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Re: to make the box stop flashing...

foehn said:
... just click on your "stop loading" button (the button with the X in Internet Explorer)...

Now for some questions.

When will all the new poems for Sunday that will be posted, be up?

I'm assuming there's no easier way to retrieve the poems than to go to "New Poems" and click on each one individually.

Will I have to be doing this after midnight Sunday, early Monday morning?

Is there an easy way to tell if it's somebody's first poem?

Does anyone attempt retrieving all the poems and then working on the "review" offline?

If I miss making the comment "you've been reviewed" am I inadvertentlly breaking the law?

I don't intend to be the "high critic" or anything like that. I've read enough reviews, I think, to be able to follow the vein. I've never been offended by Reltne's remarks. I've never been offended by Tathagata's remarks, although I've been seen to be rubbing my forehead after reading them, sometimes.

I'm good to go for Sunday, but if anyone has anything helpful to say, now's the time.

Much appreciated,


It depends, foehn. Sometimes they're up as early as Sat night; sometimes they don't show up till Sun morn. You have to keep checking, too, because occasionally new poems don't show until fairly late in the day (or not at all, lol).

If they or you are delayed, just put a comment in the new poems thread. We'll understand.


Hey all.. I have been on the road for a few weeks.. omg so happy to be home.. I was sick as a dog and freezing my balls off... oh yeah.. I am a girl.. damn!! What was it I froze off then????

Any way back to the reason for this post..

I would love to do a review day.. no one mentioned it to me Eve.. I usually post them on The Poem Academy... let me know and I will go or do or not do .. hehehe..by the way there is so outstanding poetry as of late...I must mention Muse..by Reltne, and a few more I will comment on in the Academy... missed all... have a few Haiku coming tomorrow.. into the simple complexity of life right now ha!!!
Let me know..
Du Lac:p
Re: HI ALL~~~

Du Lac said:
Hey all.. I have been on the road for a few weeks.. omg so happy to be home.. I was sick as a dog and freezing my balls off... oh yeah.. I am a girl.. damn!! What was it I froze off then????

Any way back to the reason for this post..

I would love to do a review day.. no one mentioned it to me Eve.. I usually post them on The Poem Academy... let me know and I will go or do or not do .. hehehe..by the way there is so outstanding poetry as of late...I must mention Muse..by Reltne, and a few more I will comment on in the Academy... missed all... have a few Haiku coming tomorrow.. into the simple complexity of life right now ha!!!
Let me know..
Du Lac:p
Welcome back. :)
I know there will be another opening soon--there always is. :)
Besides doing the other thread, you can leave comments on the review thread anytime. I love it when we have more than one reviewer on any given day.
LOL.. no worries Eve..

Just thought I would put my two cents in lol... I love the freedom of doing them at my convience on the Academy... thank you for the okay to put them on the reviewers thread... If anyone ever needs a day covered just pm me and I will help out.. if I can...by the way... Your last poem was fantastic!!!!! I loved it.... will leave a comment later want to read it a couple of times through...before I comment ...
be well
Du Lac;)
Re: HI ALL~~~

Du Lac said:
Hey all.. I have been on the road for a few weeks.. omg so happy to be home.. I was sick as a dog and freezing my balls off... oh yeah.. I am a girl.. damn!! What was it I froze off then????

Any way back to the reason for this post..

I would love to do a review day...

You want Sunday? I'm eager to let it go, after fulfilling an implied promise...

I don't feel much like a reviewer, more like a weird and eclectic critic. I also don't write limericks. :p
Re: Re: HI ALL~~~

foehn said:
You want Sunday? I'm eager to let it go, after fulfilling an implied promise...

I don't feel much like a reviewer, more like a weird and eclectic critic. I also don't write limericks. :p

No worries:)
If you want me to take Sunday then I will... just let me know...this is a good day for me.. because I am usually in town. Who writes limericks? How talented and witty they are lol...
Du Lac..:rose:
Re: Re: Re: HI ALL~~~

Du Lac said:
No worries:)
If you want me to take Sunday then I will... just let me know...this is a good day for me.. because I am usually in town. Who writes limericks? How talented and witty they are lol...
Du Lac..:rose:

Yes. Do you want to take it NOW? I will fill in for anyone in a pinch on any day, but gosh I'd like to be relieved from duty...

I can do 'smarminess' in moderation, but I hate it.
Re: Re: Re: Re: HI ALL~~~

foehn said:
Yes. Do you want to take it NOW? I will fill in for anyone in a pinch on any day, but gosh I'd like to be relieved from duty...

I can do 'smarminess' in moderation, but I hate it.

No problem I will start tomorrow... great timing big blizzard here.. how better to spend a snow bound day then sipping coffee, warm and reading the poetry of others!

Will keep my mind a spinning! So tomorrow I will start!
Thank you
du lac
au contraire...

thank you...

I got to worrying about my last post... afraid that 'smarminess' could have been taken the wrong way...

What I meant was, there are poets who don't seem to be very advanced in their development, yet still deserve mention in the review thread because of glimmers... let's see, no, that's not it... oh hell, hopefully most know what I meant. I meant nothing high-handed or bad. I just get really uncomfortable when I point out a fairly decent poem but leave out the critique, which could sometimes be severe, depending on my BCL or BAL. (caffeine, in the first instance.)


Sunday foehn
Monday duckiesmut
Tuesday Trent_Dutch ?
Wednesday Syndra Lynn
Thursday Liar
Friday Tathagata
Saturday My Erotic Tale
Last edited:
I'm happy to fill in on Wednesdays or weekends if anyone finds themself in a pinch.
Howdy. I'll be swamped with exams, moving, work and a play coming up the coming few weeks. So until then, no Thursday reviews from me. That includes this Thursday. Sorry.

Reviewing is big fun, so I want a day back later again. But for now...can't do it.

Liar said:
Howdy. I'll be swamped with exams, moving, work and a play coming up the coming few weeks. So until then, no Thursday reviews from me. That includes this Thursday. Sorry.

Reviewing is big fun, so I want a day back later again. But for now...can't do it.


Liar, I just had someone PM yesterday wanting to know if any days were open.
You do sound busy. I'll miss your reviews. :)
I can cover for Mon, Wed, Fri, or Sat. Just let me know. It should be easier with the new forum formatting.

Sunday: Du Lac
Monday: duckiesmut
Tuesday: Trent_Dutch
Wednesday: Syndra Lynn
Thursday: I have someone who may take Thurs.
Friday: DeepAsleep
Saturday: My Erotic Tale
Last edited:
WickedEve said:
Sunday: Du Lac
Monday: duckiesmut
Tuesday: Trent_Dutch
Wednesday: Syndra Lynn
Thursday: I have someone who may take Thurs.
Friday: Who took over Friday for Tath?
Saturday: My Erotic Tale

Deep Asleep?
annaswirls said:
Deep Asleep?
Okay, the only day I'm not sure about is Thurs. This person wants to remain anon until tomorrow. I'm not 100% sure he's going to do reviews. So, Thursday may still be up for grabs--and hopefully, people will be grabbing. :)
annaswirls said:
Deep Asleep?

Yep. I'm your weekly dose of poetic brutality, served up fresh every Friday.

And after perusing this thread....

Boy, howdy, can I not wait to be attacked for my reviews!


DeepAsleep said:
Yep. I'm your weekly dose of poetic brutality, served up fresh every Friday.

And after perusing this thread....

Boy, howdy, can I not wait to be attacked for my reviews!


I liked your reviews. It's not every day I'm threatend to do read poetry. ;)

You had honest insight and a fresh approach. I think I'll throw something in there for you to stab with an icepick just for masochistic purposes.
DeepAsleep said:
Yep. I'm your weekly dose of poetic brutality, served up fresh every Friday.

And after perusing this thread....

Boy, howdy, can I not wait to be attacked for my reviews!



I really enjoyed reading them.

Note to self: Do NOT submit poems on Thursdays!
DeepAsleep said:
Yep. I'm your weekly dose of poetic brutality, served up fresh every Friday.

And after perusing this thread....

Boy, howdy, can I not wait to be attacked for my reviews!



terrific job on the reviews D.A., done with flair and personality.

and it is certainly a real pleasure to see OPINION, and even SUGGESTION, sneaking back into the reviews here. not just from you, but also from others.

that is a reviewer's job, after all. :)
I've stopped myself, a couple of times as I've been reviewing and forced myself to really look at what I'm writing and I've yet to excise anything I thought was too harsh. Because it IS opinion and I've stated before (somewhat more generally) that if the impression gotten by a 23 year old who's never been to college is going to create big problems for you, then you need more than a poetry review.

I'm a blunt person and while I may be familiar with the art of tact, I think there's too much of it here. There's been talk of the 'fragile poety psyche,' after a fashion and I would really, deep down, like to heave a hearty 'fuck you,' to that idea. "But these are my FEELINGS, you can't say that!" Fuck that noise and fuck your feelings, I might not like your poem. I *gasp* may even hate it. I respect no hiding behind the label of 'poet' if you've obviously made no effort. "But anyone who writes poetry is a poet!" Eat shit. If that were true, every time I doodled stick figures stabbing the pope, I'd be an artist and I'm not. I'm not even certain I'm a very good poet, but I'm awesome at being upfront and honest, which is why I decided to do the reviews in the first place.

(Side note: This reminds me very much of the 'scene' argument that goes on in live rock and roll music establishments. "What is punk?" and other questions of a similar nature - it all comes down to a large group of people who identify with each other in order to feel tougher, safer, more eclectic - pick a word, the point is that the scene (and talking about it) takes over and the music becomes peripheral. I found myelf saying, "Fuck your scene" to a lot of people. Dig out the metaphor.)

But no one's said anything to me about not liking my reviews, or the way I say things - indeed my <insert your choice of word here> has been praised. That's awesome, but I don't buy it. I have hope, though.

So, then.

Take your sensitivity and do something unsavory with it. Or get mad at me and let it fuel a new poem about how cold the world is. I don't care what you do with it, just keep it away from me.

And besides, it's the internet. Who cares?

Waiting for anonymous feedback with a grin that'd scare rats off a garbage barge.
Oh god, I thought you were posting that you're not doing reviews anymore. You're not quitting, are you? Your post was stinkin' with tact, so I'm not sure. I just don't want to lose another reviewer this soon. Review the poems and add some anecdotes about gummy bear chewing if you must, but just do the damn review!