New Weekly Challenge

Listen to this, AnnaSwirls. Bflagsst just told me he's gotten a project approved on this artsy fartsy funding site for a frickin' verse novel. No joke, he thinks he's going to get a story in verse funded. I love it.

well hot damn, that is awesome!
I think all who post are winners.
One poem may be better in the eyes of one (or more) judges, but the others aren't losers.
I hope to get a chance at it later this week.
I wasn't saying there was anything wrong with your plans nor that they won't be enjoyable for those who choose to participate. I just misunderstood. I'm not feeling the least bit competitive at the moment, but that's my current reality.

Does naming a winner cause a problem? It can. I'm not saying it should, but it sometimes does. Honestly, I still have many hurt feelings about a poet here just because she argued with me about the Lit contests, and that was just about the format and not even about the worthiness of entries or winners! Horrible of me, I know. So, I'm just not keen on competition at the moment.

I hope you have fun with it, really. :rose:
I really didn't see it as any big competition, more as an idea that might get some interesting poems out there :) I hope everyone who takes part has fun with this, too, or what would be the point? As for poets getting their feelings hurt, being so reactive to emotional climates and words is often par for the course - on the one hand it allows us clearer access to the stimuli that provoke poetry, whilst, on the other, leaving us exposed to the elements that can buffet us. A double-edged sword. :rose:

I have no problem with competition, I just did not see the point of not having the names on the poems if the only judge would know them. Kind of seemed backwards.

I did not mean to question your qualifications. Besides everyone is qualified to pick a favorite, and anyone can pick their favorite. We have done lots of challenges with and without "winners" or favorites. I just do not remember ever only having a single judge before, but that is not a reason to stop.

and yes, all of us are qualified to choose our favourites. i was only trying to illustrate the fact that i would be an unbiased judge :D

less judges the more entries
fingers crossed! :)

Listen to this, AnnaSwirls. Bflagsst just told me he's gotten a project approved on this artsy fartsy funding site for a frickin' verse novel. No joke, he thinks he's going to get a story in verse funded. I love it.
he has? then congrats to him!

Why don't you just hang on to them all until the deadline THEN post them altogether with poll?
that was kind of the idea, but one thread was already made and this and that and sideways up me bum and ... it suddenly got all complicated :D
I don't mind either, but over the years here I have found that if people feel they have less chance of being one of the "losers," they are less intimidated about participating. It really doesn't matter to me either way because people should do what they are comfortable with, but I do know that we've been seen in the past as not welcoming people who lurk and are shy about posting, so I try to keep an open mind about this stuff. :)
oh, i do hope we get some lurkers! i hope this long thread's not put them off. :eek:

I think she has heard suggestions and made up her mind about how to run this week's challenge. I think it that is cool, the next challenge's sponsor can run it differently.

I agree, some people don't like competition, some people love it. I say if you have variety, then there will eventually be something for everyone, because no one challenge will ever make everyone happy, that is fer sure.
i have. i have. and variety's definitely the spice of life :kiss:

I think all who post are winners.
One poem may be better in the eyes of one (or more) judges, but the others aren't losers.
I hope to get a chance at it later this week.
to create a poem you yourself are happy with is being a winner. the act of creating is the fun!

and i hope so too. :rose:
I don't mind either, but over the years here I have found that if people feel they have less chance of being one of the "losers," they are less intimidated about participating. It really doesn't matter to me either way because people should do what they are comfortable with, but I do know that we've been seen in the past as not welcoming people who lurk and are shy about posting, so I try to keep an open mind about this stuff. :)

Plenty of poets jump on the poetry anthology contests and spend a decent amount of money to not be the thousand or ten thousand dollar poetry contest winner. When I see a contest, it just doesn't register with me that if I'm not the winner I'm the super no good loser who should never write a poem again in my life.
I really didn't see it as any big competition, more as an idea that might get some interesting poems out there :) I hope everyone who takes part has fun with this, too, or what would be the point? As for poets getting their feelings hurt, being so reactive to emotional climates and words is often par for the course - on the one hand it allows us clearer access to the stimuli that provoke poetry, whilst, on the other, leaving us exposed to the elements that can buffet us. A double-edged sword. :rose:


and yes, all of us are qualified to choose our favourites. i was only trying to illustrate the fact that i would be an unbiased judge :D

fingers crossed! :)

he has? then congrats to him!

that was kind of the idea, but one thread was already made and this and that and sideways up me bum and ... it suddenly got all complicated :D

Sideways up your bum eh?
Plenty of poets jump on the poetry anthology contests and spend a decent amount of money to not be the thousand or ten thousand dollar poetry contest winner. When I see a contest, it just doesn't register with me that if I'm not the winner I'm the super no good loser who should never write a poem again in my life.

No, me neither. Then I came to Lit and over moderating this forum for a period of years discovered there are lots of people who do feel this way. And how did I discover this? The started threads, they pmed me, they got their friends to pm me. A lot of people feel that the contests always have the same winners and that constitutes a clique of poets who think they're better than others. I don't always feel like indulging that attitude because I tend to agree with you that someone else's win doesn't somehow make me the big loser. But there are many people who do feel this way, which is why I've tried to accomodate those feelings when I can.
you can get flavoured ones you know ....... try strawberry next time

hehehe - it's the new palm dog brush. oh gagsville. like tyres and ... well yes, like condoms used to smell

no way i wanna try eating a condom, thanx (nauseous at the very mention)

as for sideways - yup.uhuh. i may be accommodating, but that's a step too far. :mad:
AH! i meant to say

thanks, guys, for all the great entries so far in the Butty Challenge.some super writes happening!

i lurve creativity - it's so sexy :D
Hey, I never paid attention before. Can you make extra spaces in these text boxes mid-line with some tricky trick? I need to make some serious spaces.
Hey, I never paid attention before. Can you make extra spaces in these text boxes mid-line with some tricky trick? I need to make some serious spaces.
Fake it with the color tag set to white and some character. Like .......... this.
hehehe - it's the new palm dog brush. oh gagsville. like tyres and ... well yes, like condoms used to smell

no way i wanna try eating a condom, thanx (nauseous at the very mention)

as for sideways - yup.uhuh. i may be accommodating, but that's a step too far. :mad:

But you're OK with eating tires ?
oooh such sweeeet poetry going on over in that other thread where I have to stop myself from commenting :D
Yes, I'm impressed with many including Angeline's terzanelle.

Yes, I'm impressed with many including Angeline's terzanelle.


Thank you. I haven't felt like writing poems for a long time, but that one just rolled out in minutes. It felt good to do it, too. But I saved the villanelle for you. I was always more of a terzie slut anyway. :)
Thank you. I haven't felt like writing poems for a long time, but that one just rolled out in minutes. It felt good to do it, too. But I saved the villanelle for you. I was always more of a terzie slut anyway. :)

That one quite literally took my breath away and to hear that you wrote it in minutes........speechless. :rose:
That one quite literally took my breath away and to hear that you wrote it in minutes........speechless. :rose:

If I stop to think while I'm writing, I fuck them up. The trick is to get in the zone and not think!

Thank you PoeTesse. :rose:
But you're OK with eating tires ?
nooo - i don't like rubber. at all. at. all. bleuch!

oooh such sweeeet poetry going on over in that other thread where I have to stop myself from commenting :D
isn't there? fantastic stuff!

THIS is what i adore about such open ended challenges - shine a light, and see how it's refracted through the prisms of poetic minds. come friday night, i'll call an end to subs and throw it open for comments.

Im so happy you guys have all decided to go for it - and the quality :heart:.*big smiles*
So does the winner get to chose the next challenge or what? Or process of elimination or just offering I was actually thinking about a challenge in bed last night! I know what a sad person lol
So does the winner get to chose the next challenge or what? Or process of elimination or just offering I was actually thinking about a challenge in bed last night! I know what a sad person lol

I have no idea -someone suggested names in a hat but if you're keen to do next Monday's i don't see why not :)