Nolte: Democrat-run St. Louis enters ‘Doom Loop’

Ignoring the Journalistic Death Valley of NotTooBrietbart, let's look at some actual property prices in St. Louis. It doesn't look so bad.

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In fact, look at the chart for Miami it's much the same.
Housing prices doesn't address the point of the OP. Downtown office prices would be the appropriate measure.
I was in a doom loop in St Louis one time. Took me two tries to take the correct exit West.
wrecking the cities.

Once again you post a fact-free comment. Look at my links about current developments in blue cities. Are they “wrecked”? No. Far from it. They’re thriving.

I know how much you hate positive news, so my thoughts and prayers go out to your wrecked ideology.
I posted links to new developments in St Louis, Nashville and Atlanta. Lots of success. Lots of growth.

It’s easy to find the same info for any blue city.
Except despite that effort St. Louis continues to be a Blue shithole.
BS, I've posted a ton of such evidence in the past, all of which saw you disappear on an extended head call.
You post tons of biased-barely-journalism that is far from evidence. But adorable you still think it’s legit. Again, stop by your local library, they will help you find some credible sources.
You post tons of biased-barely-journalism that is far from evidence. But adorable you still think it’s legit. Again, stop by your local library, they will help you find some credible sources.
All of which you cannot refute armored as you are with the mental barriers to the truth erected by your prejudices and superstitions.
All of which you cannot refute armored as you are with the mental barriers to the truth erected by your prejudices and superstitions.
Why read it when you know it’s just biased barely news. We know YOU love it,

Find the same information in a legitimate source. One that actually will corroborate it with multiple sources before saying it’s fact.

Show us any of your stuff… from a legit source. None? That’s what we thought.
Why read it when you know it’s just biased barely news. We know YOU love it,

Find the same information in a legitimate source. One that actually will corroborate it with multiple sources before saying it’s fact.

Show us any of your stuff… from a legit source. None? That’s what we thought.
Your demonstrated ignorance of reality is not a concern or a responsibility of mine.
Your demonstrated ignorance of reality is not a concern or a responsibility of mine.
So? You can’t site your “information” anywhere that is legitimate.

Please do share your state, I’ll reach out to some research librarians there in many jurisdictions and get you their contact information. They can help you.

Step one, stop relying on the garbage you reading hourly.
So? You can’t site your “information” anywhere that is legitimate.

Please do share your state, I’ll reach out to some research librarians there in many jurisdictions and get you their contact information. They can help you.

Step one, stop relying on the garbage you reading hourly.
You question and insult sources without any evidence the information provided is indeed incorrect. You do this because you're lazy and without intellectual rigor. You like your left-wing sources because you enjoy being lied to and papered over with confirmation bias. You allow others to do your thinking for you, only those who you choose to follow are themselves incompetent when it comes to the truth. At least as propagandists, they know they are lying to you. So, I guess you know where that leaves you.
You question and insult sources without any evidence the information provided is indeed incorrect. You do this because you're lazy and without intellectual rigor. You like your left-wing sources because you enjoy being lied to and papered over with confirmation bias. You allow others to do your thinking for you, only those who you choose to follow are themselves incompetent when it comes to the truth. At least as propagandists, they know they are lying to you. So, I guess you know where that leaves you.
The “evidence” you claim is not presented in a manner that merits anyone considering them. They are biased garbage without a shred of legitimacy. You like them because the back up your views.

On the other hand, when you follow news where actually journalistic integrity is followed…the information you know is factual.

And you said the truth, you know your propagandists are lying to you. Good first step, admitting you have a problem. One down, 11 to go.
The “evidence” you claim is not presented in a manner that merits anyone considering them. They are biased garbage without a shred of legitimacy. You like them because the back up your views.

On the other hand, when you follow news where actually journalistic integrity is followed…the information you know is factual.

And you said the truth, you know your propagandists are lying to you. Good first step, admitting you have a problem. One down, 11 to go.
Aside from you being a voracious masochist who enjoys being flogged with an intellectual Cat of Nine Tails, you imagine a vast world of make-believe to fortify your political and social superstitions. As a humane man, I feel increasingly unwilling to lay on any additional strokes across your poor broke back. I'll tell the First mate to address your wounds with salt and order three days bed rest to recover. I don't want to see you back on deck until then.:D
Aside from you being a voracious masochist who enjoys being flogged with an intellectual Cat of Nine Tails, you imagine a vast world of make-believe to fortify your political and social superstitions. As a humane man, I feel increasingly unwilling to lay on any additional strokes across your poor broke back. I'll tell the First mate to address your wounds with salt and order three days bed rest to recover. I don't want to see you back on deck until then.:D
Ummmm order? Hardly something you are in any position to do…but the fact you think you have that ability leads to your delusion.

So hilarious. You think you matter somehow.
Aside from you being a voracious masochist who enjoys being flogged with an intellectual Cat of Nine Tails, you imagine a vast world of make-believe to fortify your political and social superstitions. As a humane man, I feel increasingly unwilling to lay on any additional strokes across your poor broke back. I'll tell the First mate to address your wounds with salt and order three days bed rest to recover. I don't want to see you back on deck until then.:D
Speaking of propagandists, Biden in an interview with Erin Burnett claimed before God and the world that he inherited the 9% inflation, what’s worse is these nut wigs believe his lies.
New York: big city with a Democratic Party mayor. The right wing loons love to hate it. 😄

Current real estate development news from NYC: so much winning!

New York YIMBY
Again - you fail to recognize that the article in the OP is not discussing housing. Stop providing such data as it does not dispute the position.