Offend-O-Metering: U.K. vs. States

for Earl the Englishman

Earl! I don't quite know how this fits here, but I am intuiting it does.

I just learned that the Ben of "Ben & Jerry's" ice-cream has the same name as one of your star rugby players.

They are both Ben Cohen.

How far will this item go toward clearing the pond scum that has formed since 1776?

Pear ;)
Pond Scum

perdita said:
How far will this item go toward clearing the pond scum that has formed since 1776?


I think the pond scum cleared in 1***, 1941, The Korean War, The Falklands War, The Gulf War and whatever it is we are still doing in Afghanistan and Iraq.

I don't know what happened to that post. 1*** was meant to come out as nineteenseventeen but it didn't.

I edited the post with the same result.

Most peculiar.


It was the Spirit of 1776. :rolleyes:

Ogg, you're becoming too serious for me. I'll wait to hear from Earl.

I'll say this: pond scum varies from region to region and state to state here.

Perdita :confused:
TheEarl said:
JOI: How many Americans understood what bollocks was before I explained it?

The Earl
I LOVE Sandra Bollocks! She is a honny!
I did hate hearing that Buffy was edited before we see it. Why did you have to tell me that? Now, I'm mad!

Yes, we are too politically correct in the U.S. I say, if you don't like something, chang the fucking channel. No need to write your congressman, but that seems to be what people do.
I Love British humor (sorry...humour). But, I'm sure what we see is edited before we get it, even though some of the jokes go right past us.

I do get pissed when I hear the rest of the world doesn't like us, and thinks we are prissy. I don't see anything wrong with Europeans, and how they live. I do like to see my women shave under their arms and shave their legs, but some southern gals don't shave. I see their reasons, I just see it as too masculine.

Actually, I can't say anything about other countries, because I have never been to any of them, other than Canada. I would hope other people are the same in how they are. If you don't see it first hand, it might not be true.

In my neck of the woods, we have a say something, prove it. If you can't prove it, you shouldn't be saying it.

Oh, I have seen lawn bowling, in Canada. Why ruin a perfectly good putting green?
Re: Pinafore

oggbashan said:
Of course, until the 1900s boys were dressed the same as girls until about aged 5 when the boys were "breeched".
All of your pinafore post was very interesting, I am printing it.

The above calls to mind the famous photo of Oscar Wilde as a child which stupid people like to trot out to blame his illustrious mother for turning him into a buggerer. Now at least I know why he is dressed like a girl.

I like the term 'breeched' as you note it.

Thank you dear sir, Perdita :rose:
where the neck are you?

Geez, DVS, can you give me a hint where your neck or woods is/are. I want to not visit.

friendly-like, Perdita :confused:
Can't believe no one has mentioned fanny yet! It's not offensive, but it does give me a chuckle!

And Perdita, my S/O is Mexican and I am white. The unfortunate thing is, we are far more accepted by his friends and family than we are with mine. (Most notably my mother!) The thing is, while he looks very much Mexican, he has a very Anglicized name, so when people meet him for the first time they are a little shocked. But I feel so strange if I were to say, "You know, my S/O, who happens to be Mexican, did..." Ugh!

The same thing happened when I had a black roommate, too. (Same sex, separate bedrooms!) Each of our friends and peers would be shocked. My friends would always whisper when she left the room, "But you never said she was black!" And I would always hear her friends whisper to her when I left, "You never told us you were living with a white girl!"

Ah, the joys of living in America!
SexyChele said:
Can't believe no one has mentioned fanny yet! It's not offensive, but it does give me a chuckle!
Chele! Nice to see you here. I don't know what you mean re. fanny in this context. I just know it as a nice or socially acceptable term for ass.

Thanks for the personal info. Growing up we always had people who told us we were really nice neighbors "for Mexicans".

mucho carino, linda - Perdita :rose:
Re: where the neck are you?

perdita said:
Geez, DVS, can you give me a hint where your neck or woods is/are. I want to not visit.

friendly-like, Perdita :confused:
Never heard of "the show me" state? I just said it in my own words. WE don't believe something unless we see it for ourselves. I live next door, now. But, old ways die hard.

Was that what you were referring to? We are safe...really!
perdita said:
Chele! Nice to see you here. I don't know what you mean re. fanny in this context. I just know it as a nice or socially acceptable term for ass.
mucho carino, linda - Perdita :rose:
Have a Brit tell what a fanny is over there.
perdita said:
Chele! Nice to see you here. I don't know what you mean re. fanny in this context. I just know it as a nice or socially acceptable term for ass.

Thanks for the personal info. Growing up we always had people who told us we were really nice neighbors "for Mexicans".

mucho carino, linda - Perdita :rose:

Perhaps it would be best to let a Brit explain....nah, it's too hard to resist!

In US, fanny = ass
In UK, fanny = pussy

Since fanny is used more commonly in the UK (I think, anyway), I don't know what women do who are named "Fanny"!

Yes, I hear my friends say that all the time - "they are nice - for Mexicans." Like what? They wouldn't be if they were white? Huh? Some one is either nice or they're not. What in heavens name does race or ethnicity have to do with it? :rolleyes:
DVS and Sexy C:

Fanny - I had no idea. But E. Scrooge's beloved sister was named Fanny. What's up with that?!?

Still, I learned lots from Fanny Hill as a teen. ;)

DVS: I get it now. If you'd put it in the usual way I might not have felt so alarmed. No, I wasn't really scared. :eek:

Oh we get the inevitable giggles in Mansfield Park when 'my pretty little Fanny' or 'my dear Fanny' is mentioned.

It's said (!) that a director directing Burton and Taylor - Goldwyn on the set of Cleopatra?? wanted to liven it up and told Burton to squeeze her fanny. And he did. And it did.
You're right Og, The War Between the States did start over states rights, but by the time it ended it had become a war against the enslavement of a people. An important distinction I think and the only really noble thing to ever come out of that bloodbath. Of course it didn't work in more than theory, but it's an ongoing battle.

The Confederate Flag was originally retired after that war, but made a comeback in the 1950's and 60's when Plesse v Ferguson (separate but equal) was overturned by Brown v The Board of Education, Kansas thereby ending legalized segregation. The southern states didn't like that much, but there was little they could do about it. So some chose to adopt a version of the Confederate flag into their state banners as an act of protest. In recent years that's slowly being reversed as people realize how foolish the whole thing is.

Other than that the Stars and Bars is used by white surpremists who need to feel superior over something since they obviously can't compete in the real world, or by shortsighted people who've seen Gone With The Wind too many times and, God help them, think the old South was a place of romance.

But that isn't how all of us feel. I live in a town that has more mixed marriages per capita than any other city in the United States. I'm not sure why that is, and it's incredibly ironic when you know that it is also a very conservative region. Perhaps this is a case of family values actually meaning what they're supposed to. I know of no one here that isn't friends or related to a racially mixed couple and it's common to see older couples proudly showing off grandchildren who don't come from exactly the same gene pool that they do.

What annoys me with outside attitudes, is when someone acts like I can't possibly know or understand something because it's not part of the US experience. What's ironic is that by assuming that, the person themselves is showing that they're far more parochial than I am. Also, I've found that after informing me of my ignorance, the next thing out of their mouths is a sweeping generalization about the US, which if they understood us at all they'd know couldn't possibly be true because most of us here don't agree about enough to make any mass assumption true.

Hi all

Hmmm interesting thread, offensive hey.

Yes Fanny that's a good one, bollocks as well.

If I walk down the street in UK scratching my bollocks and picking at my arse, I suppose in the US I'd be scratching my nuts and picking at my fanny, hmm strange.

Another one, Pussy, I mean bloody hell, if I stand at my door here in England shouting "I want pussy" everyone knows I want the cat to come in for feeding, if I did it in the US I'd be arrested as a pervert.

Darling Perdita's woolly jumper, must have been confusing for you love, visions of an over active sheep spring to mind maybe.

I know Canadians hate being called Yanks, my nephew was over from Canada a while back, we were in the local pub and one of the locals mistakenly shouted, "hey Yank your turn with the beer"
Another anomoly arose during the ensuing punch up when nephew got hit on the back of the head with a bar stool, he accused the other guy of cheating, "No mate over hear we call it winning" he was informed.

Must try to think of a few real differences later.

pop_54 said:
Another one, Pussy, I mean bloody hell, if I stand at my door here in England shouting "I want pussy" everyone knows I want the cat to come in for feeding, if I did it in the US I'd be arrested as a pervert.

Darling Perdita's woolly jumper, must have been confusing for you love, visions of an over active sheep spring to mind maybe.
It's true, I've watched British films with school kids (teens) in the audience and when someone calls for their puss the girls giggle and the boys start making fun of the characters (esp. if the pussy owner is an elderly man or lady).

Re. my woolly humper; oh, sorry, I see it's jumper.

Pops, love, you're an over-active something, my dear. I believe you're the right bloke to ask here - I want to know more about lewd expressions in England (or the rest of the U.K.) I love true lewdness; try and shock me, shiver my timbers, Pirate Pops. ;)

Perdita :kiss:

Chicklet said:
I wonder what offends the canadians?

The ones I have know didn't appreciate being told they were unimportant the 51st state, and to sit down and shut up. Truth hurts I guess.
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oggbashan said:
Racial and cultural differences are generally tolerated but there are small areas in big cities where racial tension is high. Black/white or Asian/European marriages are common. Kids don't see anything wrong in having a friend with a different colour skin and inviting them home.

What about the Indians? If memory serves there were several race riots a few years ago. My understanding is (and this comes from reading a report from the Blair government) that Indians live side by side everyone else, but have little interaction.
What offends the Canadians?

I believe they get rather defensive on the subject of sheep.

Ps. Dear Croc,
When you say "Indians," are you talking Hindus or Cherokees?
This laudable quest for mere erudition,
still misses the essence or your inquisition.

Do mollusks have bollocks, and does that explain,
if slimy trails, left by snails, are part of their pain? :rolleyes:

jfinn said:
You're right Og, The War Between the States did start over states rights, but by the time it ended it had become a war against the enslavement of a people. An important distinction I think and the only really noble thing to ever come out of that bloodbath. Of course it didn't work in more than theory, but it's an ongoing battle.

The Confederate Flag was originally retired after that war, but made a comeback in the 1950's and 60's when Plesse v Ferguson (separate but equal) was overturned by Brown v The Board of Education, Kansas thereby ending legalized segregation. The southern states didn't like that much, but there was little they could do about it. So some chose to adopt a version of the Confederate flag into their state banners as an act of protest. In recent years that's slowly being reversed as people realize how foolish the whole thing is.

Other than that the Stars and Bars is used by white surpremists who need to feel superior over something since they obviously can't compete in the real world, or by shortsighted people who've seen Gone With The Wind too many times and, God help them, think the old South was a place of romance.


Okay, this is a highly controversial issue so I’m going to just try to slip my say in without making it a major fight and ruining the hangout. I should probably hold my tongue, but I majored in the Civil War in college, I work at a Civil War site/museum, and I reenact so this is big to me. My apologizes in advance for the lecture.

The argument that the South left over State’s Rights, does not really hold water. It’s something the South and North more or less agreed upon after the fact to help make up. It continues to be whitewashed to this day. There was only one “State Right” that the South was interested. That, of course, was slavery. Reading the debates of the day there was no mention of any other rights, even after the war the only issue the South could scrounge up was the tariff, which no one mentioned in 1861 and was not addressed in the Confederate Constitution. If fact the only major differences were strict protections of slavery were spelled out. The V.P. of the Confederacy said it was all about slavery at the ratification party.

This is not say that the Rebs felt they were fighting for slavery (only the very rich owned many slaves) or the Yankees were fighting against it. When the Emancipation Proclamation was signed a large chuck of the Union (especially the Mid-West) went ape-shit. However if the South had not had slavery, or the North did, then there would not have been a war. In that indirect sense the war was 100% over slavery.

As for the flag itself: Jayne basically did hit it out of the park on the return of the flag in the 1950’s. Several states incorporated the battle flag into their state flag. Mississippi still has it. Georgia did until last year. The governor who changed it lost reelection because of it.

I’m not trying to start a bitter debate. Oggbashan, this is still one of the sorest points in the US. Not everyone who flies it is a racist, some people are proud of the bravery of their great grandfather. They heard about how great he was, and now people are saying he fought for a racist cause. This leads to considerable consternation. Unfortunately all racists do fly that flag. After the flag was changed in Georgia in the next election the Republican candidate for governor promised a referendum on the issue. Many rural voters who never voted before turned out and swept the Democrats out power in the state. Of course it’s still so touchy that now the new governor is trying to back out of his promise by comprising and making the Stars and Bars the state flag. NOTE: what you thing of as the Stars and Bars is actually the battle flag, the Stars and Bars resembles the US flag. Look <a HREF=""> here </a>.
Re: What offends the Canadians?

MathGirl said:
I believe they get rather defensive on the subject of sheep.

Ps. Dear Croc,
When you say "Indians," are you talking Hindus or Cherokees?

Hindus. Damn those former colonies.