need help with a word

And another

TheEarl said:
There's always one, isn't there?

I know that 'and' suggests a plus sign instead of a multiplication, but that would set you up with Women = 2(Money) which wouldn't actually work and wouldn't be funny.

The Earl

Proof that women are all evil:
Everyone knows that women require time and money. So therefore it can be said that Women = Time x Money. However it is also well known that Time is Money, so Women = Money x Money or Women = Money squared.
Money is often defined as the root of all evil, so it can be said that Women = (Root of All Evil) squared or Women = All Evil

Bearing in mind that I have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about I think you'll find Earl's proof would be better expressed as:

Starting with the same proposition (women = time x money) and using C (speed of light) to represent time and more correctly the love of money being the the root of all evil represented by L we have

Women = C x L

To make the maths so much easier we will only use whole numbers ie integers (INT).
We now find that

Women = C x L (INT) or Women = CLINT.

And this is as close to finding a clit as the average male can get.

Almost as funny and certainly a lot more contrived.

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