Patting the backs and tooting each others horns

those rejections i listed were balanced off by these acceptances over the past few months:

Fifth Wednesday Journal's inaugural issue – i am now in the process of convincing the editor to put my and Kim Addonizio’s poems on opposing pages, so when they print the issue i’ll feel all that pressing, in a metaphorical way. :)

New Delta Review (Louisiana State University) – this is a good placement.

Poetry New Zealand – wildsweetone tells me it’s a good journal. i have never seen it first-hand, but the list of poets they’ve printed convinced me to submit. (WSO – this is the one you’re referring too – it will be Issue 36, February ’08)

Pebble Lake Review – i like this journal very much, read it faithfully. looking at the contributors to the last issue gives you an idea of its quality.

Flyway (Iowa State U.) – i also like this one.

Sou’wester (Southern Illinois U.) – the editor went out of her way in the acceptance letter, taking time to talk about the poem and jot down all sorts of comments. such a letter is rare, in my experience.

Nexus (Wright Sate U.) – i’d never seen this journal until they sent me complimentary copies of previous issues along with the acceptance letter. it was recommended by a poet i know from the Midwest. the issues they sent look good to me.

just found out yesterday that a poem of mine was nominated for the 2007 Best of the Net anthology (the link is to the 2006 Table of Contents).

also, i have a new chapbook coming out in the near future. the dates and details are not set yet with the publisher (Main Street Rag).

i'm editing this to add that many of the poems accepted were born here at Lit on the 30/30 thread. i owe a debt of gratitude to many of you for the comments and suggestions you made, both on the threads and in private.

i especially owe such a debt to the dear, departed (from Lit, not the earth) clutching_calliope, who bent over backwards to praise and critique the poem that was accepted by Pebble Lake Review.


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foehn2 said:
kind of surprising, given the quality of your poetry. those were rejections you were talking about? oh my. idiots! sigh. total idiots, 12.

Just joking, I've never submitted (well to a couple of women, but that was non-poetical and that is what they said) I destroy most of my stuff, a few things have escaped.

TheRainMan said:
lol. :)

send in a sonnet that's fresh, and i'll take it.
are we talking fresh as in doesn't smell funny?
or fresh as in different?
I can guarantee - differerent.

I'm out of this thread, just couldn't resist the forms
show us your lashes!

You are an INSPIRATION! Look at all of those submissions!!! Add them to the acceptances and you are one motivated pup! Keep on going, and thanks for sharing your rejections :) I know you do not need me to say this, but don't take it personally, you knowt this first hand. Sending rejections sucks sucks sucks worse than getting them in most ways.

TheRainMan said:
i’ve an idea. before tooting the horn here from now on, i’m going to show the lashes.

i’m going to list rejections, kind of put it into a real-world perspective. they used to feel like slaps across the face. now, they feel like what they are, a “no thanks, pal” to the poems i submitted, the cost of doing business.

the past couple of months or so i’ve had rejections from:

Stirring – an impersonal, form letter.

Jubilat (Boston College) – a form letter, as terse as it gets.

Poetry Magazine – a rejection cut from a page they Xeroxed, not even cut rectangular, along the dotted lines. being that it’s Poetry, i imagine the Lord himself wielded the scissors, though he should be able to cut straight lines, no?

The Colorado Review (Colorado State U.) – form letter, with Jorie Graham’s and Donald Revell’s stamps on it, held and brought down like a gavel by an MFA candidate, no doubt.

West Branch (Bucknell University) – a handwritten rejection. translation: close, but no cigar. and damn, West Branch is one beautiful journal. i’d have almost rather had a form letter, not knowing i was close. i’d like to be accepted there.

Paris Review – a cut-out so small it nearly got lost in the envelope.

Copper Nickel (University of Colorado – Denver) – a form letter by e-mail.

Chicago Review – a handwritten, “Thanks, Pat. These are not quite a fit for us.” felt like a “Dear John” letter, but i’ve found any ink is good ink, and bodes well for the future.

Rattle – didn’t win, place or show in their annual contest. but I’ve already been in Rattle, which is my favorite journal of all. and Tim Green is the best editor around. he even makes his form letters feel personal, somehow. don’t mind a rejection in the least. the contest had over 4000 poems in it, and the quality of poetry they publish is top-shelf.

The New Yorker – yawn. what a fuckin’ surprise.

i understand why they send out form letters. as much as I dislike it, i am forced now to do it from Mannequin Envy. there are just too many submissions to personally write to each poet. i do try to write personally to the ones whose work i nearly took, but the time consumed is large, and i wonder if it’s fruitful at all. i like to think it is, as i know how it makes me feel to read letters personally written instead of snipped and sealed in.

i’ll list acceptances next time around.
foehn2 said:
oh crap, i forgot why i came here. i was severely distracted by 12-0-1, sorry. "view from above" posted a link to 'mannequin envy' under my poem she scarfed. was very polite and prompt. there ya go, jennifer. smile.

Great! I had a feeling she was going to be a polite lady -- I am glad it worked out!

oooh congrats! I love Pebble Lake!

TheRainMan said:
those rejections i listed were balanced off by these acceptances over the past few months:

Fifth Wednesday Journal's inaugural issue – i am now in the process of convincing the editor to put my and Kim Addonizio’s poems on opposing pages, so when they print the issue i’ll feel all that pressing, in a metaphorical way. :)

New Delta Review (Louisiana State University) – this is a good placement.

Poetry New Zealand – wildsweetone tells me it’s a good journal. i have never seen it first-hand, but the list of poets they’ve printed convinced me to submit. (WSO – this is the one you’re referring too – it will be Issue 36, February ’08)

Pebble Lake Review – i like this journal very much, read it faithfully. looking at the contributors to the last issue gives you an idea of its quality.

Flyway (Iowa State U.) – i also like this one.

Sou’wester (Southern Illinois U.) – the editor went out of her way in the acceptance letter, taking time to talk about the poem and jot down all sorts of comments. such a letter is rare, in my experience.

Nexus (Wright Sate U.) – i’d never seen this journal until they sent me complimentary copies of previous issues along with the acceptance letter. it was recommended by a poet i know from the Midwest. the issues they sent look good to me.

just found out yesterday that a poem of mine was nominated for the 2007 Best of the Net anthology (the link is to the 2006 Table of Contents).

also, i have a new chapbook coming out in the near future. the dates and details are not set yet with the publisher (Main Street Rag).

i'm editing this to add that many of the poems accepted were born here at Lit on the 30/30 thread. i owe a debt of gratitude to many of you for the comments and suggestions you made, both on the threads and in private.

i especially owe such a debt to the dear, departed (from Lit, not the earth) clutching_calliope, who bent over backwards to praise and critique the poem that was accepted by Pebble Lake Review.


Mannequin Envy

Fall Issue of Mannequin Envy is live and running full speed.... jump aboard and take a ride!

Back by popular demand, Literorica's favorite Wicked Poetess who is a damn fine photographer as well.... :kiss:
annaswirls said:
Fall Issue of Mannequin Envy is live and running full speed.... jump aboard and take a ride!

Back by popular demand, Literorica's favorite Wicked Poetess who is a damn fine photographer as well.... :kiss:

Congrats on the new issue. I've just been there reading and there's some wonderful poetry there. And it's such a pleasure to see Eve's photographs accompanying some of the poem. That wicked old thing just exudes art. :)

Hey you poets! Check out this issue: you'll be glad you did.

It is a really fine issue of ME. And WE's artistry just makes me wanna spread molasses all over her cornbread poems.

S'all Luscious.
TheRainMan said:

Poetry New Zealand – wildsweetone tells me it’s a good journal. i have never seen it first-hand, but the list of poets they’ve printed convinced me to submit. (WSO – this is the one you’re referring too – it will be Issue 36, February ’08)

well good grief, you better keep writing and sharing here because Feb '08 is a LONG wait! please. :rose:

Congrats on the new issue of Mannequin Envy. it looks neat! lots of reading while i wait for Spring to hatch down here. :rose:
i forgot i could toot somebody's horn besides my own. i think swallowedscream is growing, leaps and bounds, in poetic power. this poet's cooking is tasty, to me, and i'd advise anyone to visit. it's getting better and better.
Never thought I'd have a reason to post on this thread.
A few months ago I was in one of those 'what the fuck' moods and sent a couple random pieces to a couple random online zines, expected them to say No Thanks.
Well, just a few minutes ago I got an email from one of them and they're gonna post my piece (it was something I had here, back in July).
It's the first time I ever actually sent anything to anyone and they accepted it. It's a strange feeling.
hmmnmm said:
Never thought I'd have a reason to post on this thread.
A few months ago I was in one of those 'what the fuck' moods and sent a couple random pieces to a couple random online zines, expected them to say No Thanks.
Well, just a few minutes ago I got an email from one of them and they're gonna post my piece (it was something I had here, back in July).
It's the first time I ever actually sent anything to anyone and they accepted it. It's a strange feeling.
Congratulations. I'm sure they accepted your piece because it was worthy.

I'm tooting my own fucking horn.

I got an E.

HAH! Double-hah!

DeepAsleep said:
I'm tooting my own fucking horn.

I got an E.

HAH! Double-hah!


It's the double hah that gets me

Congrats and absolutely wonderful to be reading your work again.
DeepAsleep said:
I'm tooting my own fucking horn.

I got an E.

HAH! Double-hah!



I just read it (but I think I remember it from before). Great poem. Well-deserved E. Congrats!
sophieloves said:
what is an E?

it must be good, so congratulations! :)

Hi. :)

An "E" means a poem has received an Editor's Choice Award. What it means beyond that, I don't know. I don't know who the editors are who read the new poems and approve them for submission, and I don't know what the criteria are for awarding an E. Sometimes it has seemed to me that there are no criteria because some poems clearly (to me) deserve an E and don't get it and some that do, well, they don't seem to deserve it.

So it's sort of arbitrary or seems so. And all you get is the E next to your poem, no monetary award or girft cert or anything. Still it's nice to get it and they're certainly elusive.

Anyway DA's poem got an E, but even if it hadn't it's a wonderful poem.
Angeline said:
Hi. :)

An "E" means a poem has received an Editor's Choice Award. What it means beyond that, I don't know. I don't know who the editors are who read the new poems and approve them for submission, and I don't know what the criteria are for awarding an E. Sometimes it has seemed to me that there are no criteria because some poems clearly (to me) deserve an E and don't get it and some that do, well, they don't seem to deserve it.

So it's sort of arbitrary or seems so. And all you get is the E next to your poem, no monetary award or girft cert or anything. Still it's nice to get it and they're certainly elusive.

Anyway DA's poem got an E, but even if it hadn't it's a wonderful poem.

thankyou for taking the time to explain that, Angeline. appreciated :rose:

how did i know that was walt whitman, before i reached the end?

maybe i'm apt.