. I never had an oversupply issue so mind never changed that drastically after nursing or pumping, but physically it felt much different to me.
Hope things are going well - have you noticed any more changes? Were you able to pump regularly over weekend?
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Truly an Exxxcitting Journey

I just subscribed to your thread. This promises to be an exxxciting journey. I loved suckling my wives breasts every chance I had when they were nursing, I could never get enough of their milk. To me it is one of the most intimate and erotic of sexual acts.
Hope things are going well - have you noticed any more changes? Were you able to pump regularly over weekend?

I feel like I have hit a plateau and I am feeling discouraged. I know this takes time and I am being impatient. I have been thinking I'm doing it for nothing, but then I see something like this:

And I get excited again. :)

No changes right now really other than my breasts feeling full.

I just subscribed to your thread. This promises to be an exxxciting journey. I loved suckling my wives breasts every chance I had when they were nursing, I could never get enough of their milk. To me it is one of the most intimate and erotic of sexual acts.

Glad you found the thread, welcome!
Something strange is going on around here...

With the chaos that the CV is causing, I have had a few moms who have previously lactated and stopped reach out to see if I could help assist to relactate. I think they want to make sure they have enough for their babies, and/or want to donate to families that may need it. I don't know about anyone else, but I went to the grocery store this morning and most baby formulas, diapers, wipes, and soft foods were gone. It was truly a surreal moment.

I have no idea how long this craziness will last, but it doesn't look like people are calming down anytime soon with stockpiling supplies, so I agreed to help. What are the odds? I don't have to keep this a complete secret now. I am not sharing exactly what MY intentions are once my milk comes in, but they don't need to know that :D

This is all very strange, but I think it will be nice to have other women on the journey with me.
Something strange is going on around here...

With the chaos that the CV is causing, I have had a few moms who have previously lactated and stopped reach out to see if I could help assist to relactate. I think they want to make sure they have enough for their babies, and/or want to donate to families that may need it. I don't know about anyone else, but I went to the grocery store this morning and most baby formulas, diapers, wipes, and soft foods were gone. It was truly a surreal moment.

I have no idea how long this craziness will last, but it doesn't look like people are calming down anytime soon with stockpiling supplies, so I agreed to help. What are the odds? I don't have to keep this a complete secret now. I am not sharing exactly what MY intentions are once my milk comes in, but they don't need to know that :D

This is all very strange, but I think it will be nice to have other women on the journey with me.

You may become a local heroine.
Something strange is going on around here...

With the chaos that the CV is causing, I have had a few moms who have previously lactated and stopped reach out to see if I could help assist to relactate. I think they want to make sure they have enough for their babies, and/or want to donate to families that may need it. I don't know about anyone else, but I went to the grocery store this morning and most baby formulas, diapers, wipes, and soft foods were gone. It was truly a surreal moment.

I have no idea how long this craziness will last, but it doesn't look like people are calming down anytime soon with stockpiling supplies, so I agreed to help. What are the odds? I don't have to keep this a complete secret now. I am not sharing exactly what MY intentions are once my milk comes in, but they don't need to know that :D

This is all very strange, but I think it will be nice to have other women on the journey with me.

That's a really interesting response to CV - perhaps another possibility is the women who've approached you hope that the antibodies in breast milk might boost their babies' immune system.

What did you say when you told them you're inducing? As you say, it's a really fortuitous, but it's great that you can now share the experience with others :)

It's crazy in my part of the world too - supermarkets are being almost stripped bare. It started with food, but now shoppers are grabbing almost anything left on the shelves. Unfortunately, CV seems to have bought out the worst in some people :(
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That's a really interesting response to CV - perhaps another possibility is the women who've approached you hope that the antibodies in breast milk might boost their babies' immune system.

What did you say when you told them you're inducing? As you say, it's a really fortuitous, but it's great that you can now share the experience with others :)

It's crazy in my part of the world too - supermarkets are being almost stripped bare. It started with food, but now shoppers are grabbing almost anything left on the shelves. Unfortunately, CV seems to have bought out the worst in some people :(

I mentioned wanting to donate as well. No one thought anything of it ;)
What is happening to our bodies as we induce lactation.

I'm sharing this info because I love to understand the physiology of our bodies, and this process in particular. Maybe someone else will enjoy it too :eek:

This has been condensed into a more reader friendly format by a retired Registered Nurse friend with over 20 years nursing experience:

This is intended as a hands on fun physical exploration which you may also enjoy so feel free to take out your breasts whist reading this as what better way to show than by actually exploring and identifying your basic anatomy as you feel around your own wonderful breasts. ;)

Your breasts are secretory organs, each breast irrespective of bra size, comprising a bunch of around only 20 milk ducts ampullae & deeper alveoli supported by fat and connective tissue and a base muscle layer called the Suspensory Ligament against the chest wall . If you gently feel your breast just behind your areola, that is the round area of soft tissue circling the nipple you can feel the underlying ampullae or lobes as small hard grape like nodules radiating right around the areola and the ducts from the alveoli to the lobes and from the lobes to the nipple as very fine threads terminating at your nipple. You can actually see the ends of the ducts as tiny white dimples on your nipples, this is where the milk comes out. Whilst we are here the tiny bumps you see on your areola are quite normal and are called Montgomery's Tubercles, they are tiny glands there to lubricate the nipple during suckling, That is why you sometimes see tiny droplets of clear or cloudy liquid on them. This is not milk it is just a special oily fluid secreted in response to stimulation.

Your breast physiological functions are controlled by a combination of stimulatory actions on the nervous system and the endocrine or hormone system, the breasts are normally dormant, except of course when pregnant. I am not going to talk about pregnancy and lactation as this is slightly different physiology and not necessary in a lactation inducing group. When we induce we are asking our breasts to awake and respond to stimulation which makes our bodies assume we have been pregnant and need to produce milk to feed our offspring.

In order to produce milk the main hormones of the endocrine system involved are Prolactin and Oxytocin. Prolactin is an interesting hormone which is released by the Anterior Pituitary gland, this is a small gland found just under the fore brain between the optic nerves in both women and in men, because it is present in both genders it is termed non gender specific and explains why it is possible for Transexual women to induce with hormonal assistance as successfully as biological Women. Prolactin is released in response to direct mechanical stimulation of the nipple as in suckling or by using a Breast pump or by Marmet technique massage. This stimulation sends nervous signals to the Anterior Pituitary gland to tell the gland to produce Prolactin. Incidentally, This gland has an inbuilt timer which is set to switch off after 20 minutes of constant stimulation and not to come on again for approx 2 hours. This is why it is not advisable to suckle, massage or pump for prolonged periods. Taking Domperidone our favorite inducing medication or Galactagogue of choice results in a massive increase, up to around 1500 times more than normal in the amount of Prolactin produced and released by the Gland.

Prolactin has a direct effect on the lactiferous lobes, it tells them to make milk from the blood which flows through the breasts. You can actually feel the physical effects of Prolactin being released. Just massage your favorite nipple using the Marmet technique, Massage quickly, after around 45 seconds you will start to feel a feint tingling or growing feeling of excitement and enlargement in the opposite breast, this is the Prolactin acting on your lactiferous alveoli and causing them to engorge with blood and produce milk. The other Hormone involved is Oxytocin, the silent sex hormone. Another non gender specific hormone from that magic Anterior Pituitary gland. You will be no doubt excited to learn that Oxytocin is released in response to suckling too, it has an effect on the smooth muscle lining the vagina and the milk ducts, causing them to contract. You can feel its effect by just stroking your fingers gently over your breasts towards your areola and nipples, Can you feel the response ? it is a tingling or even a gorgeous subtle orgasmic feeling as the underlying nerves cause the tiny muscles in the ducts to contract, it is also released during orgasm which also explains the mystery of why we often find lactating such a sexually exciting experience. Oxytocin release from suckling causes the alveoli to contract and expel any milk collected in the alveoli. This is called the milk ejection reflex which some women who have successfully induced may have experienced.

Have fun exploring if you feel inclined ;)