PM from Laurel in regard to PrincessGoddess

The server operators on this site have been informed that Ms. Francisco allowed 27 users in the same forum to participate in harassing me, sexually and otherwise, together, as a mob, in a manner not consistent with the United States Constitution and the first amendment. It became necessary to ask my father to come onto this site to obtain copies of posts that Ms. Francisco made herself as a part of this mob, and the fact is that the actions that took place are NOT defendable under the 1st amendment protections. Therefore, I guess that we will find out whether or not Ms. Francisco's actions on one part, and lack thereof on another part, will be defended by the server operators. I fully expect that an apology will be extended to me in the near term by the server operators, and if that were to occur, then I am certain that there might be a reason to have a CONVERSATION with the server operators concerning the willingness on my part to perhaps let the matter go. However, if in the course of further investigation it is determined that there is a reasonable suspicion that violations of federal obscenity and child pornography laws have occured, any information related to those matters will be turned over to federal investigative bodies for their determination, and further disposition.


Taking this to the Human Rights Tribunal like the rest of the trolls are?
Big hugs to the folks from the GB. The thread was moved there due to lack of BDSM content, so said the mod that moved it. That's all. No need to start a cross-board pissing contest.

After all, we have people that are into pissplay. They're really good at that kind of thing.


Quite funny.:rose:
PG: You should consider moving your act to the GeeBee, where your brand of lunacy would go down magnificently (a bit like yourself, I should think).

Hold up there.

With all due respect Sugar Tits, she can take her trash to the PG, hopefully she'll be blinded my multi-colored posts, flashing siglines and God willing a cranked out midget named Angry Jeff will bludgeon her with a pair of clogs.
Hold up there.

With all due respect Sugar Tits, she can take her trash to the PG, hopefully she'll be blinded my multi-colored posts, flashing siglines and God willing a cranked out midget named Angry Jeff will bludgeon her with a pair of clogs.

Oh good point, ya'll ought to have sent it to the PG.
Torture is prosecutable under the Criminal Code, not under any human rights legislation.

They have the Human Rights Watch Campaign which is about gathering evidence of torture for criminal prosecution etc...good enough for me...she has been torture at times, but also amusing.:)

They have the Human Rights Watch Campaign which is about gathering evidence of torture for criminal prosecution etc...good enough for me...she has been torture at times, but also amusing.:)


Alas, they are merely a lobby group, not an actual extension of the judicial system of government.
Hold up there.

With all due respect Sugar Tits, she can take her trash to the PG, hopefully she'll be blinded my multi-colored posts, flashing siglines and God willing a cranked out midget named Angry Jeff will bludgeon her with a pair of clogs.

Sugar tits?

My feathers are ever-so-slightly ruffled. Lucky you're not around or I'd smash you with my newly honed biceps.

Sugar tits indeed.
Alas, they are merely a lobby group, not an actual extension of the judicial system of government.

LOL, I am sure it will be next on princess' list of things to know how open to suggestion she is?!!:D

Sugar tits?

My feathers are ever-so-slightly ruffled. Lucky you're not around or I'd smash you with my newly honed biceps.

Sugar tits indeed.

Sugar Tit is the name of a nearby town. Sits adjacent to Big Bone Lick State Park on Beaver Road in the town of Big Beaver Lick. Neither are far from the Licking River which empties into the Ohio.

Sugar Tit is the name of a nearby town. Sits adjacent to Big Bone Lick State Park on Beaver Road in the town of Big Beaver Lick. Neither are far from the Licking River which empties into the Ohio.


OMG that's surreal! I was just talking with a friend of a friend who mentioned that park tonight! We were laughing about odd location names and that came up. My bestest pal used to live just off the corner of Johnson St & Beaver Rd. :)
OMG that's surreal! I was just talking with a friend of a friend who mentioned that park tonight! We were laughing about odd location names and that came up. My bestest pal used to live just off the corner of Johnson St & Beaver Rd. :)

Knob Lick, Grant's Lick, lots of Banklicks, May's Lick, Paint Lick. I could go on.

There's just a whole lotta lickin' goin' on here....and Buckeye Bashing :)'s no wonder we're the way we are (trollery and sex trollery) what with our ancestors licking everything in sight.
Sean H
Sorry for the typos. Apparently intellingent conversation is not your strong suit. Thanks for demonstrating most conclusively to all here that there is no such as unutterable nonsense.
take your angry, child like, stupid insults else where.

I just thought I'd put on record, this one is now MY bitch. Any of you losers want to talk to him, you ask me first.