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WickedEve said:
Oh god, I thought you were posting that you're not doing reviews anymore. You're not quitting, are you? Your post was stinkin' with tact, so I'm not sure. I just don't want to lose another reviewer this soon. Review the poems and add some anecdotes about gummy bear chewing if you must, but just do the damn review!

ROFL, no.

I'll do it until my schedule says I can't, or I am asked to step down. Just wanted to get that off my chest.

DeepAsleep said:
I've stopped myself, a couple of times as I've been reviewing and forced myself to really look at what I'm writing and I've yet to excise anything I thought was too harsh. Because it IS opinion and I've stated before (somewhat more generally) that if the impression gotten by a 23 year old who's never been to college is going to create big problems for you, then you need more than a poetry review.

I'm a blunt person and while I may be familiar with the art of tact, I think there's too much of it here. There's been talk of the 'fragile poety psyche,' after a fashion and I would really, deep down, like to heave a hearty 'fuck you,' to that idea. "But these are my FEELINGS, you can't say that!" Fuck that noise and fuck your feelings, I might not like your poem. I *gasp* may even hate it. I respect no hiding behind the label of 'poet' if you've obviously made no effort. "But anyone who writes poetry is a poet!" Eat shit. If that were true, every time I doodled stick figures stabbing the pope, I'd be an artist and I'm not. I'm not even certain I'm a very good poet, but I'm awesome at being upfront and honest, which is why I decided to do the reviews in the first place.

(Side note: This reminds me very much of the 'scene' argument that goes on in live rock and roll music establishments. "What is punk?" and other questions of a similar nature - it all comes down to a large group of people who identify with each other in order to feel tougher, safer, more eclectic - pick a word, the point is that the scene (and talking about it) takes over and the music becomes peripheral. I found myelf saying, "Fuck your scene" to a lot of people. Dig out the metaphor.)

But no one's said anything to me about not liking my reviews, or the way I say things - indeed my <insert your choice of word here> has been praised. That's awesome, but I don't buy it. I have hope, though.

So, then.

Take your sensitivity and do something unsavory with it. Or get mad at me and let it fuel a new poem about how cold the world is. I don't care what you do with it, just keep it away from me.

And besides, it's the internet. Who cares?

Waiting for anonymous feedback with a grin that'd scare rats off a garbage barge.

I'm just curious... What caused you to post this?
"What caused you to post this?"


It started with patcarrington saying what a great job I was doing, was influenced by the thread fieryredhead started and some of it had been on my mind for a while. In a way, I only wanted to bitch for a minute.

DeepAsleep said:
"What caused you to post this?"


It started with patcarrington saying what a great job I was doing, was influenced by the thread fieryredhead started and some of it had been on my mind for a while. In a way, I only wanted to bitch for a minute.




DeepAsleep said:
"What caused you to post this?"


It started with patcarrington saying what a great job I was doing, was influenced by the thread fieryredhead started and some of it had been on my mind for a while. In a way, I only wanted to bitch for a minute.


Frankly, I am one to let a bitch rant fly every once in a while. So I understand your post.

But since you said frank honesty...

I think your reviews suck lol.. your facade of "being brutally honest" is just an excuse to be mean and belittling. A way to be different and heard. I honestly do not give a flying fuck what you think of my poetry, because anyone who leaves reviews in the manner you do would never understand what I write.

But we are all have the right to be heard and expressing ourselves in our own manner. Hell when I was your age I really was not that much different... hell even 5 years ago... I easily dropped my pants bent over in front of my boss and told him to drive it up my ass and make me scream because when I am being fucked I like to feel it and know just who is doing it to me!

All that got me was fired (the first time in my life) and angrier with life. So while I understand fully your type of critiquing I also say do not bash us pussy whipped, love life, and all is good with the world types that you basically say have it all wrong and walk around with brains the size of a pea. The world is what we make it... I chose to make mine a nice place to live without brutally... I have been brutal and brutalized enough in my 43 years of living! (brutalized because of my brutal honest ways....)

All I can say darling is your age is showing... do what you want.. we all have the choice of when we want to post... I chose not to be a victim of your vemon. So I don't post on Fridays... I PM people I respect for their opinons on my work.. and fuck the rest! I just am one who believes what comes around goes around... so spit your rat piss reviews all around .... and see what happens.. you get more when you can be honest with your views in a kind way .... offense makes others turn and ignore you.... defense in your manner.. does the same... honest yes.. brutal no... a good teacher learns about her students... a good parent understands compassion... Empathy thrives in a worth while review...

from a pea brain bitch reviving her fuck you attitude.. AH... that felt good... now back to my pussy whipped ways.. of ignorant bliss...
Du Lac~
Du Lac said:
Frankly, I am one to let a bitch rant fly every once in a while. So I understand your post.

But since you said frank honesty...

I think your reviews suck lol.. your facade of "being brutally honest" is just an excuse to be mean and belittling. A way to be different and heard. I honestly do not give a flying fuck what you think of my poetry, because anyone who leaves reviews in the manner you do would never understand what I write.

But we are all have the right to be heard and expressing ourselves in our own manner. Hell when I was your age I really was not that much different... hell even 5 years ago... I easily dropped my pants bent over in front of my boss and told him to drive it up my ass and make me scream because when I am being fucked I like to feel it and know just who is doing it to me!

All that got me was fired (the first time in my life) and angrier with life. So while I understand fully your type of critiquing I also say do not bash us pussy whipped, love life, and all is good with the world types that you basically say have it all wrong and walk around with brains the size of a pea. The world is what we make it... I chose to make mine a nice place to live without brutally... I have been brutal and brutalized enough in my 43 years of living! (brutalized because of my brutal honest ways....)

All I can say darling is your age is showing... do what you want.. we all have the choice of when we want to post... I chose not to be a victim of your vemon. So I don't post on Fridays... I PM people I respect for their opinons on my work.. and fuck the rest! I just am one who believes what comes around goes around... so spit your rat piss reviews all around .... and see what happens.. you get more when you can be honest with your views in a kind way .... offense makes others turn and ignore you.... defense in your manner.. does the same... honest yes.. brutal no... a good teacher learns about her students... a good parent understands compassion... Empathy thrives in a worth while review...

from a pea brain bitch reviving her fuck you attitude.. AH... that felt good... now back to my pussy whipped ways.. of ignorant bliss...
Du Lac~

I think I love you.

DeepAsleep said:
I've stopped myself, a couple of times as I've been reviewing and forced myself to really look at what I'm writing and I've yet to excise anything I thought was too harsh. Because it IS opinion and I've stated before (somewhat more generally) that if the impression gotten by a 23 year old who's never been to college is going to create big problems for you, then you need more than a poetry review.

I'm a blunt person and while I may be familiar with the art of tact, I think there's too much of it here. There's been talk of the 'fragile poety psyche,' after a fashion and I would really, deep down, like to heave a hearty 'fuck you,' to that idea. "But these are my FEELINGS, you can't say that!" Fuck that noise and fuck your feelings, I might not like your poem. I *gasp* may even hate it. I respect no hiding behind the label of 'poet' if you've obviously made no effort. "But anyone who writes poetry is a poet!" Eat shit. If that were true, every time I doodled stick figures stabbing the pope, I'd be an artist and I'm not. I'm not even certain I'm a very good poet, but I'm awesome at being upfront and honest, which is why I decided to do the reviews in the first place.

(Side note: This reminds me very much of the 'scene' argument that goes on in live rock and roll music establishments. "What is punk?" and other questions of a similar nature - it all comes down to a large group of people who identify with each other in order to feel tougher, safer, more eclectic - pick a word, the point is that the scene (and talking about it) takes over and the music becomes peripheral. I found myelf saying, "Fuck your scene" to a lot of people. Dig out the metaphor.)

But no one's said anything to me about not liking my reviews, or the way I say things - indeed my <insert your choice of word here> has been praised. That's awesome, but I don't buy it. I have hope, though.

So, then.

Take your sensitivity and do something unsavory with it. Or get mad at me and let it fuel a new poem about how cold the world is. I don't care what you do with it, just keep it away from me.

And besides, it's the internet. Who cares?

Waiting for anonymous feedback with a grin that'd scare rats off a garbage barge.

This is an interesting post, DeepAsleep, if for no other reason than it tests one’s deep reading skills for cause and effect relationships. I’m not sure whether it is comedy, mild tragedy, or simply purgative.

I know everyone finds your theatre endearing, especially your constant need to not only remind us all how you bask in the supernova of underachievement, but coat yourself in coconut oil while you do it.

It’s usually quite cute, in a Neil Simon sort of way.

Are you sure you want to let it spill over into arrogance, so long before intermission?

……I’m just asking. :) This seemed pretty heavy with teenage angst.

If I were duLac, before I took you up on your offer of affection, I’d make sure I had a note from your mother anyhow, just in case. I mean, who needs that kind of trouble with the law nowadays?

Unless you’re in Utah.

tarablackwood22 said:
This is an interesting post, DeepAsleep, if for no other reason than it tests one’s deep reading skills for cause and effect relationships. I’m not sure whether it is comedy, mild tragedy, or simply purgative.

I know everyone finds your theatre endearing, especially your constant need to not only remind us all how you bask in the supernova of underachievement, but coat yourself in coconut oil while you do it.

It’s usually quite cute, in a Neil Simon sort of way.

Are you sure you want to let it spill over into arrogance, so long before intermission?

……I’m just asking. :) This seemed pretty heavy with teenage angst.

If I were duLac, before I took you up on your offer of affection, I’d make sure I had a note from your mother anyhow, just in case. I mean, who needs that kind of trouble with the law nowadays?

Unless you’re in Utah.


If we were in Utah, I could say I loved you, too.


Tuesday Reviews

Just thought I should inform you all. After tommorow (Tuesday, 12th April, 2005) I will no longer be doing the Tuesday new poem reviews. I will do them tomorrow (I have a few days off work, and would hate to leave the day without a reviewer) but as of next week, someone else will have to take them up.
Angeline said:
oops. i posted twice. it's cause i'm so cold. my icy fingers slipped. :D

Oooo, Ange is into ice cappuccino's today!
quit dipping your fingers silly girl and they will warm up real quick! :D

Not ready yet Eve, everytime I say hi and think this is it, I find myself swarmed by a thicket of storm clouds...has to be a hive around here somewhere!

Trent_Dutch said:
Just thought I should inform you all. After tommorow (Tuesday, 12th April, 2005) I will no longer be doing the Tuesday new poem reviews. I will do them tomorrow (I have a few days off work, and would hate to leave the day without a reviewer) but as of next week, someone else will have to take them up.
Thank you for the time and effort you put into it over the past weeks. :)
Trent_Dutch said:
Just thought I should inform you all. After tommorow (Tuesday, 12th April, 2005) I will no longer be doing the Tuesday new poem reviews. I will do them tomorrow (I have a few days off work, and would hate to leave the day without a reviewer) but as of next week, someone else will have to take them up.

Thank you Trent Dutch for your time and efforts in the reviews much appreciated.
Du Lac~
Sunday Du Lac
Monday duckiesmut
Tuesday ----------
Wednesday jthserra (?)
Thursday Rybka
Friday DeepAsleep
Saturday My Erotic Tale

Anyone willing to cover Tuesday or Wednesday?
Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
I will take a day...
You can have Wed. I'm not sure what happened to jthserra. I need to find out. Can you start tomorrow?
Did anyone ever fill in the blank? Cuz I just posted 2 more sillies and now I feel like a sitting duck...lol
WickedEve said:
Sunday Du Lac
Monday duckiesmut
Tuesday ----------
Wednesday jthserra (?)
Thursday Rybka
Friday DeepAsleep
Saturday My Erotic Tale

Anyone willing to cover Tuesday or Wednesday?

Am I or am I not taking over Tuesdays?
Sunday Du Lac
Monday duckiesmut
Tuesday ----------
Wednesday Sabina
Thursday Rybka
Friday DeepAsleep
Saturday My Erotic Tale

I know syndra was asking about a day. I don't know if anyone is doing tuesday or not. I don't think DA isn't covering Friday anymore, is he? I guess sabina is sticking with Wed.
WickedEve said:
Sunday Du Lac
Monday duckiesmut
Tuesday ----------
Wednesday Sabina
Thursday Rybka
Friday DeepAsleep
Saturday My Erotic Tale

I know syndra was asking about a day. I don't know if anyone is doing tuesday or not. I don't think DA isn't covering Friday anymore, is he? I guess sabina is sticking with Wed.

Oh please give Tuesdays to Syndra - that suits me just fine, Eve. Thanks.

Thank for the vote Boo-tiful. :kiss:
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Tristesse said:
Oh please give Tuesdays to Syndra - that suits me just fine, Eve. Thanks.

Thank for the vote Boo-tiful. :kiss:
Don't run away yet. I'm not 100% sure about Tues or Friday. The reviewers come and go so quickly that I can't keep up with them lately.
I PMed Tristesse about taking Tuesday, but does anyone know anything about deepasleep continuing Fridays? If Friday is open then how about it Syndra?