Poetry reviews

its a poem, though. I've only read a few stories here, but quite a few posted poems.
Thanks darlin'. The Lit managers didn't want it as a story, they said how people won't take kindly to a poem entered in a story contest but that wasn't really my sole point. I simply wanted them to acknowledge that this poem told a story and met the word requirements to sit up there as a story submission. My point was that for the longest time they'd accept short word count flash fic as poetry, so they could durn well accept long word count narrative poetry as a story.

I'm glad you didn't find it cumbersome to read through the whole thing. It took a while to write it. Thanks for your comment :).
I stayed away from this because to tell you the honest truth I was more than a little miffed to have the challenges dismissed with a wave of the hand as something we played at on here. I worked bloody hard to keep going and it wore me out and now heres a thread starter that makes out it was just a game and not as worthy as other poetry that's posted. That hurts you know and I wish you would tell me why my work is any the lesser for it.

As for you Ange in a way I am glad you have had that weight lifted off you shoulders but on the other hand you did a marvelous job against all odds and how you kept from strangling half of Lit poets I don't know. You will go down in the history of Lit for having the patience of a saint :rose:
I agree - I think challenges make it more interesting, give us different avenues to explore.
Likewise for last years Poetry Survivor - all those forms and triggers kept me busy, too.
Likewise for the challenges. One comes up with things one probably wouldn't have otherwise.
Some was good, others not so much.