Offend-O-Metering: U.K. vs. States

Rainbow Skin said:
Thinks. Palaeontologists think Neanderthals are extinct, but perhaps they just haven't looked around Literotica.
Hey, what have you got against Neanderthals?
Thomas Love Peacock

"The mountain sheep are sweeter,
But the valley sheep are fatter;
We therefore deemed it meeter
To carry off the latter"

The Misfortunes of Elphin, Chapter 11 The War-Song of Dinas Vawr.
Re: Thomas Love Peacock

oggbashan said:
The Misfortunes of Elphin, Chapter 11 The War-Song of Dinas Vawr.
Man, I love that esoteric quality in a man; nearly lewd enough. :kiss:

perdita said:
Sorry, but genocide, whether intentional or organized, is genocide in the end. Blame, even justice at times, need need not matter on intent Some nations have simply been more up front than others.
Genocide: the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.

Mass murder? Yes. Terrible loss of life? Yes. One people killing many of another people? Yes. But, if you call it genocide, I think you lessen the true genocide of the Jewish by the Nazi. That was genocide, in the true meaning of the word. Intentional, deliberate and systematic killing with the intention to exterminate them from the earth.
Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:

By that logic, there should be hundreds of thousands of Germans flying swastikas in honor of the bravery of their grand fathers' "bravery." Both flags are symbols of hatred and abominable evil.

But even setting aside the millions of people whose lives, liberty, and dignity were denied them in the antebellum south, the confederate flag represents the treason of the leaders of the southern states. Why these people aren't reviled as the scum of the earth is a mystery to me. But, I think it has something to do with the underlying racist nature of the whole country.

I didn't say I'd do it. I call it ignorance when they fly that flag. However, I defy you to find my any group of people that doesn't celebrate something in their history that if you looked closely might not be so rosy. I admit I do tend to take a dim view of those who fly the flag, but I then I get angry with myself for being so judgmental. Yes most who do are racists, but not all; I won't paint with such a wide brush.

As for treason: A, they'd tell you the Rebs were fighting for true American ideals and B, many Southern states could legal withdrawl, which they radified the constitution they expressly claimed they held that right. This is why Jefferson Davis was never actually charged with anything.
Dinas Vawr was a Welshman raiding Welshmen.

He knew he could carry off the valley sheep, but carrying off the sweeter sheep would mean being chased over hill and dale, and possibly a vendetta.

Eating sheep are fair game, loving sheep are not.

who now has to do something about his work.

Goodnight, sweet nymph, remember me in your orisons.
Re: Re: 2

TheEarl said:

Well, I'm not a racist but...
If we threw out all the Asians, there'd be more jobs for the proper Englishmen.
We should throw out all the muslims. They're all fucking terrorists anyway.
If we chucked out all the Pakis, then there'd be less crime.

I'm not a racist but...
if we threw out all the Asians all the food would suck.

The only English curse I know is "Yorkshire Pudding"

I get your point, truly I do, but I cannot be objective. I can't be logical or systematic here, so it's good I'm not a historian maybe. Thanks for your opinions. Perdita :rose:

Croctden said:
I'm not a racist but...
if we threw out all the Asians all the food would suck.

The only English curse I know is "Yorkshire Pudding"

Yay, more Brit-Com relief. Now I can sleep. Perdita :rose:
Re: DVS:

perdita said:
I get your point, truly I do, but I cannot be objective. I can't be logical or systematic here, so it's good I'm not a historian maybe. Thanks for your opinions. Perdita :rose:
Just so you understand.

Now, back to sheep and such. Much more fun topic.
oggbashan said:

Thanks for that explanation.

Few of the people who use the stars and bars over here seem to have any real idea about the American Civil War. Some of them even think of it as a Yankee flag. I shouldn't be surprised. History of the UK is not now taught in schools except in short disconnected bits so expecting people to know about The Confederacy when they don't know that we had a Civil War here is asking too much.

Either they regard it as a "white supremacy" label or more commonly they associate it with innocent pastimes such as country music and line dancing.

But that is not how it is seen by minorities.


I'm not going to address how little Americans know about their own history, let alone YOUR history. A few weeks ago at work I tried to clarify that the Civil War with Cromwell was not the same as the the Glorious Revolution. My personal favorite was when I was trying to talk about the Scots trying to return the Stuarts I was asked "The 45 what? 45 Kings?" Yes England had 45 kings, all at once.
Re: Re: Re: 2

Croctden said:
I'm not a racist but...
if we threw out all the Asians all the food would suck.

The only English curse I know is "Yorkshire Pudding"
Actually, I don't know if it is really the Asian food, but I do love all of it. Indian food, too.
But, I think it is the additive monosodium Glutimate (spelling?) that we Americans add to it.
Somehow, we always try to make things better with chemicals.

DVS said:
But, I think it is the additive monosodium Glutimate (spelling?) that we Americans add to it. Somehow, we always try to make things better with chemicals.
In my very sophisticated city the Asian restaurants keep signs in the window: No MSG
Defusing the slur, 'Canuck."

The word “Canuck” is considered to now mean simply “a Canadian, a citizen of Canada,” about on par with Yankee as a name for a US citizen—slang or Conversational at worst, and certainly non-disparaging.

Once it was a vile epithet that meant “a French-Canadian,” with the same kind of hurtfulness implied when thoughtless, or bigoted people used it disparagingly as an ethnic slur – like nigger, kike, or spik – and therefore taboo.

The Separatist movement in Quebec has, in the past, embroiled the word in quarrels of language, religion, and nationalistic politics; it could often be explosive.

Ingenuity was used to reduce this sting, by employing the term at home, much as many blacks are using the word “nigger” within their own communities to disenfranchise that slur, when used hatefully by bigots..

It is almost ironic that thanks to this campaign, the term gained such success that a certain western province is proud of the Vancouver Canucks, a National Hockey League team. Meanwhile Quebec’s Montreal NHL team bears the name the Canadiens. What could be more inoffensive to a Canadian, than a Hockey Team’s name? In point of fact, many younger members of our society are unaware of the term’s chequered past.

Still, while amongst Canadians, be wary of using the term ‘Canuck’ in any other than a hockey contexts. Some Canadians still find it offensive when applied to them by outsiders, even though they have grown accustomed to its native use.
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midwestern sheep irks

DVS said:
Wool clothing.
Really? I thought they enjoyed gettng their load lightened. Or did I read that about their sexual habits? (Trying to return to lewdness.)
Re: Re: DVS

DVS said:
Mass murder? Yes. Terrible loss of life? Yes. One people killing many of another people? Yes. But, if you call it genocide, I think you lessen the true genocide of the Jewish by the Nazi. That was genocide, in the true meaning of the word. Intentional, deliberate and systematic killing with the intention to exterminate them from the earth.

It really depends on when and where you are talking about. Often it was just trying to move them out of the way. Despite it's brutallity that was basically what the Trail of Tears was (well, for most). Other times they tried to convert them, of course the affore mentioned Creeks did and still got the shaft.

However not all of those smallpox laced blankets were given in mistake. And Phil Sheridan, head of the Army in the last quarter of the 19th Century declared "The only good Indian is a dead one." That was a pretty popular view.
Re: Defusing the slur, 'Canuck."

Quasimodem said:
about on par with Yankee as a name for a US citizen

Free advice: don't call someone from the South a Yankee.
those Yankee perros

And don't call me a Yank either.

:) Perdita la Mexicana
Re: midwestern sheep irks

perdita said:
Really? I thought they enjoyed gettng their load lightened. Or did I read that about their sexual habits? (Trying to return to lewdness.)
Well, I assume we like to think they enjoy a shearing, because we like the wool. Have you asked a male sheep (RAM) how he likes going around without his masculine personality? It might just demote him in the ranks of sheepdome.

Give me some time...I will try some lewdish thoughts on sheep.

Actually, when you think about it, their wool gives the woodsman something to hold on to, when he is reaming them. So, maybe they do like being sheared, because then they aren't so easily reamed, because it is more difficult for the reamer to hold on.
Re: Re: Defusing the slur, 'Canuck."

Croctden said:
Free advice: don't call someone from the South a Yankee.
Or someone from the Mets!

DVS said:
Well, I assume we like to think they enjoy a shearing, because we like the wool. Have you asked a male sheep (RAM) how he likes going around without his masculine personality?

Actually, when you think about it, their wool gives the woodsman something to hold on to, when he is reaming them.
Thanks D, I needed that. Was 'wood'sman a Freudian husbandry slip?

Re. the Ram, no, I've never gone in for smalltalk with studs.
Southern Canadian opera lovers

DVS said:
Or someone from the Mets!
Yes, opera aficianados don't like slurs either. But I don't mind being called a valkyrie.
Re: reaming

perdita said:
I've never gone in for smalltalk with studs.
aHem...well and I would get along just fine. :D