One Final Rant

TheRainMan said:
what's in a name? :)

if you're wonderful, you're wonderful.

she is. ;)

Thank you and so are you but you know if we both change our names he'll be chicken-eyez, kinda like ono-lennon yknow. I rather like it. He's unconvinced. :D
Jasus Keerist!! One learns the damnedest things around here all by accident. The games people play sometimes astound me, when a simple answer would suffice, and save a lot of hurt feelings. Suhweeeet Jasus!!
BooMerengue said:
Jasus Keerist!! One learns the damnedest things around here all by accident. The games people play sometimes astound me, when a simple answer would suffice, and save a lot of hurt feelings. Suhweeeet Jasus!!

Games is so right, Boo. But I will admit this, I made my first pseudo-pseudonym, Mia Moore, so I could write and not get the gratuitious , oh that was great, type feedback. I wanted to be a virgin again and find out if I was any "good" or if my buds were just stroking my ego. Not that stroking is a bad thing, but you get my point. ONe person, the first to comment on Mia's work, thought it was terrific, posted that sentiment on the new poems thread, and when i finally felt guilty and told him via pm who mia really was( i did this because he made such a fuss, ,ike I was the second coming of the swirly-hale bop comet or whatever), the feedback just went to hell. The actualities of life are, here or anywhere, we have friends, we have non-friends and we have acquaintanceds that we just happen to annoy or just plain old piss off. Thats life. It was never a secret, but I let them all out and now we coexist. me and mia and the rest. tee hee, i just realized, it was this tghread and anna being dropped from the nods that caused me to leave LIt last time...... :eek:

Its okay...right?

oops, I just realized that mia was not the first, TSD was.... now we are ALL confused
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BooMerengue said:
Jasus Keerist!! One learns the damnedest things around here all by accident. The games people play sometimes astound me, when a simple answer would suffice, and save a lot of hurt feelings. Suhweeeet Jasus!!

um what was the question?
BooMerengue said:
Jasus Keerist!! One learns the damnedest things around here all by accident. The games people play sometimes astound me, when a simple answer would suffice, and save a lot of hurt feelings. Suhweeeet Jasus!!

I've used alts in the past Boo because of my personal situation and not feeling safe to write certain things without having it come up as part of a divorce/custody battle. I don't anymore because well certain issues have resolved themselves. I think Pat's reason is a good one--unlike some of the ugliness one sees on the GB with alts, for example. I think sometimes people do have good reasons to change their user names here.

Yknow it's just a contest, right? Somebody will win and a whole bunch of others won't and the next day the sun will still rise and if my muse is in a good mood, I'll write a decent poem. ;)
Huh? Am I missing something? I thought it was just a beauty contest about who's got the prettiest bum. Well I know it's not me so I'm unconcerned but with all the commotion I'm wondering if I'm missing something quite profound!
bogusbrig said:
Huh? Am I missing something? I thought it was just a beauty contest about who's got the prettiest bum. Well I know it's not me so I'm unconcerned but with all the commotion I'm wondering if I'm missing something quite profound!

so, we are waiting to see yours...
annaswirls said:
so, we are waiting to see yours...
Uh, anna, not all of us are waiting to see bb's bum. Or wanting.

Yeah, he's a nice guy and all, but geez....
Tzara said:
Uh, anna, not all of us are waiting to see bb's bum. Or wanting.

Yeah, he's a nice guy and all, but geez....

oh um, I think I might have been speaking of myself in plural terms. We would love to see your bum (bum?) too, have to keep the spanking fantasies fueled with something.
BooMerengue said:
Jasus Keerist!! One learns the damnedest things around here all by accident. The games people play sometimes astound me, when a simple answer would suffice, and save a lot of hurt feelings. Suhweeeet Jasus!!

Ah -my sweet Baby-Boo.

Just another hole in the whole integrity. I spoke my piece - peace. :rose:

Ain't nuttin' we can do 'bout it 'cept let 'em rip but I won't play silly games. I'd rasther leave Lit for good.

Tristesse said:
Ah -my sweet Baby-Boo.

Just another hole in the whole integrity. I spoke my piece - peace. :rose:

Ain't nuttin' we can do 'bout it 'cept let 'em rip but I won't play silly games. I'd rasther leave Lit for good.

What happened while I was away? What is Boo upset about, and what's this about padding votes? This is why I dread awards time, and this is why I was hoping no one would bring anything up. If there's a problem, Laurel will catch it and deal with it. If someone pads votes or changes their name or doesn't have any poetry submitted, she will get him/her/it/you. *pointing my finger and shaking it.*
WickedEve said:
What happened while I was away? What is Boo upset about, and what's this about padding votes? This is why I dread awards time, and this is why I was hoping no one would bring anything up. If there's a problem, Laurel will catch it and deal with it. If someone pads votes or changes their name or doesn't have any poetry submitted, she will get him/her/it/you. *pointing my finger and shaking it.*

Oh, dear! I've caused a ruckus all unintended. Please forgive me. I, too, have alts, Bedazzler, and Edgar Allen Poet that Rybby made me. (And I forgot the password to) and one other that I don't use. That wasn't the issue.

I had been PMing back and forth with another poet here whom I thought was a sort of newbie. After 3 or 4 pm's he revealed he has been knowing me awhile. And he only said nice things to me- no ugliness. But when I asked who he was he just blew me off. Well, those of you who know me know I'm pretty private (the last 2 months not counting because I have been out to lunch but I am back now.) I used to spend a lot of time in chat, and anyone here who has been there can verify that one of the worst things that happens to folks there is severing a relationship and than have that rejected for whatever reason person make a new nic and come back at you sometimes w/ mean intent. So... in the vernacular let me just say...

"I went all paranoid and shit!"

Now I know who he is and I love him by his other nic cuz he's just a gorgeous frikkin sweety who happens to also write nice stuff, but I just wish he had told me in the 1st place, doncha know.

*sigh... I shouldn't have said it here though, I guess, cuz now there's a bunch of wadded up panties. And Eve is mad cuz she wants those panties. Y'all know I love you, internet style, of course. So lets just be friends ok?

lol we are a silly bunch of twerps!
by the way, I also read the accusations of vote padding and alts nominating, if you all ever thought I did that, well, Maria is the ONLY one of us allowed to do that nominate thing, and none of the others would dream of it, we try to be good girls :rose:

BooMerengue said:
Oh, dear! I've caused a ruckus all unintended. Please forgive me. I, too, have alts, Bedazzler, and Edgar Allen Poet that Rybby made me. (And I forgot the password to) and one other that I don't use. That wasn't the issue.

I had been PMing back and forth with another poet here whom I thought was a sort of newbie. After 3 or 4 pm's he revealed he has been knowing me awhile. And he only said nice things to me- no ugliness. But when I asked who he was he just blew me off. Well, those of you who know me know I'm pretty private (the last 2 months not counting because I have been out to lunch but I am back now.) I used to spend a lot of time in chat, and anyone here who has been there can verify that one of the worst things that happens to folks there is severing a relationship and than have that rejected for whatever reason person make a new nic and come back at you sometimes w/ mean intent. So... in the vernacular let me just say...

"I went all paranoid and shit!"

Now I know who he is and I love him by his other nic cuz he's just a gorgeous frikkin sweety who happens to also write nice stuff, but I just wish he had told me in the 1st place, doncha know.

*sigh... I shouldn't have said it here though, I guess, cuz now there's a bunch of wadded up panties. And Eve is mad cuz she wants those panties. Y'all know I love you, internet style, of course. So lets just be friends ok?

lol we are a silly bunch of twerps!
No ruckus. I just wanted to know what's going on. I can't stand not knowing what's going on. lol
But I agree about alt names. I'm getting a little tired of them. I understand a poet occasionally wanting to try out their poetry under a new name. But it's a little irritating when "newbies" show up on the board and you just know you know them! I make all my posts and public comments under this name. I decided to do that a long time ago. If I can't say it as WE then I don't say it at all. If I do use some name like Frisky Vagina, I let everyone know it's me and that I'm just playing around. I do love to play with my frisky vagina. (Like I could stop myself from writing that?) And all my poems are WickedEve's. That was the hard part. I like to experiment, but if I'm not sure about a poem's potential success, I'd rather put it under another name. I finally broke myself of that habit, and it's liberating. "Wicked Eve can write a bad poem and take the criticism and still live another day to play with her frisky vagina." :D
I'm an alt. I used to be a soprano when I was younger, but now I'm an alt. And what's this about padded votes? I thought you chadded votes. Or is that a Florida speciality?

This is weird. Someone hold my hand, please.
I have two alts
I created them to submit some work and see what the reaction was too it.
It was as I expected.
They are basically retired

I did use one to second a nomination the other day and, as anna pointed out, it was his first post.
It was a little private joke between myself and another Lit member
One of many on this thread and the nomination thread too.

I doubt very much I will vote at all in this or any other " competition" here.
For the same reasons Tess mentioned, who ever has the biggest army wins.
The difference is some people take this shit WAY too seriously.

Everyone knows who the talented and helpful people are here.
For you, for me ,they may differ..which is why this whole thing boils down to a show of force, or perhaps, farce.

Do yourselves a favor, PM them and thank them, it will mean a lot more to them that way.

Tathagata said:
I have two alts
I created them to submit some work and see what the reaction was too it.
It was as I expected.
They are basically retired

I did use one to second a nomination the other day and, as anna pointed out, it was his first post.
It was a little private joke between myself and another Lit member
One of many on this thread and the nomination thread too.

I doubt very much I will vote at all in this or any other " competition" here.
For the same reasons Tess mentioned, who ever has the biggest army wins.
The difference is some people take this shit WAY too seriously.

Everyone knows who the talented and helpful people are here.
For you, for me ,they may differ..which is why this whole thing boils down to a show of force, or perhaps, farce.

Do yourselves a favor, PM them and thank them, it will mean a lot more to them that way.

Biggest army wins. Pretty much true. Also goes for poetry. If you have enough supporters, most of your poetry, deserving or not, ends up on the top list, with Hs, etc. I need groupies!
WickedEve said:
I need groupies!

where do i apply?

i created TheRainMan, which is my only alt (never to be another) for 2 reasons:

i felt it was impossible to get unbiased critique any longer when i wrote. it had become too slanted to the favorable side.

secondly (the main reason) - when i signed up here i used my real name. i figured, what the hell! in retrospect, that was a mistake. i do not want to leave a trail for editors back to here, because when one finds Lit, they do not find this wonderful poetry board, they find cheerleaders flashing their breasts.

i fessed up because everyone knew anyway, and the kind words and nominations from people gave me the incentive to do it.

Tathagata said:
Do yourselves a favor, PM them and thank them, it will mean a lot more to them that way.


they breed smart monkeys in massachusetts.

WickedEve said:
Biggest army wins. Pretty much true. Also goes for poetry. If you have enough supporters, most of your poetry, deserving or not, ends up on the top list, with Hs, etc. I need groupies!

I've been thinking about this. I was tempted to post a photo of me flashing to win groupies and admirers but I suddenly lost confidence when I remembered an ex who once said all I can raise is a laugh.

*Damn, I hate that bitch!*
bogusbrig said:
I've been thinking about this. I was tempted to post a photo of me flashing to win groupies and admirers but I suddenly lost confidence when I remembered an ex who once said all I can raise is a laugh.

*Damn, I hate that bitch!*
Bitch or not, I need groupies. Send her my way. :D
PatCarrington said:
where do i apply?

i created TheRainMan, which is my only alt (never to be another) for 2 reasons:

i felt it was impossible to get unbiased critique any longer when i wrote. it had become too slanted to the favorable side.

secondly (the main reason) - when i signed up here i used my real name. i figured, what the hell! in retrospect, that was a mistake. i do not want to leave a trail for editors back to here, because when one finds Lit, they do not find this wonderful poetry board, they find cheerleaders flashing their breasts.

i fessed up because everyone knew anyway, and the kind words and nominations from people gave me the incentive to do it.

they breed smart monkeys in massachusetts.

Pat your reason for another name is understandable. I've done it in the past to see if readers liked my poetry or just me.
WickedEve said:
Pat your reason for another name is understandable. I've done it in the past to see if readers liked my poetry or just me.

your poetry doesn't look as good in a black slip dress as you do...
Tathagata said:
your poetry doesn't look as good in a black slip dress as you do...
I have a great, and unused, av of me in a pink bra. I can't decide whether or not to use it with me in the bra or fill the cups with poetry. Hmm... still deciding.
WickedEve said:
Pat your reason for another name is understandable. I've done it in the past to see if readers liked my poetry or just me.

there is no way to separate person and poetry here, except to the most discriminating reader.

a good reader should be willing to criticize (or praise) whenever they find a reason to, regardless of who the writer is. personal feelings prevent that, often. so does reputation.

and then, of course, there's the black slip, as Tath said. ;)
WickedEve said:
I have a great, and unused, av of me in a pink bra. I can't decide whether or not to use it with me in the bra or fill the cups with poetry. Hmm... still deciding.

you in the bra, poetry written counter clock wise on the cups.

I'm betting you could fit a few sonnets on them babies...