Naughty Poetry Challenge

The_Fool said:
I would drink gallons of rotgut whiskey or whisky to avoid the S-word(s)... :p

I bought myself a Bowmore 17 because, god damn it, I deserve it

did I ever tell you I got started on Black & White and Whitehorse?
yes you may pity me now
Tathagata said:
I bought myself a Bowmore 17 because, god damn it, I deserve it

did I ever tell you I got started on Black & White and Whitehorse?
yes you may pity me now

You must be the Stuart Smalley of whiskey.
That Place

He walks past every day
looking but not seeing,
wanting but not knowing
searching with veiled curiosity.

He asks himself the question
he has asked many times before
What is it, what is 'that place'?

The walls thick, windows barred
the whimpers from within.
What is it, he really needs to learn.
The voices heard enticing
with pleasure in thier pain
What is it,what is that place?

With a sudden rush of courage
he raps hard on the door
waits trembling on the quiet front steps.
It appears as though time stands still
leaving him frozen,
a shadowy silloute,
painted on the wall.

In a lightning bolt of movement
the front door swings open
he gasps,
his hands protecting his very frightened face.

Too late he hears the click,
the sound of something locking,
a thick band of steel across his neck.
Next a chain is visible,
one that leads him through the entrance
his cries all but swallowed in that place.

Suddenly he's kneeling,
fear filled eyes searching
, a sheen of sweat
dripping from his tangled mane of hair.

He feels the tug and stares up ,
at a man whose worth respecting.
he hears the voice,
but never sees him smile.
Welcome to the dungeon boy
welcome to my haven.

There are no more questions,
he now has all his answers
his future , his future was
'that place.

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Button fly buttons bit, spit.
Growling minx, grabs his wad,
yarn play, swats. Tail whip
fluff, to get him, up. Gripping,
needle sharp teeth, growl, foray
on. To wrap him up, tie him
down, play cat 'n mouse
with my meaty, treat ....

UnderYourSpell said:
Blast I have only just found this can I 'slip something in' before my hols?

Absolutely. If there WERE any rules, we would need to break them.

Slip it right in here, doll.

Do it

Turn the music off
shut the windows
close her eyes
lose her words
leave the lights
keep her clothes
hands on the bed
don’t move

leather hisses through belt loops
buttons rain on the floor
door click floor creak
breath against her ear
fingers pinch and pull
until she is swollen
and the fabric of her clothes
feels obscene
bra down but not open
he uses
her hair as a collar
and pulls her to the edge
off balance unsure
panties cuff her calves
bend over slut
she hears the slap
against her skin
before she feels it.

Fingers paint her lips
with her wetness.
He bites until they’re red
and ready to say yes
tonight she is his

fuck every piece of her
till she forgets
that she can remember.
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Her toes each one tipped in red
inflame his senses but he waits,
until caressing alabaster thighs,
sliding to his knees worshipping,
reaching the very foot that when
clad in leather boot would oftimes
tread him trembling to the floor.
But now consent so seldom given
allows sweet rapture, adoration,
his senses and composure lost
release bathes her glorious feet.
Oh hell it's nothing classy
to long I've waited.
Zipper fly and buttons
too if need be,
Suprised he rises and I
ride him cowboy.
Yee haaaa!
I submit

Why that was perfect

Well everything/ was working, really:/ it was perfect/ the harsh way you wrapped/ that dark cloth/ around my thighs,/ over and over, and pulled/ it tight, good and/ tight,/ and the ankles, that thick/ cloth knotted against the boots,/ that/ was hot:/ it had texture, it had red against black/ against white, and of course that's perfect/ you made me look long/ and sculpted,/ and the new gold cuffs, with slick chains/ stretched my wrists/ so artistically/ and your hand/ took up my tangled hair/ quite perfectly, and that/ unconscious grunt of pleasure/ I heard you make when/ you finally slid/ all the way, your other arm/ stretched to lean on the wall/ behind my head/ as your cock/ hit the back of my throat,/ it was exact, it was excellent/ so I/ was already there, but then
o then/
o yeah then/
you stopped, and cocked/ your head, and in your gaze I was/ no longer me:/ I was just/ a wind-up toy, and I tried/ to grin at you and you/ ignored me!/ and turned to reach for/

an elastic off the dresser/ and thoughtfully/ as if meditating/ as if you were assessing/ the simple machinery/ of limbs/ and you took that elastic/ and you absently/ pulled back/ your own hair/ to keep it out of the way/
for this next part.
Yeah. Then.
Just as an update:

The poetry submissions so far have been taken to My Bar twice now for review. I have stated the challenge to the denizens this way:

"I started a contest where people have to write poetry about kinky sex. I told them that I was taking all the poems to my bar to have them judged. If you know anything about poetry, you can't be a judge. Read as many as you feel like reading. Write reviews on them, or comments, or whatever, or just put your initials on the ones you like. You can choose first, second and third place if you want. You don't have to read all of them unless you want to. The only thing you're judging on is whether or not they make you HOT."

I leave the stack of submissions on a corner table with a pen, and anyone who wants to do so can go over and read them and comment. Tonight, at least four people were over there reading and making notes. Including the bar's acknowledged resident nymphomaniac, who had some interesting things to say.

The results are being absolutely hilarious and extremely revealing. I'm taking them back, with the additions from the last couple of days, tomorrow night for the big Friday night gathering.

October 1st is definitely a firm deadline for this challenge now because the attention span of my bar patrons is very short and they will tire of this game by next Friday night. Get yer submissions in quick.

Two of these three were in the Indelible thread, thought they made a nice trio. Not my favorites, but what the hell.

She finds the tips of her toes
are not quite high enough
as the crop whistles once again.
Cracks against the flesh,

fire along the slice
and she screams once more
into the gag.
Eyes clenched tight,

squeezing out tears.
Her ropes offer no comfort,
even though her fingers stroke
the softness with a silent mantra.

Then she clinches tight, a resilient anchor,
finding her brink of madness and pleasure.
Waiting. She learns to dread
that momentary silence.


Crystalline clear,
momentary respite
Her breath sounds harsh
to her own ears.
rubbing the tears off her face
on the rope that restrain.
Knowing her time is near,
she tightens up.
Futile struggles
against the unyielding, uncaring.
Knots burn against her wrist.
And her respite ends
as does her silence.


Nose to nose
they look at each other
and see something different,
something fresh within the eyes.

She sees a power she has awakened,
strength she never new,
A desire that fired her,
and a need that fills her fear.

He sees desire for the compelling,
love exuding trust,
a little trace of fear
and that excites him.

She feels so unrestrained
Ironic with the ropes that bind
her. Suspended from the rafter
stretched upon her toes.

He offers up the crop for view,
letting her see the reality.
Fresh eyes on a new life.
Once started, will never be the same.
Rewrite of an older one.

Another Thought on Intimacy

He needs neither her angst
nor her desire
to fulfill his gratification.

The licks
he offers
are not an attempt at pleasure,
just a way to get juices flowing

in a manner of speaking.

A few strokes leave him hard
as does her sex,
bare and pouting.

Knees bent
To facilitate his desire,
sliding along the crease
provides lubrication.

Altering his aim
to glide in her resistance.
Soon finding rhythm
in flesh that molds beneath his hands.

Muffled sounds
are music lost in a pillow
that he tunes out anyway.

Wetness from her glistens
as he slides between cheeks,
kneaded, white knuckles and her gasp.

Sweat trickles down his nose,
pools in the small of her back,
becomes a river
flowing down her side
Watch by sightless eyes.

Tension rides along his spine.
Ass clenched tight,
Release again,
yield the tension.

Dropping down upon her back
for harsh gasps for air
he’s forgotten to breathe.

Deep breath,
let it go,
deep breath,

Lifting from her,
he slaps her ass
as thanks,
wanders for the shower.
unpredictablebijou said:
Update: I have begun printing up all the submissions so far, including the lovely "dialogue" piece going on, and will take hard copies to the bar this coming friday for a testing session.

Should be a hoot.

There's still plenty of time to put stuff in, and as I said, anyone else who wishes to do similar random, non-rational testing is most welcome to offer their results here.


hmmm this friday, as in today? I am afraid I have to withdraw, will not get it done in time.
annaswirls said:
hmmm this friday, as in today? I am afraid I have to withdraw, will not get it done in time.

No no, next friday. I'll take the rest next week. You still have time.

I just forget what day it is.



I would really like to put this piece up in two columns, like I wrote it. I have banged my head on this interface for over an hour trying to figure out how to make it do that. I can't take it any more. I need a beer and some new eyeballs now. This is the only way I can figure out how to lay this one out in the Lit interface. It's very frustrating to be a technodolt.




I can't help the I can't help it
ambivalence I'm drawn to that
it's strange and hard invasive place
the slick rough burn the heat of it
the fingertip the squeeze, the grind
wrong, wrong, then right the heat inside
move now, don't move it turns me red
don't move, move now red hot

I wish I could impossible
I love your moan I know, selfish
that wild breath just a finger
but it invades so slick, that space
it takes such force then two, wider
and time, and breath god. o jesus
o let it go I shouldn't, but
move now, don't move the red, that hot
don't move, move now hot red.

I don't care, I I won't hurt you
don't care now, the I'll leash it back
dark of me wants but now you move
that invasion and once in, I'm
deep in the spine already on that
slamming the root holy edge of
give me that slide crashing over
into the red move now, don't move
hot red don't move, move now.
No rules - submit old or new work. I was actually thinking of putting one in that is already posted on lit, but I realized the judges probably wouldn't find it all that Hot.

I'll take this whole batch tonight and the rest of them next Friday. It's being a very interesting and completely hilarious experiment. Expect a full report. I'm going to let these folks review ALL my work, if they'll sit still long enough...

unpredictablebijou said:
No rules - submit old or new work. I was actually thinking of putting one in that is already posted on lit, but I realized the judges probably wouldn't find it all that Hot.

I'll take this whole batch tonight and the rest of them next Friday. It's being a very interesting and completely hilarious experiment. Expect a full report. I'm going to let these folks review ALL my work, if they'll sit still long enough...

I'm going to write an off-the-cuff fellatio poem. Right here, write now. Live in this thread.

Open that brass ladder
then slip your denim down for me.
I love red lines of waistband
scribed in flesh just below your navel.

Sit down and move your knees apart
I want to watch you rise
against the tasty line of pubic hair
that points me to your groin

My tongue cannot resist the wonder
of pulsing blood and musky skin
like an adder I flick your scent hot,
out of the air.

You rise and press against soft palate
and my throat, contractions push
back until I breathe deeply and adjust

Now move closer to the edge with me
let my nipples scrape your thighs
when fingers wrap around your shaft
and tongue strokes the underside

Tangle your hands within my hair
force into my throat
deny me a chance to rest
my jaw as you move your length

My mouth is the gateway to my soul
my breath a benediction on your cock
Bless me darling for I hunger and thirst
succour me with your gift as I swallow
tangy creaminess and your self-control.
champagne1982 said:
I'm going to write an off-the-cuff fellatio poem. Right here, write now. Live in this thread.

Open that brass ladder
then slip your denim down for me.
I love red lines of waistband
scribed in flesh just below your navel.

Sit down and move your knees apart
I want to watch you rise
against the tasty line of pubic hair
that points me to your groin

My tongue cannot resist the wonder
of pulsing blood and musky skin
like an adder I flick your scent hot,
out of the air.

You rise and press against soft palate
and my throat, contractions push
back until I breathe deeply and adjust

Now move closer to the edge with me
let my nipples scrape your thighs
when fingers wrap around your shaft
and tongue strokes the underside

Tangle your hands within my hair
force into my throat
deny me a chance to rest
my jaw as you move your length

My mouth is the gateway to my soul
my breath a benediction on your cock
Bless me darling for I hunger and thirst
succour me with your gift as I swallow
tangy creaminess and your self-control.
Presto, extempore:

I live in your mouth
like an animal seeking home
in a cold winter, fat
and a little drowsy and ready
to let go in this close burrow,
relax into the dreamtime,
stars falling out of my head
over the envelope of tongue
while I pull your hair
into my quiet hibernation
until the quickening spring
of your clever fingers
brings life back to dead earth.