My name is Scalywag, and I'm addicted to Lit

silverwhisper said:
[trout-smacks scaly just cuz it's been a while]


Ed, could you get a new fish...please? Since you smacked him, I can pick up Scaly's scent this morning...and I'm on the left coast!
o, no: i nab a new one from the tank most mornings after i get dressed. i find that if i make changing my trout a part of my routine, i tend not to forget. :>

pleasteasme said:
I think that is why I finally got a dog. Someone to talk to... :eek:
My dog can "speak" but, I don't understand her....yet...


Yes! There are a lot of positive attributes to this board. As with anything, there are also some negatives. So far, the positives have outweighed any negatives. I hope it continues to be that way.

Enjoy your addiction Scaly! :rose:

Oh give it time, and you will understand her! Trust me it does happen :D

Addiction? Oh yes I'm addicted too! And now we are having problems with our DSL line so I had to dial up ..........urghhhhhhhh :rolleyes:
Scalywag said:
Yup, that's right, I'm addicted.

I spend all day working on my computer, and Lit is only 2 mouse clicks away. The temptation lingers all day long; it's not unlike the pull of a magnet.
I generally keep the stories index open and ready!

Scalywag said:
Some days are better than others, and I can keep my focus. Other days I don't do so well. Today is one of those days. If I stop to get more coffee or use the facilities, when I come back to my desk I must check in here.
I have some free time right my life. Plus, I am in an "exploration phase". I want to push my limits, so I test the waters first by seeing what turns me on here. Do you have something similar going on perhaps? (besides our obvious addiction, lol)

Scalywag said:
So, how about you, addicted to Lit?
YESSSS, YESSS, YESS!!! Emphatically YES! :D
Scalywag said:
How did I get to 4,000 posts....i haven't even been posting for a year. :rolleyes:
Post whore!
Congrats on your upcoming anniversary.