Open at your own risk - it's meant to be fluff

MsWorthy said:
Are there no REAL dom/mes or TRUE subs in here????

Hold on, I think I see one over there!!!


Not Me. I am a fig newton of your imagination.


artful said:

Just had to letya know,...I am still waiting,...but hell, KNEW I was a patient man,...didn't ya? :rose:

(BTW:-What's for supper?)

Oh crud.

I forgot.

Will get right on it.

I made chicken and rice for dinner. It was really good. ;)
Re: Re: Open at your own risk - it's meant to be fluff

Tiger_n_NJ said:

Oh Damn does that mean I have to return LTR?

Well, I just wont do it you hear me!!! Nope, not one bit. Rule number one goes against my grain and motto in life.

Hello Tiger,

Fancy meeting you here.
You are in an LDR, with someone? Is that the case?

He is defining you to himself and you, is my take on what you have said. Is that correct?

My fluffiness is great.

I have a vast amount of fluffiness.

Rose, sorry to have dumped all of that on here.

Its been a long time since I've slept. ;)
Last edited:
lovetoread said:
I was told that I was a great sub sexually,but basically I sucked at everything else.

Apparently,he changed the rules of our "agreement" without telling me. I never agreed to become a 24/7. Never.

I was also told that my thoughts,my ideas were basically worthless.

I am not worthless. At least I dont think so.

It sounds to me that he no longer knows what he wants...... Is that possible? And no, you are not worthless by any stretch.

I've decided.

I am fluff.

I am all nice and fluffy.

I have no one that wants to fluff my fluffiness.

Oh well.

Convent here I come. ;)


:kiss: 's to ya Rose.

And I wish the one I want to flirt with would at least say hello.

I like fluff.

I like peanut butter and fluff sandwiches on a rainy day.

If you hvae the strawberry flavored fluff, I am in heaven reliving my youth.

So, bring on the fluff!!!!

Could I ask a favor of anyone who reads this thread?

I am about 225 posts from 1000. The way it goes, seems it won't be long til I reach that magic number. Des and I have been talking about a title when I do reach it.

If you think of something and you are a friend or at the least, somone who means me no viciousness, would you post it to me here?

I would prefer not to get any mean suggestions. But all nice ones are welcome.

Wow 1,000!

You know I would have never pegged you to be that old! You don't look a day over a 100!

Explain what you mean by a title?
Re: Wow 1,000!

PlayDoe said:
You know I would have never pegged you to be that old! You don't look a day over a 100!

Explain what you mean by a title?

See under you name (PlayDoe) above your AV, it says Really Really Experienced? When you hit 1000 posts, you get to pick your title there.

Good morning, Pal. ;-)


A Desert Rose said:
Could I ask a favor of anyone who reads this thread?

I am about 225 posts from 1000. The way it goes, seems it won't be long til I reach that magic number. Des and I have been talking about a title when I do reach it.

"Ready To Blossom"

A Desert Rose said:

I am about 225 posts from 1000. The way it goes, seems it won't be long til I reach that magic number. Des and I have been talking about a title when I do reach it.

"Pre Moistened Petals"

A Desert Rose said:

I am about 225 posts from 1000. The way it goes, seems it won't be long til I reach that magic number. Des and I have been talking about a title when I do reach it.

"Dew Me Artfully"