My two cents

bluerains said:
be a constant push and pull from 2 opposing forces...One of control and exclusion...the open range of inclusion....with no appearance of balance says my way or the highway...the other ...let them eat cake...I think there is a lesson here..being played... :rose:
Listen blue this is just so much crack smoke. Remember you called me Nazi, pussy. Remember the top list was taken up by....Quietpoet called me pathetic, probably a word learned from Senna Jawa. Senna used it in reference to a poem. Your crowd quick to pick up on it to be used against people.
When you two show a little bit of indepence and reign in your lettle terror from his inferences, accusations . No, I hear silence from your quarter, thus the crack about cheap religon. Sorry but thread plea kind of offends me, since your idol often uses them for a base. So what are you two really advocating? Free speech for everybody but....
Yes, blue I have an agenda, to expose this rampant whatever you call it
:) have a nice day :) :rose: :rose:
Explain troll to me.
Scratching head..hum

MyNecroticSnail]Listen blue this is just so much crack smoke. Remember you called me Nazi, pussy.

I do seem to recall the word neocon..but, if you like the use of female additives....I can't help where your mind roams...
Being Hypocritical about Hypocrites

Everyone would probably agree that hypocrisy in any form is no good. However, because the moral failings of various leaders allows the average person to justify his or her own moral inequalities, the actual view of hypocrisy tends to be rather positive. This is particularly true for those who aren't Christians. They seem to love it when authority figures get caught with their pants down.

If the president of the Southern Baptist Convention was nabbed in a prostitution raid, or if the Pope was discovered to own stock in a Las Vegas casino, millions of people would use these grievous examples of immorality to rationalize their own smaller transgressions.

Because God created us with a built-in moral compass, we constantly feel the need to justify our actions. It is comforting to be able to point to the deeds of someone else and say, “I may have my faults, but I’m not as bad as he is.”

Rationalization is a useful tool for relieving guilt and removing ourselves from responsibility. A person who is 70 pounds overweight can look at someone who is 150 pounds overweight and marvel at the other's obesity. But a person can’t make himself thinner by finding people who are fatter than he is. He may have a lower percentage of body fat than other people, but nonetheless, according to the basic guidelines for weight, he is still fat.

I write about many things I belong to any of them...NO...there is an old saying
sittin in a chicken coup can't make one a chicken and sittin in a church house can't make a christian...or any other made up control of love may like the world you have made...I choose another path....and that path has many crossings ...and many cultures of souls...spin the groove...nuff said...and learn to spell...pleeeeese...didn't you say that to me what is that saying...scratching head...btw..I do believe it was saldne..who started the pathetic

Remember the top list was taken up by....Quietpoet called me pathetic, probably a word learned from Senna Jawa. Senna used it in reference to a poem. Your crowd quick to pick up on it to be used against people.
When you two show a little bit of indepence and reign in your lettle terror from his inferences, accusations . No, I hear silence from your quarter, thus the crack about cheap religon. Sorry but thread plea kind of offends me, since your idol often uses them for a base. So what are you two really advocating? Free speech for everybody but....
Yes, blue I have an agenda, to expose this rampant whatever you call it
:) have a nice day :) :rose: :rose:
Explain troll to me.[/QUOTE]
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