One Final Rant

BooMerengue said:
That was me saying that, Jim. B o o M e r e n g u e. Not e...whoever that is. Go back a bit and read the post- it was about stalking- not voting.

The reason I wiped most of the name was that while you specifically said the phrase, it seemed more a general negative sentiment supported by more than just you, so I attempted to generalize with it addressing all the negative sentiment, not make it look like I was addressing only you. I guess I should have paraphrased instead.

Within the context that you mentioned game playing I thought you were addressing the oddities of the dual names, not specifically stalking. There are good reasons, silly reasons and nefarious reasons to use multiple names. Obviously blatant stalking is not good.

My response was to explain my reasons for numerous names.

jim : )
jthserra said:
I guess I have to ask about the alternate names... how come the alts. Smithpeter used were all considered so endearing and creative and yet the alts. used by others are considered as game playing or something underhanded?

Long before I came to Lit. I posted poetry under a multitude of names, using the names as an inspirational prompt, creating differing styles and approaches to the poetry and stories. Also like Angeline mentioned, I had some personal issues at the time that required me to work with a psuedonym on some of my works.

Once at Lit. I started with just one name, but not long after I got blindsided here in the forum by Elizabetht, Joseki Ko and others for a positive comment I posted on someone's haiku I found everything I posted under jthserra started with three or four 1s, 2s or 3s regardless of quality. Even as this trolling dropped down to a singular troll, I realized I had no chance at any monthly or special contests.

To give myself a chance over the years I created a number of alter egos... other names that I dilvulged to people I trusted and to judges in some of the contests to be sure they understood who was submitting, voting, etc... making sure everything was fair.

I will also use an alternate name to post stuff that jthserra wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole. I mean that bastard who writes all those godawful critiques and comments needs to avoid posting some of the crap that my other names come up with. Honestly, I have difficulty turning a critical eye to my own work at times, so sometimes I need to through something out there to get a temperature.

I have placed second on one of the special contests under one of my alternate names: Kaishaku, so I think my reasoning mentioned above is sound. I have a number of other alternate names, hell, there are a few I think I forgot...

Anyway, I plan to continue with a number of names for some or all of the reasons listed above. If that is considered game playing or underhanded so be it, but as long as I can come up with good names, I'll be using them.

jim : )

I don't think you have to attach the personality with the name to get a gest of their charactor. for instance Aunty Muse, obviously an alt. The reason why they develope the alt. To safe guard their poetry while spewing negativity. The list is longer, for there are a few.

I take my medicine, I get one votes every time a poem arises or gets an 'H'.

You change your name to get better votes? Then your writing for the wrong reason. That would be playing a game? Or changing your name and acting new rather than reveal the change.

I change every year for several reasons, My list gets long and shows my progress that year. I figure this year I am a junior and next year a senior and then I will change my name to 'My Erotic Hell' and write 'guess what I am thinking poems.' <grin

I am wrestling with my self to not list the names of those that played this game last year alone <recent and fresh in the memory bank> I think we all have evolved in the name selection till we are comfortable or graduated <grin...I came here as Art Ramble till a joke was made about my erotic tail <grin

but to change your name and play new for response, comments or votes is recieving what you want with out honor. Tarnished glory. Standing up and saying this is me I changed my name, I respect...that's just me!

The bottom line is the purpose for the change. And when you have a name like trolley, the poemtroll or Aunty muse, OUREROTICTAILS...etc that hide their identity, you know their is one among us that lives as a jeckle and hide. There is always one...or two ...or three... or <grin but there is only a constant 20 poets here <grin 30 on a good day and you can rule out new poets. My Fav because you know they aint mr hide <laughing> or are they... a troll!

Simply put, 'I think' that changing your name is no problem unless it is changed for manipulation or malice. To change your name to win something as some one else means you may win but remember it wasn't you?

My Erotic Tail is going to go write
My Erotic Tale some where along
My Erotic Trail
My Erotic Trail said:
You change your name to get better votes? Then your writing for the wrong reason. That would be playing a game? Or changing your name and acting new rather than reveal the change.

No Art, I change my name so that the votes I get on stories or poems are for the merit of the work, not the name attached as author. I lose some troll votes, but I also don't carry the advantage of an entourage all voting 5s regardless of the work. I write because I am compelled to do so, I post my stories and poems here at Lit for several reasons, one is to compete in contests. It's a way to get some type of return from an obsession of mine.

My Erotic Trail said:
To change your name to win something as some one else means you may win but remember it wasn't you?

The author of the story remains the same regardless of the name attached to it here. Knowing that the story won, not because of the author's name, but because of just the story's merit is, frankly, wonderful. What could be better?

My Erotic Trail said:
Simply put, 'I think' that changing your name is no problem unless it is changed for manipulation or malice.

We are in agreement then...

jim : )
champagne1982 said:
oops, silly moi... I'm the Carrie who is a Dangerous Liason also :p ...
This is starting to feel like a scene out of Eyes Wide Shut!
jthserra said:
No Art, I change my name so that the votes I get on stories or poems are for the merit of the work, not the name attached as author. I lose some troll votes, but I also don't carry the advantage of an entourage all voting 5s regardless of the work.

A mountain in all its beauty stands firm, tempered with time. We all feel the lure of the beauty of a floating feather hard to grasp. Both are intriguing in their own ways

What could be better?

= Not having to change your name to win

We are in agreement then...

jim : )

bows (~_~) humble
champagne1982 said:
oops, silly moi... I'm the Carrie who is a Dangerous Liason also :p ...

oh and all along I thought Carrie was a car... no wait, was Carrie the one who burned down the gym? Oh well, I never did read much of Stephen King, just the stories about the dark cowboy.

jim : )
What could be better?

= Not having to change your name to win

Even better, Not having to change your name to insure judging or scoring is unbiased. But that won't happen so I'll settle for folks voting on my story not knowing who it is written by.

They can't even do it right in the University contests. Jorie Graham choosing her fiance as the winner in a contest she judges, and many more. In Utopia the name attached to the work will not affect the response, anywhere else it most likely will.

jim : )
jthserra said:
What could be better?

= Not having to change your name to win

Even better, Not having to change your name to insure judging or scoring is unbiased. But that won't happen so I'll settle for folks voting on my story not knowing who it is written by.

They can't even do it right in the University contests. Jorie Graham choosing her fiance as the winner in a contest she judges, and many more. In Utopia the name attached to the work will not affect the response, anywhere else it most likely will.

jim : )

jthserra said:
What could be better?

= Not having to change your name to win

Even better, Not having to change your name to insure judging or scoring is unbiased. But that won't happen so I'll settle for folks voting on my story not knowing who it is written by.

They can't even do it right in the University contests. Jorie Graham choosing her fiance as the winner in a contest she judges, and many more. In Utopia the name attached to the work will not affect the response, anywhere else it most likely will.

jim : )
Coming from a background in science, I am puzzled why there does not seem to be a tradition of blind review in literature as there is in scientific publications. Blind review of course has its problems--it often isn't hard to guess who wrote something, particularly when all the references are to one's own work, but still.

I would love to be able to submit anonymous work here. Just drop a poem on the site and have people comment or not based simply on the poem's own merits.
Tzara said:
I would love to be able to submit anonymous work here. Just drop a poem on the site and have people comment or not based simply on the poem's own merits.

That would be a good addition to the poetry discussion circle... <grin

...of course, many times reading a person is as familiar as hearing a familiar voice.
Tzara said:
You may be thinking of Venus in Furs, Mr. Dude. :cool:

Though Raquel might be acceptable as well. Lemme think about that. :rolleyes:
Anyone who can sing "A tongue of thongs" song without becoming tongue tied is worthy of dreaming!

Hey, how did the class go? We're all awaiting our grade!
My Erotic Trail said:
That would be a good addition to the poetry discussion circle... <grin

...of course, many times reading a person is as familiar as hearing a familiar voice.
That's true, of course. It is an ideal. I would, of course, like people to read my work and comment on it as if they didn't know anything about me. Ain't gonna happen, but you can wish for it anyway.

I have thought about suggesting allowing anonymous submissions to the PDC, but we have such a small community here that I don't know that that would help much.

I dunno. Hard problem. Probably best solved by sending stuff out to the real world where people really don't know who you are.
Tzara said:
Coming from a background in science, I am puzzled why there does not seem to be a tradition of blind review in literature as there is in scientific publications. Blind review of course has its problems--it often isn't hard to guess who wrote something, particularly when all the references are to one's own work, but still.

I would love to be able to submit anonymous work here. Just drop a poem on the site and have people comment or not based simply on the poem's own merits.

Most of the university contests are (at least those I sent poems in to were). There are some problems at a number of the contests though. was a site devoted to exposing the problems (Jorie Graham's case was one). was created by a man whose wife was a well published poet, so he kept his name and information secret. Several universities went on a witch hunt, spending a lot of money to expose the creator of the site. Of course now we got to wonder how this man's wife's poetry will be received.

A number of the contests will give a free subscription with your contest fee, those are the contests I usually enter.

jim : )
jthserra said:
Most of the university contests are (at least those I sent poems in to were). There are some problems at a number of the contests though. was a site devoted to exposing the problems (Jorie Graham's case was one). was created by a man whose wife was a well published poet, so he kept his name and information secret. Several universities went on a witch hunt, spending a lot of money to expose the creator of the site. Of course now we got to wonder how this man's wife's poetry will be received.

A number of the contests will give a free subscription with your contest fee, those are the contests I usually enter.

jim : )

did she change her name? <laughin'
Tzara said:
That's true, of course. It is an ideal. I would, of course, like people to read my work and comment on it as if they didn't know anything about me. Ain't gonna happen, but you can wish for it anyway.

I have thought about suggesting allowing anonymous submissions to the PDC, but we have such a small community here that I don't know that that would help much.

I dunno. Hard problem. Probably best solved by sending stuff out to the real world where people really don't know who you are.

when they had the poetry contests here they display the poems without the names and that was interesting to read the poems with no names attached.

and for your last comment, I dunno, you may not see a person on the monitor but some how you feel where they are coming from...or you don't <grin... but I can also agree because people can read you wrong as well.

small community... I like, it is quality and not quantity, it has been said many times that those with thin skins don't stay long <grin...
flyguy69 said:
Anyone who can sing "A tongue of thongs" song with becoming tongue tied is worthy of dreaming!

Hey, how did the class go? We're all awaiting our grade!
I am awaiting my grade as well, Mr. Cheatsheet. It is a yearlong class (well, unless I write faster) with one grade--at the end.

Add on to that that I am a master procrastinator. And, well, it may be a while a'fore we know the truth.

Perhaps an MFA is not in my future. Right now, I'm jest trying to make sure a paycheck is in my future. Just finished an article on data encryption:
Dark stage. The lights come up showing the depths of the Rhine river. The Rhinemaidens, three nymphs, cavort ecstatically in the current.

(Music: the opening strains of Wagner's Das Rheingold swell in background)

Rheinmaidens: Rijndael! Rijndael!
OK, OK. Geek joke. Sorry.
My Erotic Trail said:
did she change her name? <laughin'

She's got a Pulitzer, so I doubt she will change the name. A case where the name is an advantage... she needs to post here, we'll show her.
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Tzara said:
Perhaps an MFA is not in my future. Right now, I'm jest trying to make sure a paycheck is in my future. Just finished an article on data encryption:
Dark stage. The lights come up showing the depths of the Rhine river. The Rhinemaidens, three nymphs, cavort ecstatically in the current.

(Music: the opening strains of Wagner's Das Rheingold swell in background)

Rheinmaidens: Rijndael! Rijndael!
OK, OK. Geek joke. Sorry.

Oh, Iowa....
you are a geek
twelveoone said:
Oh, Iowa....
you are a geek
I see, 1201, you're prime
intent is to mock
me and you do, in fact
cute me to the quick
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