"our" hotel/spa/guesthouse

SpectreT said:

Can I just say hot coffee hurts the sinuses.....

Do you think we ought to add a warning to the title of this thread?

Something along the lines of:

WARNING!!!! For comfort and safety please ensure that you empty your mouth of ALL substances before reading the posts.

It might save an awful lot of work mopping dripping monitors and keyboards .... just a passing thought.
Frouwa_Aph said:

Aaah that's easy...
bottoms/subs/slave will wear collars, a frilly little apron when apropriate and marks.


And a willing smile?

(Actually, will be more like a fierce blush in my case)

...this is one of those threads that make me love this forum so much.
I have yet to find another forum where people (be they sub/Dom/me/switch/whatever) can have so much fun together and noone frowns, cuz BDSM is oh sooooooooo serious a business.

WillowPuss said:

And a willing smile?

(Actually, will be more like a fierce blush in my case)
A cute and willing smile and a blush is permitted, too. :D

So, are we still in need of bar staff? Cuz, you know MasterMe's a bartender, right? ;)

And I used to keep the books for a couple of actual hotels, too. We're multi-purpose service staff. :D
"Scotch and soda... jigger of gin...

Oh what a mood...

You got me in...

Do I feel higher than a kite can flllllyyyy..."

Oops was I singing?

Sorry, Dr Blue... I know you told me I had to audition....
cellis said:
Sorry, Dr Blue... I know you told me I had to audition....

*polite cough*

When are the auditions being held?
I could, at a push do my Eliza Dolittle's rendition of "Wooden nit be lover leigh" if you like.
Or ... could put on my angelic face and give you a rendition of Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring.

(Or I could just do backing ..... please?)
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I don't believe anyone has taken charge of the kitchen yet, so I suppose I can take the job. I'd better check and make sure we have a good supply of large spatulas and wooden spoons.
CarolineOh said:
I don't believe anyone has taken charge of the kitchen yet, so I suppose I can take the job. I'd better check and make sure we have a good supply of large spatulas and wooden spoons.

Yessssssssss BUT make sure they are clearly marked with

we don't really want any Doms getting ideas about addition to their already over large toy bags/chests.
WillowPuss said:

Yessssssssss BUT make sure they are clearly marked with

we don't really want any Doms getting ideas about addition to their already over large toy bags/chests.

Not to worry, darlin', in my kitchen I am a total Domme, you'll be safe in here with me.
CarolineOh said:
Not to worry, darlin', in my kitchen I am a total Domme, you'll be safe in here with me.


or should that be *gulp* ???? Errrrrrr Sam ... should I be relieved or worried here?:eek:
WillowPuss said:


or should that be *gulp* ???? Errrrrrr Sam ... should I be relieved or worried here?:eek:

Oh sweetie, you'll be just fine. Now peel those potatoes, or you and I will have to have a little "discussion" in my office.
*giggles and giggles some more* oh I love this thread it gives me a good laugh when I need one.
WillowPuss said:


or should that be *gulp* ???? Errrrrrr Sam ... should I be relieved or worried here?:eek:

There used to be this guy I'd see around at the clubs who was the "chef dom". We would put plastic down over a bondage bench and tie down a female sub, and then he would rub her down with oil and herbs and do these gorgeous food arrangements on her body, making a little buffet that people could snack off of. It was messy, but very very cool.
Maybe Caroline could make us a nice Willow buffet?
So we got the bar, an orchestra, the kitchen... now... who'll take over the reception and lobby area? :D

Reception and lobby should probably be rotating shifts - I'll cover the desk when I'm not doing Community Relations.

Oh, and one more thing: (The kitchen reminded me) I want it in my contract - NO WOODEN SPOONS. PERIOD. capice?
"My kind of town...
Chicago is my kind of town...."

oops caught me singing again...
All RIGHT cellis...You've PASSED the audition!!

Here is your license...since there's obviously no way we can stop you, we might as well get paid for this. If the audience hates you and throws tomatoes, we'll put you in the salad prep line.

Get over to wardrobe... WILLOW! c'mere luv, you too. You'll both be in the chorus so you'll need the black stockings, spiked heels, tell Gwenn, she'll get your sizes. She'll fit you for the tiaras too. Boas and scarves. Black opera gloves.

You'll get the three basic formals. Black with the right leg slit, the midnight blue one, in sequins, and the deep purple backless with ostrich feathers on the left shoulder.

Now you'll be singing everything from Gershwin to Eric Clapton-- Elvis to the Andrews Sisters. Since we're so short handed so far, we'll need you in the kitchen from say from 6 to 10 pm then on stage from 10 pm til 2am... 5 days a week. You get Sundays and Mondays off. Can ya do it?

Oh i know ya can! C'mon kids! Let's put on a SHOW!

(ooo...Mickie Rooney's gonna kill me)
"I've got you under my skin...
I've got you deep in the heart of me..."

Falls to the floor to assume the standard position...

"Oh thank you, Most Wonderful One!"

Covers her mouth to keep from laughing out loud. (Himself always makes her pay for that attitude.)
This is damn swet all these people working , and me the only guest.
Now if I can get that Cellis to sing some Clash or Dead Kennedys Ill be just fine.
MzChrista said:
This is damn swet all these people working , and me the only guest.
Now if I can get that Cellis to sing some Clash or Dead Kennedys Ill be just fine.

I'll have to work on that MzChrista, Ma'am...

In the meantime...

"I like the way you say my name...
I like the way you smack my ass..."
I can help with the computer bits and help look after the maintenance of all the swtchboard and phones :)

Oooh and will this place be needing a website or something? I can help out with that too :)

ps Who's doing the washing up?

Skally runs away with her fingers in her ear lal a la la (what washing up? !)
