NaNoWriMo 2003

Username: champagne1982
Working Title: Triumph in November -- Madness In November?
Genre: Psych/suspense

A story about a twisted triangle of stalker-killer-victim, with sex as the anchor and plot lines spiralling off in numerous directions.
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champagne1982 said:
Username: champagne1982
Woking Title: Triumph in November

I don't even have an idea.. YET.
Nice. With a title like that you should write a novel about the chores and angst of writing a novel.

Turn it into a film script. Cue Spike Jonze. Collect the Oscar. :cool:
Okay... I cannot believe I'm doing this, like do I have the time? Like I must be nuts? Can I even speaketh the englishth? Taking a deep breath.

I'm in.


And I have no flipping idea what on earth I'm going to write about let alone a title.

*quickly goes to the back of the room to find a nondescript seat to hide under* much for sneaking in and whispering and then hiding...

Did you really have to stand on the chair and shout that out loud Perdita? ;)

I think I'm going to enjoy this. :)
wildsweetone said:
I think I'm going to enjoy this. :)
Of course you will, and you won't mind my nagging you for 30 days either.

Perdita :heart: :kiss: :heart:
(Darn domme tendencies ;) )

Does the countdown for your 30 days nagging start now? *giggling*
It's already nagging on my head.

Username: marblespire
Working Title: none (I'm TERRIBLE with titles)
Theme: Sci-fi / war / sociology
Chance I meet the 50k in time: God only knows. If I can get my ass into the zone I should be fine, since as a college student I have way too much free time on my hands...

Will Be Accused Of Copying: The Matrix
Am Actually Copying: Mega Man X games

WSO, champagne, if you guys really want story kernels / plot-bunnies / whatever you'd like to call them, I've got quite a few stored away that I've never been able to use. Some of them even require explicit sex scenes. I'm not sure if borrowing someone else's inspiration actually works, but if you'd like to try, I'm game.
perdita said:
WSO and Carrie! Yippee!!!

Yay! I second that! :D

Wow! Twelve of us have signed up now, here's the list of names, so far...

Alex De Kok

Quite a formidable group, if I do say so myself. The support/encouragement group we'll have going on here will be great.

There's still plenty of time for more to join us.

Me, Perdita, Carrie, wildsweetone - all Snippettsville Group members. From 600-word pieces to a 50,000+ word, full-blown novel! They say insanity is hereditary, that you get it from your kids, but I'm beginning to think it gets transmitted on the ether.

Carrie and the Kiwi lady, welcome to Loonies United.

Alex still-hasn't-got-a-working-title-or-coherent-plot de Kok
Alex De Kok said:
They say insanity is hereditary, that you get it from your kids, but I'm beginning to think it gets transmitted on the ether.
Oh, Alex, I'd say way too much at times gets through the ether. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by perdita
Simple, Pierce. We neglect our family, loved ones and jobs. ;)
...Sadly, there may be some truth to that. :p
perdita said:
Simple, Pierce. We neglect our family, loved ones and jobs. ;)

I've managed mostly to do away with the last part, and I've got my wife accompanying me to a Creative Writing evening class, so the support is there. Loved ones is mostly in-laws, apart from a brother, so I guess apart from procrastination and an inbuilt tendency to put things off as well, I'm well-placed. . .

Good news! I have a working title. 'Give me the man'. The theme is coming of age in a colony on a far planet, complicated by an invasion. Science-fiction-cum-fantasy-adventure.

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It sounds like an interesting concept. As another has mentioned, in some cities, the pace is speeded up and the task is to write a short (say 200 pp., iirc**) novel in (iirc) three days. that *does* cut down on the revisions!


**{Added 10-4: this number seems a bit high, as has been pointed out. Maybe 150 pp is nearer the actual requirement.}
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Are you joining the NaNoWriMo challenge, Pure? It can be quite a gratifying experience, as I found out from personal experience.

Editing, revisions, rewrites all take place after November 30. The fun is in vomiting the story onto the pages with only a time pressure hanging over your head. :D

Give it some thought, the more the merrier.

-Mike B.
I don't know why it took me so long to look at this thread, but it's a wonderful idea... so I am going to sign up too. I always feel like I have that faraway dream of writing a novel "someday" and this challenge really inspires me to get something done!

I believe it's a good idea to just write without editing or judgement - there is always time for that later. Reminds me of a class I took earlier this year called "The Artist's Way".... basically the concept is that you should create just for the sake of creating and not judge what comes out. If you take care of the quantity, the quality will be taken care of by your muse/creative spirit/"higher power" - whatever you want to use here.

*Feeling nervous, but excited...*
I finally took a look at the NaNoWriMo forums, very good. I'm scanning the 'advice for newbies' thread and grinning. Also have the first bay area party on calendar.

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Originally posted by Pure some cities, the pace is speeded up and the task is to write a short (say 200 pp., iirc) novel in (iirc) three days.
...Err, SHORT? I type my stories in 10-point Verdana and 1.5 spaced paragraphs (as opposed to double-spaced) and 50,000 words in that format is already about 150 pages. Single-spaced it'd be less. So, uhm, I'm not sure that's short.

Oh, well, it's just semantics.

(contributing nothing useful)
Hi Mike,

Thanks for your note. I'm not sure right now if family obligations will allow for that months, but it sounds like a very intriguing challenge.

I would enjoy being kept posted in case things change.


Are you joining the NaNoWriMo challenge, Pure? It can be quite a gratifying experience, as I found out from personal experience.

Editing, revisions, rewrites all take place after November 30. The fun is in vomiting the story onto the pages with only a time pressure hanging over your head.

Give it some thought, the more the merrier.

-Mike B.

[I said, iirc, 200 pages in 3 days.]

...Err, SHORT? I type my stories in 10-point Verdana and 1.5 spaced paragraphs (as opposed to double-spaced) and 50,000 words in that format is already about 150 pages. Single-spaced it'd be less. So, uhm, I'm not sure that's short.

Oh, well, it's just semantics.

I'm not sure of the exact numbers. Out of curiosity, how many words per hour can you turn out, of a story, assuming a little planning beforehand? So assume a few snacks and bathroom breaks (added on), how many words in, say, a 12 hour(all work) day?



Last year I was able to average about 800-1,000 words an hour. I set a personal quota of 2,000-2,500 words a day so I would have about a week's worth of cushion time in case I needed to take a day or two off here and there. There were days that I completely blanked out, and other days that I was able to crank out more than 4,000 words. On average I wrote for 2-3 hours a day (1 hour during my lunch, and 1-2 hours after I arrived at home).

It is quite a committment, but it serves its purpose well in freeing the mind as well as helping to set and achieve writing goals.

If you try it, there's no shame in not completing it. And if you can't do it this year, there's always 2004.

-Mike B.
Pure said:
Out of curiosity, how many words per hour can you turn out, of a story, assuming a little planning beforehand? So assume a few snacks and bathroom breaks (added on), how many words in, say, a 12 hour(all work) day?
Theoretically I seem to churn out about 25 words per minute. Which is a bit slow if it just came down to typing, but even when I really try not to, I tend to ponder what I write a little too much.

that would make for 1500 words/hour non stop. 1100 words to be somewhat realistic. So 10k to 15k of writing is not impossible I guess.

But somewhere mid-afternoon, I would have this strong urge to just reverse my lunch.
Originally posted by Pure
Out of curiosity, how many words per hour can you turn out, of a story, assuming a little planning beforehand? So assume a few snacks and bathroom breaks (added on), how many words in, say, a 12 hour(all work) day?
...No clue. Never tried figuring it out. I can type pretty fast--100 WPM, say--but things don't necessarily spill out on the page that quickly. I mean, I could sit there typing out "Leeko leeko leeko!" for an hour, but it wouldn't mean anything. More often I have to force my brain into mode--"Okay, what would this character say, what would that character say," etc. It never feels fast when that happens.