"our" hotel/spa/guesthouse

Can I be of service?

I have never had a scary Domme before.

But oh the possibilities!
cellis said:
Can I be of service?

I have never had a scary Domme before.

But oh the possibilities!


Me ... if I met a scary dom I would probably run a mile. (Or hide behind cym ... pushing her ever so slightly forwards .... )

Been a while since I've been in a decent hotel, but "front" is the first bellhop/guide. They've usually got a few queued up to get the bags and show the guests around. I figured cym was working the switchboard at that moment; I was behind the front desk, looking over the duty roster and making sure the guests signed in, then I remembered we didn't have an act for the bar/lounge, and someone's request took our Bellhop out of rotation. Being middle management, that meant it was time for me to fill in the empty space. Then monster showed up, and I made him a bellhop, since that's what we needed right then.

my earlier posts make sense now?
Oh and do we have karokee night at the lounge? You know what exhibitionists we subs are...
I guess getting staff for that type of hotel will be really easy...

I've heard that some people in Amsterdam are planning a similar hotel for the BDSM crowd... I'll try to find out more... now... wouldn't that be the perfect place for a gathering? No need to hide anything... DEEEEEEEEEEP SIGH

cymbidia said:
No way, Josette. That scary Domme? She doesn't want monster there, if you catch my drift. It's you or...hey! Where's Merelan? Let's send Merelan to her! Hecate's off travelling...

ok ok I'll go. THIS time. Next time it's monster's turn, he's not THAT big.

The stuff I do for love...

She'll hurt me in all the good ways right? Please?
Yaddayaddayadda. Meanwhile, Im still waiting for that goddamn scotch.
Tell ya what send up that spectre boy with it, I want to see how big his balls can get.
Oh T!!!!!

That scary Domme in Room 1 wants you, darlin', something about big balls...or was that seeing how big she can get them?

Anyway, be sure you grab the scotch on your way up the stairs, okay?

Want me to call in Outsider to give the scary Domme some visual aids, kinda targets of a sort?
**quietly put headset back on and stays very close to the switchboard**

wouldn't want to miss one of Scarey Dommes calls

**giggles as I catch a glimpse of T heading up the stairs**
cymbidia said:
Oh T!!!!!

That scary Domme in Room 1 wants you, darlin', something about big balls...or was that seeing how big she can get them?

Anyway, be sure you grab the scotch on your way up the stairs, okay?

Want me to call in Outsider to give the scary Domme some visual aids, kinda targets of a sort?

I'm gonna be forced to run screaming out of my corner when Outsider shows up.

His pics are definitely in the cringing in sympathy range.
OK, who's this Outsider and where are his pictures?

And where's that bellboy?

Doesn't he like scrotal inflation?
cymbidia said:
In line?
In line?
We gotta stand in line?
I'm no good at lines.
I fall off my marks.
I waver and bump the people next to me.
Oh dear.

Corners, now corners i can handle - but lines?

With the right amount of discipline, I'm sure you could stay in line Cym.
Let's see - Ice? check. Scotch? Check. Hope single malt is okay. sub sandwiches? check.

Frilly apron? check.

fierce blush? check.
Um fronts carry bags, not inflate them. You are confusing me with scotch boy.

MzChrista said:
OK, who's this Outsider and where are his pictures?

And where's that bellboy?

Doesn't he like scrotal inflation?
SpectreT said:
Let's see - Ice? check. Scotch? Check. Hope single malt is okay. sub sandwiches? check.

Frilly apron? check.

fierce blush? check.
hmmm, fierce blush on which set of cheeks, T??? or haven't you gotten that far yet??? lol
SpectreT said:
Let's see - Ice? check. Scotch? Check. Hope single malt is okay. sub sandwiches? check.

Frilly apron? check.

fierce blush? check.

About time. Now take a big hit on that Scotch, your gonna need it.
MzChrista said:
OK, who's this Outsider and where are his pictures?
Ummm...i called him, MzScaryDommeChrista. All kinds of calls. PM's and emails and that sort of thing. He might be out of range at the moment but i'm really really sure that T will happily sub in for him, blushing or not. I'll send that pushy willow up with more ice, too, and mg5 with, um, injection supplies if you need them. Will that be all for now?
navarre said:
With the right amount of discipline, I'm sure you could stay in line Cym.
Well, ummm, well...behind sierra, maybe! Behind cellis! Behind willow! Behind monster! Right?

Gotta go. Calls coming in on the switchboard. (Shove over lilred!) Can't leave 'em hanging, not even for the aforementioned discipline and lines and standing and that kinda intriguing thing.
monster666 said:
Um fronts carry bags, not inflate them. You are confusing me with scotch boy.

Once I inflate it, you gonna have to carry it.

Dude, whats that on your avatar? is that written in Klingon or something?
I do not know what eqyipment you would be needing but I have been building equipment for this life style for over 40 years.

I build crosses, "X's", horses, bars, spreaders, racks, wheels and more and just for a change of pace I have taken up leather working. I still have the equipment for working metal so I have made masks, restraints and body plates. Would need a medium sized garage for these toys.
cymbidia said:
Ummm...i called him, MzScaryDommeChrista. All kinds of calls. PM's and emails and that sort of thing. He might be out of range at the moment but i'm really really sure that T will happily sub in for him, blushing or not. I'll send that pushy willow up with more ice, too, and mg5 with, um, injection supplies if you need them. Will that be all for now?
:p Well, ummm, well...behind sierra, maybe! Behind cellis! Behind willow! Behind monster! Right?

Gotta go. Calls coming in on the switchboard. (Shove over lilred!) Can't leave 'em hanging, not even for the aforementioned discipline and lines and standing and that kinda intriguing thing.

Ill talk to you at checkout time.
Close enough! You win the inflate-a-bag prize. Actually, it's wingdings3. You are the first to ask publicly. Now that everyone knows, I'll need a new AV.

MzChrista said:

Once I inflate it, you gonna have to carry it.

Dude, whats that on your avatar? is that written in Klingon or something?
Uhhhh Did someone call?

(Adjusting her best slut corset and stockings.)
i say...are you still taking applications?

i am seeking an engagement. Oh, i'm sorry, was i speaking with a British accent? (i'll tell you about that later)

i meant to say, i'm looking for a gig! i'd like to be the Band Leader and Master of Ceremonies. i have a great deal of experience in the field, and considering the image i believe you'd like to project, you need an orchestra for all occasions.

If the Domme at Table 2 wants to hear something from Don Ho, Table 5 wants a polka (Sam can you really dance a polka now?), and the subbie busboys want to hear The Sex Pistols "Anarchy", i'm exactly the guy who can "whip the band into shape".

One proviso, (sorry cellis, dear) NO BLOODY KARAOKE! All singing will be done by those with a "License to Sing", issued by the Management after i have auditioned them.

Karaoke shows may be put on to torture me, if my performance is judged unsatisfactory by Frouwa-Aph.

i hope the ballroom is large enough to accommodate Spectre T's balls after MzChrista finishes his CBT session.
i think you should definately be hired, blue... you seem to have everything figured out!! And, what an imagination!!! hmmm, don't know where i'm supposed to be.... i think i was relieved of my position.... seems T is more in demand... between T and monster, i think MzChrista is going to be very busy!!
Re: i say...are you still taking applications?

DRxBlue said:

Karaoke shows may be put on to torture me, if my performance is judged unsatisfactory by Frouwa-Aph.
<scribling into employe file>
Most feared Punishment: Karaoke :D

We'll tie you to a St. Andrews Cross right in front of the stage and you will be only released, if you beg satisfactorily or faint from the pain of hearing good songs mangled beyond recognition. *snkr*
