Nolte: Democrat-run St. Louis enters ‘Doom Loop’

Did I ever state there where not issues in other cities. This is your point, not mine.
I'm discussing the OP. You responded to me to disagree with my point.

Thank you for the debate and keeping it civil.
It's not always easy. Overall, the OP makes a claim and I want to see where the data supports it. If the claim is that blue cities are the worst, that would imply that red cities aren't experiencing the same issues. On the doom loop, I don't see where this is the case.

I could be wrong but have yet to find any data that confirms that... Just a bunch of righties saying "of course blue cities suck" (para.)
Some pretend that all cities are failing, but it clearly isn’t true to anyone who has been to cities lately.

You might assume that Detroit is the worst city, but a video like this highlights the real estate development taking place there.

Interesting side thought - the righties in this forum consistently bring up that the lefties here get their news from MSNBC. I can't even remember the last time I've seen anyone (right or left) source news pieces from MSNBC. I have seen multiple CNN news pieces, AP and Reuters as well. Not MSNBC.
I'm discussing the OP. You responded to me to disagree with my point.

It's not always easy. Overall, the OP makes a claim and I want to see where the data supports it. If the claim is that blue cities are the worst, that would imply that red cities aren't experiencing the same issues. On the doom loop, I don't see where this is the case.

I could be wrong but have yet to find any data that confirms that... Just a bunch of righties saying "of course blue cities suck" (para.)
Yet, you imply data that says red cites suck or have similar issues. Data is out there about blue cities, and I noted some.

If you have this similar data on red cities I would love to see your data to support your claims that all cities have the same issues to the same degree.
Some pretend that all cities are failing, but it clearly isn’t true to anyone who has been to cities lately.

You might assume that Detroit is the worst city, but a video like this highlights the real estate development taking place there.

Good for Detroit.

Yet, Detroit had only one way to go. I would hope no city declines to that point before improvements are made.
Yet, you imply data that says red cites suck or have similar issues. Data is out there about blue cities, and I noted some.
No, I imply your data is incomplete.

If you have this similar data on red cities I would love to see your data to support your claims that all cities have the same issues to the same degree.
I don't. I am not making a claim except that the OP's claim is not supported without additional data. I've seen no data that specific cities' policies are better in disrupting the trends versus others. All I've seen is cherry picked data as the OP has provided.
No, I imply your data is incomplete.
Then provide some data that supports your point.

I don't. I am not making a claim except that the OP's claim is not supported without additional data. I've seen no data that specific cities' policies are better in disrupting the trends versus others. All I've seen is cherry picked data as the OP has provided.
How much data would you need? Data and articles have been referenced to show that blue run cities have issues. Yet, please show something to support your claim of red cities.

Support your own claims.
Then provide some data that supports your point.
My point is that the claim is not sufficiently supported. That lack of data is already provided as I continue to point out

How much data would you need? Data and articles have been referenced to show that blue run cities have issues. Yet, please show something to support your claim of red cities.
I haven't made a claim about red cities. Ive seen no evidence here that shows that blue cities suffer worse than red cities, as is suggested.

Support your own claims.
I have.
According to Ballotpedia - 63/100 largest cities are run by Democrats. (At least by mayoral standard)

So that would mean there are 34 cities where the doom loop isn't occurring because of different policies.

Where is the data supporting this?
BS, I've posted a ton of such evidence in the past, all of which saw you disappear on an extended head call.
Then provide some data that supports your point.

How much data would you need? Data and articles have been referenced to show that blue run cities have issues. Yet, please show something to support your claim of red cities.

Support your own claims.

I just posted info about successful growing blue cities.

Pick any blue city and I bet I can easily find information on their success.
My point is that the claim is not sufficiently supported. That lack of data is already provided as I continue to point out
Talking about the data all of the time. Even when data is given, you want more and more data.
I haven't made a claim about red cities. Ive seen no evidence here that shows that blue cities suffer worse than red cities, as is suggested.
You claim both Red and BLue cites are in the same boat. All of the data given is for blue cities. Show me some on red cities to support your claim.

Yah, ok. LOL
Talking about the data all of the time. Even when data is given, you want more and more data.
Data hasn't been given except the blue city data. How can one suggest it is a limited problem and blame blue city policies?

You claim both Red and BLue cites are in the same boat. All of the data given is for blue cities. Show me some on red cities to support your claim.
I have claimed that there is no data to suggest that this is a blue city problem only, which is the OP claim.

Yah, ok. LOL
If I were to tell you that fish causes more cancer than steak, and I show you data that fish causes.cancer in 59 people yet provide no data about cancer from steal, would you conclude that my claim is supported or not?

If you were to tell me that my claim isn't supported by the evidence I've provided, would it be your responsibility to provide cancer stats about steak or mine?
Thanks again for the debate. Yet, this is simply become circular. As, you simply ask for data and then for me to supply data to support your point.

In you fish causes more cancer than steak, well you should provide information to support your point, not just about fish, but meat including and not limited to beef but all steaks.

Thanks again, get your data together and maybe I will continue.
Thanks again for the debate. Yet, this is simply become circular. As, you simply ask for data and then for me to supply data to support your point.
I've not asked you for anything. I've pointed out that the claim being made isn't supported by the incomplete data provided...and you actually agree since you seem to be missing it as well.

In you fish causes more cancer than steak, well you should provide information to support your point, not just about fish, but meat including and not limited to beef but all steaks.
Yep. And you pointing out that the claim I made is not sufficiently supported does not result in you needing to provide such data. Yet somehow me doing the same thing is my fault. 👍

Thanks again, get your data together and maybe I will continue.
Ive already proven my point.
I've not asked you for anything. I've pointed out that the claim being made isn't supported by the incomplete data provided...and you actually agree since you seem to be missing it as well.
how did you make this point. You added another factor to the orignal post. You added red cites.
Yep. And you pointing out that the claim I made is not sufficiently supported does not result in you needing to provide such data. Yet somehow me doing the same thing is my fault. 👍
So wrong, Original post on Democrat St. Louis. Single city and party.

Your next fish vs steak has two points.

You added the second point of red .. red vs blue yet have no data to support the point.

Ive already proven my point.
Is that so?

Last word, though I am sure you will have more :)
how did you make this point. You added another factor to the orignal post. You added red cites.
The OP suggested blue cities are unique yet provided no comparison to support it.

I didn't add anything.

So wrong, Original post on Democrat St. Louis. Single city and party.
Perhaps you didn't read the article.

Your next fish vs steak has two points.
You added the second point of red .. red vs blue yet have no data to support the point.
The article suggests it's unique to blue cities.

Is that so?

Last word, though I am sure you will have more :)
I haven't seen data that this is a blue city problem only. Nor have I seen which non blue city policies are better.
Almost all cities in the US vote blue, and that’s why right wing propagandists attack them.
They don't get much for their votes. For the past few decades, both parties collaborated in outsourcing the manufacturing jobs, moving most of what's left of our economy to the suburbs, and wrecking the cities. Now some Pubs are starting to try to bring those jobs back. The Dems are fighting them on that, because they don't want to piss off their heavy donors, and because they didn't do it first.
I haven't seen data that this is a blue city problem only. Nor have I seen which non blue city policies are better.

There aren’t any blue cities in a doom spiral. There aren’t any red cities in a doom spiral. There aren’t any cities in a doom spiral.
Ignoring the Journalistic Death Valley of NotTooBrietbart, let's look at some actual property prices in St. Louis. It doesn't look so bad.


In fact, look at the chart for Miami it's much the same.