Patting the backs and tooting each others horns

foehn2 said:
how did i know that was walt whitman, before i reached the end?

maybe i'm apt.

from my sig quote?

if that's what you refer to then my answer would be 'the second line' - gives it up for me, anyway. i LOVE Walt Whitman :)
Angeline said:
Congratulations Tathagata on publication in the new print issue of Zygote in My Coffee. Are those Eve's feet on the cover?

:kiss: :heart:

Thank you Ange and Sophie
Brian likes me and my stuff
and I like Brian and know what he looks for
so it works out well

( I'm not sure about the feet but I love the shoes)
Tathagata said:
Thank you Ange and Sophie
Brian likes me and my stuff
and I like Brian and know what he looks for
so it works out well

( I'm not sure about the feet but I love the shoes)
Well Congrats!
I've often said you have written things I wished I had. :rose:

But as a side note : Defending Chinaski wasn't one of them. :rolleyes: My Bukowski was better than yours. (and I had sense enough to destroy it.)

But when you aren't writing pulp, or pretending to be a critic of critics, you do OK.
Keep it up, wish you success, whatever that means.. :rose:
Angeline said:
Hi. :)

An "E" means a poem has received an Editor's Choice Award. What it means beyond that, I don't know. I don't know who the editors are who read the new poems and approve them for submission, and I don't know what the criteria are for awarding an E. Sometimes it has seemed to me that there are no criteria because some poems clearly (to me) deserve an E and don't get it and some that do, well, they don't seem to deserve it.

So it's sort of arbitrary or seems so. And all you get is the E next to your poem, no monetary award or girft cert or anything. Still it's nice to get it and they're certainly elusive.

Anyway DA's poem got an E, but even if it hadn't it's a wonderful poem.
I guess what Ange means is I got too many of them (3) and I've never been on the top list, won no awards and am not a linearist.
twelveoone said:
Well Congrats!
I've often said you have written things I wished I had. :rose:

But as a side note : Defending Chinaski wasn't one of them. :rolleyes: My Bukowski was better than yours. (and I had sense enough to destroy it.)

But when you aren't writing pulp, or pretending to be a critic of critics, you do OK.
Keep it up, wish you success, whatever that means.. :rose:

Yes you have
and when you aren't being deliberately obscure or smarmy you write some wonderful things as well.

Actually Defending Chinaski did very well over at Zygote
I got 3 or 4 emails on that one
I don't destroy anything I've written...that way I can regret it instead
I don't write pulp..I write bunk
Your Bukowski lacked soul...but that may just be me criticizing a critic again

And a side note to your comment on " Limitations"

"... The usual reasons. It goes on a bit."

I would have thought you'd like a poem you have something in common with.

As always your comments are always interesting though I seldom have any idea what the fuck you are talking about.
( probably my lack of formal education and my almost automatic resentment of anyone "smarter" than me)

Continued good wishes, success and health to you also my friend
Tathagata said:
Yes you have
and when you aren't being deliberately obscure or smarmy you write some wonderful things as well.

Actually Defending Chinaski did very well over at Zygote
I got 3 or 4 emails on that one
I don't destroy anything I've written...that way I can regret it instead
I don't write pulp..I write bunk
Your Bukowski lacked soul...but that may just be me criticizing a critic again

And a side note to your comment on " Limitations"

"... The usual reasons. It goes on a bit."

I would have thought you'd like a poem you have something in common with.

As always your comments are always interesting though I seldom have any idea what the fuck you are talking about.
( probably my lack of formal education and my almost automatic resentment of anyone "smarter" than me)

Continued good wishes, success and health to you also my friend

are you making fun of my ethnic heritage?

You do know I am the Grand Duke of Smarmland, or would have been if it wasn't for the communist take over at the end of WWII.

Best Wishes, but I'll keep breaking your balls, I don't think you would want it any other way. :rose:
twelveoone said:
are you making fun of my ethnic heritage?

You do know I am the Grand Duke of Smarmland, or would have been if it wasn't for the communist take over at the end of WWII.

Best Wishes, but I'll keep breaking your balls, I don't think you would want it any other way. :rose:

Not your ethnicity,your eccentricity.
Would that make you a Smarmite or a Smarmagonian?

I don't consider it ball breaking...which I'm sure infuriates you
We are two cantankerous old men who, when we find ourselves in the same bar, give each other the finger over pints of ale.
I would not have it any other way
Tathagata said:
Not your ethnicity,your eccentricity.
Would that make you a Smarmite or a Smarmagonian?

I don't consider it ball breaking...which I'm sure infuriates you
We are two cantankerous old men who, when we find ourselves in the same bar, give each other the finger over pints of ale.
I would not have it any other way


and argue over whose round it is

somehow, I see it with you; didn't see it with Eluard (I think he was a wine sipper)
here's a spot of good news.

just got a 2007 Pushcart Prize nomination from The Aurorean.

the announcement's here
TheRainMan said:
here's a spot of good news.

just got a 2007 Pushcart Prize nomination from The Aurorean.

the announcement's here
Way congratulations, Master P. It is an honor to virtually know you.

Um, like, virtually. :rolleyes:
Congratulations Mr C. Your work always is a joy to read and your nomination comes as an acknowledgement of your poetry. It's wonderful.
TheRainMan said:
here's a spot of good news.

just got a 2007 Pushcart Prize nomination from The Aurorean.

the announcement's here

Congratulations Pat! That is wonderful news. Was it only a few years back that your daughter convinced you to pull out all that old poetry and start writing again?

hip hip horay! To your talents and their recognition of such :)

TheRainMan said:
here's a spot of good news.

just got a 2007 Pushcart Prize nomination from The Aurorean.

the announcement's here
TheRainMan said:
here's a spot of good news.

just got a 2007 Pushcart Prize nomination from The Aurorean.

the announcement's here
sign my book before you get too famous.

Remember Pat, the Pulitzer don't mean shit unless you win it at least twice. :rose: :rose:

I hope you win!!
TheRainMan said:
here's a spot of good news.

just got a 2007 Pushcart Prize nomination from The Aurorean.

the announcement's here
oh what wonderful news! congratulations, Rain Man.
all the time the circle gets tighter
the more the newer the better
tighter tighter tighter
my love more more more
but for what
those who are longing for it
it that consumes it
now or never make the break
make the break
vampiredust said:
I just found out I've been nominated for the 2007 Pushcart Prize
:rose: Another reason you're different, Christian. I'm so glad you share your poetry, this is just another visible affirmation of how wonderful it is.
Thank you Leon, Tim, Carrie, Bill and Shara for your support. That means a lot to me.
