New Weekly Challenge

nope, pretty sure you have to do it at the time of creation. You can post the poems as they come in, the only problem with that, is people are often swayed by the comments other people make-- ?

You also don't have to do a poll, it is totally up to you, the master of the challenge :)
okay, well this time around, then, i'll just call my favourite, and leave it up to others to say how they want to run the following challenges. so long as no-one's going to get upset if i don't choose them :D I speak as i find, and will judge each poem on its merits, and not give a thought to who wrote the piece. this is what i used to do and AM used to doing.*nods*

sounds like 2 threads might be required. The first for poems and such, and one when all done, except for voting. Might be able to simply link to the posts, but that could be annoying to use.
I already have the thread up for the challenge itself, where i'll post the poems. We'll see how it goes, but i hope people keep their comments till after all the pieces are up,so after Friday 8pm my time.

Maybe .... it hurt
:rose: I'm sure it wasn't their intention to wound.
Can't help but think I would be marked down (by at least Epmd607 and maybe others) for using the form poetry that I've apparently learnt parrot fashion requiring no talent at all. Everyone would know who it was anyway so perhaps I will just bow out gracefully

You're not being fair. I think I said a number of times that every poet should learn the forms, as it's important for writing any kind of poetry. No one's going to knock you for winning survivor and knowing your forms. Tzara knows his forms and he has a leg up on any competition I've seen with him involved. With that said, I'm not interested in spending much of my free time learning my forms. I'd like to write something that's entirely what I want to write if I'm writing a poem these days, I only have a few months left of individual freedom. There was plenty of free space in the team challenge, we could've done just about anything.
" it was more about displaying a knowledge than about expression." is what got my back up I worked my butt off incorporating 'expression' into every poem I wrote. Putting the right words into the right places to make a form doesn't mean they are any the less meaningful in fact I would say it's harder work than free verse. More people should try it sometime
nope, pretty sure you have to do it at the time of creation. You can post the poems as they come in, the only problem with that, is people are often swayed by the comments other people make-- ?

You also don't have to do a poll, it is totally up to you, the master of the challenge :)

.......or a thread with a poll could be opened just for the voting. :)
.......or a thread with a poll could be opened just for the voting. :)

i don't want this getting too unwieldy - so i made my decision here:

okay, well this time around, then, i'll just call my favourite, and leave it up to others to say how they want to run the following challenges. so long as no-one's going to get upset if i don't choose them I speak as i find, and will judge each poem on its merits, and not give a thought to who wrote the piece. this is what i used to do and AM used to doing.*nods*

this is only the first, so if others come up with a more suitable modus operandi then i'll likely adopt it when i take another turn at setting one up.
So you alone are going to pick the "winner" i.e. "favorite?" for this challenge?

If so, why bother with making it anon at all to others if you will be the judge and will get the submissions from the participants therefor knowing their author?

Seriously, not trying to be ugly, just trying to figure it out.
So you alone are going to pick the "winner" i.e. "favorite?" for this challenge?

If so, why bother with making it anon at all to others if you will be the judge and will get the submissions from the participants therefor knowing their author?

Seriously, not trying to be ugly, just trying to figure it out.

hmmmmm - you have a point. i intended to have a poll originally, but since it had to go up with the thread as it was made, i didn't want people casting their vote with only some of the poems up.

If I post them as i get them, anonymously, it might be fun for those reading them to try and guess who wrote what, as well as them being able to express their opinions of each. The fact that i will know the author is irrelevant, since that will not be a part of the criteria used to make my decision. I can offer my 'call' and valid reasons for that decision, and since this is something intended to be lighthearted and spurring on creativity, then it'll be fun to hear all the different opinions of each work. I'm happy for people to disagree with my decision, but it wouldn't change it and i don't want to get bogged down in a ton of rules and regulations that would render it un-fun for me and therefore pointless.

does anyone have serious concerns about me being sole judge? i have judged poetry competitions before, used to run my own arts website, and was accepted as poetry submissions editor for a magazine at one stage. i don't go in for favouritism re the authors, but will select whichever poem i decide works best for me. if people aren't happy with this, maybe i can rethink or step aside for someone whose judgement might be more trusted..
Polls are stoopid for stoopids. We should just post our poems in your thread then at the end of the week just pick which one you like the best.
Polls are stoopid for stoopids. We should just post our poems in your thread then at the end of the week just pick which one you like the best.

thanks for cutting through the confusion. :rose:

is everyone happy with this arrangement?

i hope so, it feels the simplest route and keeps it entertaining.
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So you alone are going to pick the "winner" i.e. "favorite?" for this challenge?

If so, why bother with making it anon at all to others if you will be the judge and will get the submissions from the participants therefor knowing their author?

Seriously, not trying to be ugly, just trying to figure it out.

Good point, and also a point worth making (imo) is that most of the challenges we've done here have not been "contests" with "a winner." It's ok to have challenges when everyone who writes a poem "wins." [Point being to write a poem at all rather than the "best" one. It's all so subjective after all...]
okay, i didn't realize there would be winners and losers in these challenges. I misunderstood. I thought it was just for the fun of the challenge and participation.
carry on...
Good point, and also a point worth making (imo) is that most of the challenges we've done here have not been "contests" with "a winner." It's ok to have challenges when everyone who writes a poem "wins." [Point being to write a poem at all rather than the "best" one. It's all so subjective after all...]

well if it makes everyone happy, i'll choose my 'favourite' - which, in my eyes, will be the winner. :devil:
okay, i didn't realize there would be winners and losers in these challenges. I misunderstood. I thought it was just for the fun of the challenge and participation.
carry on...


it IS.

does naming someone a 'winner' really cause that much havoc around here?
as i said in the post above, anyway, i'll be picking my favourite. others don't have to agree with my choice! everyone's welcome to voice their opinions.

the real challenge is to write something any of you are pleased with yourself, surely???
and my thanks to Tzara, for starting the ball rolling this week :rose:
well if it makes everyone happy, i'll choose my 'favourite' - which, in my eyes, will be the winner. :devil:

It's not like it's going to be ranked first place through last place loser. If there's four or five people, there's no reason why one can't be named the week's best. I don't mind being one of four people who aren't the 'winner'. There are other challenges for people who don't want to compare their poems to other people's poems.
It's not like it's going to be ranked first place through last place loser. If there's four or five people, there's no reason why one can't be named the week's best. I don't mind being one of four people who aren't the 'winner'. There are other challenges for people who don't want to compare their poems to other people's poems.

and thankyou for your contribution to the challenge, too :rose:

it IS.

does naming someone a 'winner' really cause that much havoc around here?
as i said in the post above, anyway, i'll be picking my favourite. others don't have to agree with my choice! everyone's welcome to voice their opinions.

the real challenge is to write something any of you are pleased with yourself, surely???

I wasn't saying there was anything wrong with your plans nor that they won't be enjoyable for those who choose to participate. I just misunderstood. I'm not feeling the least bit competitive at the moment, but that's my current reality.

Does naming a winner cause a problem? It can. I'm not saying it should, but it sometimes does. Honestly, I still have many hurt feelings about a poet here just because she argued with me about the Lit contests, and that was just about the format and not even about the worthiness of entries or winners! Horrible of me, I know. So, I'm just not keen on competition at the moment.

I hope you have fun with it, really. :rose:

it IS.

does naming someone a 'winner' really cause that much havoc around here?
as i said in the post above, anyway, i'll be picking my favourite. others don't have to agree with my choice! everyone's welcome to voice their opinions.

I have no problem with competition, I just did not see the point of not having the names on the poems if the only judge would know them. Kind of seemed backwards.

I did not mean to question your qualifications. Besides everyone is qualified to pick a favorite, and anyone can pick their favorite. We have done lots of challenges with and without "winners" or favorites. I just do not remember ever only having a single judge before, but that is not a reason to stop.
I have no problem with competition, I just did not see the point of not having the names on the poems if the only judge would know them. Kind of seemed backwards.

I did not mean to question your qualifications. Besides everyone is qualified to pick a favorite, and anyone can pick their favorite. We have done lots of challenges with and without "winners" or favorites. I just do not remember ever only having a single judge before, but that is not a reason to stop.

less judges the more entries
who you callin stupid, stoopid?

Listen to this, AnnaSwirls. Bflagsst just told me he's gotten a project approved on this artsy fartsy funding site for a frickin' verse novel. No joke, he thinks he's going to get a story in verse funded. I love it.
Why don't you just hang on to them all until the deadline THEN post them altogether with poll?
It's not like it's going to be ranked first place through last place loser. If there's four or five people, there's no reason why one can't be named the week's best. I don't mind being one of four people who aren't the 'winner'. There are other challenges for people who don't want to compare their poems to other people's poems.

I don't mind either, but over the years here I have found that if people feel they have less chance of being one of the "losers," they are less intimidated about participating. It really doesn't matter to me either way because people should do what they are comfortable with, but I do know that we've been seen in the past as not welcoming people who lurk and are shy about posting, so I try to keep an open mind about this stuff. :)
Why don't you just hang on to them all until the deadline THEN post them altogether with poll?

I think she has heard suggestions and made up her mind about how to run this week's challenge. I think it that is cool, the next challenge's sponsor can run it differently.

I agree, some people don't like competition, some people love it. I say if you have variety, then there will eventually be something for everyone, because no one challenge will ever make everyone happy, that is fer sure.