need help with a word

Small inflatable exploding goldfish?

Gauche: You're right, I do like that. Might have to steal it. Quite touched that someone actually knows my tell.

The Earl
Re: Hi

pop_54 said:

PS: Many more paragraphs like that and I will keep coming, hehe.


Here it is, the finished paragraph. When the story's up, I'll post a link if you'd like:

His pole grew to the point that it slid out of my mouth. I continued to suck on it, licking the underside and bringing the top into my mouth. I heard him moan and increased the suction. I encircled the base with my thumb and forefinger creating a tight enclosure. I stroked his shaft while I sucked on his head. Then I gripped his cock and used it to slap myself on the tongue and cheek. He continued to grow. He took his dick in his own hand and proceeded to give me a good dick-slapping, all over my face. I took him back in my mouth and used as much suction as I felt he could handle. Simultaneously, I looked up into his eyes, a move that always delights him.
Speaking of needing help with a word...

I have one if anyone's got an answer for me. Thought this might be a "quick" way of finding out.

But....I'm working on a story idea....(totally factious of course), but its important that I locate a word in Polynesian that means "Nipple".

Any takers?

I remain,
Re: Speaking of needing help with a word...

Thesandman said:
Iits important that I locate a word in Polynesian that means "Nipple".

But....I'm working on a story idea....(totally factious of course), but its important that I locate a word in Polynesian that means "Nipple".

I can't believe I actually know (let alone remember) this, but if you're looking for the Hawaiian term, it's maka waiu.

jfinn said:
I can't believe I actually know (let alone remember) this, but if you're looking for the Hawaiian term, it's maka waiu.

Huh! Okay, smarty pants, if you want to use obscure terms. My word is accepted over all polynesia. "Maka waiu" means the left nipple on a fat male child.

Good grief, Jayne, don't you have a melanesian dictionary?


So now I have to ask the question....which (or both of you) are being serious? LOL.........

I really DO need to find the word.

I remain,
Re: LOL.......

Thesandman said:
So now I have to ask the question....which (or both of you) are being serious? LOL.........

I really DO need to find the word.

I remain,

Okay, seriously. Maka waiu is the Hawaiian word for nipple. I edit for a guy who writes a series based there and uses a lot of native terminology which he assures me is accurate. He verifies everything with an online dictionary Coconut Boyz so you could check there to make sure.

Re: LOL.......

Thesandman said:
So now I have to ask the question....which (or both of you) are being serious? LOL.........

Dear Sandie,
Unless otherwise specified, please treat anything I say as bullshit. I'm sure Jayne knows what she's talking about, but I don't have a clue.

Ps. If BS is presented in an authoritative, no nonsense manner, it usually sounds pretty good.
Re: Speaking of needing help with a word...

Thesandman said:
I have one if anyone's got an answer for me. Thought this might be a "quick" way of finding out.

But....I'm working on a story idea....(totally factious of course), but its important that I locate a word in Polynesian that means "Nipple".

Any takers?

I remain,

This is completely irrelevent, but my son (age 9) calls 'em
Speaking of needing help with a word...

The polynesian word for nipple really IS maka waiu.
There is no one polynesian word for nipple. Polynesia and Melanesia have hundreds of different languages and each one presumably has their own word for nipple. Some countries have hundreds of different languages, some only used in the vicinity of one village.

The unifying language of the Pacific Islands is usually a form of pidgin English. I can't tell you about a lot of the dialects, but in Bislama (pidgin English in the Pacific archipelago of Vanuatu), the word for breasts, nipples and all things thereof is 'titi'. No, I'm not taking the piss. Pronounced titty.

Hence the phrase 'basket blong titi' which literally translates as 'a basket for breasts.' Or bra as it's more simply known.

Just be thankful you don't need to know what condom is in Bislama. Rubba blong fakfak.

The Earl
Rubba blong fakfak.

And I thought that was what Vanuatu bungee jumpers screamed as they hurtled toward the ground...

Okay I was on a downer but man that caught my fancy. thanks Earl :)
I will admit that my exact words were "Fuck Meeeeeeeee!" when I bungeed.

The Earl

There's a great Indian word meaning nipple....but it's actually more of a sucking sound.

Go figure. <grin>

I remain,
TheEarl said:
Proof that women are all evil:
Everyone knows that women require time and money. So therefore it can be said that Women = Time x Money.
The conjunction "and" implies addition, not multiplication, so your logic fails at the point I have marked in red. It should be a plus sign.

TheEarl said:
Only Mathgirl will get that.
There are other mathematicians here, quod erat demonstrandum above.

I leave it to you to add the extra line needed to make this logic work.
Mr. Earl

I say that reverently... You are just... well... A fucking fountain of information! How the fiddlers' fuck do you find this shit out?

I remain astounded...


ps. Good to see ya Sandie
sweetnpetite said:
oh somebody please help! I know theres a word for what I'm thinking it just wont come into my head long enough for me to write it down. Can anyone give me a word to finish this sentance so I can move on with my story?

I encircled the base with my thumb and forfinger creating a ___________.

A. Origami Flapping Bird
B. Constriction to the carotid artery, while my assistant administered the Heimlich Manouver
C. small whistling sound.

All of the above are equally erotic to me.

Hope this helps, s & p.
There's always one, isn't there?

I know that 'and' suggests a plus sign instead of a multiplication, but that would set you up with Women = 2(Money) which wouldn't actually work and wouldn't be funny.

I know there are other mathematicians on here (I being one of them), but MathGirl is the most (in)famous, so I added that line.

The Earl
TheEarl said:
I know there are other mathematicians on here (I being one of them), but MathGirl is the most (in)famous, so I added that line.
The Earl

Dear Earl,
You should proofread what you write more carefully. That last message of yours contained "(in)" which must have been inadvertently stuck in there.
Always helpful,
Last edited:
Re: Re: Hi

sweetnpetite said:

His pole grew to the point that it slid out of my mouth. I continued to suck on it, licking the underside and bringing the top into my mouth. I heard him moan and increased the suction. I encircled the base with my thumb and forefinger creating a tight enclosure. I stroked his shaft while I sucked on his head. Then I gripped his cock and used it to slap myself on the tongue and cheek. He continued to grow. He took his dick in his own hand and proceeded to give me a good dick-slapping, all over my face. I took him back in my mouth and used as much suction as I felt he could handle. Simultaneously, I looked up into his eyes, a move that always delights him.

I still like "...creating a tollbooth on the gamete highway of love" myself... but then, I'm weird that way!


Just read the entire thread and I like the finished paragraph. Can't wait to read the entire story.

Trina T.:rose:
Re: Word needed

Pyro said:
a digital cock ring?
A living trap for his seed?
a means of control?
a grasping lock on his love?
a grip of terror?
A toll-booth on the gamete highway?
a handle on the situation?
an articulated valve?
an intense appreciation for his size?

J [/B]

Pyro I think you have a way of making a sceen come alive ...going now to read your work....

on a more romantic note try enclave, digetal hug, vice grip of love...<giggles>