One Final Rant

Tathagata said:
you in the bra, poetry written counter clock wise on the cups.

I'm betting you could fit a few sonnets on them babies...
I almost had the entire iliad on one cup.
Tathagata said:
you in the bra, poetry written counter clock wise on the cups.

I'm betting you could fit a few sonnets on them babies...

I'd put the Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock in one and The Wild Swans at Coole in the other, but I'd list to the Prufrock side...
Angeline said:
I'd put the Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock in one and The Wild Swans at Coole in the other, but I'd list to the Prufrock side...
The thought of wild swans is making me tad nervous.
WickedEve said:
Biggest army wins. Pretty much true. Also goes for poetry. If you have enough supporters, most of your poetry, deserving or not, ends up on the top list, with Hs, etc. I need groupies!

I don't know, last year I don't think it had anything to do with any army.

T-- I try not take the awards themselves too seriously, maybe I take people's feelings seriously, I know that the lack of clarity last year did hurt people, and that just sucks.
WickedEve said:
The thought of wild swans is making me tad nervous.

Well I also thought of Yeats Among Schoolchildren, but that was out of the question.
PatCarrington said:
where do i apply?

i created TheRainMan, which is my only alt (never to be another) for 2 reasons:

i felt it was impossible to get unbiased critique any longer when i wrote. it had become too slanted to the favorable side.

secondly (the main reason) - when i signed up here i used my real name. i figured, what the hell! in retrospect, that was a mistake. i do not want to leave a trail for editors back to here, because when one finds Lit, they do not find this wonderful poetry board, they find cheerleaders flashing their breasts.

i fessed up because everyone knew anyway, and the kind words and nominations from people gave me the incentive to do it.


Pat, not everyone knew, I certainly didnt. Now I apologize for not apologizing when I only left a 4 on one of TRM's poems. See, thats why I made my alts and now I dont use them, unless I cant get into Maria, which only happened on my old computer. I personally hatethe nomination things because so many people deserve t0o be nominated, and not all can win. It does suck. I think everyone who frequents this board is a winner just for knowing youguys.
I don't think anyone had an army last year. lol

annaswirls said:
I don't know, last year I don't think it had anything to do with any army.

T-- I try not take the awards themselves too seriously, maybe I take people's feelings seriously, I know that the lack of clarity last year did hurt people, and that just sucks.
WickedEve said:
I don't think anyone had an army last year. lol

rats, I tried to be a good little soldier.

but I only voted once. and nominated once. you can see who voted for whom.
no padding involved on my part, although I did buy a red padded push up bra, damn! Forget Annie Sullivan, it is the miracle worker!

:making a mental note- run a test market on the Annie Sullivan Miracle Bra:
annaswirls said:
rats, I tried to be a good little soldier.

but I only voted once. and nominated once. you can see who voted for whom.
no padding involved on my part, although I did buy a red padded push up bra, damn! Forget Annie Sullivan, it is the miracle worker!

:making a mental note- run a test market on the Annie Sullivan Miracle Bra:
I like the instructions in braille idea.
flyguy69 said:
I like the instructions in braille idea.

eh hem. that's not braille. I am just really excited by you getting spanked by such gorgeous women.
annaswirls said:
eh hem. that's not braille. I am just really excited by you getting spanked by such gorgeous women.
Yeah, my underwear's pretty easy to read, too.
e said:
The games people play sometimes astound me,

I guess I have to ask about the alternate names... how come the alts. Smithpeter used were all considered so endearing and creative and yet the alts. used by others are considered as game playing or something underhanded?

Long before I came to Lit. I posted poetry under a multitude of names, using the names as an inspirational prompt, creating differing styles and approaches to the poetry and stories. Also like Angeline mentioned, I had some personal issues at the time that required me to work with a psuedonym on some of my works.

Once at Lit. I started with just one name, but not long after I got blindsided here in the forum by Elizabetht, Joseki Ko and others for a positive comment I posted on someone's haiku I found everything I posted under jthserra started with three or four 1s, 2s or 3s regardless of quality. Even as this trolling dropped down to a singular troll, I realized I had no chance at any monthly or special contests.

To give myself a chance over the years I created a number of alter egos... other names that I dilvulged to people I trusted and to judges in some of the contests to be sure they understood who was submitting, voting, etc... making sure everything was fair.

I will also use an alternate name to post stuff that jthserra wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole. I mean that bastard who writes all those godawful critiques and comments needs to avoid posting some of the crap that my other names come up with. Honestly, I have difficulty turning a critical eye to my own work at times, so sometimes I need to through something out there to get a temperature.

I have placed second on one of the special contests under one of my alternate names: Kaishaku, so I think my reasoning mentioned above is sound. I have a number of other alternate names, hell, there are a few I think I forgot...

Anyway, I plan to continue with a number of names for some or all of the reasons listed above. If that is considered game playing or underhanded so be it, but as long as I can come up with good names, I'll be using them.

jim : )
Maria2394 said:
Pat, not everyone knew, I certainly didnt.

Now I apologize for not apologizing when I only left a 4 on one of TRM's poems.

well, almost everyone knew then. :D

apologize? that's why i used an alt, to get unbiased opinion. and your comment was very good constructive criticism.

i have the voting off on the poems though, so there was no vote by you.
What's in a name?

jthserra said:
I guess I have to ask about the alternate names... how come the alts. Smithpeter used were all considered so endearing and creative and yet the alts. used by others are considered as game playing or something underhanded?

Long before I came to Lit. I posted poetry under a multitude of names, using the names as an inspirational prompt, creating differing styles and approaches to the poetry and stories. Also like Angeline mentioned, I had some personal issues at the time that required me to work with a psuedonym on some of my works.

Once at Lit. I started with just one name, but not long after I got blindsided here in the forum by Elizabetht, Joseki Ko and others for a positive comment I posted on someone's haiku I found everything I posted under jthserra started with three or four 1s, 2s or 3s regardless of quality. Even as this trolling dropped down to a singular troll, I realized I had no chance at any monthly or special contests.

To give myself a chance over the years I created a number of alter egos... other names that I dilvulged to people I trusted and to judges in some of the contests to be sure they understood who was submitting, voting, etc... making sure everything was fair.

I will also use an alternate name to post stuff that jthserra wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole. I mean that bastard who writes all those godawful critiques and comments needs to avoid posting some of the crap that my other names come up with. Honestly, I have difficulty turning a critical eye to my own work at times, so sometimes I need to through something out there to get a temperature.

I have placed second on one of the special contests under one of my alternate names: Kaishaku, so I think my reasoning mentioned above is sound. I have a number of other alternate names, hell, there are a few I think I forgot...

Anyway, I plan to continue with a number of names for some or all of the reasons listed above. If that is considered game playing or underhanded so be it, but as long as I can come up with good names, I'll be using them.

jim : )

All excellent points Jim. :)

I've always been amused by the facts that my alts' poems never got the positive attention that "Angeline's" did. Most of them were pretty much ignored or, if critiqued, the feedback tended to be harsher.

One of the best things that has happened in the forum over the past year--which I attribute to the efforts of a few poets (with whom I often disagree, lol)--is that reputation means less. Anyone's poem can be more subject now, seems to me, to a pretty thorough review. People aren't worried anymore about saying "you didn't do your best." That's a good thing, imo.

smithpeter used to tell me that he hated people treating him as if he had ascended to some level where no one felt free to criticize his writing. I know I used to really dislike submitting a poem and getting nothing but "gosh you're wonderful" when I well knew that I had NOT written a wonderful poem. Praise is great, but it doesn't help anyone grow. Reviews overall now are much more honest, no matter what user name appears.
TheRainMan said:
well, almost everyone knew then. :D

apologize? that's why i used an alt, to get unbiased opinion. and your comment was very good constructive criticism.

i have the voting off on the poems though, so there was no vote by you.

I was about ready to turn you in for plageurizing Patrick Carrington

jthserra said:
I have placed second on one of the special contests under one of my alternate names: Kaishaku, so I think my reasoning mentioned above is sound. I have a number of other alternate names, hell, there are a few I think I forgot...

jim : )

Kaishaku? I LOVE :heart: Kaishaku! :heart: I am so glad that he is a nice person on top of a terrific poet! You dog you :) Um I guess I should say that he I am glad he is a nice person in addition to being a terrific poet... the on top statement could be ambiguous.

I have no problem with alts unless they are used to be mean because that is just um mean. I think to assume people use them for reasons other than creative freedom is silly, although I am sure it must happen. :)
TheRainMan said:
well, almost everyone knew then. :D

apologize? that's why i used an alt, to get unbiased opinion. and your comment was very good constructive criticism.

i have the voting off on the poems though, so there was no vote by you.

Gosh, now I am relieved and embarrassed. What I kinda felt bad about was the rating of 75. In no was it a 75 and I thought at the time I wished there was a 95... :cool: I remember now it was the non separation that bothered me a little bit. I loved the poem though
jthserra said:
I guess I have to ask about the alternate names... how come the alts. Smithpeter used were all considered so endearing and creative and yet the alts. used by others are considered as game playing or something underhanded?

Long before I came to Lit. I posted poetry under a multitude of names, using the names as an inspirational prompt, creating differing styles and approaches to the poetry and stories. Also like Angeline mentioned, I had some personal issues at the time that required me to work with a psuedonym on some of my works.

Once at Lit. I started with just one name, but not long after I got blindsided here in the forum by Elizabetht, Joseki Ko and others for a positive comment I posted on someone's haiku I found everything I posted under jthserra started with three or four 1s, 2s or 3s regardless of quality. Even as this trolling dropped down to a singular troll, I realized I had no chance at any monthly or special contests.

To give myself a chance over the years I created a number of alter egos... other names that I dilvulged to people I trusted and to judges in some of the contests to be sure they understood who was submitting, voting, etc... making sure everything was fair.

I will also use an alternate name to post stuff that jthserra wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole. I mean that bastard who writes all those godawful critiques and comments needs to avoid posting some of the crap that my other names come up with. Honestly, I have difficulty turning a critical eye to my own work at times, so sometimes I need to through something out there to get a temperature.

I have placed second on one of the special contests under one of my alternate names: Kaishaku, so I think my reasoning mentioned above is sound. I have a number of other alternate names, hell, there are a few I think I forgot...

Anyway, I plan to continue with a number of names for some or all of the reasons listed above. If that is considered game playing or underhanded so be it, but as long as I can come up with good names, I'll be using them.

jim : )

Jim, you just made a wonderful point. All mine have their own styles, its weird, aint it...:)
jthserra said:
I guess I have to ask about the alternate names... how come the alts. Smithpeter used were all considered so endearing and creative and yet the alts. used by others are considered as game playing or something underhanded?
Long before I came to Lit. I posted poetry under a multitude of names, using the names as an inspirational prompt, creating differing styles and approaches to the poetry and stories. Also like Angeline mentioned, I had some personal issues at the time that required me to work with a psuedonym on some of my works.
Once at Lit. I started with just one name, but not long after I got blindsided here in the forum by Elizabetht, Joseki Ko and others for a positive comment I posted on someone's haiku I found everything I posted under jthserra started with three or four 1s, 2s or 3s regardless of quality. Even as this trolling dropped down to a singular troll, I realized I had no chance at any monthly or special contests.
To give myself a chance over the years I created a number of alter egos... other names that I dilvulged to people I trusted and to judges in some of the contests to be sure they understood who was submitting, voting, etc... making sure everything was fair.
I will also use an alternate name to post stuff that jthserra wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole. I mean that bastard who writes all those godawful critiques and comments needs to avoid posting some of the crap that my other names come up with. Honestly, I have difficulty turning a critical eye to my own work at times, so sometimes I need to through something out there to get a temperature.
I have placed second on one of the special contests under one of my alternate names: Kaishaku, so I think my reasoning mentioned above is sound. I have a number of other alternate names, hell, there are a few I think I forgot...
Anyway, I plan to continue with a number of names for some or all of the reasons listed above. If that is considered game playing or underhanded so be it, but as long as I can come up with good names, I'll be using them.

jim : )

Jasus Keerist!! One learns the damnedest things around here all by accident. The games people play sometimes astound me, when a simple answer would suffice, and save a lot of hurt feelings. Suhweeeet Jasus!!

That was me saying that, Jim. B o o M e r e n g u e. Not e...whoever that is. Go back a bit and read the post- it was about stalking- not voting.
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I have decided the reason this business of multiple names for one poet bothers me so much is because it makes me feel so stupid when I find out - more often than not - way after everyone else. I will try to no longer feel this way.
Tristesse said:
I have decided the reason this business of multiple names for one poet bothers me so much is because it makes me feel so stupid when I find out - more often than not - way after everyone else. I will try to no longer feel this way.
You're not last to know tess. I am :p. But now.. you're about the third to know of this one...

s'me! Carrie ;)