On A Scale Of 1-10, How Horny Are You? Version 4

I have had a very busy day so I am at an unusual 6 or 7.

Of course that can change fast with the right motivation.
I think it's a 10, but I am also demonstrating some self-restraint and not direct messaging people who have wound my desires up. Can you be at 10 and still have self-control? Or, does that mean you're at 9?
Haven’t seen my girl in over a week and have waited and saved up patiently for tonight. So I’m as solid a 10 as possible.
Starting at a solid 7. Interestingly, watching the Olympic women's pole vault final makes my mind wander about their amazing bodies and how strong and flexible they are (besides good looking; ever notice that in athletes?)
This makes me think of the pain scale at the Doc’s office.

Translate to the horny scale and:
1. Horny is mild and barely noticeable.
2. Minor horny … annoying with occasional stronger twinges.
3. Horny is noticeable and distracting, however you can get used to it and adapt.
4. Moderate. If you are deeply involved in an activity you can ignore it for a period of time but it’s still distracting.
5. Moderately strong horny. It can’t be ignored for more than a few minutes but with effort you can concentrate on social activities or manage to work.
6. Moderately strong horny that interferes with normal daily activities. Difficulty concentrating.
7. Severe horny that dominates your senses and significantly limits your ability to perform normal daily functions. Interferes with sleep.
8. Intense horny. Conversing requires great effort.
9. Excruciating horny. Unable to converse. Crying out or moaning uncontrollably.
10. Unspeakable horny. Bedridden and possibly delirious. Few people will ever experience this level of horny.

On this scale. I’m a 5.