new to Lit. looking to meet submissive female authors

Yowsah, Boss

tamman said:
you know i used to have a pair of smal dachs and the female would roll over on her back when i came home. she yelped as i rubbed her tummy and peed in happiness. her name was Happy.
nice to meet you Math girl.peace

Dear Tamman,
I'm a lot like that when there's a big, strong dominant male around. I try not to wet myself, though.

I'm also in awe of those who have the brains for higher education. I never graduated high school, myself.

It's great to know that there's finally someone around here who can take charge.
Gosh, if I rolled over on my back with knees up, would you rub my tummy? I can hardly wait to hear from you.

I've got a couple stories up around here.

I'm also in awe of those who have the brains for higher education. I never graduated high school, myself.

Don't tease the newbie. It's not nice. Besides, you're not English. You can't do the dry sarcasm properly.

The Earl
hate the word "newbie" huh? We'll just refer to you as the "virgin" then = ) = )

Welcome to lit.

What kinds of stories do you like to write?
You're right, of course, but I can dream, can't I?

TheEarl said:
[B[Don't tease the newbie. It's not nice. Besides, you're not English. You can't do the dry sarcasm properly. [/B]

Dear Earl,
Teasing? Certainly not. You're right as always. I'll try to do better. It makes me absolutely moist knowing that there are two dominant males around here.

You have justly chastized me before about it, and you would think I'd have learned by now. I know I'm not English, therefore any attempt at humor on my part falls far short of your standards. I'm studying, awestruck, at your feet, though. Perhaps someday ........

Please be patient with me.
Re: gotta gig today

tamman said:
hello all, i won't be on for the rest of the day as i actually have a paying gig today. i'll be back, tonight.

Oh, darn. I knew it was too good to be true.
Lol. At least I haven't offered to rub your belly yet.

I know I'm not English...

Never mind MG. No-one's perfect.

The Earl
Tamman: Don't like Newbie? How 'bout Scooter?

And the joke goes straight over everyone's heads. For once it's not to do with Red Dwarf.

The Earl
TheEarl said:
Tamman: Don't like Newbie? How 'bout Scooter?

And the joke goes straight over everyone's heads. For once it's not to do with Red Dwarf.

The Earl

Laughing -

Ahhh - Science Fiction - dry humor - Brit TV . . .

Perhaps I had too much to drink last evening to appreciate such things this morning!

(But speaking of things going OVER people's heads - lol)

Well darn it all. I was feeling a rather bit submissive today ... and he is gone now. *pout* What's a girl to do?? Story of my life.

I would've peed for him today too!! :mad: Darn it. The one day out of my life that I feel like being even alittle adventurous .... sheesh.

Oh well, back to the convent for me.

Pookie :rose:
A little overreaction Tamman? I'm constantly sarcastic and although MG's not English, she's getting better at it. Don't take things so seriously.

It's actually a Scrubs reference - American humour that is actually funny. Rare occurence.

The Earl

Pookie_grrl said:
I would've peed for him today too!! :mad: Darn it. The one day out of my life that I feel like being even alittle adventurous .... sheesh.

Me to, Pukey. Im just devestateated that I didn't get hear in time to be submissive. Guess I too missed the chanse to worship at earls feet which is something i was told to be sure to do and Im just waiting for my chanse.

Question: Sombody said I should be carful of using homophones in my writing. Well, Ill sure watch out for that. I dont' want anyone to think I got something against gay people. Some of my best frends are qu..... I mean .... that w;ay.
Re: Ratts!

DurtGurl said:
Me to, Pukey. Im just devestateated that I didn't get hear in time to be submissive. Guess I too missed the chanse to worship at earls feet which is something i was told to be sure to do and Im just waiting for my chanse.

Question: Sombody said I should be carful of using homophones in my writing. Well, Ill sure watch out for that. I dont' want anyone to think I got something against gay people. Some of my best frends are qu..... I mean .... that w;ay.

Durtgurl -

I find myself strangely aroused by your post! Your budding sexuality, your charming innocence, your sweet desires expressed so, um, eloquently!

Please continue!!

Rofl. You can worship me any time DurtGurl. My flies are always open, sorry, I mean my door is always open.

The Earl
Re: Re: Ratts!

sweetsubsarahh said:
Durtgurl -I find myself strangely aroused by your post! Your budding sexuality, your charming innocence, your sweet desires expressed so, um, eloquently!;)

Dear Sara,
Gosh your'e so nice. You must be a very sweat person. Whats a jayhawke? is that some kind of furry little guy like a marmot?
Gee whis

Originally posted by TheEarl Rofl. You can worship me any time DurtGurl. My flies are always open, sorry, I mean my door is always open.

Gosh; earl; thats very nice of you. I guess your'e not maybe a asshoal like i was told by all those people you are and that i should watch out for you; being a asshola and all that stuff.
I mean its' not you're fault yo're a brishith and think that everbody aought to have no other kind of sence of humor except you'rs which is pretty lame anyway but I don't really think that way ususally if you know what I mean sure you do. Your my hearo.

pS. What is all that shit people putt at the end of there letters? You know, rara enganand and that stuff? I gues i can't get rid of it because ima vergian but it sure would be nice not to haf to read that stuff all the time so mayebe it will eventually be posseable to not see it I surehope so. Maybe by the time i get to put up the pictuer of my bear pussey on the west side of my poasts i can do that to. By for now got to go study my dry breatish hummer.
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Re: Re: Re: Ratts!

DurtGurl said:
Dear Sara,
Gosh your'e so nice. You must be a very sweat person. Whats a jayhawke? is that some kind of furry little guy like a marmot?

Yes, it is - and in fact, most women named Sarah are fluent in marmot!

(It's related to the beaver, actually.)

Feets don't fail me now.

tamman said:
you and math girl should start a thread of your own entitled, "They Spurt Through Their Pie Holes"

I sure hope Tamman isn't not gone too long. I want to be here when he gets back so I will have some direction in my life. It seems like I lead quite an empty existence until today. <sigh>