NaNoWriMo 2003

Re: Re: Great idea, mi amiga!

perdita said:
Alejandro, mi amigo dulce,

I like your attitude. I'm already thinking between two very specific story lines; don't know about erotic for one.

I say let's give Loulou the honor of starting the support thread on October 31! Perhaps via this thread people who actually 'sign up' after Oct. 1 can say so and we'll have an idea how many of us there are.

Sounds like a plan to me.

con mucho gusto, Perdita

I posted mine at exactly the same time. ;)

Purrditta, that's a very good plan.

Ok, so we'll state we've signed up in this thread. I'll keep a note of who and how many there are, then on October 31st I'll start up the NaNoWriMo support thread. I'll list in my opening post all those that are taking part. Then the fun shall begin.

Getting more excited by the minute,

Loulou :kiss:
Ha, ha. I know MG won't join us (she tells us often enough that her ovary is finished), but I wish she could see how totally disgastin kissy-hugginess can be. Oh, but then she'd start talking about really really offal bodily functions.

No one tell her about this thread.

incognito, P. (shhhh)
originally posted by Tatelou
Ok, so we'll state we've signed up in this thread. I'll keep a note of who and how many there are, then on October 31st I'll start up the NaNoWriMo support thread. I'll list in my opening post all those that are taking part. Then the fun shall begin.
Is that going to be the LitNaNoWriMo or the NaNoWriMoLit thread?

Alex (who thinks one of his old plot ideas just might do...)

PS: going offline now - catch up tomorrow
I go with NaNoWriMoLit as I think the NaNoWri is the more important bit.


'night, Alex. :kiss:
Alex De Kok said:
Is that going to be the LitNaNoWriMo or the NaNoWriMoLit thread?

Alex (who thinks one of his old plot ideas just might do...)

PS: going offline now - catch up tomorrow

How about: LitWridoNaNoWriMo?

Nah, that's just silly. I'll go with Purrditta's suggestion. :D

Night night Alex.

Loulou :kiss:
Re: Bump!

Alex De Kok said:
on reflection, I like LitWridoNaNoWriMo

You cleared that up for me with the boldface. I second you.

Getting anxious,

Re: Re: Bump!

perdita said:

You cleared that up for me with the boldface. I second you.

Getting anxious,


Nice one, I declare the motion passed. :eek:

LitWridoNaNoWriMo it is. :D

Lou :kiss:
BUMPing, just to put in a little reminder that sign-ups start tomorrow.

As someone has suggested (I think it was Perdita) it would be a good idea to add your name to this thread, as and when you sign up. I can then keep my list up to date, ready for the LitWridoNaNoWriMo support thread to start on November 1st.

I'm getting close to bouncing off the walls here, and there's still a month to go!

I haven't forgotten!

Tatelou said:
BUMPing, just to put in a little reminder that sign-ups start tomorrow.

As someone has suggested (I think it was Perdita) it would be a good idea to add your name to this thread, as and when you sign up. I can then keep my list up to date, ready for the LitWridoNaNoWriMo support thread to start on November 1st.

I'm getting close to bouncing off the walls here, and there's still a month to go!

I know how you feel, Lou. I have a rough plot outline and a bunch of skittish characters waiting to go. I've had to work on some of my unfinished work to take my mind off it! Ready to sign up tomorrow. I'll add a post to this thread when I do.

Impatiently, Alex.

PS: Interesting writing site by the BBC here.
Svenskaflicka said:

What? We're NOT scatting?:confused:

Ha ha! That brings a whole new meaning to the lyric "He's a scatman, dedobadobada." :D

Alex, I am so ready for this. I've been working on plot outlines, and basic character profiles. I just hope I don't get overwhelmed, once it all begins. I'll try my best to keep my head above water.

That is a great link, btw. Cheers for that.

I have no idea whatsoever on what to write, but I hope I'll get one by the time it starts...:)
Svenskaflicka said:
I have no idea whatsoever on what to write, but I hope I'll get one by the time it starts...:)
Flicka-mou, I have only two basic ideas and I will eeny-meeny-miney-mo one on Nov. 1. Read the url info, you'll feel better knowing the main point is to write; forget about quality. Glad you're in, it's going to be fun and we'll all support each other.

With my reputation for being long-winded, how can I afford to miss such a challenge?

However I presume it has to be NOT erotica. That will be the real challenge because sex keeps rearing its head during my writing. 50,000 words without explicit sex is a daunting prospect.

oggbashan said:
With my reputation for being long-winded, how can I afford to miss such a challenge?

However I presume it has to be NOT erotica. That will be the real challenge because sex keeps rearing its head during my writing. 50,000 words without explicit sex is a daunting prospect.


Og, the type of content you include in your story is entirely up to you. There's nothing to say it can't be erotic, or even an all action war fest, with a smattering of sex. I'm like you, in that I can't write anything without adding a few sexual encounters here and there. My story is going to be a sensual erotic horror, that might sound like a contradiction in terms, but think entity getting up to naughty stuff.

I've signed up!

I've finally managed to sign up! :D

My username there is also Tatelou, which I'm relieved about, at least that will save on confusion.

Lou - happy.
Yes, coming up with story ideas without any sex scenes is going to prove a challenge after spending so much time on Lit and RS. ;)

It's good to see that so many of my friends are in this, it's great to have a common project.:heart:
Alex de Kok is pleased to announce to anyone who gives a shit that he is now officially signed up for this potentially soul-destroying - oops, sorry, I mean entertaining and life-enriching - exercise. And as Alex de Kok, too, which saves me - and you - having to remember who else I am today.

God help us all.

I have signed up as oggbashan. Seems no one else wants the blame.
