Poetry Olympics Third Event "Pairs Competition"

Please provide clarification ...

Unmasked Poet said:
Pairs competition:

As a team, construct a poem. You must adhere to the following rules:

[*]There is a minimum and maximum requirement for lines and stanzas
[*]Minimum lines per stanza 4*
[*]Maximum lines per stanza 6*
[*]Minimum stanza 5
[*]Maximum stanza 8
[*]Poems must include a couplet with an AA rhyme scheme.
The couplet counts as a stanza* all other stanza must follow line length rules.

The rain in Spain
falls mainly on the plain

Am I correct in stating that the above is a couplet with an AA rhyme scheme?

But if it counts as a stanza doesn't meet the minimum line requirement?

I'm confused!
contentedly confused as well

contented bees
count 2's and 3's

what of the seas
are they lost to me's
Re: Please provide clarification ...

ShamelessFlirt said:

The rain in Spain
falls mainly on the plain

Am I correct in stating that the above is a couplet with an AA rhyme scheme?

But if it counts as a stanza doesn't meet the minimum line requirement?

I'm confused!

Look again at the information you quoted, particularly the last line in which UP said that the AA stanza is exempt from the rules.

Just finished reading recent posts and.....

I agree with the majority here that in contests such as
this, there are a set of rules. Sure we can express
ourselves in the poem but for this contest we all must
abide by the guidelines set by U.P. It's fair and reasonable.

For the two "visitors" over the past day to this thread, no
one is forcing you to participate here...you came here on your
own free will, but yet assume that certain things happen...an
example is when one of you thought that Unmasked Poet was
leaving the contest entirely.......not true....he cannot run this
leg of the contest due to prior commitments in his *real life*.
As a few others have suggested, you are more than welcome
to start up a poetry contest using your own guidelines; but
please, don't cause problems for this contest already well

And now a question: to put my mind at ease, may I have a
few examples of a "couplet with an AA rhyme scheme"? I don't
get into technical aspects w/ my writing, but I realize for this
contest that aspect is necessary. I would appreciate it greatly,
and perhaps keep it in mind for future writings (I was at Barnes
and Noble tonite searching for a book on poetry and technical
aspects but no luck......!). Thank you much ladies and gents :)

Now its 4:30am EST ....time for bed!


Frankly tigerjen.. I have heard enough about my post... I dont need you adding to it. I thank you for your opinion.. but maybe you should read the posts again.. I have on more than one occasion appoligized.. if your looking for another.. tough.. its not gonna happen.. so get off my back.. I got enough problems with out you adding
The aa rhyme scheme...

I had to do a search yesterday to find out some stuff..

Rhyme is the similarity in sound of the ends of words: the last stressed syllable and the following unstressed syllables (if any). Rhyme is usually a structuring device in verse. Of course not all poetry rhymes: classical Greek and Latin poetry never rhyme, for instance. When rhyming verses are arranged into stanzas, we can identify the rhyme scheme by assigning letters each rhyme, beginning with a and proceeding through the alphabet. Couplets, for instance -- such as Pope's

'Tis hard to say, if greater want of skill
Appear in writing, or in judging ill;
But of the two, much greater is th' offence
To tire the patience, than mislead the sense

-- rhyme aa bb, and so on -- a represents the ill sound, b represents the ence sound. A quatrain such as

Far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife,
Their sober wishes never learned to stray;
Along the cool sequestered vale of life
They kept the noiseless tenor of their way

is said to rhyme abab, where a represents ife, and b represents ay. More complicated patterns can be described the same way: the sonnet, for instance, can be abab cdcd efef gg or abba abba cdecde; the Spenserian stanza rhymes ababbcbcc.

Most rhymes appear at the end of lines, but internal rhyme is the appearance of similar sounds somewhere in the middle of a verse. Words in the middle can rhyme with other words in the middle or words at the end of lines.


From the Guide to Literary Terms by Jack Lynch.
Update: Judges are rounding up


Things are coming together. I have commitment from four judges! Again the group is diverse and a new group of folks. All of them are members of Literotica. I sought out individuals who are impartial, honest, skilled or knowledgeable about poetry as well as have a good representation of readers vs writers. I am happy to report we will have that.

I will not being judging so that I can focus my attention solely on the administrative duties. If there is a tie, I will vote. With the increments that U.P. put in place, a tie is highly unlikely(whew).

You still have time to contact me. Registration cut off is Tuesday.

Thanks for supporting this event and the others as well.




We have references all over the place about the couplet. LOL

The Sonnet execerise gives you plenty of detail and explanation. And the New #1 has examples, too. One of the things U.P. has done in every critique is to focus on a specific element of poetry writing.

Lovetoread gives you an example, too. Here's mine:

In a couplet two consective lines rhyme, thus aa. If a pattern called for abab, lines 1 and 3 would rhyme and 2 and 4 respectively. Folks, the couplet is one element. Take a deep breath.


Re: Clarification

Vailyn said:
Hey, the part bout the Country names...

You mean each team has to submit a Poem title which has a Country name as part of the title for this round of the Olympics. Right?

And, BOY! What killer conflictin restrictions. I had to print it out so I can mark each one off later on. During "Did we get that part?" check. LOL



Your team name will be a country. The title of the poem is up to you.

I am glad you printed out the restrictions. I'd advise everyone to do so. Strict compliance is required. Failure will result in disqualification. There are only two of you. It should be easy to exercise check and balance.


Re: Please provide clarification ...

ShamelessFlirt said:

The rain in Spain
falls mainly on the plain

Am I correct in stating that the above is a couplet with an AA rhyme scheme?

But if it counts as a stanza doesn't meet the minimum line requirement?

I'm confused!

Shameless, you are correct. I believe we indicate that the couplet is the only exception(*). Let's say you do the minimum stanza requirement. You will have (4)stanzas with at least 4 lines each. The other stanza will be a couplet(two rhyming lines). There is no restriction where the couplet occurs. It could be the opening, middle or end of the poem.

Folks you have some latitude here despite the guidelines. In this exercise you will be working closely with your partner. This is a pairs competition. You must be in sync. I will assign pairs once I have all the names of those interested.

Folks, re-read the guidelines. A good portion is explaining how the contest will work. Not all the items are restrictions.


Thanks Drake/Daughter!

I was looking for the asterisk to be a footnote ...lol

The couplet counts as a stanza* all other stanza must follow line length rules.

I also realized after I hit submit that the "all other" exempted it

Thanks guys!
Well frankly Horse.....

TheHorse said:
Frankly tigerjen.. I have heard enough about my post...
I dont need you adding to it. I thank you for your opinion..
but maybe you should read the posts again.. I have on more
than one occasion appoligized.. if your looking for another..
tough.. its not gonna happen.. so get off my back..
I got enough problems with out you adding

Frankly, my dear, I was away from the boards until about 4am...
wasn't even online until then, so please don't rag on me. I am
glad you listened to my opinion though....so sorry if it didn't come
earlier with the others......I realize that you apologized, but I
wanted to put in my two cents regardless.

Now without further ado........onward to the next contest
starting Tuesday!

daughter...thank you!

thank you for clarifying about the "couplet"....I just wanted
to make sure what it was....but all it is its two consecutive
lines with rhyme (in this case). :)

thank you much again!

Now it's your turn!

daughter, I love ya, but now that you're in charge of the contest, I can't help razzin' ya a little either. It's hilarious that you're the one in charge of enforcing the rules. After all, you got disqualified yourself for not following the rules in the last round! You couldn't even follow a line limitation you set yourself, in your "eat me" exercise! Hey, don't worry about the rules, folks-- with a natural born anarchist like daughter in charge, in effect there are no rules. ANARCHY REIGNS! HOORAY!


And that brings me to another point. UP, with his restrictive, anally retentive mentality, wouldn't accept snowballing as a winter sport. However, you're in charge now, daughter (like Al Haig-- lol), and with your far more expansive, liberated view of things, I'm sure you'll allow it. After all, it has the word "snow" in it, and snow is associated with winter. How about it, daughter?
Mr Redwave are you kissing up this early in the game? Tell me if it works so that I can do it too. ;)

Well, it would probably work better for you than it does for me-- especially if you're willing to do more than just kiss!
does Bridge count?

I just heard a news report that the American Bridge Society ( or some such equivalent group) is lobbying to have Bridge counted as an official Winter Olympic sport. They're gonna have a big tournament or something to draw attention to their cause. Soooo, whaddya think, d, does it count, huh, huh?

No way, Jack!

Ded Poet said:
I just heard a news report that the American Bridge
Society ( or some such equivalent group) is lobbying to
have Bridge counted as an official Winter Olympic sport.
They're gonna have a big tournament or something to
draw attention to their cause. Soooo, whaddya think,
d, does it count, huh, huh?

No way, Jack! :D
I like how the Winter Games are right now.....heehee!

Where did you hear this news info, by the way? ;)

Current List of Participants

Maid of Marvels
Ded Poet

We have 16 participants. If anyone else wants to join, I need to hear from you no later than Monday @ 9:00 pm. I will contact teams by Tuesday @ 9:00pm.

You'll have 24hrs to register and confirm your team name with me.


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Re: Current List of Participants

daughter said:

We have 16 participants. If anyone else wants to join, I need to hear from you no later than Monday @ 9:00 pm. I will contact teams by Tuesday @ 9:00pm.

You'll have 24hrs to register and confirm your team name with me.

By the way, is it really relevant to the comp for the teams to be randomly allocated? I'd like to see how well teams work when they can choose their partners...

Da Rules (More Clearly Stated)

-This contest will be done in pairs.

-All poems must be erotic.

-After registration which is until 9:00 pm Monday, 2/4/02, pairs will be chosen and notified via PMs. *Registration is done by sending daughter a PM stating you wish to be in the competition.*

1. Needs to have 3 words that is one of each of the following:

a) noun
b) verb
c) adjective

2. Each poem must make a reference to a winter sport.

3. A minimum and maximum requirement for lines and stanzas:

-Minimum lines per stanza 4*

-Maximum lines per stanza 6*

=Minimum stanza 5

=Maximum stanza 8

4. All poems must have a couplet with an AA rhyme scheme.

-Couplet counts as a stanza. It is the only exception to the requirements for the stanza length.

Example of Couplet:

I am me
Not a bee

5. Each team must choose a country as it's name.

-USA is not available as a team name.

-No two teams can have the same country name.

-Each team must be sure to register their team name.

-After registering the team name, PM daughter from the team name and let her know who is in the team.

-Must get a confirmation from daughter about the Team name or you are not eligible for judging.

6. Title of Poem is up to the poets in each team.

A panel of 5 judges will rate the poems.

Poems in the first round will be judged on a 1 to 5 scale in quarter increments

Scores will be turned in to daughter, and she will list the scores in order at the end of the event.

The top 3 scores will move to the medal round.

Medal poems will be judged on a 1 to 10 scale in quarter increments in three areas:

a) Style
b) Form
c) Imagery

Results of the first round will be posted on March 1st.

Prizes will be awarded to the finalists.

Daughter will provide poetry collections for all winners.
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Who do you want for a poetry partner? Is it... REDWAVE? No. Uh... Perky? lol

I actually have someone I'd really like to work with, but daughter may have reasons for wanting to pair us up herself. We'll have to wait and see.
Re: Drake

WickedEve said:
Who do you want for a poetry partner? Is it... REDWAVE? No. Uh... Perky? lol


... maybe <coy smile>

Giving in to peer pressure


Select your own partners. If you do not register your team name with me by Wedsnesday at 9:00 pm, you will not be participating. Please select from the list provided.


Darn, wish I could play, but after today, I wont be around very much for a month or so.

One thing they are trying to do on the story side with these little mini contests, and I suggest you figure out a way to do them with the poetry contests, is to make the teams anonymous to the people voting. Perhaps each team submits their poems to one organizer, and they keep the identity secret until the end. I know that's a little more work, but I have my favorites, and would rather not know who was who.