New Memoirs of a Lady Thread (spoilers inside -- BEWARE)

Nitpicky details

Am I crazy, or was Steamy's chapter actually #8?

This numbering mess has gotten a little silly.

BTW, thanks Judo and Mickie for your suggestions. I agreed with many of them, and I think the next draft will be a bit more clear. But, don't expect the convoluted sentences to go away...They are, after all, my trademark! ;) One more round of revisions and I'm good to go.

Cym, are ya gonna read it? *hint, hint* Damn, I'm impatient.

MM, glad to see you back. Sorry for your loss.

Take care all,
I'm an Idiot!


No, you are not crazy. You're right! My fault! My fault!
~kicking my own ass~
SteamyChik's chapter was MOAL8, not 9!

So, the new schedule allowing MunchinMark's chapter would be more like this:

Author.............Chapter...Due Date...Status

RisiaSkye........MOAL9.....July28......."polish" mode
MunchinMark....MOAL11...Aug4........ready to go?
Judo...............MOAL12...Aug11.......ready to go!
Mickie.............MOAL13...Aug18.......workin' it.

Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!
~going into hiding~

This is good for me. Everybody else on board?

- Judo
MunchinMark -- Yes, definitely, your family is far more important! My condolences on your loss. Please forgive the impatience around here, but there are a few people who left without notification. Unfortunately, the timing placed you in an awkward position.

Again, I seem to have committed an error. All right, MM, you're a boy. Who can tell around here? DarlingBri (which I thought was short for Brian) is a girl. And here I commit annother faux pas -- I should say 'woman' I suppose. Anyway, I apologize, and won't make the mistake again in connection with your name.

Whoever said the times for submitting were written in stone? I can wait a week. I'm sure Judo can wait a week. And anyone else who needs to wait. We're flexible.

My vote is to put MM's chapter up this weekend.

Chapter numbers? Just look at the last one posted before submitting and make sure you've got the right number on it.

Re: Nitpicky details

RisiaSkye said:
Cym, are ya gonna read it? *hint, hint* Damn, I'm impatient.
Check your email, sweet - and don't get mad. I'm hell on wheels with an editor program, even if i *don't* know what i'm doing and most of what i offer up so smugly *doesn't* help you at all.

Judo, i see you're laying claim to a place in the "ready to go" category. You still want me to read yours? I am genetically incapable of reading this sort of thing without an editor program at hand, be warned. Of course, i'm cheerfully easy about people completely ignoring all or most of what i offer up as "help", too.
Revision...ain't it a bitch.

cymbidia said:
Check your email, sweet - and don't get mad. I'm hell on wheels with an editor program, even if i *don't* know what i'm doing and most of what i offer up so smugly *doesn't* help you at all.

Quick! Someone take from this woman the power of the blue lines! Ack! ;)

Actually, thanks for the suggestions. Some will undoubtedly make their way into the final version. I've never been good at taking criticism, but I'm trying, which should count for something. Too much of a control freak, I guess. Big shock, isn't it?

So, JUDO, Mickie, and cymbidia--> Thanks for all of your help. Between all of your comments, I think I've got a good idea of what parts aren't working, which is a huge help. Many thanks.

Cym--> You got your roses. Now will you admit your secret lust for me? I know I'm impatient, and I want for subtlety, but I make a mean margarita, and I've got a cedar bench with your name on it. :D

Cym -

Please read and send your notes. I have already completed two re-writes and now I have three weeks to complete many more!

I wasn't sure you were going to send notes hence the comment "ready to go" listed above.

So, MunchinMark, are you on for coming right after RisiaSkye now?

- Judo
Re: Tick...tock...

So, MunchinMark, are you on for coming right after RisiaSkye now?

- Judo

I'm sure there's a joke in there somewhere.

Looks like it yes.

MM, RS, and Mick!

Looks like we're on for an ending!

And MM, as far as the joke...

Ready? 1-2-3...
And you come
And you come
And I come
And you come
From the top.

- Judo
Re: Tick...tock...

JUDO said:

So, MunchinMark, are you on for coming right after RisiaSkye now?

Well, MM, let me wish you the best. I'm all for anybody who's in favor of coming after me. ;)

Okay, it's a lame joke. But, my name was in there. Dammit, I wanted to play too.

Sometimes I am such a tool. Feh. Just big feh.
Hi, everyone! I've been in flea hell for the past few days and am just now catching up on the rest of my life. (a great dane and a very furry cat reside in my small domicile and I hate fleas!)

I'm thinking that on the feedback thread, especially for the final chapter, we might want to put a link to ALL of the chapters for those readers who want to re-read them, or start from the beginning. What think, all?

RS -- great job! Truly worthy of this bunch. *trumpets play in the background*:D

And now, back to your normal programming...


M -

I've been thinking that it would be nice to try and package the chain somehow, but rather than links in a single chapter. How about this?

Laurel writes a beautiful introduction to the chain along the lines of the early posts on the first Chain Author's thread that described what the story was to be like. The introduction to Memoirs of a Lady' is posted in the Chain Story listing as a single entry.

She signs the introduction and includes the picture of Erica that we all used for inspiration. Then at the bottom of the page, are all the links and descriptions for each chapter.

- Judo
Judo -- Great idea! I like:D

Laurel -- Would you! Please... *pleads on hands and knees*

;) Mickie
Yeah! Hell, Yeah!

Good idea, Judo.

Thanks for the compliment, Mickie.

Any word on the next installment?

Take care,
Re: Packaging

JUDO said:
M -

I've been thinking that it would be nice to try and package the chain somehow, but rather than links in a single chapter. How about this?

Laurel writes a beautiful introduction to the chain along the lines of the early posts on the first Chain Author's thread that described what the story was to be like. The introduction to Memoirs of a Lady' is posted in the Chain Story listing as a single entry.

She signs the introduction and includes the picture of Erica that we all used for inspiration. Then at the bottom of the page, are all the links and descriptions for each chapter.

- Judo

That sounds awesome, except for the part about me writing a beautiful introduction. Don't you know that those who can't do, run websites? ;)

I'd be honored to write the introduction, but I'm afraid that I lack the talent. I wouldn't want to spoil the chain with a sub-standard intro. Perhaps you all could give me an idea of what to write, I'll write it, then one of you can edit it so it sounds halfway decent? Or we could all write one collectively? I'm not trying to weasel out or anything - I'm just trying to be honest with you all (and myself) about my abilities (or lack thereof). ;)
Re: Tick...tock...

JUDO said:
Cym -

Please read and send your notes. I have already completed two re-writes and now I have three weeks to complete many more!

I wasn't sure you were going to send notes hence the comment "ready to go" listed above.
I'm on vacation, Judo, and without really much net access. I have your story at home, in my files there, almost done. If you still want it, i'll complete it when i return home on Tuesday and send it on to you, okay? I'm sorry... these summer vacations sure get in the way of stuff, i know. :(

(Back offline and off into my vacation again...)
No problem, Cym

Cym -

As long as I get your notes by Tuesday or Wednesday, that should be fine. Thanks.

Hope you're having a great time. What does a sub do on vacation, anyway?

And Laurel, I seem to recall in the early hours of starting the chain that a lot of discussion happened on a thread where the name Erica came from and what kind of story it was to be like, and...anyway, if you could read that thread, I believe a good introduction would cover its thoughts. As well as, the "why" of chain stories for the virgin readers out there.

Where is that old thread anyway? I think Cym told me where it was, but it's lost in Hmmm...possibly the first MOAL thread?

I'll take a look and see if I can find it. I have to get out of here before I start rambling.

- Judo
From the Vaults

Everybody –

Okay, I looked through a bunch of dusty old threads (cough, cough), and found a bunch of stuff that could be used to inspire an Introduction to Memoirs of a Lady.

Take a look and see if this is sufficient material to draw from.

- Judo


From the first chain thread:

"Literotica Chain story #2"

What is a Chain story?
From Laurel’s first post:

Hi everyone,

It's been over a year since our last chain endeavor, and the last one was so much fun that I think a new one is well past due.

The way chain stories work is this: everyone who's interested in being a part of the thread posts here. All the names are put on a list in a random order. The first person on the list writes a 'chapter' that's pertinent to the topic of the chain. The next person in line reads the first person's piece, and is given 2-5 days to write the next 'chapter', bouncing off what the first person has written and taking it in whatever direction he or she would like.

There's no length restrictions per se, though if one person writes a paragraph and another writes a novel it looks odd. A good guideline for length would be around 2-10 pages in Word, but that's just a rough guide. Don't feel limited in any way.

The theme of this story is the Girl image on the front of the site. Once we've got a final list of authors (in about 10 days to 2 weeks), we'll collectively decide on a name for her. Then, the first author in the chain will write the first chapter, the only requirement being that this girl be the protagonist. It can be the start of a mystery, a romance, a comedy, a drama, whatever.

It's a lot of fun to read these chains and see where they go. It's a great exercise for writers as well.


Who is the protagonist and what’s her name?

From Laurel’s second post:

So we're off to a splendid start. We still need to get a name for the girl on the front page, so start thinking and post your ideas here. We'll close it off to new authors next Friday, March 30. Then we'll put together the author order, figure out dates, and get this show on the road.


Lots of discussion about names, then from our own KillerMuffin…

Erica. ERotICA. Neh?

Lady Erica.


Then, out of the blue another thread appears.

"Let’s Get This Chain On!"

What’s the schedule and when do we post? Who’s on first?

Another Laurel post:

Okay...Here's the scoop: We've got 15 authors, one of which will write a portion of this chain every week. This chain story is centered around the lady on the front page of the site, who we have yet to name (more on that later).

Killer Muffin has graciously decided to go first. She will have her beginning chapter to me on May 1st, and I will post it on May 2nd. The next person in line will read her chapter, and write a chapter going off what she has written. They will submit their portion via the scripts (choose "Chain Story" as the category) on May 8th, and I will post it on May 9th. And so on, until the Final Chapter.

I have chosen the order randomly, with respect to all schedule considerations. If you don't like where you've been placed and would rather do, say, Chapter 4 instead of Chapter 7, you are more than welcome to write the author who's been assigned Chapter 4 and negotiate a trade. Please let me know if you do change positions.

Here's the tentative schedule:

(And the first of many tentative schedules was released)


How does it work?

And another Killermuffin suggestion:

Okay, before I start hacking away at this, do we have a suggested basis for a plot of some sort? Or should we simply carry on as if this were a diary of her sexual exploits? Perhaps we could tell this as a collected story of the people she's done her sexual exploits with, that way the different "voices" of the various authors don't jar with the story itself.

And, we’re off!

And another…

Okay, I'm taking the bit in my teeth and running like hell with it! I'm fast! I'm agile! YOU CAN'T STOP ME!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH *snort* Oh that hurt. Never snort in the middle of an evil, maniacal laugh. Ouchies.

Suggestion: Call the thing Memoirs of a Lady.

Suggestion: Do it as a long story with the occassional inclusion of perspectives of other people for her notes, that way we can mix it up if we like.


Pay attention! There’s real work to be done here!

Then WhisperSecret piped in:

I think that we all need to remember that this is a group effort, and the goal is not to OUT DO what's been done in the story before you. I've been turned off other chain stories because they got real weird real fast. Let's all keep in mind that we're writing ONE STORY, that needs to be COHESIVE, and that needs to wrap up at the end. So, in a way, you people with the last chapters have it the hardest. You have to pull together all those loose ends. Maybe those near the end (Ulyssa, Circe!, MM) could start to wrap up a couple here and there so it's not all left to Mickie with Chapter 15.

What was that name again and what are we doing really?

Then, finally from Laurel:

Okay, so the title for this chain will be
Memoirs of a Lady

So if no one objects, I say we name her Erica.

I like the letters idea a lot. It's flexible, yet provides a direction for the chain. They could all be letters from Erica to other people, or some could be letters to Erica from characters mentioned in her previous letters. See the Letters to Purvi series on Lit for an example of what I'm talking about as far as structure. Those letters are all written by the same author, but you get my drift.


What is our voice? What is the tone of the piece?

Then KillerMuffin revealed her Preface for Memoirs and Ulyssa gave a nice summing up.

KillerMuffin's Preface

Actually I love this overblown (elegantly layered), self-indulgent (romantically introspective) kind of tripe (eloquent prose). I think that's because I have such a hard time writing it myself. I usually find details in the Adverbs R Us online catalogue and go from there.

Seriously KM, I love your preface. I too saw her as a jaded, world weary princess who has retired to her sanctuary to tell her story (with a fair amount of truth stretching).

After this and several threads later a lot of communication about music, art, languages, etc. occurred between the many authors in an attempt to keep continuity afloat and the bar high.


So, that’s the good stuff I found in the old threads (last April?). I think there is plenty of stuff in there to describe to a reader what we attempted and what they are about to read. I think that is what an Introduction to Memoirs of a Lady should have.

What do you guys think? Laurel, this is the stuff I was thinking of...good enough? Inspirational?

- Judo
MOAL ???


MunchinMark's chapter is on for today? No?

- Judo

Well, I hate to post to this thread for the fourth time in a row, but the rest of you are being pretty reticent lately. Everyone on vacation? :p

Anyway, I have submitted Memoirs of a Lady Ch. 10. So, the ship has sailed. Mickie, get ready. You'll be Ch. 11 now (speaking of ships sailing...).

I will be out-of-town during the chapter's first week (I'm leaving this Sat, Aug. 11th), so please put a link in here somewhere after it's up, okay?

- Judo
Okay, Judo. I'll get a feedback thread up for yours when it posts. But, what about MM? Wasn't his chapter supposed to post this last weekend? Or did I miss something?

Laurel, if you just want to describe the theme of MOAL in the intro, that would be fine. No need to get carried away with it. It looks like Judo and her thread hunt gave you about all the info you might need to refresh your memory.;) Since I'm so promotional minded lately, I'd help you out (edit? or other?) if you wanted me to.

Getting down to the wire here. Wish me luck, all!

Let's get rolling again...

So, MM pulled a second disappearing act? Interesting.

Mickie--good luck.

Judo--looking forward to seeing the next installment.
Hello, all. Popping in for a look-see.

Mickie, I have every confidence you'll write an excellent chapter, regardless of luck. Hard to believe this thing is almost over. Is it just me, or is this the best chain story Lit has ever produced?
Thanks, Whisper, from my bottom to my heart.;) I think you're right, though; this chain, although troublesome with the many authors who've dropped out, seems to be well thought out and well written. (The little green 'E's' aren't that bad to get, either, and there certainly seem to be a lot of them on this one):)

Yes, we're about finished here, and I'm still writing like a demon. I hope I can make the deadline, now that it's almost upon me. I guess my imagination and I have a date this weekend.:D

last chapter submitted

Hi, everyone! The last chapter has been submitted, and should be up asap. Hopefully, the error in numbering has been caught (I emailed Laurel). I submitted it under chapter ten instead of eleven. Brain not functioning at peak capacity.

So, now I'm sad. But, all good things must end eventually. It's been a great ride, people. And I'd like to thank all of you for your help, cooperation, and the fun stories you came up with. Hopefully, mine will be considered a good addition. I could have been a lot longer, I suppose, but I tried not to go on for page after page.

Thanks again, all!

It's been posted!

The last chapter of Memoirs of a Lady has been posted. I don't know whether to feel sad or relieved. I think I'll be relieved for a day or two, and then I'll be sad.

On the feedback thread I gave a link to all the chain stories, so the reader can begin at the beginning and work their way through it. Plus a little blurb as to who Erica is.

Oh, and thank you, Laurel, for fixing my little mistake before our adoring public could get confused!

Now, should we throw a chain story party?:D I'll bring the pepsi! (The other half works for the local bottling plant.)

Thanks all! It really has been fun!
