New Defintions Of School Shootings To Increase Their Number

If one shot is fired on campus, that's a school shooting. That is neither a fantasy world nor a warped narrative. A fantasy-world warped narrative is one that assumes a "decline in morality" in American society since the 1970s.
"shooting" implies that somebody was shot. "Shots were fired" or "a firearm was discharged at the school, no injuries were reported," would be the correct and most accurate terms to describe the simple discharge of a firearm.
"shooting" implies that somebody was shot. "Shots were fired" or "a firearm was discharged at the school, no injuries were reported," would be the correct and most accurate terms to describe the simple discharge of a firearm.
A firearm being discharged on school grounds is the disturbing part....if someone was hit with it, even worse. There is no good situation where any shot fired at a school is ok

Fuck off with your pedantic horseshit
A firearm being discharged on school grounds is the disturbing part....if someone was hit with it, even worse. There is no good situation where any shot fired at a school is ok
Well, unless the school has an ROTC program. I think public high schools used to have those, but nowadays, only some private schools, including all military schools.
Well, unless the school has an ROTC program. I think public high schools used to have those, but nowadays, only some private schools, including all military schools.
They don't fire weapons on campus for ROTC
A firearm being discharged on school grounds is the disturbing part....if someone was hit with it, even worse. There is no good situation where any shot fired at a school is ok

Fuck off with your pedantic horseshit
Eat shit and die, tub bubble.
Eat shit and die, tub bubble.
If you're more concerned about how the shooting of a gun at a school is described in a police report rather than it actually happening, that says a hell of a lot more about you than anyone else.
Decades ago, before assault weapons were commonplace, easily available and affordable.
Not a single assault weapon has ever been used in any school shooting. You seem to be confused as to what an assault weapon is and what a semi-automatic is; simple mistake to make if you have never been around firearms. But I'll make an assumption here that your referring to the Modern Sporting Rifle, colloquially AR-15 rifle which were designed in the early 1950's for civilians (no military application, that didn't come about until Colt bought the AR15 from Armalite in the late 1950's, which was then remodeled and redesigned as the M-16).

The modern sporting rifle was common long before the enactment of the 2 biggest unconstitutional laws in the 1990's one that directly led to the increase of school shootings.
1) the 1990 Gun Free Zones, before California in the 1960's and NY in the 1970's and then finally the federal government made it national in the 1990's school/mass shootings occurred roughly about 2-4 every ten years or so. Shortly after the law passed and was started to be enforced, school/mass shootings climbed to over 20+ per year.

2) the 1994 Gun bans, many of the very popular and already very common Modern Sporting Rifles (like the AR15) were banned, and the experiment was an dismal failure - it didn't affect any changes in crime.
The congressionally-mandated study of the federal “assault weapon ban” of 1994-2004 found that the ban had no impact on crime, in part because “the banned guns were never used in more than a modest fraction of gun murders.” Subsequent research conducted by the RAND Corporation found no conclusive evidence that banning “assault weapons” or “large” capacity magazines has an effect on mass shootings or violent crime. In fact Murder rates were 19.3% higher when the Federal [assault weapon] ban was in effect. Once the ban expired, Total violent crime and murder resumed their drops to near historic lows, while ownership of the firearms and magazines that gun control supporters want banned have also risen to all-time highs. What were once very popular rifles pre-1994 ban, became popular again after the sunset of the 1994 ban.