My pussy is so deep. . .

OMG you guys are hysterical!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

MPISD that Kirk, Spock and Bones are on another 5 year mission.
Fuck - I just realised - I called pmann normal - :eek: WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck - I just realised - I called pmann normal - :eek: WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm normal. And classy. Totally.

I'm kind of impressed with these big pussy jokes. It's like finding out you have a twin, but the twin is a different race or something.
...pussy is so big...

that Pmann has the re-tread work for his cock-ring done in there.

My pussy is so deep. . . does most of your philosophical thinking for you.