non-subs who date Doms

catalina_francisco said:
With all due respect WD, I don't think I would rush to get involved with this woman unless all you wanted was a little fun for awhile. She sounds confused at the least. If she didn't see herself as a sub, why would she agree to the terms set by this Dom who used to take her to dinner....

Our time has been limited and I would like to learn more about this guy and what exactly went on. She had to go right after telling me that story.

and how old is she exactly if the reason she wasn't allowed to take a purse was so she couldn't prove her age? Is she that young it would be an issue? If she doesn't get off on the control, why would she even get into these positions and go along with them? These are the questions I find filling my head from your last post.

I didn't do a very good job explaining that. She is 39. She wasn't allowed her purse so she could not prove that it wasn't her birthday.

I don't think either of us are expecting a relationship out of this. We have our 10 minutes of fun, and 10 minutes of chit chat. She did put on a nice web cam show for me today. Harmless fun.
rosco rathbone said:
heh, you are pretty funny.

Just tellin' it like it is, Man. If you can't handle the Truth....

Btw, I love the new av -- it's so You. (miss the black knee-socks, though.)
Phoenix Stone said:
Just tellin' it like it is, Man. If you can't handle the Truth....

Btw, I love the new av -- it's so You. (miss the black knee-socks, though.)

That is an actual picture of my great great grandfather.