NaPoWriMo Challenge - April 1 - April 30

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Something He Doesn't Remember

Couldn't see his face
and I was crying
when the first "I love you"
launched itself from my lips
waited in terror-filled eternity
one second... two... three

then relief, the warm softness
of his voice, those words
echoed back to me

geese scavenging in
puddles of mud and brown water
~~fattening up for summer


Well after midnight, I rise to dress and go.
But your quiet body, stilled
by sleep and sex,

lies nude in the bright moonlight
streaming through the window,
as if photographed in black and white.

And, once again, your slender neck,
long thighs, the dark
circles of your lovely nipples

assert their unconscious
control over my autonomic body.
I grow suddenly so heavy with desire

that I begin to fear
I will have to resolve it on my own
until I spy the glint in your slitted eyes,

just as you reach for me.

Tax Day

It feels like Summer
Said placing a firm foot on the branch
Halo of flowering backlit limbs
Shaking their fingers at the liar
In the middle of April

It feels like winter
Said into a call screen camera viewer
Mountains of white conifer outlines
Snow covered new rhubarb shoots
Screaming of the Spring
Mired Deep in the Muck of Limerick Hell,
the Poet Ponders His Options
Option One - A Terzanelle 14/30
until I spy the glint in your slitted eyes,
see my new avvie Tzed? Slitted eyes indeed!

Option Two - A Ghazal 15/30

My bedsheets are rumpled and you know it's for you I feel need
so join me in here and be crumpled. There's room for two in my need.

The sheets were so pristine and perfumed with roses and deed,
but now they're all wrinkled and a floral funk clusters like dew in my need.

Please darling, take my eager kisses and give me your lips. Now into the fire feed
our burning desire as our skins join together, as fuel for my need

Don't blush so my sweet! Tender embarrassment drowns this fragile seed.
Step to me boldly with your lust standing proud, like my nipples do in my need.

Caress my soft curves and let passion mount as you satisfy your sinful greed.
Please love go slow and savour in full, this nest I built for two in my need

I do love this earthy, too human play like in the poems we read,
and on fantasy's clouds I'll get Carrie'd away with dreams of you in my need.


When storms split the summer sky
we sit behind the screen door
and share an old blue chair.

Lean back and listen: how that chair
creaks! We're safe from the rainy sky,
though a fine mist blows through the door

and cools our warm skin. The door
is our sentry, the house our home, but the chair
is a metaphor. Time will soften the heaving sky,

door and chair will disappear. Only sky will remain.

I've played in the pool hall
junkies motif, plotted my own demise
in the cool hard skyrise
timezone meridian played the games
of my generation plugging in dollars
feeding my face with processed food
and drinks that are nothing more than acid and sugar

step over the homeless
man that huddles under the neon
as if its light will offer anything warmer
than fake and harsh
throw him my last couple bucks
without even thinking because
what was I going to do with it
except buy more shit I don't need
or feed it into a new way to switch off my brain

hello turns to goodbye
and there's no greenery here
merely a cast concrete grey
that reflects off pallid skin
as they in their mindless muddle
trek through their own importance
because the next thing is more
pressing than here and now

and I want the sun to be warm
I want to lie in the shade
of a tree
and ponder what revelations the clouds may have
I'm over the philosophy we've
moulded in fake rock

we lost our sense of gratitude
in it all

Lady Europa
we love you dearly
in our snobbish euphoria
your lovers spoil you clearly

While you criticize unruly rulers
downright from your throne so far away
about the venom and bullets they spray
you miss the drowning before your oculars

Highways clotted with sticker busses
dreaming of e-cars made for any range
diesel engines save the climate change
passing by empty buses

Amid your careful soil turning
for happy flower seed
elsewhere fires are burning
to help you feed

How I wished I could yelp
hands filled with fruits and plants
brought a long way from exotic lands
lips holding car keys aren't of any help

Bared by need of you
my wanton tongue seeks your heat
rigid, silken shaft
to take, to give everything
always in hunger for more

*with a wink to Tzara and Piscator
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Still Life with Muse

Though abandoned, I see you.
Sitting slumped at a scarred
and ancient wooden table,
stained white tank stretched
tight across stomach bulge.

Before you the tools of your
trade: half empty beer
in a dirty glass, ashtray
full of marlboro butts
next to soaking dentures.

There's also a blank notepad
that's been in and out of
too many pockets
edges curled, yellowed,
spiral bent and lines faded.

In a room that almost certainly
smells like failure, he works
the tv guide crossword. A
furrowed brow, a chewed pencil.
Yellow fingers and hollow eyes.

Over his left shoulder, unwatched,
a Gilligan's Island rerun plays
on the tiny b&w tube behind him
Hard to tell, but I think it's the one
where he pretends to be a painter.

Over his right shoulder, unheard,
at frame's edge, in all of its dingy
chartreuse melamine glory
a rotary princess phone is
off the hook.

Friday’s Mini-metanalysis

Is it all copies of copies stretching back to Eve
or at least Chaucer, Milton, Shakespeare, for those
of us for whom English is our primary language?
A near infinite array of combinations of this
twenty-six letter code searching for
rhyme, reason or at least novelty.

However, despite the Infinite Monkey Theorem (a),
there is a selective force at work here which
is the basis of learning and intelligence, be it
machine, artificial or human as might be seen
in decline in frequency of words such as ‘God’
and ‘Christian’ after the First World War) (b).
But do the hybrids resulting from these ‘new’
combinations represent ‘progress’ or just
another aspect of ‘randomness’?


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Please love go slow and savour. . .
The Kissing

With a "minor" assist from Theodore Roethke

I seek to please, so make my kissing slow.
I'm always loving, so I never fear,
But learn by going where you want me go.

I feel by thinking, What would you have me know?
With my wet, trailing tongue I taste your ear.
I seek to please, so make my kissing slow.

My world's your lovely body, all aglow,
All holy ground. I shall kiss softly there
And learn by going where you want me go.

I strive to dream up fantasies of how
I'd spread your legs while you're slouched in a chair
And tease those lips by taking kisses slow.

By Nature, this is all I long to do,
Run lips and tongue along you everywhere
And, lovely, learn by going where to go.

So if, between your thighs, I come to know
Your climax—that's my favorite souvenir.
I'll learn by going where you want me go.
I seek to please, so make my kissing slow.

There was a time in days gone past
When hypocrites their judgement cast
And who would judge in light of day
Under cover of darkness would pay and pay

The Ballad of Queeney Todd

Attend the tale of Queeney Todd
For his throat was deep and his eye was odd
He sucked the cocks of many straight men
Who never thereafter were straight again
He trod a path that few have trod
Did Queeney Todd
The glory hole demon of Fleet street.

In small dark rooms he plied his trade
Forever upon his knees he stayed
He took sin in in spurting gouts
And never no never did spit any out
He sucked on the staff he swallowed the rod
Did Queeney Todd
The glory hole demon of Fleet street.

Open your mouth wide, Queeney!
Give it to these guys!
Freely blow the loads of those who moralize!

He kept his clients sacred trust
While sating his own unholy lust
He made so many members swell
And took as many souls to hell
As so many customers spent their wad
For Queeney Todd
The glory hole demon of Fleet street.

Insatiable as Queeney was
Loud and sloppy, serene, he was
Back of his throat and under his word
Queeney played flutes that nobody heard

Queeney fondled and Queeney stroked
With no gag reflex he never choked
Queeney was smooth, Queeney was subtle
His customer's moans their only rebuttal

Attend the tale of Queeney Todd
For he served a thick and turgid god
If beyond that hole is warm and wet
Care you truly whose mouth you get?
Asks Queeney
Asks Queeney Todd
The glory hole demon of Fleet street.

apologies to Stephen Sondheim
The Kissing
<snip> I shall kiss softly there <snip>
Not to be outdone by a villainous villanelle

Option Three - A Terza Rima 16/30

My darling delights in soft lips and bright skin
so I paint mine pink that he'll kiss softly there
where the shadows tease and tempt me to sin.

Now he whispers a promise and pleads to come in
under the covers where my naked breasts wait
with tight nipples for his touch to begin.

I squirm with excitement and anxiously anticipate
what follows his fingers as they slowly explore
each rise and each turn toward my fleshly gate.

His lips and caress make me gasp and implore
him keep nuzzling there as my joy bursts from within.
With a shift of his weight we bounce hard to the floor

where we roll and we finish and he whispers a grin,
"You delight me my darling, with soft lips and bright skin."
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18/30 - Schlaftrunkene Plejaden

(something to come back to after April)

Schäfchenhaufen bläulich-weißer Watte
schweigen im Angesicht des Morgenrots.
Schuldbeladen versinkt der Mond betont
schmallippig am brennenden Horizont.
Schläfrig ergeben sich sieben Leiber
Schildkröten gleich dem heraufziehendem
Schicksal vergehender Schäferstunden.

In the Moment

whispered words to a starlit sky
breeze carrying them
up and away from her
message in a bottle
never believing it will be received
never needing it returned,
but spoken nonetheless
to be heard
to be unfurled from around her heart
to be found, opened again -
I love you.

We’re here again
whoever it is that counts my sins
as if there’s a church that offers absolution
for the choir girl that ate seeds
that were supposed to be planted

what delayed gratification is there
with a swipe
I can be
on it all night
trade it in as if the female power
to dictate who her partner is
and why she choose them
is some game we made up
as if all things are social constructs
and taboos are only about control

and there’s no reason
for god
for abstination
no reason to look for love
when a hot cunt and a hot coffee
are both worth a buck fifty
I can’t believe in happiness
and picket fences when she’s on camera
a whole fist in for all those men
that have been sold up the river
that her pleasure that they consume
is worth as much as the intimacy that comes
from knowing someone

but what worth is it for me to complain
what am I going to do about it anyway
except watch all these strong women consume
pills that they exclaim will cure all ills
perverse incentives are never
articulated because
depression is so pretty
and feeling nothing
is better than trying to absolve sadness


We remember you
as a young man, bold
surfer of the wind, conquerer
of waves or astride your horse
galloping across an English field,
a sportsman endowed with privilege
playing the game of kings. You
are the ultimate bachelor, ultimate
prize of noble women who
vie for your desire

but when you choose
the fairest, most charming
of them all, a woman
the world adores, the truth

slowly unravels the fairy tale
image and your innocent children
are at the center of your falters
and fumbles, a horrendous
splitting that ends in tragedy.

The world turns time into years.

Today you're an old man
who will be king, an old man
bedecked in ribbons and shiny
medals, performing
like a trained monkey
at your father's funeral

and as I watch and see
the tears in your eyes
for the first time I feel
sorry for you.
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Dulce et Decorum Est Reginam 17/30

Now my queen to whom my childish voice sang in anthemed praise
and my oaths of youthful vigor swore allegiance stands with me
in ravened widow's garb of grief and lonely duty. Alone, yet
not alone, for we too bear the weight of mourning her husband.
Elizabeth, Defender of the Faith, do not lose yours my Sovereign,
without hope you will remain alone. For you bereft of his, no soul
will measure favourable, when compared to your remembered
fables of a timeless love. Resolve your heart to softened sorrow
as time marches you forward. Now, my queen, take those brave
first steps alone and scatter the mourning doves from your widow's hem.
Reveal how a queen honours her diamond consort in memorial, with grace
and dignity, give glorious assurance to your dominion. I pray you stay
the Dowager Queen, even as your progeny awaits his King's
crown, the orb, the sceptre and the jewelled robes of monarchy.

His lips and caress make me gasp and implore. . .
Cunnilingus Interruptus

then at times I pause,
until her hips begin to lift
as if seeking out my tongue

and I wait for that little mewl,
like a lost kitten's,
before I proceed to make her yowl

Softly in the Rain

Kiss the sky
Kiss me softly
Softly falling
Softly listening
Listening to me sigh
Listening to the words
Words whispered
Words like lightning
Lightning crashing
Lightning strikes once
Once in a lifetime
Once upon a time
Time flies
Time for more
More of your love
More than ready
Ready for soon
Ready to go
Go ahead of me
Go find your way
Way to my center
Way too long
Long waiting for you
Long time no see
See what I can do
See how much you need
Need to be done
Need to be closer
Closer to you
Closer than ever before
Before the sunrise
Before everything was lost
Lost to the world
Lost in your eyes
Eyes deep as the ocean
Eyes are windows to the soul
Soul of my heart
Soul full of dreams
Dreams of your lips
Dreams of your touch
Touch every bit of me
Touch me soon
Soon can’t come soon enough
Soon after
After the fog cleared
After the pouring rain
Rain running down
Rain is for kissing
19/30 - Playful betrayal

My Queen has conquered your King
and now they play twister
on the checkers bed
with the winner's set of rules.

All around the pawns are watching
their legs' game of spillikins
while we, captured in a weak moment,
perform a double castling, rooks that we are.

Holding our cards to our chests
the bridge between us overbid
in the telephone game of our blinks
we dare the truth on our poker faces:

Finders Keepers
Cheaters Weepers

Two Years, Still Not Prepared for This

No way to duck and cover
from the subconscious ambush
when memories appear
from nowhere, leave you reeling
wondering if they have a reason

A glance at the calendar
an answer
begins to come together

Your birthday, just a month away
is a visible reminder
sitting on the page
as appointments and plans are made

But not the day we got the news
which seems to be tucked away
somewhere inside me

Now I know why your face
is floating behind my eyes
and I can so clearly picture yours

I was a little in love with them,
your eyes, their depth of kindness
and blue, how they held mine
when we talked

This ache...
forgive me, friend, but this one
I keep pushing away, to lessen
the missing, to keep from thinking
about your gentle compassion,
hinted violence of your death,
and the absolutely fucking beautiful heart
that you shared with us
but couldn't save you from yourself

I never told you
that the first time we kissed
I ran a red light afterward
got caught by a camera paid
$300 for the fine

I was lost in that place we go
when gravity is inverted
felt like I was driving from the roof
steering with my feet

it took far longer than my normal
immoral conquests
because I never saw you in that light
you scared me
there was something delicate
and fragile
and I felt like I was driving
a monster truck
through a field of flowers

that I would crush you into mud and paste
every instinct screamed
that you were ripe
raw for the plunder
and yet I couldn’t simply take
what it was I thought I knew I wanted

every cliche caught in my teeth
made me want to gag on the sickly sweet
corny lines crapped out by some
love-sick moron poet
because I was a man above beauty
above feelings
unless they were the feeling of soft thighs
firm breast
and wet that defies man to hold himself in check

and now I want to
the sensations of your skin
as static electricity
as a tingle of anticipation
as the hairs raising on the back of my neck
when the violin cries in a symphony
and I don’t know why
my body reacts this way

and why
I would die to hold you against my chest
and whisper I love you
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